/* MQUnifiedsensor Library - reading an MQ309 Demonstrates the use a MQ309 sensor. Library originally added 01 may 2019 by Miguel A Califa, Yersson Carrillo, Ghiordy Contreras, Mario Rodriguez Added example modified 23 May 2019 by Miguel Califa Updated library usage modified 26 March 2020 by Miguel Califa This example code is in the public domain. */ //Include the library #include //Definitions #define placa "Arduino UNO" #define Voltage_Resolution 5 #define pin A0 //Analog input 0 of your arduino #define type "MQ-309" //MQ309 #define ADC_Bit_Resolution 10 // For arduino UNO/MEGA/NANO //#define calibration_button 13 //Pin to calibrate your sensor //Declare Sensor MQUnifiedsensor MQ309(placa, Voltage_Resolution, ADC_Bit_Resolution, pin, type); void setup() { //Init the serial port communication - to debug the library Serial.begin(9600); //Init serial port //Set math model to calculate the PPM concentration and the value of constants MQ309.setRegressionMethod(1); //_PPM = a*ratio^b MQ309.setA(1000000); MQ309.setB(-4.01); // Configurate the ecuation values to get CO concentration /* Exponential regression: GAS | a | b H2 | 1532.9 | -1.951 CH4 | 980.24 | -1.68 CO | 1000000 | -4.01 ALCOHOL | 473622 | -3.647 */ // Calibration setup MQ309.setR0(10); /* //If the RL value is different from 10K please assign your RL value with the following method: MQ309.setRL(10); */ /***************************** MQ Init ********************************************/ //Remarks: Configure the pin of arduino as input. /************************************************************************************/ MQ309.init(); /***************************** MQ Init ********************************************/ //Input: setup flag, if this function are on setup will print the headers (Optional - Default value: False) //Output: print on serial port the information about sensor and sensor readings //Remarks: Configure the pin of arduino as input. /************************************************************************************/ MQ309.serialDebug(true); } void loop() { MQ309.update(); // Update data, the arduino will be read the voltage on the analog pin MQ309.readSensor(); // Sensor will read PPM concentration using the model and a and b values setted before or in the setup MQ309.serialDebug(); // Will print the table on the serial port delay(500); //Sampling frequency }