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* Author: Jon Trulson <jtrulson@ics.com>
* Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the The MIT License which is available at
* https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <unistd.h>
#include "uartat.h"
#include "upm_utilities.h"
const size_t bufferLength = 256;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
//! [Interesting]
char *defaultDev = "/dev/ttyUSB0";
if (argc > 1)
defaultDev = argv[1];
printf("Using device: %s\n", defaultDev);
// Instantiate a UARTAT sensor on defaultDev at 115200 baud.
uartat_context sensor = uartat_init_tty(defaultDev, 115200);
if (!sensor)
printf("uartat_init_tty() failed.\n");
return 1;
// This is a simplistic example that tries to configure the LE910,
// and use it's built-in socket capabilities to connect to a
// remote host, obtain a small piece of data, and return it. It's
// mainly intended to show you how you can use the various AT
// commands supported by the LE910 to perform simple tasks.
// You must have a valid SIM card with an active data plan for
// this example to do anything interesting.
// See the LE910 AT Commands reference for full information on
// what is possible with this device. The uartat driver is
// intended to make it a little easier to control AT-style
// devices, but is by no means a full-featured communication
// infrastructure. A "real" application will probably need to be
// much more sophisticated, and custom designed for the desired
// task.
// For experimenting with various AT commands, try using an
// interactive terminal emulator like minicom or screen.
char buffer[bufferLength];
// make sure we are in command mode
if (!uartat_in_command_mode(sensor))
printf("Not in command mode, switching...\n");
uartat_command_mode(sensor, "+++", 1000);
// flter out CR's in responses by default
uartat_filter_cr(sensor, true);
printf("Configuring modem...\n");
// discard any waiting characters
// reset modem
uartat_command(sensor, "ATZ\r");
// turn off command echo, set verbosity to 1, enable data
// connection mode
uartat_command(sensor, "ATE0 V1 +FCLASS=0\r");
// Now issue some commands and output the results.
printf("Modem and SIM information:\n");
if (uartat_command_with_response(sensor, "AT+ICCID\r",
buffer, bufferLength))
printf("ICCID (SIM ID): %s\n", buffer);
if (uartat_command_with_response(sensor, "AT+CGSN=1\r",
buffer, bufferLength))
printf("IMEI: %s\n", buffer);
// see if we are on the network....
if (uartat_command_with_response(sensor, "AT+CREG?\r",
buffer, bufferLength))
printf("%s\n", buffer);
// look for "CGREG: 0,1" or "CGREG: 0,5"
if (uartat_find(sensor, buffer, "CREG: 0,1") ||
uartat_find(sensor, buffer, "CREG: 0,5"))
printf("Connected to the cell data network.\n");
// wait up to 5 seconds for responses now...
uartat_set_response_wait_time(sensor, 5000);
// setup PDP context (socket 1). An ERROR response is
// possible if the PDP context is already set up.
uartat_command(sensor, "AT#SGACT=1,1\r");
// setup a TCP socket to nist.gov and read the timestamp.
printf("Connecting to time-a.nist.gov, TCP port 13\n");
// Wait up to 60 seconds to find the NO CARRIER
// string, which will be present at the end, if the
// connection succeeded and the requested data was
// obtained.
if (uartat_command_waitfor(sensor,
buffer, bufferLength,
"\nNO CARRIER\n", 60000))
// print out the response
printf("RESPONSE:\r%s\r", buffer);
printf("No response.\n");
// destroy PDP context
uartat_set_response_wait_time(sensor, 250);
uartat_command(sensor, "AT#SGACT=1,0\r");
printf("You do not appear to be connected to the network...\n");
printf("Error executing query\n");
// reset the modem
uartat_command(sensor, "ATZ\r");
//! [Interesting]
return 0;