## ESP8266 drivers. The collection of device drivers for ESP8266. - [DS18B20](src/esp_ds18b20) OneWire temperature sensor. - [DHT22 (AM2302)](src/esp_dht22) temperature and humidity sensor. - [SHT21 (Si7021)](src/esp_sht21) temperature and humidity sensor. ## Build environment. This library is part of my build system for ESP8266 based on CMake. To compile / flash examples you will have to have the ESP development environment setup as described at https://github.com/rzajac/esp-dev-env. ## Development environment installation. There are two ways to install device drivers in the development environment: ``` $ wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rzajac/esp-drv/master/install.sh | bash ``` or if you already cloned this repository you can do: ``` $ cd build $ cmake .. $ make $ make install ``` ## Examples. - [DHT22 get temperature and humidity](examples/dht22_temp_hum) - [DS18B20 get temperature](examples/ds18b20_temp) - [Search for DS18B20](examples/ds18b20_search) # Dependencies. This library depends on: - https://github.com/rzajac/esp-prot to install dependency run: ``` $ wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rzajac/esp-prot/master/install.sh | bash ``` ## License. [Apache License Version 2.0](LICENSE) unless stated otherwise.