Gateway for data exchange between nRF24 devices and ESP-NOW network.
## Features
1. After turn on (or after rebooting) creates an access point named "RF gateway XXXXXXXXXXXX" with password "12345678" (IP Access point will be shown during 5 minutes. The rest of the time access point is a hidden.
2. Periodically transmission of system information (every 60 seconds) and availability status (every 10 seconds) to the gateway.
3. Automatically adds gateway configuration to Home Assistan via MQTT discovery as a binary_sensor.
4. Automatically adds supported nRF24 sensors configurations to Home Assistan via MQTT discovery.
5. Possibility firmware update over OTA.
6. Web interface for settings.
## Notes
1. ESP-NOW mesh network based on the library [ZHNetwork](
2. Regardless of the status of connection to gateway the device perform ESP-NOW node function.
3. For show the access point for setting or firmware update, send the command "update" to the device's root topic (example - "homeassistant/espnow_rf_gateway/E8DB849CA148"). Access point will be shown during 5 minutes. Similarly, for restart send the command "restart".