2019-11-04 21:13:45 +00:00
* Author: Takashi Kakiuchi <omronsupportupm@omron.com>
* Copyright (c) 2019 Omron Electronic Components - Americas
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
* this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
* the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
* use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
* the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
* subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#pragma once
#include <iostream> //Required for c++ standard IO
#include <string> // Required for string
2019-11-04 15:52:14 -06:00
#include "mraa/uart.h" //Required for UART
2019-11-04 21:13:45 +00:00
#include <vector> //Required for vector
#include "STBAPI.h" //Required for STB
#include "STBCommonDef.h" //Required for STB
* MACROS and enum
#define HVC_ALBUM_SIZE_MAX 816032
* Execute detection flags
#define HVC_ACTIV_BODY_DETECTION 0x00000001
#define HVC_ACTIV_HAND_DETECTION 0x00000002
#define HVC_ACTIV_FACE_DETECTION 0x00000004
#define HVC_ACTIV_FACE_DIRECTION 0x00000008
#define HVC_ACTIV_AGE_ESTIMATION 0x00000010
#define HVC_ACTIV_GAZE_ESTIMATION 0x00000040
#define HVC_EXECUTE_IMAGE_NONE 0x00000000
#define HVC_EXECUTE_IMAGE_QVGA 0x00000001
#define HVC_EXECUTE_IMAGE_QVGA_HALF 0x00000002
#define DEFAULT_UART_NUM 0 //This can be overwritten by application for custom number in constructure.
#define MAX_USER_NUM 100 //Maximum user number
#define UART_SETTING_TIMEOUT 1000 //HVC setting command signal timeout period
#define UART_EXECUTE_TIMEOUT ((10+10+6+3+15+15+1+1+15+10)*1000)
#define UART_SAVE_ALBUM_TIMEOUT 860000 // HVC save album command signal timeout period
#define UART_LOAD_ALBUM_TIMEOUT 860000 // HVC load album command signal timeout period
#define UART_SAVE_ALBUM_ROM_TIMEOUT 150000 // HVC save album to ROM command timeout period
#define STB_MAX_NUM 35
typedef unsigned char UINT8; // 8 bit Unsigned Integer
typedef int INT32; //32 bit Signed Integer
typedef unsigned int UINT32; //32 bit Signed Integer
typedef char INT8; //32 bit Signed Integer
typedef std::string STRING; //String
#define STB_RETRYCOUNT_DEFAULT 2 //Retry Count for STB
#define STB_POSSTEADINESS_DEFAULT 30 //Position Steadiness for STB
#define STB_SIZESTEADINESS_DEFAULT 30 //Size Steadiness for STB
#define STB_PE_FRAME_DEFAULT 10 //Complete Frame Count for property estimation in STB
#define STB_PE_ANGLEUDMIN_DEFAULT -15 //Up/Down face angle minimum value for property estimation in STB
#define STB_PE_ANGLEUDMAX_DEFAULT 20 //Up/Down face angle maximum value for property estimation in STB
#define STB_PE_ANGLELRMIN_DEFAULT -20 //Left/Right face angle minimum value for property estimation in STB
#define STB_PE_ANGLELRMAX_DEFAULT 20 //Left/Right face angle maximum value for property estimation in STB
#define STB_PE_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT 1 //Threshold for property estimation in STB
#define STB_FR_FRAME_DEFAULT 5 //Complete Frame Count for recognition in STB
#define STB_FR_RATIO_DEFAULT 60 //Account Ratio for recognition in STB
#define STB_FR_ANGLEUDMIN_DEFAULT -15 //Up/Down face angle minimum value for recognition in STB
#define STB_FR_ANGLEUDMAX_DEFAULT 20 //Up/Down face angle maximum value for recognition in STB
#define STB_FR_ANGLELRMIN_DEFAULT -20 //Left/Right face angle maximum value for recognition in STB
#define STB_FR_ANGLELRMAX_DEFAULT 20 //Left/Right face angle minimum value for recognition in STB
#define STB_FR_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT 1 //Threshold for recognition in STB
* B5T_STATUS enum
* An Enum contains status code of operations
typedef enum B5T_STATUS{
B5T_STATUS_SUCCESS =0, // Success
B5T_STATUS_WRITE_FAILED, // MRAA library UART write failed
B5T_STATUS_READ_FAILED, // MRAA library UART read failed
B5T_STATUS_READ_TIMEOUT, // MRAA library UART read timeour occurs
B5T_STATUS_HEADER_INVALID, // Sensor FW returned invalid header
B5T_STATUS_INVALID_INPUT, // Invalid input
B5T_STATUS_USER_ADD_FAILED, // User add failed
B5T_STATUS_STB_ERR_INITIALIZE, // STB library init failed
* An enum contains values of supported UART baud rate
typedef enum{
HVC_UART_BAUD_RATE_9600 = 9600,
HVC_UART_BAUD_RATE_38400 = 38400,
HVC_UART_BAUD_RATE_115200 = 115200,
HVC_UART_BAUD_RATE_230400 = 230400,
HVC_UART_BAUD_RATE_460800 = 460800,
HVC_UART_BAUD_RATE_921600 = 921600,
* Expression
typedef enum {
*Struct Device model and version info
typedef struct {
UINT8 string[12];
UINT8 major;
UINT8 minor;
UINT8 relese;
UINT8 revision[4];
*Detection result
typedef struct{
INT32 posX; //Center x-coordinate
INT32 posY; //Center y-coordinate
INT32 size; //Size
INT32 confidence; //Degree of confidence
*Face direction
typedef struct{
INT32 yaw; //Yaw angle
INT32 pitch; //Pitch angle
INT32 roll; //Roll angle
INT32 confidence; //Degree of confidence
typedef struct{
INT32 age; //Age
INT32 confidence; //Degree of confidence
* Gender
typedef struct{
INT32 gender; //Gender
INT32 confidence; //Degree of confidence
typedef struct{
INT32 gazeLR; //Yaw angle
INT32 gazeUD; //Pitch angle
typedef struct{
INT32 ratioL; //Left eye blink result
INT32 ratioR; //Right eye blink result
typedef struct{
INT32 topExpression; //Top expression
INT32 topScore; //Top score
INT32 score[5]; //Score of 5 expression
INT32 degree; //Negative-positive degree
*Face Recognition
typedef struct{
INT32 uid; //User ID
INT32 confidence; //Degree of confidence
*Face Detection & Estimations result
typedef struct{
DETECT_RESULT dtResult; //Face detection result
DIR_RESULT dirResult; //Face direction estimation result
AGE_RESULT ageResult; //Age Estimation result
GENDER_RESULT genderResult; //Gender Estimation result
GAZE_RESULT gazeResult; //Gaze Estimation result
BLINK_RESULT blinkResult; //Blink Estimation result
EXPRESSION_RESULT expressionResult; //Expression Estimation result
RECOGNITION_RESULT recognitionResult; //Face Recognition result
*Human Body Detection results
typedef struct{
UINT8 num; //Number of Detection
DETECT_RESULT bdResult[35]; //Detection result
*Hand Detection results
typedef struct{
UINT8 num; //Number of Detection
DETECT_RESULT hdResult[35]; //Detection result
*Face Detection & Estimations results
typedef struct{
UINT8 num; //Number of Detection
FACE_RESULT fcResult[35]; //Detection & Estimations result
*Image data
typedef struct{
INT32 width;
INT32 height;
UINT8 image[320*240];
* Result data of Execute command
typedef struct{
INT32 executedFunc; //Execution flag
BD_RESULT bdResult; //Human Body Detection results
HD_RESULT hdResult; //Hand Detection results
FD_RESULT fdResult; //Face Detection & Estimations results
HVC_IMAGE image; //Image data
*Threshold of confidence
typedef struct{
INT32 bdThreshold; //Threshold of confidence of Human Body Detection
INT32 hdThreshold; //Threshold of confidence of Hand Detection
INT32 dtThreshold; //Threshold of confidence of Face Detection
INT32 rsThreshold; //Threshold of confidence of Face Recognition
*Detection size
typedef struct{
INT32 bdMinSize; //Minimum detection size of Human Body Detection
INT32 bdMaxSize; //Maximum detection size of Human Body Detection
INT32 hdMinSize; //Minimum detection size of Hand Detection
INT32 hdMaxSize; //Maximum detection size of Hand Detection
INT32 dtMinSize; //Minimum detection size of Face Detection
INT32 dtMaxSize; //Maximum detection size of Face Detection
namespace upm {
* @brief Mems HVC Sensors
* @defgroup b5t007001 libupm-b5t007001
* @ingroup --add group
* @library b5t007001
* @sensor b5t007001
* @comname Omron HVC sensors
* @type --add type
* @man omron
* @con UART
* @web --add weblink
* @brief API for the Omron B5T007001 HVC sensors interface
* It is connected via a UART Interface.
* @snippet b5t007001.cxx Interesting
class B5T007001{
public :
* B5T007001 object constructor
* @param uart UART to use. Default value is DEFAULT_UART_NUM whenver not specified manually.
* @param inRate UART baudrate. Default value is HVC_UART_BAUD_RATE_9600 whenever not specified manually.
* B5T007001 object destructure
* Get HVC version information
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param outVersion Version data
* @return One of the D6T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T getVersion(INT32 inTimeOutTime, HVC_VERSION &outVersion);
* Set HVC camera angle
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param inAngleNo Camera angle number
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T setCameraAngle(INT32 inTimeOutTime, UINT8 inAngleNo);
* Get HVC camera angle
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param outAngleNo Camera angle number
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T getCameraAngle(INT32 inTimeOutTime, UINT8 &outAngleNo);
* Execute Detection for given parameters
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param inExec Execution parameter for face detection or hand detection etc
* @param inImageInfo Output image designation
* @param outHVCResult Result data
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T executeDetection(INT32 inTimeOutTime, INT32 inExec, INT32 inImageInfo, HVC_RESULT &outHVCResult);
* Execute Detection for given parameters and return information with STB results
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param inExec Execution parameter for face detection or hand detection etc
* @param inImageInfo Output image designation
* @param outHVCResult Result data
* @param outSTBFaceCount STB Face count
* @param outSTBFaceResult STB Face result
* @param outSTBBodyCount STB Body count
* @param outSTBBodyResult STB Body result
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T executeDetection(INT32 inTimeOutTime, INT32 inExec, INT32 inImageInfo, HVC_RESULT &outHVCResult,INT32 *outSTBFaceCount, STB_FACE **outSTBFaceResult,INT32 *outSTBBodyCount,STB_BODY **outSTBBodyResult);
* Set the threshold value for Human Body Detection, Hand Detection, Face Detection and/or Face Recognition
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param inThreshold Threshold value
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T setThreshold(INT32 inTimeOutTime, HVC_THRESHOLD inThreshold);
* Get the threshold value for Human Body Detection, Hand Detection, Face Detection and/or Face Recognition
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param outThreshold Threshold value
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T getThreshold(INT32 inTimeOutTime, HVC_THRESHOLD &outThreshold);
* Set the detection size of Human Body Detection, Hand Detection, Face Detection
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param inSizeRange SizeRange value
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T setSizeRange(INT32 inTimeOutTime, HVC_SIZERANGE inSizeRange);
* Get the detection size of Human Body Detection, Hand Detection, Face Detection
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param outSizeRange SizeRange value
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T getSizeRange(INT32 inTimeOutTime, HVC_SIZERANGE &outSizeRange);
* Set the face angle for Face Detection, i.e. the yaw and roll angle range to be detected
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param inPose Yaw angle range
* @param inAngle Roll angle range
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T setFaceDetectionAngle(INT32 inTimeOutTime, INT32 inPose, INT32 inAngle);
* Get the face angle for Face Detection
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param outPose Yaw angle range
* @param outAngle Roll angle range
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T getFaceDetectionAngle(INT32 inTimeOutTime, INT32 &outPose, INT32 &outAngle);
* Set the UART baudrate
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param inRate UART baud rate
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T setBaudRate(INT32 inTimeOutTime, HVC_UART_BAUD_RATE_T inRate);
* Get registered userIDs and dataIDs
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param outUserList User ID list
* @param outDataList Data ID list
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T getRegisteredUsersInfo(INT32 inTimeOutTime, std::vector<UINT8> &outUserList, std::vector<UINT8> &outDataList);
* Add/Register new user
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param inUserID User ID (0-99)
* @param inDataID Data ID (0-9)
* @param outImage Image info
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T addUser(INT32 inTimeOutTime, UINT8 inUserID, UINT8 inDataID, HVC_IMAGE &outImage);
* Delete specific user data for specific user id
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param inUserID User ID (0-99)
* @param inDataID Data ID (0-9)
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T deleteUserData(INT32 inTimeOutTime, UINT8 inUserID, UINT8 inDataID);
* Delete specific user
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param inUserID User ID (0-99)
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T deleteUser(INT32 inTimeOutTime, UINT8 inUserID);
* Delete all users
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T deleteUserAll(INT32 inTimeOutTime);
* Get Registration Info (Face Recognition)
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param inUserID User ID (0-99)
* @param outDataNo Registration Info
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T getUserData(INT32 inTimeOutTime, UINT8 inUserID, UINT8 &outDataNo);
* Save Album from HVC device to Host
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param outAlbumData Album data
* @param outAlbumDataSize Album data size
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T saveAlbumToHost(INT32 inTimeOutTime, UINT8 *outAlbumData, INT32 &outAlbumDataSize);
* Load Album from Host to HVC device
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param inAlbumData Album data
* @param inAlbumDataSize Album data size
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T loadAlbumFromHost(INT32 inTimeOutTime, UINT8 *inAlbumData, INT32 inAlbumDataSize);
* Save Album from HVC RAM to ROM memory
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T saveAlbumToROM(INT32 inTimeOutTime);
* Set Stabilization status
* @param inFlag STB init flags
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T setSTBStatus(STB_UINT32 inFlag);
* Get stabilization status
* @param outStatus Enable/Disable status
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T getSTBStatus(STB_INT32 &outStatus);
* Clear stabilization frame results
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbClear(void);
* Set maximum retry count for STB results
* @param inMaxRetryCount Maximum retry count
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbSetTrRetryCount(STB_INT32 inMaxRetryCount);
* Get maximum retry count for STB results
* @param outMaxRetryCount Maximum retry count
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbGetTrRetryCount(STB_INT32 *outMaxRetryCount);
* Set rectangle steadiness tracking parameter
* @param inPosSteadinessParam Rectangle position steadiness parameter
* @param inSizeSteadinessParam Rectangle size steadiness parameter
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbSetTrSteadinessParam(STB_INT32 inPosSteadinessParam, STB_INT32 inSizeSteadinessParam);
* Get rectangle steadiness tracking parameter
* @param outPosSteadinessParam Rectangle position steadiness parameter
* @param outSizeSteadinessParam Rectangle size steadiness parameter
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbGetTrSteadinessParam(STB_INT32 *outPosSteadinessParam, STB_INT32 *outSizeSteadinessParam);
* Set estimation result stabilizing threshold value
* @param inThreshold Face direction confidence threshold value
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbSetPeThresholdUse(STB_INT32 inThreshold);
* Get estimation result stabilizing threshold value
* @param inThreshold Face direction confidence threshold value
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbGetPeThresholdUse(STB_INT32 *outThreshold);
* Set estimation result stablizing angle
* @param inMinUDAngle Minimum up-down angle of face
* @param inMaxUDAngle Maximum up-down angle of face
* @param inMinLRAngle Minimum left-right angle of face
* @param inMaxLRAngle Maximum left-right angle of face
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbSetPeAngleUse(STB_INT32 inMinUDAngle, STB_INT32 inMaxUDAngle, STB_INT32 inMinLRAngle, STB_INT32 inMaxLRAngle);
* Get estimation result stablizing angle
* @param outMinUDAngle Minimum up-down angle of face
* @param outMaxUDAngle Maximum up-down angle of face
* @param outMinLRAngle Minimum left-right angle of face
* @param outMaxLRAngle Maximum left-right angle of face
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbGetPeAngleUse(STB_INT32 *outMinUDAngle, STB_INT32 *outMaxUDAngle, STB_INT32 *outMinLRAngle, STB_INT32 *outMaxLRAngle);
* Get age/gender esitmation complete frame count
* @param inCompCount The number of previous frames applying to fix the result
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbSetPeCompleteFrameCount(STB_INT32 inCompCount);
* Set age/gender esitmation complete frame count
* @param outCompCount The number of previous frames applying to fix the result
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbGetPeCompleteFrameCount(STB_INT32 *outCompCount);
* Set recognition stabilizing threshold value
* @param inThreshold Face direction confidence threshold value
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbSetFrThresholdUse(STB_INT32 inThreshold);
* Get recognition stabilizing threshold value
* @param outThreshold Face direction confidence threshold value
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbGetFrThresholdUse(STB_INT32 *outThreshold);
* Get recognition stabilizing angle
* @param inMinUDAngle Minimum up-down angle of face
* @param inMaxUDAngle Maximum up-down angle of face
* @param inMinLRAngle Minimum left-right angle of face
* @param inMaxLRAngle Maximum left-right angle of face
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbSetFrAngleUse(STB_INT32 inMinUDAngle, STB_INT32 inMaxUDAngle, STB_INT32 inMinLRAngle, STB_INT32 inMaxLRAngle);
* Set recognition stabilizing angle
* @param outMinUDAngle Minimum up-down angle of face
* @param outMaxUDAngle Maximum up-down angle of face
* @param outMinLRAngle Minimum left-right angle of face
* @param outMaxLRAngle Maximum left-right angle of face
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbGetFrAngleUse(STB_INT32 *outMinUDAngle, STB_INT32 *outMaxUDAngle, STB_INT32 *outMinLRAngle, STB_INT32 *outMaxLRAngle);
* Get recognition stablizing complete frame count
* @param inFrameCount The number of previous frames applying to fix the result
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbSetFrCompleteFrameCount(STB_INT32 inFrameCount);
* Set recognition stablizing complete frame count
* @param outFrameCount The number of previous frames applying to fix the result
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbGetFrCompleteFrameCount(STB_INT32 *outFrameCount);
* Get recognition minimum account ratio
* @param inMinRatio Recognition minimum account ratio
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbSetFrMinRatio(STB_INT32 inMinRatio);
* Set recognition minimum account ratio
* @param outMinRatio Recognition minimum account ratio
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbGetFrMinRatio(STB_INT32 *outMinRatio);
* Get Stb version
* @param outMajorVersion Major version number
* @param outMinorVersion Minor version number
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbGetVersion(STB_INT8* outMajorVersion, STB_INT8* outMinorVersion);
mraa::Uart* mUart;
INT32 mStbStatus;
HSTB mSTBHandle;
int mFaceCount;
int mBodyCount;
* UART send command
* @param inDataSize Data Size
* @param inData Data
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T UARTSendData(INT32 inDataSize, const UINT8 *inData);
* UART Receive Data
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param inDataSize Data Size
* @param outResult Received Data
* @param isSyncRequired Check for sync byte
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T UARTReceiveData(INT32 inTimeOutTime, INT32 inDataSize, UINT8 *outResult, UINT8 isSyncRequired=0);
* HVC send command
* @param inCommandNo Command Number
* @param inDataSize Data Size
* @param inData Data
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T HVCSendCommand(UINT8 inCommandNo, INT32 inDataSize, UINT8 *inData);
* HVC Receive Data
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param inDataSize Data Size
* @param outResult Received Data
* @param inCommandNo Command Number
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T HVCReceiveData(INT32 inTimeOutTime, INT32 inDataSize, UINT8 *outResult);
* HVC Receive Header
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param outDataSize Data Size
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T HVCReceiveHeader(INT32 inTimeOutTime, INT32 &outDataSize);
* HVC registration
* @param inTimeOutTime Timeout time (ms). If negative, recommended default timeout is used.
* @param inUserID User ID
* @param inDataID Data ID
* @param outImage Out image data
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T HVCRegistration(INT32 inTimeOutTime, INT32 inUserID, INT32 inDataID, HVC_IMAGE &outImage);
* Clear data on RX line of UART
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T UARTRxIgnoreAllData(void);
* Init stabilization library
* @param inFuncFlag init flag
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbInit(STB_UINT32 inFuncFlag);
* Deinit stabilization library
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
void stbDeInit(void);
* Execute stabilization
* @param inActiveFunc Active functions
* @param inResult HVC_RESULT info for stabilization
* @param outSTBFaceCount STB face count
* @param outSTBFaceResult STB face results
* @param outSTBBodyCount STB body count
* @param outSTBBodyResult STB body results
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbExec(STB_INT32 inActiveFunc, HVC_RESULT inResult, STB_INT32 *outSTBFaceCount, STB_FACE **outSTBFaceResult, STB_INT32 *outSTBBodyCount, STB_BODY **outSTBBodyResult);
* Get stabilization frame result
* @param inActiveFunc Active functions
* @param inResult HVC_RESULT info for stabilization
* @param outFrameResult Stabilization frame results
* @return One of the B5T_STATUS_T values
B5T_STATUS_T stbGetFrameResult(STB_INT32 inActiveFunc, HVC_RESULT inResult, STB_FRAME_RESULT *outFrameResult);
* Copy Constructor
B5T007001(const B5T007001&);
* Operator Overloading
B5T007001& operator=(const B5T007001&);