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/* Copyright (c) 2014, Nordic Semiconductor ASA
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#ifndef LIB_ACI_H__
#define LIB_ACI_H__
/** @file
* @brief ACI library
/** @addtogroup lib_aci
@brief Library for the logical part of the Application Controller Interface (ACI)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "hal_platform.h"
#include "hal_aci_tl.h"
#include "aci_queue.h"
#include "aci.h"
#include "aci_cmds.h"
#include "aci_evts.h"
/* Same size as a hal_aci_data_t */
typedef struct {
uint8_t debug_byte;
aci_evt_t evt;
} _aci_packed_ hal_aci_evt_t;
ACI_ASSERT_SIZE(hal_aci_evt_t, 34);
typedef struct
uint8_t location; /**< enum aci_pipe_store_t */
aci_pipe_type_t pipe_type;
} services_pipe_type_mapping_t;
typedef struct aci_setup_info_t
services_pipe_type_mapping_t *services_pipe_type_mapping;
uint8_t number_of_pipes;
hal_aci_data_t *setup_msgs;
uint8_t num_setup_msgs;
} aci_setup_info_t;
// aci_struct that will contain
// total initial credits
// current credit
// current state of the aci (setup/standby/active/sleep)
// open remote pipe pending
// close remote pipe pending
// Current pipe available bitmap
// Current pipe closed bitmap
// Current connection interval, slave latency and link supervision timeout
// Current State of the the GATT client (Service Discovery status)
// Relationship of bond to peer address
typedef struct aci_state_t
aci_pins_t aci_pins; /* Pins on the MCU used to connect to the nRF8001 */
aci_setup_info_t aci_setup_info; /* Data structures that are created from nRFgo Studio */
uint8_t bonded; /* ( aci_bond_status_code_t ) Is the nRF8001 bonded to a peer device */
uint8_t data_credit_total; /* Total data credit available for the specific version of the nRF8001, total equals available when a link is established */
aci_device_operation_mode_t device_state; /* Operating mode of the nRF8001 */
/* */
/* Start : Variables that are valid only when in a connection */
uint8_t data_credit_available; /* Available data credits at a specific point of time, ACI_EVT_DATA_CREDIT updates the available credits */
uint16_t connection_interval; /* Multiply by 1.25 to get the connection interval in milliseconds*/
uint16_t slave_latency; /* Number of consecutive connection intervals that the nRF8001 is not required to transmit. Use this to save power */
uint16_t supervision_timeout; /* Multiply by 10 to get the supervision timeout in milliseconds */
uint8_t pipes_open_bitmap[PIPES_ARRAY_SIZE]; /* Bitmap -> pipes are open and can be used for sending data over the air */
uint8_t pipes_closed_bitmap[PIPES_ARRAY_SIZE]; /* Bitmap -> pipes are closed and cannot be used for sending data over the air */
bool confirmation_pending; /* Attribute protocol Handle Value confirmation is pending for a Handle Value Indication
(ACK is pending for a TX_ACK pipe) on local GATT Server*/
/* End : Variables that are valid only when in a connection */
} aci_state_t;
/** @name Functions for library management */
/** @brief Function to enable printing of all ACI commands sent and ACI events received
* @details This function shall be used to enable or disable the debug printing.
Debug printing is disabled by default.
void lib_aci_debug_print(bool enable);
/** @brief Function to pin reset the nRF8001
* @details Pin resets the nRF8001 also handles differences between development boards
void lib_aci_pin_reset(void);
/** @brief Initialization function.
* @details This function shall be used to initialize/reset ACI Library and also Resets the
* nRF8001 by togging the reset pin of the nRF8001. This function will reset
* all the variables locally used by ACI library to their respective default values.
* @param bool True if the data was successfully queued for sending,
* false if there is no more space to store messages to send.
void lib_aci_init(aci_state_t *aci_stat, bool debug);
/** @brief Gets the number of currently available ACI credits.
* @return Number of ACI credits.
uint8_t lib_aci_get_nb_available_credits(aci_state_t *aci_stat);
/** @brief Gets the connection interval in milliseconds.
* @return Connection interval in milliseconds.
uint16_t lib_aci_get_cx_interval_ms(aci_state_t *aci_stat);
/** @brief Gets the connection interval in multiple of 1.25 ms.
* @return Connection interval in multiple of 1.25 ms.
uint16_t lib_aci_get_cx_interval(aci_state_t *aci_stat);
/** @brief Gets the current slave latency.
* @return Current slave latency.
uint16_t lib_aci_get_slave_latency(aci_state_t *aci_stat);
/** @brief Checks if a given pipe is available.
* @param pipe Pipe to check.
* @return True if the pipe is available, otherwise false.
bool lib_aci_is_pipe_available(aci_state_t *aci_stat, uint8_t pipe);
/** @brief Checks if a given pipe is closed.
* @param pipe Pipe to check.
* @return True if the pipe is closed, otherwise false.
bool lib_aci_is_pipe_closed(aci_state_t *aci_stat, uint8_t pipe);
/** @brief Checks if the discovery operation is finished.
* @return True if the discovery is finished.
bool lib_aci_is_discovery_finished(aci_state_t *aci_stat);
/** @name ACI Commands available in all modes */
/** @brief Sets the radio in sleep mode.
* @details The function sends a @c sleep command to the radio.
* If the radio is advertising or connected, it sends back an error, then use lib_aci_radio_reset
* if advertising or disconnect if in a connection.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_sleep(void);
/** @brief Resets the radio.
* @details The function sends a @c BasebandReset command to the radio.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_radio_reset(void);
/** @brief Radio starts directed advertising to bonded device.
* @details The function sends a @c DirectedConnect command to the radio.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_direct_connect(void);
/** @brief Gets the radio's version.
* @details This function sends a @c GetDeviceVersion command.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_device_version(void);
/** @brief Gets the device address.
* @details This function sends a @c GetDeviceAddress command.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_get_address(void);
/** @brief Gets the temperature.
* @details This function sends a @c GetTemperature command. lib_aci
* calls the @ref lib_aci_transaction_finished_hook() function when the temperature is received.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_get_temperature(void);
/** @brief Gets the battery level.
* @details This function sends a @c GetBatteryLevel command.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_get_battery_level(void);
/** @name ACI commands available in Sleep mode */
/** @brief Wakes up the radio.
* @details This function sends a @c Wakeup command to wake up the radio from
* sleep mode. When woken up the radio sends a @c DeviceStartedEvent and
* a @c CommandResponseEvent.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_wakeup(void);
/** @name ACI commands available in Active mode */
/** @brief Sets the radio in test mode.
* @details This function sends a @c Test command to the radio. There are two
* Test modes available:
* - UART: DTM commands are received over UART.
* - ACI: DTM commands are received over ACI.
* The same command is used to exit the test mode When receiving
* a @c DeviceStartedEvent the radio has entered the new mode.
* @param enter_exit_test_mode Enter a Test mode, or exit Test mode.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_test(aci_test_mode_change_t enter_exit_test_mode);
/** @brief Sets the radio's TX power.
* @details This function sends a @c SetTxPower command.
* @param tx_power TX power to be used by the radio.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_set_tx_power(aci_device_output_power_t tx_power);
/** @brief Tries to connect to a peer device.
* @details This function sends a @c Connect command to the radio.
* @param run_timeout Maximum advertising time in seconds (0 means infinite).
* @param adv_interval Advertising interval (in multiple of 0.625 ms).
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_connect(uint16_t run_timeout, uint16_t adv_interval);
/** @brief Tries to bond with a peer device.
* @details This function sends a @c Bond command to the radio.
* @param run_timeout Maximum advertising time in seconds (0 means infinite).
* @param adv_interval Advertising interval (in multiple of 0.625 ms).
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_bond(uint16_t run_timeout, uint16_t adv_interval);
/** @brief Disconnects from peer device.
* @details This function sends a @c Disconnect command to the radio.
* @param reason Reason for disconnecting.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_disconnect(aci_state_t *aci_stat, aci_disconnect_reason_t reason);
/**@brief Sets Local Data.
* @details
* This command updates the value of the characteristic value or the characteristic descriptor stored locally on the device.
* Can be called for all types of pipes as long as the data is stored locally.
* @param ACI state structure
* @param pipe Pipe number on which the data should be set.
* @param value Pointer to the data to set.
* @param size Size of the data to set.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_set_local_data(aci_state_t *aci_stat, uint8_t pipe, uint8_t *value, uint8_t size);
/** @brief Sends Broadcast message to the radio.
* @details The Broadcast message starts advertisement procedure
* using the given interval with the intention of broadcasting data to a peer device.
* @param timeout Time, in seconds, to advertise before exiting to standby mode (0 means infinite).
* Valid values: 0 to 16383.
* @param adv_interval Advertising interval (in multiple of 0.625 ms).
* Valid values: 160 to 16384 (which corresponds to an interval from 100 ms to 10.24 s).
* @return True if the broadcast message is sent successfully to the radio.
bool lib_aci_broadcast(const uint16_t timeout, const uint16_t adv_interval);
/** @name Open Advertising Pipes. */
/** @brief Sends a command to the radio to set the input pipe to be placed in Advertisement Service Data.
* @details This function sends a command to the radio that places the pipe in
* advertisement service data. To start advertising service data, call this function before
* Connecting, Broadcasting or Bonding to peer. The data that should be sent in the advertisement packets
* must be set using the @c lib_aci_set_local_data function. This function can be called during
* advertising to enable/disable broadcast pipes.
* @param pipe The pipe that has to be placed in advertising service data.
* @return True if the Open Adv Pipe message is sent successfully to the radio.
bool lib_aci_open_adv_pipe(const uint8_t pipe);
/** @name Open Advertising Pipes */
/** @brief Sends a command to the radio to set the pipes to be placed in Advertisement Service Data.
* @details This function will send a command to the radio that will set the pipes to be placed in
* advertisement Service Data. To start advertising service data, this function should be called before
* Connecting, Broadcasting or Bonding to peer. This function can be called during
* advertising to enable/disable broadcast pipes. Use this as an alternative to @ref lib_aci_open_adv_pipe
* to avoid multiple function calls for placing multiple pipes in the adv data.
* @param adv_service_data_pipes Pipe bitmap, where '1' indicates that the corresponding
* Valid Values: 0000000000000000 to FEFFFFFFFFFFFF7F (See the ACI Pipe Status Evt bitmap in the nRF8001 datasheet
* TX_BROADCAST pipe data is to be placed in Advertising Service Data fields
* @return true if the Open Adv Pipe message was sent successfully to the radio.
bool lib_aci_open_adv_pipes(const uint8_t * const adv_service_data_pipes);
/** @name ACI commands available in Connected mode */
/** @brief Sets a given application latency.
* @details This function sends a @c setApplicationLatency command.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_set_app_latency(uint16_t latency, aci_app_latency_mode_t latency_mode);
/** @brief Opens a remote pipe.
* @details This function sends an @c OpenRemotePipe command.
* @param pipe Number of the pipe to open.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_open_remote_pipe(aci_state_t *aci_stat, uint8_t pipe);
/** @brief Closes a remote pipe.
* @details This function sends an @c CloseRemotePipe command.
* @param pipe Pipe number to close.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_close_remote_pipe(aci_state_t *aci_stat, uint8_t pipe);
/** @brief Sends data on a given pipe.
* @details This function sends a @c SendData command with application data to
* the radio. This function memorizes credit use, and checks that
* enough credits are available.
* @param pipe Pipe number on which the data should be sent.
* @param value Pointer to the data to send.
* @param size Size of the data to send.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_send_data(uint8_t pipe, uint8_t *value, uint8_t size);
/** @brief Requests data from a given pipe.
* @details This function sends a @c RequestData command to the radio. This
* function memorizes credit uses, and check that enough credits are available.
* After this command, the radio sends back either a @c DataReceivedEvent
* or a @c PipeErrorEvent.
* @param pipe Pipe number on which the data is requested.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_request_data(aci_state_t *aci_stat, uint8_t pipe);
/** @brief Sends a L2CAP change connection parameters request.
* @details This function sends a @c ChangeTiming command to the radio. This command triggers a "L2CAP change connection parameters" request
* to the master. If the master rejects or accepts but doesn't change the connection parameters within
* 30 seconds, a timing event with the unchanged connection parameters is sent by the radio.
* If the request is accepted and the master changes connection parameters, a timing event with
* the new connection parameters is sent by the radio.
* If the master doesn't reply to the request within 60 seconds, the radio disconnects.
* @param minimun_cx_interval Minimum connection interval requested, in multiple of 1.25 ms.
* @param maximum_cx_interval Maximum connection interval requested, in multiple of 1.25 ms.
* @param slave_latency requested slave latency.
* @param timeout requested slave timeout, in multiple of 10 ms.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_change_timing(uint16_t minimun_cx_interval, uint16_t maximum_cx_interval, uint16_t slave_latency, uint16_t timeout);
/** @brief Sends a L2CAP change connection parameters request with the connection predefined preffered connection parameters.
* @details This function sends a @c ChangeTiming command to the radio. This command triggers a "L2CAP change connection parameters" request
* to the master. If the master rejects or accepts but doesn't change the connection parameters within
* 30 seconds, a timing event with the unchanged connection parameters is sent by the radio.
* If the request is accepted and the master changes connection parameters, a timing event with
* the new connection parameters is sent by the radio.
* If the master doesn't reply to the request within 60 seconds, the radio disconnects.
* The timing parameters used are the Timing parameters in the GAP settings in the nRFgo Studio.
* The Timing parameters as stored as the GAP Preferred Peripheral Connection Parameters.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_change_timing_GAP_PPCP(void);
/** @brief Sends acknowledgement message to peer.
* @details This function sends @c SendDataAck command to radio. The radio is expected
* to send either Handle Value Confirmation or Write response depending
* on whether the data is stored remotely or locally.
* @param pipe Pipe number for which the acknowledgement is to be sent.
* @return True if the ack was sent successfully. False otherwise.
bool lib_aci_send_ack(aci_state_t *aci_stat, const uint8_t pipe);
/** @brief Sends negative acknowledgement message to peer.
* @details This function sends @c SendDataNack command to radio. The radio is expected
* to send Error Response to the peer.
* @param pipe Pipe number for which the nack is to be sent.
* @param error_code Error code to be sent in the NACk.
* @return True if the nack was sent successfully. False otherwise.
bool lib_aci_send_nack(aci_state_t *aci_stat, const uint8_t pipe, const uint8_t error_code);
/** @brief Sends ReadDynamicData command to the host.
* @details This function sends @c ReadDynamicData command to host. The host is expected
* to send @c CommandResponse back with the dynamic data. The application is expected to
* call this function in a loop until all the dynamic data is read out from the host.
* As long as there is dynamic data to be read from the host, the command response
* for this message has its status field set to ACI_STATUS_TRANSACTION_CONTINUE (0x01).
* The application may chose to store this read out data in a non-volatile memory location
* and later chose to write it back using the function lib_aci_write_dynamic_data.
* @return True if the command was sent successfully through the ACI. False otherwise.
bool lib_aci_read_dynamic_data(void);
/** @brief Sends WriteDynamicData command to the host.
* @details This function sends @c WriteDynamicData command to host. The host is expected
* to send @c CommandResponse with the status of this operation. As long as the status field
* in the @c CommandResponse is ACI_STATUS_TRANSACTION_CONTINUE (0x01), the hosts expects
* more dynamic data to be written. This function should ideally be called in a cycle,
* until all the stored dynamic data is sent to the host. This function should be
* called with the dynamic data obtained from the response to a @c ReadDynamicData
* (see @c lib_aci_read_dynamic_data) command.
* @param sequence_number Sequence number of the dynamic data to be sent.
* @param dynamic_data Pointer to the dynamic data.
* @param length Length of the dynamic data.
* @return True if the command was sent successfully through the ACI. False otherwise.
bool lib_aci_write_dynamic_data(uint8_t sequence_number, uint8_t* dynamic_data, uint8_t length);
/** @name ACI commands available while connected in Bond mode */
/** @brief Sends a SMP Security Request.
* @details This function send a @c BondRequest command to the radio.
* This command triggers a SMP Security Request to the master. If the
* master rejects with a pairing failed or if the bond timer expires the connection is closed.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_bond_request(void);
/** @brief Set the key requested by the 8001.
* @details This function sends an @c SetKey command to the radio.
* @param key_rsp_type Type of key.
* @param key Pointer to the key to set.
* @param len Length of the key.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_set_key(aci_key_type_t key_rsp_type, uint8_t *key, uint8_t len);
/** @name ACI commands available in Test mode */
/** @brief Sends an echo message
* @details This function sends an @c Echo command to the radio. lib_aci
* places the Echp ACI command in the ACI command queue
* @param message_size Length of the data to send.
* @param message_data Pointer to the data to send.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_echo_msg(uint8_t message_size, uint8_t *message_data);
/** @brief Sends an DTM command
* @details This function sends an @c DTM command to the radio.
* @param dtm_command_msbyte Most significant byte of the DTM command.
* @param dtm_command_lsbyte Least significant byte of the DTM command.
* @return True if the transaction is successfully initiated.
bool lib_aci_dtm_command(uint8_t dtm_command_msbyte, uint8_t dtm_command_lsbyte);
/** @brief Gets an ACI event from the ACI Event Queue
* @details This function gets an ACI event from the ACI event queue.
* The queue is updated by the SPI driver for the ACI running in the interrupt context
* @param aci_stat pointer to the state of the ACI.
* @param p_aci_data pointer to the ACI Event. The ACI Event received will be copied into this pointer.
* @return True if an ACI Event was copied to the pointer.
bool lib_aci_event_get(aci_state_t *aci_stat, hal_aci_evt_t * aci_evt);
/** @brief Peeks an ACI event from the ACI Event Queue
* @details This function peeks at the top event in the ACI event queue.
* In polling mode, this function will query the nRF8001 for pending events, but unlike
* lib_aci_event_get() it will not dequeue the event from the local queue, but will instead
* only peek at it.
* @return True if an ACI Event was copied to the pointer.
bool lib_aci_event_peek(hal_aci_evt_t *p_aci_evt_data);
/** @brief Flushes the events in the ACI command queues and ACI Event queue
void lib_aci_flush(void);
/** @brief Return full status of the Event queue
* @details
bool lib_aci_event_queue_full(void);
/** @brief Return empty status of the Event queue
* @details
bool lib_aci_event_queue_empty(void);
/** @brief Return full status of Command queue
* @details
bool lib_aci_command_queue_full(void);
/** @brief Return empty status of Command queue
* @details
bool lib_aci_command_queue_empty(void);
/** @} */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* LIB_ACI_H__ */