Updated linear regresion method

This commit is contained in:
miguel5612 2020-03-28 12:23:38 -05:00
parent 5b75d1f491
commit 8bdb1fc193

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@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ void MQUnifiedsensor::serialDebug(bool onSetup)
Serial.print("|"); Serial.print(_adc); Serial.print("| v = ADC*"); Serial.print(_VOLT_RESOLUTION); Serial.print("/"); Serial.print(pow(2, _ADC_Bit_Resolution)); Serial.print(" | "); Serial.print(_sensor_volt);
Serial.print(" | RS = ((" ); Serial.print(_VOLT_RESOLUTION ); Serial.print("*RL)/Voltage) - RL| "); Serial.print(_RS_Calc); Serial.print(" | Ratio = RS/R0| ");
Serial.print(_ratio); Serial.print( " | ");
if(_regressionMethod != 1) Serial.println("ratio*a + b");
else Serial.print("a*ratio^b");
if(_regressionMethod == 1) Serial.println("ratio*a + b");
else Serial.print("pow(10, (log10(ratio)-b)/a)");
Serial.print(" | "); Serial.print(_PPM); Serial.println(" |");
@ -110,7 +110,11 @@ float MQUnifiedsensor::validateEcuation(float ratioInput)
//Serial.print("b: "); Serial.println(_b);
//Usage of this function: Unit test on ALgorithmTester example;
if(_regressionMethod == 1) _PPM= _a*pow(ratioInput, _b);
else _PPM= _a*ratioInput + _b;
double ppm_log = (log10(_ratio)-_b)/_a; //Get ppm value in linear scale according to the the ratio value
_PPM = pow(10, ppm_log); //Convert ppm value to log scale
//Serial.println("Regression Method: "); Serial.println(_regressionMethod);
//Serial.println("Result: "); Serial.println(_PPM);
return _PPM;
@ -123,7 +127,11 @@ float MQUnifiedsensor::readSensor()
_ratio = _RS_Calc / this->_R0; // Get ratio RS_gas/RS_air
if(_ratio <= 0) _ratio = 0; //No negative values accepted or upper datasheet recomendation.
if(_regressionMethod == 1) _PPM= _a*pow(_ratio, _b);
else _PPM= _a*_ratio + _b;
double ppm_log = (log10(_ratio)-_b)/_a; //Get ppm value in linear scale according to the the ratio value
_PPM = pow(10, ppm_log); //Convert ppm value to log scale
if(_PPM < 0) _PPM = 0; //No negative values accepted or upper datasheet recomendation.
//if(_PPM > 10000) _PPM = 99999999; //No negative values accepted or upper datasheet recomendation.
return _PPM;