/*! * \file I2C_SHT2x.h * \author Patrick Taling (not the original author from the original code of SENSIRION AG) * \date 31/03/2017 * \version 1.0 * * \brief Simple I2C SHT2x library to measure relative humidity and temperature and write it to an I2C LCD with the ATxmega256a3u. * * \details The file I2C_SHT2x.h is the library for the SHT2x humidity and temperature sensor * * The library needs the i2c library from w.e.dolman (w.e.dolman@hva.nl) * For i2c.c use code 21.8 from "de taal C en de Xmega tweede druk" http://dolman-wim.nl/xmega/book/index.php * For i2c.h use code 21.9 from "de taal C en de Xmega tweede druk" http://dolman-wim.nl/xmega/book/index.php * * The libraby needs some parts of the the SHT2x library from SENIRION from https://www.sensirion.com/en/products/humidity-sensors/humidity-temperature-sensor-sht2x-digital-i2c-accurate/ * The libraby can be download from: https://www.sensirion.com/en/products/all-documents-of-sensirions-humidity-sensors-for-download/ * Go to SHT2x/ Sample Code SHT21 and download the zip file Sensirion_Humidity_Sensors_SHT21_Sample_Code_C-file * * \note the following files aren't fully used. Most parts are used in other .c of .h files or disabled. * DisplayDip204.C, DisplayDip204.h, * I2C_HAL.c, I2C_HAL.h, * System.c, System.h and * io70f3740.h. * \note for the use of two SHT2X you should use different IOs for SDA or additional hardware such as I2C multiplexer. * The adress of the SHT2x can’t be changed. * * * \ORIGINAL AUTHOR INFORMATION * ============================================================================== * S E N S I R I O N AG, Laubisruetistr. 50, CH-8712 Staefa, Switzerland * ============================================================================== * Project : SHT2x Sample Code (V1.2) * File : SHT2x.c * Author : MST * Controller: NEC V850/SG3 (uPD70F3740) * Compiler : IAR compiler for V850 (3.50A) * Brief : Sensor layer. Functions for sensor access * ============================================================================== * * * \verbatim #include #include #include \endverbatim * \par * * \note An AVR-project can use multiple I2C's. One shoud take care that * in different source files there are no multiple I2C * definitions for the same I2C. */ #ifndef SHT2x_H #define SHT2x_H #include "i2c.h" #include "Typedefs.h" // CRC #define POLYNOMIAL 0x131; //P(x)=x^8+x^5+x^4+1 = 100110001 #define TRIG_T_MEASUREMENT_HM 0xE3 // command trig. temp meas. hold master #define TRIG_RH_MEASUREMENT_HM 0xE5 // command trig. humidity meas. hold master #define TRIG_T_MEASUREMENT_POLL 0xF3 // command trig. temp meas. no hold master #define TRIG_RH_MEASUREMENT_POLL 0xF5 // command trig. humidity meas. no hold master #define USER_REG_W 0xE6 // command writing user register #define USER_REG_R 0xE7 // command reading user register #define SOFT_RESET 0xFE // command soft reset #define SHT2x_RES_12_14BIT 0x00 // RH=12bit, T=14bit #define SHT2x_RES_8_12BIT 0x01 // RH= 8bit, T=12bit #define SHT2x_RES_10_13BIT 0x80 // RH=10bit, T=13bit #define SHT2x_RES_11_11BIT 0x81 // RH=11bit, T=11bit #define SHT2x_RES_MASK 0x81 // Mask for res. bits (7,0) in user reg. #define SHT2x_EOB_ON 0x40 // end of battery #define SHT2x_EOB_MASK 0x40 // Mask for EOB bit(6) in user reg. #define SHT2x_HEATER_ON 0x04 // heater on #define SHT2x_HEATER_OFF 0x00 // heater off #define SHT2x_HEATER_MASK 0x04 // Mask for Heater bit(2) in user reg. #define LOW 0 #define HIGH 1 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define CONSTANT_6 6 #define CONSTANT_125 125 #define CONSTANT_46_85 46.85 #define CONSTANT_175_72 175.72 #define RESOLUTION_16 65536 //2^16 #define ACK_ERROR 0x01 #define TIME_OUT_ERROR 0x02 #define CHECKSUM_ERROR 0x04 #define UNIT_ERROR 0x08 #define CMD_CHIP_MEMORY_LOC_1 0xFA #define ADR_CHIP_MEMORY_LOC_1 0x0F #define CMD_CHIP_MEMORY_LOC_2 0xFC #define ADR_CHIP_MEMORY_LOC_2 0xC9 // #define ACK 0 in i2c.h // #define NO_ACK 1 in i2c.h typedef enum{ HUMIDITY, TEMP }etSHT2xMeasureType; #define I2C_SHT2x_ADR 0x40 // 0x80 -> 128 sensor I2C address + write bit 0x81 -> 129 sensor I2C address + read bit // Watch out for bit shifting with the I2C (TWI) protocol in i2c.c #define I2C_SHT2x_ADR_W 0x80 #define I2C_SHT2x_ADR_R 0x81 uint8_t i2c_SHT2x_CheckCrc(uint8_t data[], uint8_t nbrOfBytes, uint8_t checksum); uint8_t i2c_SHT2x_ReadUserRegister(uint8_t *pRegisterValue); uint8_t i2c_SHT2x_WriteUserRegister(uint8_t *pRegisterValue); uint8_t i2c_SHT2x_MeasurePoll(etSHT2xMeasureType eSHT2xMeasureType, nt16 *pMeasurand); uint8_t i2c_SHT2x_MeasureHM(etSHT2xMeasureType eSHT2xMeasureType, nt16 *pMeasurand); uint8_t i2c_SHT2x_SoftReset(); float i2c_SHT2x_CalcRH(uint16_t sRH); float i2c_SHT2x_CalcTemperatureC(uint16_t sT); uint8_t i2c_SHT2x_GetSerialNumber(uint8_t SerialNumber[]); #endif