#include "MQUnifiedsensor.h" MQUnifiedsensor::MQUnifiedsensor(int pin, int type) { this->_pin = pin; this->_type = type; //2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,131,135,303,309 //Set _MQ variable with MQ sensor selected if(_type == 2) { //memcpy(_MQ, _MQ2, sizeof(_MQ2)); _ratioInCleanAir = RatioMQ2CleanAir; _R0 = R0_MQ2; //_MQ = MQ2; } else if(_type == 3) { //memcpy(_MQ, _MQ3, sizeof(_MQ3)); _ratioInCleanAir = RatioMQ3CleanAir; _R0 = R0_MQ3; //_MQ = MQ3; } else if(_type == 4) { //memcpy(_MQ, _MQ4, sizeof(_MQ4)); _ratioInCleanAir = RatioMQ4CleanAir; _R0 = R0_MQ4; //_MQ = MQ4; } else if(_type == 5) { //memcpy(_MQ, _MQ5, sizeof(_MQ5)); _ratioInCleanAir = RatioMQ5CleanAir; _R0 = R0_MQ5; //_MQ = MQ5; } else if(_type == 6) { //memcpy(_MQ, _MQ6, sizeof(_MQ6)); _ratioInCleanAir = RatioMQ6CleanAir; _R0 = R0_MQ6; //_MQ = MQ6; } else if(_type == 7) { //memcpy(_MQ, _MQ7, sizeof(_MQ7)); _ratioInCleanAir = RatioMQ7CleanAir; _R0 = R0_MQ7; //_MQ = MQ7; } else if(_type == 8) { //memcpy(_MQ, _MQ8, sizeof(_MQ8)); _ratioInCleanAir = RatioMQ8CleanAir; _R0 = R0_MQ8; //_MQ = MQ8; } else if(_type == 9) { //memcpy(_MQ, _MQ9, sizeof(_MQ9)); _ratioInCleanAir = RatioMQ9CleanAir; _R0 = R0_MQ9; //_MQ = MQ9; } else if(_type == 131) { //memcpy(_MQ, _MQ131, sizeof(_MQ131)); _ratioInCleanAir = RatioMQ131CleanAir; _R0 = R0_MQ131; //_MQ = MQ131; } else if(_type == 135) { //memcpy(_MQ, _MQ135, sizeof(_MQ135)); _ratioInCleanAir = RatioMQ135CleanAir; _R0 = R0_MQ135; //_MQ = MQ135; } else if(_type == 303) { //memcpy(_MQ, _MQ303A, sizeof(_MQ303A)); _ratioInCleanAir = RatioMQ303CleanAir; _R0 = R0_MQ303; //_MQ = MQ303A; } else if(_type == 309) { //memcpy(_MQ, _MQ309A, sizeof(_MQ309A)); _ratioInCleanAir = RatioMQ309CleanAir; _R0 = R0_MQ309; //_MQ = MQ309; } } void MQUnifiedsensor::update() { _sensor_volt = this->getVoltage(); } void MQUnifiedsensor::setVoltResolution(float voltaje) { _VOLT_RESOLUTION = voltaje; } void MQUnifiedsensor::inicializar() { pinMode(_pin, INPUT); } int MQUnifiedsensor::readSensor(String nameLectureRequeired, bool print) { setSensorCharacteristics(nameLectureRequeired, print); //In this function update _a and _b _RS_Calc = ((_VOLT_RESOLUTION*_RLValue)/_sensor_volt)-_RLValue; //Get value of RS in a gas _ratio = _RS_Calc / this->_R0; // Get ratio RS_gas/RS_air _PPM= a*pow(_ratio, b); if(print) { String nameLecture = getnameLecture(); Serial.println("**********************"); Serial.println("* Sensor: MQ-" + String(_type)); Serial.println("* Vcc: " + String(_VOLT_RESOLUTION) + ", RS: " + String(_RS_Calc)); Serial.println("* RS/R0 = " + String(_ratio) + " ,Voltaje leido(ADC): " + String(_sensor_volt)); Serial.println("* PPM = " + _a + "pow(Rs/R0, +" + _b + ")"); Serial.println("* Lectura(" + nameLecture + ")=" + String(_PPM) + " PPM"); Serial.println("**********************"); } return _PPM; } String MQUnifiedsensor::getnameLecture() { return _nameLectureRequeired; } void MQUnifiedsensor::setSensorCharacteristics(String nameLectureRequeired, bool print) { //Defaults index if(nameLectureRequeired == "") { //Set default setDefaultGas(); //Put the default into variable internally used nameLectureRequeired = _nameLectureRequeired; } //Dinamic index search /* for (int i=0; i_pin); delay(retry_interval); } voltage = (avg/ retries) * _VOLT_RESOLUTION / (pow(2, ADC_RESOLUTION) - 1); } return voltage; } void MQUnifiedsensor::setR0(double R0) { this->_R0 = R0; } double MQUnifiedsensor::getR0() { return _R0; } void MQUnifiedsensor::setDefaultGas() { if(_type == 2) { _nameLectureRequeired = defaultMQ2; } else if(_type == 3) { _nameLectureRequeired = defaultMQ3; } else if(_type == 4) { _nameLectureRequeired = defaultMQ4; } else if(_type == 5) { _nameLectureRequeired = defaultMQ5; } else if(_type == 6) { _nameLectureRequeired = defaultMQ6; } else if(_type == 7) { _nameLectureRequeired = defaultMQ7; } else if(_type == 8) { _nameLectureRequeired = defaultMQ8; } else if(_type == 9) { _nameLectureRequeired = defaultMQ9; } else if(_type == 131) { _nameLectureRequeired = defaultMQ131; } else if(_type == 135) { _nameLectureRequeired = defaultMQ135; } else if(_type == 303) { _nameLectureRequeired = defaultMQ303; } else if(_type == 309) { _nameLectureRequeired = defaultMQ309; } } double MQUnifiedsensor::stringToDouble(String & str) { return atof( str.c_str() ); }