# Tested on 1. MOES 1CH 10A. Built on Tuya WiFi module WA2 (WB2S) (BK7231T chip). Replacement required. Performed replacement with ESP-02S (analogue of TYWE2S but with 2Mb flash). [Photo](https://github.com/aZholtikov/ESP-NOW-Switch/tree/main/hardware/MOES_1CH_10A). ```text Relay GPIO GPIO12 HIGH Led GPIO GPIO04 LOW Button GPIO GPIO13 RISING ``` 2. MINI 1CH 16A. Built on Tuya WiFi module WB2S (BK7231T chip). Replacement required. Performed replacement with ESP-02S (analogue of TYWE2S but with 2Mb flash). [Photo](https://github.com/aZholtikov/ESP-NOW-Switch/tree/main/hardware/MINI_1CH_16A). ```text Relay GPIO GPIO13 HIGH Led GPIO GPIO04 LOW Button GPIO GPIO03 RISING Ext button GPIO GPIO14 FALLING ``` 3. TH 1CH 16A + SENSOR. Built on ITEAD WiFi module PSF-B85 (ESP8285 chip). Replacement not required. [Photo](https://github.com/aZholtikov/ESP-NOW-Switch/tree/main/hardware/TH_1CH_16A). Attention! Because the button is connected to GPIO00 and the firmware does not work with GPIO00 required connect GPIO00 to GPIO04 on the module. ```text Relay GPIO GPIO12 HIGH Led GPIO GPIO13 LOW Button GPIO GPIO04 RISING Ext sensor GPIO GPIO14 DS18B20 ``` 4. LIGHT E27 SOCKET (Coming soon)