#include "MQUnifiedsensor.h" MQUnifiedsensor::MQUnifiedsensor(String Placa, double Voltage_Resolution, int ADC_Bit_Resolution, int pin, String type) { this->_pin = pin; this->_type = type; //MQ-2, MQ-3 ... MQ-309A this->_placa = Placa; this-> _VOLT_RESOLUTION = Voltage_Resolution; this-> _ADC_Bit_Resolution = ADC_Bit_Resolution; } void MQUnifiedsensor::init() { pinMode(_pin, INPUT); } void MQUnifiedsensor::setA(double a) { this->_a = a; } void MQUnifiedsensor::setB(double b) { this->_b = b; } void MQUnifiedsensor::setR0(double R0) { this->_R0 = R0; } void MQUnifiedsensor::setRL(double RL) { this->_RL = RL; } void MQUnifiedsensor::setVoltResolution(double voltage_resolution) { _VOLT_RESOLUTION = voltage_resolution; } void MQUnifiedsensor::setRegressionMethod(String regressionMethod) { this->_regressionMethod = regressionMethod; } double MQUnifiedsensor::getR0() { return _R0; } double MQUnifiedsensor::getRL() { return _RL; } void MQUnifiedsensor::serialDebug(bool onSetup) { if(onSetup) { Serial.println(); Serial.println("************************************************************************************************************************************************"); Serial.println("MQ sensor reading library for arduino"); Serial.println("Note: remember that all the parameters below can be modified during the program execution with the methods:"); Serial.println("setR0, setRL, setA, setB where you will have to send as parameter the new value, example: mySensor.setR0(20); //R0 = 20KΩ"); Serial.println("Authors: Miguel A. Califa U - Yersson R. Carrillo A - Ghiordy F. Contreras C"); Serial.println("Contributors: Andres A. Martinez - Juan A. Rodríguez - Mario A. Rodríguez O "); Serial.println("Sensor: " + _type); Serial.print("Supply voltage: "); Serial.print(_VOLT_RESOLUTION); Serial.println(" VDC"); Serial.print("ADC Resolution: "); Serial.print(_ADC_Bit_Resolution); Serial.println(" Bits"); Serial.print("R0: "); Serial.print(_R0); Serial.println(" KΩ"); Serial.print("RL: "); Serial.print(_RL); Serial.println(" KΩ"); Serial.print("Model: "); if(_regressionMethod == "Exponential") Serial.println("Exponential"); else Serial.println("Linear"); Serial.print(_type + " -> " + "a:"); Serial.print(_a); Serial.print(" | b:"); Serial.println(_b); Serial.println("Development board: " + _placa); } else { if(!_firstFlag) { Serial.println("| ********************************************************************" + _type + "*********************************************************************|"); Serial.println("|ADC_In | Equation_V_ADC | Voltage_ADC | Equation_RS | Resistance_RS | EQ_Ratio | Ratio (RS/R0) | Equation_PPM | PPM |"); _firstFlag = true; //Headers are printed } else { String eq = ""; if(_regressionMethod == "Linear") eq = "ratio*a + b"; if(_regressionMethod == "Exponential") eq = "a*ratio^b"; Serial.print("|"); Serial.print(_adc); Serial.print("| v = ADC*"); Serial.print(_VOLT_RESOLUTION); Serial.print("/"); Serial.print(pow(2, _ADC_Bit_Resolution)); Serial.print(" | "); Serial.print(_sensor_volt); Serial.print(" | RS = ((" ); Serial.print(_VOLT_RESOLUTION ); Serial.print("*RL)/Voltage) - RL| "); Serial.print(_RS_Calc); Serial.print(" | Ratio = RS/R0| "); Serial.print(_ratio); Serial.print( " | " + eq + " | "); Serial.print(_PPM); Serial.println(" |"); } } } void MQUnifiedsensor::update() { _sensor_volt = this->getVoltage(); } float MQUnifiedsensor::readSensor() { //More explained in: https://jayconsystems.com/blog/understanding-a-gas-sensor _RS_Calc = ((_VOLT_RESOLUTION*_RL)/_sensor_volt)-_RL; //Get value of RS in a gas if(_RS_Calc < 0) _RS_Calc = 0; //No negative values accepted. _ratio = _RS_Calc / this->_R0; // Get ratio RS_gas/RS_air if(_ratio <= 0) _ratio = 0; //No negative values accepted or upper datasheet recomendation. if(_regressionMethod == "Exponential") _PPM= _a*pow(_ratio, _b); if(_regressionMethod == "Linear") _PPM= _a*_ratio + _b; if(_PPM < 0) _PPM = 0; //No negative values accepted or upper datasheet recomendation. //if(_PPM > 10000) _PPM = 99999999; //No negative values accepted or upper datasheet recomendation. return _PPM; } float MQUnifiedsensor::calibrate(float ratioInCleanAir) { //More explained in: https://jayconsystems.com/blog/understanding-a-gas-sensor /* V = I x R VRL = [VC / (RS + RL)] x RL VRL = (VC x RL) / (RS + RL) Así que ahora resolvemos para RS: VRL x (RS + RL) = VC x RL (VRL x RS) + (VRL x RL) = VC x RL (VRL x RS) = (VC x RL) - (VRL x RL) RS = [(VC x RL) - (VRL x RL)] / VRL RS = [(VC x RL) / VRL] - RL */ float RS_air; //Define variable for sensor resistance float R0; //Define variable for R0 RS_air = ((_VOLT_RESOLUTION*_RL)/_sensor_volt)-_RL; //Calculate RS in fresh air if(RS_air < 0) RS_air = 0; //No negative values accepted. R0 = RS_air/ratioInCleanAir; //Calculate R0 if(R0 < 0) R0 = 0; //No negative values accepted. return R0; } double MQUnifiedsensor::getVoltage(int read) { double voltage; if(read) { double avg = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < retries; i ++) { _adc = analogRead(this->_pin); avg += _adc; delay(retry_interval); } voltage = (avg/ retries) * _VOLT_RESOLUTION / (pow(2, ADC_RESOLUTION) - 1); } else { voltage = _sensor_volt; } return voltage; } double MQUnifiedsensor::stringToDouble(String & str) { return atof( str.c_str() ); }