diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 13b7b2ea..37a8f143 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -82,6 +82,10 @@ please refer to the Intel Developer Zone IDE page.
+### Installing UPM
+Find notes on how to install UPM on various OS'es on this [page](docs/installing.md).
### Building UPM
See building documentation [here](docs/building.md).
diff --git a/docs/installing.md b/docs/installing.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c88874b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/installing.md
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+Installing UPM {#installing}
+UPM packages are provided for some of the major supported distributions, making
+it very easy to install UPM and its dependencies without having to go through a
+full build.
+### Poky Linux
+Yocto Project based Poky Linux builds are provided for Intel Galileo, Intel
+Edison and Minnowboard. These are the official images released with the Intel
+IoT Developer Kit and can found [here](https://iotdk.intel.com/images/3.5/).
+To update to the latest stable UPM version:
+echo "src intel-iotdk https://iotdk.intel.com/repos/3.5/intelgalactic/opkg/i586/" > /etc/opkg/intel-iotdk.conf
+opkg update
+opkg upgrade mraa upm
+If you would like to try the development version use `intelgalactic-dev`
+### WindRiver Pulsar Linux
+WR Pulsar uses SmartPM for software updates. Updating to the latest UPM version
+smart channel -y --add upm_mraa_channel type=rpm-md name="MRAA/UPM" baseurl=http://iotdk.intel.com/repos/pulsar/8/x64
+smart update
+smart install -y mraa upm
+For Pulsar 7 use the following baseurl instead: `baseurl=http://iotdk.intel.com/repos/pulsar/7/x64`
+Wind River Linux 7 uses 01.org repositories and will have a default update
+channel that includes MRAA & UPM. Thus you only have to update and install.
+### Ubuntu Desktop/Server
+MRAA and UPM are available through a Personal Package Archive (PPA) on Ubuntu
+that can be found [here](https://launchpad.net/~mraa/+archive/ubuntu/mraa).
+To install:
+sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mraa/mraa
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt-get install libupm-dev python-upm python3-upm upm-examples
+Note that the Ubuntu PPA only provides the C/C++ and Python packages. Node.js
+developers will have to install MRAA and UPM using NPM instead.
+### Node.js bindings only (NPM)
+This option allows compiling MRAA/UPM on any system with npm and node-gyp.
+The UPM modules have a hard dependency on MRAA, thus you will have to install
+it first. Also, make sure Node can find MRAA by updating the `NODE_PATH`
+variable if necessary. A global installation is preferred:
+`npm install mraa -g`
+After this, to install a UPM module using npm simply type:
+`npm install jsupm_ -g`
+In order to initialize the platform, require MRAA *before* you load a UPM
+module in your code:
+var lib = require('jsupm_');