upm: v0.7.0

Signed-off-by: Mihai Tudor Panu <mihai.tudor.panu@intel.com>
This commit is contained in:
Mihai Tudor Panu 2016-05-12 17:07:29 -07:00
parent a5e3cc89f3
commit 29bfa7ef79
4 changed files with 15 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ include (GetGitRevisionDescription)
git_describe (VERSION "--tags")
message (WARNING " - Install git to compile a production UPM!")
set (VERSION "v0.6.2-dirty")
set (VERSION "v0.7.0-dirty")
endif ()
message (INFO " - UPM Version ${VERSION}")

View File

@ -120,8 +120,7 @@ our API in a way that will break backwards compatibility. If you find yourself
unable to compile code that was working fine before a library update, make sure
you check the [API changes](docs/apichanges.md) section first.
**NOTE** - Our **C++ header files** will change their extension from *.h* to
*.hpp* in the upcoming version.
**NOTE** - Our **C++ header files** changed extension from *.h* to *.hpp*!
### Changelog
Version changelog [here](docs/changelog.md).

View File

@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
API Changes {#apichanges}
Our **C++ header files** will change their extension from *.h* to *.hpp*. This
change is anticipated in the upcoming version and unfortunately will break
source compatibility with previous versions of UPM for every library. You will
need to update your code and change to the new extension format in your
`#include` directives.
Here's a list of other API changes made to the library that break source/binary
compatibility between releases:
* Our **C++ header files** changed their extension from *.h* to *.hpp* in
version 0.7.0, Intel provided examples and code samples also reflect this
change but you will need to modify your `#include` directives in existing code
* **my9221**, **groveledbar** and **grovecircularled** are now all part of the
same library (my9221) and new functionality was added going to v.0.5.1
* **stepmotor** driver API was changed significantly from v.0.4.1 to v.0.5.0

View File

@ -4,6 +4,16 @@ Changelog {#changelog}
Here's a list summarizing some of the key undergoing changes to our library
from earlier versions:
### v0.7.0
* C++ header files have been renamed from *.h to *.hpp along with all Intel
provided examples and code samples to allow for native C drivers
* Updated driver compatibility to new MRAA 1.0 API
* First sensor implementations for our newly added Dallas One Wire support
* Several fixes based on issues reported on Github
* Changed SWIG linking strategy, more robust Travis CI build checks
* New sensors: ds2413, ds18b20, bmp280, bno055, l3gd20
### v0.6.2
* Added a generic driver for taking snapshots from an USB camera device