From c54d6de0546f2e1186faf453b91b35e9f12faf51 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Noel Eck Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2018 12:12:09 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] JAVA: Unified Java Example names Unified all Java examples to *match* [_otherstuf] Note, a handful of the examples have a pseudo-random string for the first component (see, ideally this would be This commit allows for quick development on a single sensor library since a -DMODULE_LIST=mysensorlib now works with Java examples (previously Java examples would fail generation when using MODULE_LIST). * Renamed examples * Updated class names * Updated library descriptor .json files * Updated sample mapping file TODO: Make this work like the C/C++ examples - grab the target library name from the filename and grab all dependencies from that target library. Fix the handful of example names which don't conform. Signed-off-by: Noel Eck --- doxy/samples.mapping.txt | 150 ++--- .../{ =>} | 2 +- =>} | 4 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- ...{ =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- .../{ =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- ...{ =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- ...{ =>} | 2 +- ...{ =>} | 2 +- =>} | 4 +- ...{ =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- examples/java/CMakeLists.txt | 437 +++++++------- ...{ =>} | 2 +- .../{ =>} | 2 +- ...{ =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- .../java/{ =>} | 2 +- ...{ =>} | 2 +- .../{ =>} | 2 +- examples/java/{ =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 4 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- .../{ =>} | 2 +- .../{ =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- .../{ =>} | 2 +- .../{ =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- examples/java/{ =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- ...{ =>} | 2 +- .../{ =>} | 4 +- .../{ =>} | 2 +- .../{ =>} | 2 +- ...{ =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- 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=>} | 2 +- ...{ =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- .../{ =>} | 2 +- .../{ =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- .../{ =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- .../java/{ =>} | 2 +- ...{ =>} | 4 +- =>} | 2 +- .../{ =>} | 2 +- =>} | 2 +- ...{ =>} | 2 +- .../{ =>} | 2 +- src/CMakeLists.txt | 8 +- src/a110x/a110x.json | 144 ++--- src/ad8232/ad8232.json | 2 +- src/adafruitms1438/adafruitms1438.json | 96 +-- src/adafruitss/adafruitss.json | 94 +-- src/adc121c021/adc121c021.json | 94 +-- src/adis16448/adis16448.json | 90 +-- src/ads1x15/ads1x15.json | 174 +++--- src/adxl335/adxl335.json | 92 +-- src/adxl345/adxl345.json | 92 +-- src/adxrs610/adxrs610.json | 92 +-- src/am2315/am2315.json | 94 +-- src/apa102/apa102.json | 2 +- src/apds9002/apds9002.json | 2 +- src/biss0001/biss0001.json | 2 +- src/bmm150/bmm150.json | 92 +-- src/bmpx8x/bmpx8x.json | 98 ++-- src/bmx055/bmx055.json | 98 ++-- src/bno055/bno055.json | 96 +-- src/button/button.json | 2 +- src/buzzer/buzzer.json | 2 +- src/cjq4435/cjq4435.json | 92 +-- src/collision/collision.json | 90 +-- src/curieimu/curieimu.json | 76 +-- src/cwlsxxa/cwlsxxa.json | 118 ++-- src/dfrec/dfrec.json | 78 +-- src/dfrorp/dfrorp.json | 78 +-- src/dfrph/dfrph.json | 80 +-- src/ds1307/ds1307.json | 82 +-- src/ds1808lc/ds1808lc.json | 78 +-- src/ds18b20/ds18b20.json | 78 +-- src/ds2413/ds2413.json | 78 +-- src/e50hx/e50hx.json | 82 +-- src/ecezo/ecezo.json | 86 +-- src/ecs1030/ecs1030.json | 78 +-- src/ehr/ehr.json | 80 +-- src/eldriver/eldriver.json | 80 +-- src/electromagnet/electromagnet.json | 82 +-- src/emg/emg.json | 76 +-- src/enc03r/enc03r.json | 80 +-- src/flex/flex.json | 78 +-- src/gas/gas.json | 550 +++++++++--------- src/gp2y0a/gp2y0a.json | 78 +-- src/gprs/gprs.json | 80 +-- src/grove/grove.json | 14 +- src/grovecollision/grovecollision.json | 82 +-- src/groveehr/groveehr.json | 80 +-- src/groveeldriver/groveeldriver.json | 80 +-- .../groveelectromagnet.json | 82 +-- src/groveemg/groveemg.json | 74 +-- src/grovegprs/grovegprs.json | 80 +-- src/grovegsr/grovegsr.json | 76 +-- src/grovelinefinder/grovelinefinder.json | 80 +-- src/grovemoisture/grovemoisture.json | 76 +-- src/groveo2/groveo2.json | 78 +-- src/grovescam/grovescam.json | 78 +-- src/grovespeaker/grovespeaker.json | 80 +-- src/groveultrasonic/groveultrasonic.json | 80 +-- src/grovevdiv/grovevdiv.json | 74 +-- src/grovewater/grovewater.json | 78 +-- src/grovewfs/grovewfs.json | 80 +-- src/gsr/gsr.json | 78 +-- src/guvas12d/guvas12d.json | 80 +-- src/h3lis331dl/h3lis331dl.json | 78 +-- src/h803x/h803x.json | 76 +-- src/hcsr04/hcsr04.json | 76 +-- src/hdc1000/hdc1000.json | 76 +-- src/hdxxvxta/hdxxvxta.json | 70 +-- src/hka5/hka5.json | 74 +-- src/hm11/hm11.json | 78 +-- src/hmc5883l/hmc5883l.json | 78 +-- src/hmtrp/hmtrp.json | 80 +-- src/hp20x/hp20x.json | 80 +-- src/ht9170/ht9170.json | 78 +-- src/htu21d/htu21d.json | 64 +- src/hwxpxx/hwxpxx.json | 80 +-- src/hx711/hx711.json | 74 +-- src/ili9341/ili9341.json | 76 +-- src/ims/ims.json | 78 +-- src/ina132/ina132.json | 76 +-- src/isd1820/isd1820.json | 66 +-- src/itg3200/itg3200.json | 78 +-- src/jhd1313m1/jhd1313m1.json | 74 +-- src/joystick12/joystick12.json | 66 +-- src/kxcjk1013/kxcjk1013.json | 78 +-- src/l298/l298.json | 76 +-- src/l3gd20/l3gd20.json | 78 +-- src/lcdks/lcdks.json | 72 +-- src/lcm1602/lcm1602.json | 74 +-- src/ldt0028/ldt0028.json | 74 +-- src/led/led.json | 2 +- src/lidarlitev3/lidarlitev3.json | 76 +-- src/light/light.json | 80 +-- src/linefinder/linefinder.json | 80 +-- src/lis2ds12/lis2ds12.json | 76 +-- src/lis3dh/lis3dh.json | 74 +-- src/lm35/lm35.json | 76 +-- src/lol/lol.json | 64 +- src/loudness/loudness.json | 78 +-- src/lpd8806/lpd8806.json | 74 +-- src/lsm303agr/lsm303agr.json | 74 +-- src/lsm303d/lsm303d.json | 78 +-- src/lsm303dlh/lsm303dlh.json | 72 +-- src/lsm6ds3h/lsm6ds3h.json | 78 +-- src/lsm6dsl/lsm6dsl.json | 78 +-- src/lsm9ds0/lsm9ds0.json | 78 +-- src/m24lr64e/m24lr64e.json | 76 +-- src/mag3110/mag3110.json | 76 +-- src/max30100/max30100.json | 74 +-- src/max31723/max31723.json | 78 +-- src/max31855/max31855.json | 76 +-- src/max44000/max44000.json | 78 +-- src/max5487/max5487.json | 2 +- src/maxds3231m/maxds3231m.json | 2 +- src/md/md.json | 104 ++-- src/mhz16/mhz16.json | 2 +- src/mic/mic.json | 2 +- src/mma7455/mma7455.json | 2 +- src/mma7660/mma7660.json | 2 +- src/moisture/moisture.json | 2 +- src/mpl3115a2/mpl3115a2.json | 2 +- src/mpr121/mpr121.json | 2 +- src/mpu9150/mpu9150.json | 118 ++-- src/mq303a/mq303a.json | 2 +- src/my9221/my9221.json | 2 +- src/nrf24l01/nrf24l01.json | 2 +- src/nunchuck/nunchuck.json | 2 +- src/o2/o2.json | 78 +-- src/otp538u/otp538u.json | 2 +- src/p9813/p9813.json | 2 +- src/ppd42ns/ppd42ns.json | 2 +- src/pulsensor/pulsensor.json | 2 +- src/relay/relay.json | 2 +- src/rfr359f/rfr359f.json | 2 +- src/rotary/rotary.json | 2 +- src/rotaryencoder/rotaryencoder.json | 2 +- src/rpr220/rpr220.json | 2 +- src/scam/scam.json | 2 +- src/sensortemplate/sensortemplate.json | 2 +- src/servo/servo.json | 4 +- src/si1132/si1132.json | 100 ++-- src/slide/slide.json | 2 +- src/sm130/sm130.json | 2 +- src/speaker/speaker.json | 2 +- src/st7735/st7735.json | 2 +- src/stepmotor/stepmotor.json | 2 +- src/temperature/temperature.json | 2 +- src/th02/th02.json | 2 +- src/tm1637/tm1637.json | 2 +- src/tsl2561/tsl2561.json | 2 +- src/ttp223/ttp223.json | 2 +- src/uln200xa/uln200xa.json | 2 +- src/vdiv/vdiv.json | 2 +- src/veml6070/veml6070.json | 2 +- src/water/water.json | 2 +- src/waterlevel/waterlevel.json | 2 +- src/wfs/wfs.json | 2 +- src/wheelencoder/wheelencoder.json | 106 ++-- src/wt5001/wt5001.json | 2 +- src/yg1006/yg1006.json | 2 +- src/zfm20/zfm20.json | 2 +- 315 files changed, 5209 insertions(+), 5168 deletions(-) rename examples/java/{ =>} (98%) rename examples/java/{ =>} (96%) rename examples/java/{ =>} (98%) rename examples/java/{ =>} (98%) rename examples/java/{ =>} (98%) rename examples/java/{ =>} (98%) rename examples/java/{ =>} (99%) rename examples/java/{ =>} (99%) rename 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languages -a110x.cxx a110x.js -a110x-intr.cxx a110x-intr.js -adc121c021.cxx adc121c021.js -adxl345.cxx adxl345.js -biss0001.cxx biss0001.js -bmpx8x.cxx bmpx8x.js -bno055.cxx bno055.js -button.cxx button.js -buzzer.cxx buzzer.js -cjq4435.cxx cjq4435.js -ds1307.cxx ds1307.js -enc03r.cxx enc03r.js -servo-es08a.cxx es08a.js -groveehr.cxx groveehr.js -my9221-groveledbar.cxx groveledbar.js -grove-groveled.cxx groveled.js -grovelinefinder.cxx grovelinefinder.js -grovemoisture.cxx grovemoisture.js -grovescam.cxx grovescam.js -grovewfs.cxx grovewfs.js -guvas12d.cxx guvas12d.js -h3lis331dl.cxx h3lis331dl.js -hcsr04.cxx hcsr04.js -hm11.cxx hm11.js -hmc5883l.cxx hmc5883l.js -htu21d.cxx htu21d.js -ims.cxx ims.js -itg3200.cxx itg3200.js -jhd1313m1-lcd.cxx jhd1313m1-lcd.js -joystick12.cxx joystick12.js -lcm1602-i2c.cxx lcm1602-i2c.js -ldt0028.cxx ldt0028.js -light.cxx light.js -lol.cxx lol.js -lsm303dlh.cxx lsm303dlh.js -m24lr64e.cxx m24lr64e.js -max44000.cxx max44000.js -mic.cxx mic.js -mma7455.cxx mma7455.js -mma7660.cxx mma7660.js -mpl3115a2.cxx mpl3115a2.js -mpr121.cxx mpr121.js -mpu9150.cxx mpu9150.js -gas-mq2.cxx mq2.js -mq303a.cxx mq303a.js -gas-mq5.cxx mq5.js -nrf24l01-receiver.cxx nrf24l01-receiver.js -nrf24l01-transmitter.cxx nrf24l01-transmitter.js -nunchuck.cxx nunchuck.js -otp538u.cxx otp538u.js -ppd42ns.cxx ppd42ns.js -pulsensor.cxx pulsensor.js -relay.cxx relay.js -rfr359f.cxx rfr359f.js -rotary.cxx rotary.js -rotaryencoder.cxx rotaryencoder.js -rpr220.cxx rpr220.js -rpr220-intr.cxx rpr220-intr.js -slide.cxx slide.js -speaker.cxx speaker.js -lcd-ssd1308-oled.cxx ssd1308-oled.js -lcd-ssd1327-oled.cxx ssd1327-oled.js -st7735.cxx st7735.js -stepmotor.cxx stepmotor.js -tm1637.cxx tm1637.js -gas-tp401.cxx tp401.js -tsl2561.cxx tsl2561.js -ttp223.cxx ttp223.js -uln200xa.cxx uln200xa.js -vdiv.cxx vdiv.js -water.cxx water.js -wt5001.cxx wt5001.js -yg1006.cxx yg1006.js -sensortemplate.cxx sensortemplate.js -p9813.cxx p9813.js +a110x.cxx a110x.js +a110x-intr.cxx a110x-intr.js +adc121c021.cxx adc121c021.js +adxl345.cxx adxl345.js +biss0001.cxx biss0001.js +bmpx8x.cxx bmpx8x.js +bno055.cxx bno055.js +button.cxx button.js +buzzer.cxx buzzer.js +cjq4435.cxx cjq4435.js +ds1307.cxx ds1307.js +enc03r.cxx enc03r.js +servo-es08a.cxx es08a.js +groveehr.cxx groveehr.js +my9221-groveledbar.cxx groveledbar.js +grove-groveled.cxx groveled.js +grovelinefinder.cxx grovelinefinder.js +grovemoisture.cxx grovemoisture.js +grovescam.cxx grovescam.js +grovewfs.cxx grovewfs.js +guvas12d.cxx guvas12d.js +h3lis331dl.cxx h3lis331dl.js +hcsr04.cxx hcsr04.js +hm11.cxx hm11.js +hmc5883l.cxx hmc5883l.js +htu21d.cxx htu21d.js +ims.cxx ims.js +itg3200.cxx itg3200.js +jhd1313m1-lcd.cxx jhd1313m1-lcd.js +joystick12.cxx joystick12.js +lcm1602-i2c.cxx lcm1602-i2c.js +ldt0028.cxx ldt0028.js +light.cxx light.js +lol.cxx lol.js +lsm303dlh.cxx lsm303dlh.js +m24lr64e.cxx m24lr64e.js +max44000.cxx max44000.js +mic.cxx mic.js +mma7455.cxx mma7455.js +mma7660.cxx mma7660.js +mpl3115a2.cxx mpl3115a2.js +mpr121.cxx mpr121.js +mpu9150.cxx mpu9150.js +gas-mq2.cxx mq2.js +mq303a.cxx mq303a.js +gas-mq5.cxx mq5.js +nrf24l01-receiver.cxx nrf24l01-receiver.js +nrf24l01-transmitter.cxx nrf24l01-transmitter.js +nunchuck.cxx nunchuck.js +otp538u.cxx otp538u.js +ppd42ns.cxx ppd42ns.js +pulsensor.cxx pulsensor.js +relay.cxx relay.js +rfr359f.cxx rfr359f.js +rotary.cxx rotary.js +rotaryencoder.cxx rotaryencoder.js +rpr220.cxx rpr220.js +rpr220-intr.cxx rpr220-intr.js +slide.cxx slide.js +speaker.cxx speaker.js +lcd-ssd1308-oled.cxx ssd1308-oled.js +lcd-ssd1327-oled.cxx ssd1327-oled.js +st7735.cxx st7735.js +stepmotor.cxx stepmotor.js +tm1637.cxx tm1637.js +gas-tp401.cxx tp401.js +tsl2561.cxx tsl2561.js +ttp223.cxx ttp223.js +uln200xa.cxx uln200xa.js +vdiv.cxx vdiv.js +water.cxx water.js +wt5001.cxx wt5001.js +yg1006.cxx yg1006.js +sensortemplate.cxx sensortemplate.js +p9813.cxx p9813.js tcs37727.cxx tmp006.cxx mma8x5x.cxx diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 18d17bc8..1e748504 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class A110XSample { +public class A110X_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { //! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 96% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 53d23a5e..ce722b89 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class A110X_intrSample { +public class A110X_intr_Example { public static int counter=0; @@ -52,6 +52,6 @@ class A110XISR implements Runnable { super(); } public void run(){ - A110X_intrSample.counter++; + A110X_intr_Example.counter++; } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 602892df..57722c47 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class ADC121C021Sample { +public class ADC121C021_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 3da2ff57..dae8a253 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ import upm_am2315.AM2315; -public class AM2315Example { +public class AM2315_Example { static { try { diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 4ebbdbff..540dd6a2 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class APA102Sample { +public class APA102_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 0ee0f2c0..e4c1933d 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ import upm_ad8232.AD8232; -public class Ad8232Example { +public class Ad8232_Example { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 99% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index e0f5f616..8620c127 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import upm_ads1x15.*; -public class Ads1015Sample +public class Ads1015_Example { static boolean running = true; static int id = 0; // Sample number diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 99% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index df055b35..2f98f48d 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import upm_ads1x15.*; -public class Ads1115Sample +public class Ads1115_Example { static boolean running = true; static int id = 0; // Sample number diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 028f6583..1918c0c5 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class Adxl345Sample { +public class Adxl345_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 0c6b7cb7..ce7939fb 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import upm_apds9002.APDS9002; -public class Apds9002 { +public class Apds9002_Example { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index eaacacfa..fe94e971 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class BISS0001Sample{ +public class BISS0001_Example{ public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { //! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 24cb12f6..c332c782 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class BMA220Sample { +public class BMA220_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 62125c88..e3940d2a 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import upm_bmp280.*; import upm_interfaces.*; -public class BME280_InterfaceExample +public class BME280_Interface_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index b0377f28..12a930d8 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class BMPX8XSample { +public class BMPX8X_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 6b656629..61115e17 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class ButtonSample { +public class Button_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 96% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 7dd46c59..9268d4c2 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class Button_intrSample { +public class Button_intr_Example { public static int counter = 0; @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class ButtonISR implements Runnable { } public void run() { - Button_intrSample.counter++; + Button_intr_Example.counter++; System.out.println("Button pressed!"); } } diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 88003e84..fb527a82 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ import upm_buzzer.Buzzer; -public class BuzzerSample { +public class Buzzer_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 333c20ea..ef71eceb 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class CJQ4435Sample { +public class CJQ4435_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // Instantiate a CJQ4435 MOSFET on a PWM capable digital pin D3 diff --git a/examples/java/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/java/CMakeLists.txt index a4fcdddf..53031b18 100644 --- a/examples/java/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/examples/java/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,225 +1,262 @@ +# The purpose of this CMakeLists.txt is to compile all listed JAVA examples +# during build time (ensuring that ALL examples compile against their +# dependency JAVA packages). + find_package(Java REQUIRED) include(UseJava) -macro(add_example example_name jar_name) - set(example_src "${example_name}.java") - set(example_jar "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../../src/${jar_name}/upm_${jar_name}.jar") +# Add a JAVA example target for the provided JAVA source file which depends +# on UPM JAVA targets. +# +# Usage: +# add_example(example_class_name upm_target_dependency_list) +# +# Parameters: +# example_class_name: JAVA class name. This name MUST match the JAVA +# example file name. +# .java +# upm_target_dependency_list: One or more UPM library targets. This +# function assumes a javaupm_ also exists. +# +# Examples: +# # Creates SensorFooExample JAVA target, depends on target: sensorfoo, +# # and will add upm_sensorfoo.jar to the javac classpath. +# add_example(SensorFooExample sensorfoo) +# +# # Creates SensorFooExample JAVA target, depends on targets: sensorfoo, +# # and interfaces and will add both upm_sensorfoo.jar and upm_interfaces.jar +# # to the javac classpath. +# add_example(SensorFooExample "sensorfoo;interfaces"") +# +function(add_example example_class_name dependency_list) + set(example_file "${example_class_name}.java") - add_jar(${example_name} SOURCES ${example_src} INCLUDE_JARS ${example_jar}) - add_dependencies(${example_name} javaupm_${jar_name}) -endmacro() + # Build a list of all dependency jar files + set(jar_file_list "") -macro(add_example_with_path example_name jar_path jar_name) - set(example_src "${example_name}.java") - set(example_jar "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../../src/${jar_path}/upm_${jar_name}.jar") + # Build a list of all dependency java target names + set(java_targets_list "") - add_jar(${example_name} SOURCES ${example_src} INCLUDE_JARS ${example_jar}) - add_dependencies(${example_name} javaupm_${jar_name}) -endmacro() + # Iterate over the dependencies + foreach(dependency ${dependency_list}) + set(java_target "javaupm_${dependency}") -macro(add_example_multiple_jars example_name example_jar_name jar_name_list) - set(example_src "${example_name}.java") + # Append to the targets list + list(APPEND java_targets_list ${java_target}) - set(list_of_jars "") - foreach(jar_name ${jar_name_list}) - set(example_jar "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../../src/${jar_name}/upm_${jar_name}.jar") - list(APPEND list_of_jars ${example_jar}) + # If a dependency target does NOT exist, print a warning and skip + if (NOT TARGET ${java_target}) + message(STATUS "Example ${example_file} is missing a required CMake target (${java_target}), skipping...") + return() + endif() + + # Get the jar for this java_target (saved as a property) + get_target_property(jar_file ${java_target} JAR_FILE_ABSOLUTE) + + # Append to the jar list + list(APPEND jar_file_list ${jar_file}) endforeach() - add_jar(${example_name} SOURCES ${example_src} INCLUDE_JARS ${list_of_jars}) - add_dependencies(${example_name} javaupm_${example_jar_name}) -endmacro() + # Add the jar/s + add_jar(${example_class_name} SOURCES ${example_file} INCLUDE_JARS ${jar_file_list}) -add_example(A110X_intrSample a110x) -add_example(A110XSample a110x) -add_example(ADC121C021Sample adc121c021) -add_example(Adxl345Sample adxl345) -add_example(Apds9002 apds9002) -add_example(BISS0001Sample biss0001) -add_example_multiple_jars(BMPX8XSample bmpx8x "bmpx8x;interfaces") -add_example(BuzzerSample buzzer) -add_example(CJQ4435Sample cjq4435) -add_example(DS1307Sample ds1307) -add_example(ENC03RSample enc03r) -add_example(ES08ASample servo) -add_example(ButtonSample button) -add_example(GroveButtonSample grove) -add_example(Button_intrSample button) -add_example(GroveButton_intrSample grove) -add_example(Collision collision) -add_example(EHRSample ehr) -add_example(GroveEHRSample groveehr) -add_example(Emg emg) -add_example(GroveEmg groveemg) -add_example(Gsr gsr) -add_example(GroveGsr grovegsr) -add_example(LEDSample led) -add_example(LightSample light) -add_example(GroveLightSample grove) -add_example(GroveLineFinderSample grovelinefinder) -add_example(LineFinderSample linefinder) -add_example(GroveLed_multiSample grove) -add_example(GroveLEDSample grove) -add_example(GroveMDSample grovemd) -add_example(MDSample md) -add_example(MoistureSample moisture) -add_example(GroveMoistureSample grovemoisture) -add_example(GroveMQ3 gas) -add_example(GroveMQ9 gas) -add_example(O2Example o2) -add_example(GroveO2Example groveo2) -add_example(GroveQTouch at42qt1070) -add_example(RelaySample relay) -add_example(GroveRelaySample grove) -add_example(RotarySample rotary) -add_example(GroveRotarySample grove) -add_example(GROVESCAMSample grovescam) -add_example(SCAMSample scam) -add_example(SlideSample slide) -add_example(GroveSlideSample grove) -add_example(SpeakerSample speaker) -add_example(GroveSpeakerSample grovespeaker) -add_example(TemperatureSample temperature) -add_example(GroveTempSample grove) -add_example(VDivSample vdiv) -add_example(GroveVDivSample grovevdiv) -add_example(WaterSample water) -add_example(GroveWaterSample grovewater) -add_example(GroveWFSSample grovewfs) -add_example(WFSSample wfs) -add_example(GUVAS12DSample guvas12d) -add_example(H3LIS331DLSample h3lis331dl) -add_example(HCSR04Sample hcsr04) -add_example(HM11Sample hm11) -add_example(Hmc5883lSample hmc5883l) -add_example(HMTRPSample hmtrp) -add_example(HP20xExample hp20x) -add_example(HTU21DSample htu21d) -add_example(Itg3200Sample itg3200) -add_example(Joystick12Sample joystick12) -add_example(LDT0028Sample ldt0028) -add_example(LoLSample lol) -add_example(LSM303DLHSample lsm303dlh) -add_example(M24LR64ESample m24lr64e) -add_example(MAX44000Sample max44000) -add_example(MHZ16Sample mhz16) -add_example(MicrophoneSample mic) -add_example(MMA7455Sample mma7455) -add_example(MMA7660Sample mma7660) -add_example(MPL3115A2Sample mpl3115a2) -add_example(MPR121Sample mpr121) -add_example(MPU9150Sample mpu9150) -add_example(MQ2Sample gas) -add_example(MQ303ASample mq303a) -add_example(MQ5Sample gas) -add_example(GroveLEDBar my9221) -add_example(NRF24L01_receiverSample nrf24l01) -add_example(NRF24L01_transmitterSample nrf24l01) -add_example(NUNCHUCKSample nunchuck) -add_example(OTP538USample otp538u) -add_example(PPD42NSSample ppd42ns) -add_example(PulsensorSample pulsensor) -add_example(RFR359FSample rfr359f) -add_example(RotaryEncoderSample rotaryencoder) -add_example(RPR220_intrSample rpr220) -add_example(RPR220Sample rpr220) -add_example(ST7735Sample st7735) -if (NOT ANDROID) - add_example(StepMotorSample stepmotor) -endif () -add_example(TM1637Sample tm1637) -add_example(TP401Sample gas) -add_example(TSL2561Sample tsl2561) -add_example(TTP223Sample ttp223) -add_example(ULN200XASample uln200xa) -add_example(WaterLevelSensor waterlevel) -add_example(WT5001Sample wt5001) -add_example(YG1006Sample yg1006) -add_example(ZFM20Sample zfm20) -add_example(Ad8232Example ad8232) -add_example(Gp2y0aExample gp2y0a) -add_example(Th02Example th02) -add_example(FlexSensorExample flex) -add_example(CWLSXXA_Example cwlsxxa) -add_example(TEAMS_Example teams) -add_example(APA102Sample apa102) -add_example(TEX00_Example tex00) -add_example(BMI160_Example bmi160) -add_example(Tsl2561 tsl2561) -add_example(AM2315Example am2315) -add_example(MAX31855Example max31855) -add_example(MAX5487Example max5487) -add_example(MAXds3231mExample maxds3231m) -add_example(ECS1030Example ecs1030) -add_example(SM130Example sm130) -if (MODBUS_FOUND) - add_example(H803X_Example h803x) -endif() -if (BACNET_FOUND) - add_example(E50HX_Example e50hx) - add_example(T8100_Example t8100) - add_example(TB7300_Example tb7300) -endif() -if (JPEG_FOUND) - add_example(VCAP_Example vcap) -endif() -add_example_multiple_jars(BMP280_Example bmp280 "bmp280;interfaces") -add_example(BNO055_Example bno055) -add_example(BMX055_Example bmx055) -add_example(NMEAGPS_Example nmea_gps) -add_example(MMA7361_Example mma7361) + # Add a dependency from this jar to all dependency java targets + add_dependencies(${example_class_name} ${java_targets_list}) +endfunction() + +add_example(A110X_Example a110x) +add_example(A110X_intr_Example a110x) +add_example(Ad8232_Example ad8232) +add_example(ADC121C021_Example adc121c021) +add_example(Ads1015_Example "ads1x15;interfaces") +add_example(Ads1115_Example ads1x15) +add_example(Adxl345_Example adxl345) +add_example(AM2315_Example am2315) +add_example(APA102_Example apa102) +add_example(Apds9002_Example apds9002) add_example(BH1750_Example bh1750) -add_example(HKA5_Example hka5) -add_example(DFRORP_Example dfrorp) -add_example(DFREC_Example dfrec) -add_example(SHT1X_Example sht1x) -add_example(MS5803_Example ms5803) -add_example(ECEZO_Example ecezo) -add_example(IMS_Example ims) -add_example(MB704X_Example mb704x) -add_example(MCP2515_Example mcp2515) -add_example_multiple_jars(Ads1015Sample ads1x15 "ads1x15;interfaces") -add_example(MAX30100_Example max30100) -add_example(Ads1115Sample ads1x15) -add_example(SensorTemplateSample sensortemplate) -add_example(P9813Sample p9813) -add_example(BMG160_Example bmg160) +add_example(BISS0001_Example biss0001) add_example(BMA250E_Example bma250e) +add_example(BMC150_Example bmx055) +add_example(BME280_Example "bmp280;interfaces") +add_example(BMG160_Example bmg160) +add_example(BMI055_Example bmx055) +add_example(BMI160_Example bmi160) add_example(BMM150_Example bmm150) +add_example(BMP280_Example "bmp280;interfaces") +add_example(BMPX8X_Example "bmpx8x;interfaces") +add_example(BMX055_Example bmx055) +add_example(BNO055_Example bno055) +add_example(Button_Example button) +add_example(Button_intr_Example button) +add_example(Buzzer_Example buzzer) +add_example(CJQ4435_Example cjq4435) +add_example(Collision_Example collision) +add_example(CWLSXXA_Example cwlsxxa) +add_example(DFREC_Example dfrec) +add_example(DFRORP_Example dfrorp) +add_example(DS1307_Example ds1307) +add_example(ECEZO_Example ecezo) +add_example(ECS1030_Example ecs1030) +add_example(EHR_Example ehr) +add_example(Emg_Example emg) +add_example(ENC03R_Example enc03r) +add_example(ES08A_Example "servo;interfaces") +add_example(FlexSensor_Example flex) +add_example(Gp2y0a_Example gp2y0a) +add_example(GroveButton_Example grove) +add_example(GroveButton_intr_Example grove) +add_example(GroveEHR_Example groveehr) +add_example(GroveEmg_Example groveemg) +add_example(GroveGsr_Example grovegsr) +add_example(GroveLEDBar_Example my9221) +add_example(GroveLED_Example grove) +add_example(GroveLed_multi_Example grove) +add_example(GroveLight_Example grove) +add_example(GroveLineFinder_Example grovelinefinder) +add_example(GroveMD_Example grovemd) +add_example(GroveMoisture_Example grovemoisture) +add_example(GroveMQ3_Example gas) +add_example(GroveMQ9_Example gas) +add_example(GroveO2_Example groveo2) +add_example(GroveQTouch_Example at42qt1070) +add_example(GroveRelay_Example grove) +add_example(GroveRotary_Example grove) +add_example(GROVESCAM_Example grovescam) +add_example(GroveSlide_Example grove) +add_example(GroveSpeaker_Example grovespeaker) +add_example(GroveTemp_Example grove) +add_example(GroveVDiv_Example grovevdiv) +add_example(GroveWater_Example grovewater) +add_example(GroveWFS_Example grovewfs) +add_example(Gsr_Example gsr) +add_example(GUVAS12D_Example guvas12d) +add_example(H3LIS331DL_Example h3lis331dl) +add_example(HCSR04_Example hcsr04) +add_example(HKA5_Example hka5) +add_example(HM11_Example hm11) +add_example(Hmc5883l_Example hmc5883l) +add_example(HMTRP_Example hmtrp) +add_example(HP20x_Example hp20x) +add_example(HTU21D_Example htu21d) +add_example(Itg3200_Example itg3200) +add_example(Jhd1313m1_Example jhd1313m1) +add_example(Jhd1313m1_lcd_Example jhd1313m1) +add_example(Joystick12_Example joystick12) +add_example(KX122_Example kx122) +add_example(Lcm1602_i2c_Example lcm1602) +add_example(Lcm1602_parallel_Example lcm1602) +add_example(LDT0028_Example ldt0028) +add_example(LE910_Example uartat) +add_example(LED_Example led) +add_example(Light_Example light) +add_example(LineFinder_Example linefinder) +add_example(LIS2DS12_Example lis2ds12) +add_example(LoL_Example lol) add_example(LSM303AGR_Example lsm303agr) add_example(LSM303D_Example lsm303d) -add_example(VEML6070Sample veml6070) -add_example(RN2903_Example rn2903) -add_example(LIS2DS12_Example lis2ds12) +add_example(LSM303DLH_Example lsm303dlh) add_example(LSM6DS3H_Example lsm6ds3h) add_example(LSM6DSL_Example lsm6dsl) - -add_example_with_path(Jhd1313m1_lcdSample jhd1313m1 jhd1313m1) -add_example_with_path(Jhd1313m1Sample jhd1313m1 jhd1313m1) -add_example_with_path(Lcm1602_i2cSample lcm1602 lcm1602) -add_example_with_path(Lcm1602_parallelSample lcm1602 lcm1602) -add_example_with_path(SSD1308_oledSample lcd lcd) -add_example_with_path(SSD1327_oledSample lcd lcd) -add_example_multiple_jars(BME280_Example bmp280 "bmp280;interfaces") +add_example(M24LR64E_Example m24lr64e) +add_example(MAX30100_Example max30100) +add_example(MAX31855_Example max31855) +add_example(MAX44000_Example max44000) +add_example(MAX5487_Example max5487) +add_example(MAXds3231m_Example maxds3231m) +add_example(MB704X_Example mb704x) +add_example(MCP2515_Example mcp2515) +add_example(MCP2515_TXRX_Example mcp2515) +add_example(MD_Example md) +add_example(MHZ16_Example mhz16) +add_example(Microphone_Example mic) +add_example(MMA7361_Example mma7361) +add_example(MMA7455_Example mma7455) +add_example(MMA7660_Example mma7660) +add_example(Moisture_Example moisture) +add_example(MPL3115A2_Example mpl3115a2) +add_example(MPR121_Example mpr121) +add_example(MPU9150_Example mpu9150) +add_example(MQ2_Example gas) +add_example(MQ303A_Example mq303a) +add_example(MQ5_Example gas) +add_example(MS5803_Example ms5803) +add_example(NMEAGPS_Example nmea_gps) +add_example(NMEAGPS_I2C_Example nmea_gps) +add_example(NRF24L01_receiver_Example nrf24l01) +add_example(NRF24L01_transmitter_Example nrf24l01) +add_example(NUNCHUCK_Example nunchuck) +add_example(O2_Example o2) +add_example(OTP538U_Example otp538u) +add_example(P9813_Example p9813) +add_example(PPD42NS_Example ppd42ns) +add_example(Pulsensor_Example pulsensor) +add_example(Relay_Example relay) +add_example(RFR359F_Example rfr359f) +add_example(RN2903_Example rn2903) +add_example(RN2903_P2P_RX_Example rn2903) +add_example(RN2903_P2P_TX_Example rn2903) +add_example(RotaryEncoder_Example rotaryencoder) +add_example(Rotary_Example rotary) +add_example(RPR220_Example rpr220) +add_example(RPR220_intr_Example rpr220) +add_example(SCAM_Example scam) +add_example(SensorTemplate_Example sensortemplate) +add_example(SHT1X_Example sht1x) +add_example(Slide_Example slide) +add_example(SM130_Example sm130) +add_example(Speaker_Example speaker) +add_example(SpeakerPWM_Example speaker) +add_example(SSD1308_oled_Example lcd) +add_example(SSD1327_oled_Example lcd) +add_example(ST7735_Example st7735) +add_example(TEAMS_Example teams) +add_example(Temperature_Example temperature) +add_example(TEX00_Example tex00) +add_example(Th02_Example th02) +add_example(TM1637_Example tm1637) +add_example(TP401_Example gas) +add_example(TSL2561_Example tsl2561) +add_example(Tsl2561_Example tsl2561) +add_example(TTP223_Example ttp223) +add_example(ULN200XA_Example uln200xa) +add_example(VDiv_Example vdiv) +add_example(VEML6070_Example veml6070) +add_example(Water_Example water) +add_example(WaterLevelSensor_Example waterlevel) +add_example(WFS_Example wfs) +add_example(WT5001_Example wt5001) +add_example(YG1006_Example yg1006) +add_example(ZFM20_Example zfm20) if(SWIG_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 3.0.8) - add_example_multiple_jars(BME280_InterfaceExample bmp280 "bmp280;interfaces") + add_example(BME280_Interface_Example "bmp280;interfaces") + add_example(IMS_Example "ims;interfaces") + add_example(RHUSB_Example "rhusb;interfaces") endif() -add_example_with_path(BMC150_Example bmx055 bmx055) -add_example_with_path(BMI055_Example bmx055 bmx055) if (OPENZWAVE_FOUND) - add_example_with_path(AeotecSS6_Example ozw ozw) - add_example_with_path(AeotecSDG2_Example ozw ozw) - add_example_with_path(AeotecDW2E_Example ozw ozw) - add_example_with_path(AeotecDSB09104_Example ozw ozw) - add_example_with_path(TZEMT400_Example ozw ozw) + add_example(AeotecDSB09104_Example ozw) + add_example(AeotecDW2E_Example ozw) + add_example(AeotecSDG2_Example ozw) + add_example(AeotecSS6_Example ozw) + add_example(TZEMT400_Example ozw) endif() -add_example_with_path(NMEAGPS_I2C_Example nmea_gps nmea_gps) -add_example_with_path(MCP2515_TXRX_Example mcp2515 mcp2515) -add_example_with_path(LE910_Example uartat uartat) -add_example_with_path(SpeakerPWMSample speaker speaker) -add_example_with_path(RN2903_P2P_RX_Example rn2903 rn2903) -add_example_with_path(RN2903_P2P_TX_Example rn2903 rn2903) -add_example(KX122Example kx122) +if (MODBUS_FOUND) + add_example(H803X_Example h803x) +endif() + +if (BACNET_FOUND) + add_example(E50HX_Example e50hx) + add_example(T8100_Example t8100) + add_example(TB7300_Example tb7300) +endif() + +if (JPEG_FOUND) + add_example(VCAP_Example vcap) +endif() + +if (NOT ANDROID) + add_example(StepMotor_Example stepmotor) +endif () diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index a89c4ff5..8a163d2d 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import upm_collision.*; -public class Collision { +public class Collision_Example { public static void main(String[] args) { // Initializing the sensor on D2 on the Base Shield diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index edc6484d..14c6a18e 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class DFRPHSample { +public class DFRPH_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 89ae5dc6..7a9212c7 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class DS1307Sample { +public class DS1307_Example { static private void printTime(upm_ds1307.DS1307 rtc) { System.out.print("The time is: " + rtc.getMonth() + "/" + rtc.getDayOfMonth() + "/" diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index b9223496..d98ab5f6 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ import upm_ecs1030.ECS1030; -public class ECS1030Example { +public class ECS1030_Example { static { try { diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 7ad3e4d3..253884d2 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class EHRSample { +public class EHR_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 498d604c..2c05a955 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ -public class ENC03RSample { +public class ENC03R_Example { private static final long CALIBRATION_SAMPLES = 1000; public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 02852043..01db78c9 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class ES08ASample { +public class ES08A_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] upm_servo.ES08A servo = new upm_servo.ES08A(6); diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 30f46dc0..a74f0858 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ import upm_emg.EMG; -public class Emg { +public class Emg_Example { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 96% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index ce4e697e..46d8295e 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import upm_flex.Flex; -public class FlexSensorExample { +public class FlexSensor_Example { static { try { diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 1e4a3743..9fa6c33a 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class GROVESCAMSample { +public class GROVESCAM_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 89c9f081..3167a3be 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class GUVAS12DSample { +public class GUVAS12D_Example { // analog voltage, usually 3.3 or 5.0 private static final float GUVAS12D_AREF = 5; diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 1501b877..d02b15d2 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ import upm_gp2y0a.GP2Y0A; -public class Gp2y0aExample { +public class Gp2y0a_Example { public static final float GP2Y0A_AREF = 5; public static final short SAMPLES_PER_QUERY = 20; diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 9be6e2fc..479a6688 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class GroveButtonSample { +public class GroveButton_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 95% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index ad0d72ee..4cf26b48 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class GroveButton_intrSample { +public class GroveButton_intr_Example { public static int counter = 0; @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class ButtonISR implements Runnable { } public void run() { - GroveButton_intrSample.counter++; + GroveButton_intr_Example.counter++; System.out.println("Button pressed!"); } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index e1ace72e..50907f76 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import upm_grovecollision.*; -public class GroveCollision { +public class GroveCollision_Example { public static void main(String[] args) { // Initializing the sensor on D2 on the Base Shield diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index ddec36ac..5a209b5e 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class GroveEHRSample { +public class GroveEHR_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 98277011..5652f62c 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ import upm_groveemg.GroveEMG; -public class GroveEmg { +public class GroveEmg_Example { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index d7e9a69c..3aaf5a9e 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import upm_grovegsr.GroveGSR; -public class GroveGsr { +public class GroveGsr_Example { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 51d2f71c..2efd9ffb 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class GroveLEDBar { +public class GroveLEDBar_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { //! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index b9964490..a065dc18 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class GroveLEDSample { +public class GroveLED_Example { public static void main (String args[]) throws InterruptedException { //! [Interesting] upm_grove.GroveLed led = new upm_grove.GroveLed(2); diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 98d792c7..9e213f80 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class GroveLed_multiSample { +public class GroveLed_multi_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 611b744b..4b2549e1 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class GroveLightSample { +public class GroveLight_Example { public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] upm_grove.GroveLight gl = new upm_grove.GroveLight(2); diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 2baa418a..dc7b9664 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class GroveLineFinderSample { +public class GroveLineFinder_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 9bb4bb7a..4c1306ea 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class GroveMDSample { +public class GroveMD_Example { private static final short speed50 = 127; private static final short speed0 = 0; diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index c101189c..08f36c6a 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import upm_gas.MQ9; import upm_gas.TP401; import upm_gas.thresholdContext; -public class GroveMQ3 { +public class GroveMQ3_Example { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 24b916d5..082a5519 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import upm_gas.MQ9; import upm_gas.TP401; import upm_gas.thresholdContext; -public class GroveMQ9 { +public class GroveMQ9_Example { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 8fb32d6e..62076914 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class GroveMoistureSample { +public class GroveMoisture_Example { public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] upm_grovemoisture.GroveMoisture gm = new upm_grovemoisture.GroveMoisture(1); diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 6ef0e61e..e50edb5a 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import upm_groveo2.GroveO2; -public class GroveO2Example { +public class GroveO2_Example { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 795e4ac7..9b83af64 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import upm_at42qt1070.AT42QT1070; -public class GroveQTouch { +public class GroveQTouch_Example { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 56a044b9..69d9b2b6 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class GroveRelaySample { +public class GroveRelay_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] // Create the button object using UART diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index f1b98c74..efddf1be 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class GroveRotarySample { +public class GroveRotary_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index b1597130..3f3ea80c 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class GroveSlideSample { +public class GroveSlide_Example { public static void main (String args[]) throws InterruptedException { //! [Interesting] // Instantiate new grove slide potentiometer on analog pin A0 diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 2e96c893..b7524663 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class GroveSpeakerSample { +public class GroveSpeaker_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 68788273..f09c9585 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class GroveTempSample { +public class GroveTemp_Example { public static void main (String args[]) throws InterruptedException { //! [Interesting] upm_grove.GroveTemp temp = new upm_grove.GroveTemp(3); diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index e776b46a..1636b683 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class GroveUltraSonicSample { +public class GroveUltraSonic_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 579f2c3b..a18ef706 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class GroveVDivSample { +public class GroveVDiv_Example { private static final short gain3 = 3; private static final short gain10 = 10; diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 5ab4997e..fd630182 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class GroveWFSSample { +public class GroveWFS_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index f275df77..e76446c6 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class GroveWaterSample { +public class GroveWater_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 13e9e78e..77ac7e43 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import upm_gsr.GSR; -public class Gsr { +public class Gsr_Example { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 499ba870..50089d8b 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import java.util.AbstractList; import java.lang.Float; -public class H3LIS331DLSample { +public class H3LIS331DL_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { //! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 5b02b677..9798d4e5 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ //NOT TESTED!!! import upm_hcsr04.*; -public class HCSR04Sample { +public class HCSR04_Example { // ! [Interesting] public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index b37ae216..f7ec8b03 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class HM11Sample { +public class HM11_Example { private static final int BUFSIZ = 1024; private static void printUsage() { - System.out.println("Usage: java HM11Sample [AT command]"); + System.out.println("Usage: java HM11_Example [AT command]"); System.out.println("If an argument is supplied on the command line, that argument is"); System.out.println("sent to the module and the response is printed out."); diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 99% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index e6decce8..0a6ea918 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class HMTRPSample { +public class HMTRP_Example { static private final int bufferLength = 255; diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 17e94411..9371908a 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import upm_hp20x.HP20X; -public class HP20xExample { +public class HP20x_Example { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 092e1e98..85719bd7 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class HTU21DSample { +public class HTU21D_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index c16439c0..bdb52bda 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class Hmc5883lSample { +public class Hmc5883l_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 9edaa923..41967fb5 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class Itg3200Sample { +public class Itg3200_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index a4b02a08..7e5269da 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class Jhd1313m1Sample { +public class Jhd1313m1_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 803b50f3..781cb8f0 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class Jhd1313m1_lcdSample{ +public class Jhd1313m1_lcd_Example{ public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { //! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 31660bc3..cc2486b1 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class Joystick12Sample { +public class Joystick12_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { //! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 442d59c3..8a76f05b 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class Joystick12_exampleSample { +public class Joystick12_example_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { //! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index a4f1c98a..c3b04d7f 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class KX122Example { +public class KX122_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { //! [Interesting] // Instantiate a KX122 diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index e7eef910..f313da34 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class LCD_EBOLEDSample { +public class LCD_EBOLED_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 99% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index cc330661..677b6b3d 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class LCD_SSD1306Sample { +public class LCD_SSD1306_Example { static private final int[] intel_logo = new int[]{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 0d3970e2..5c0452b2 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class LDT0028Sample { +public class LDT0028_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 48e7b2e0..70180ecd 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class LEDSample { +public class LED_Example { public static void main (String args[]) throws InterruptedException { //! [Interesting] upm_led.Led led = new upm_led.Led(2); diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 95% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index ab268f66..b3032118 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class LM35Sample { +public class LM35_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 1a6be86a..8c3a25dc 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class LSM303DLHSample { +public class LSM303DLH_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 95% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index bd75cc18..a84dc52c 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class LSM9DS0Sample { +public class LSM9DS0_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index a38619a0..b13e9cb5 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class Lcm1602_i2cSample { +public class Lcm1602_i2c_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 35487753..64995b58 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class Lcm1602_parallelSample { +public class Lcm1602_parallel_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 3ed87174..508a237c 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class LightSample { +public class Light_Example { public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] upm_light.Light gl = new upm_light.Light(0); diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 392c005e..a9257f4b 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class LineFinderSample { +public class LineFinder_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index c37a6cae..efa017d4 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class LoLSample { +public class LoL_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index b6d2bf38..e5b4794b 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class LoL_exampleSample { +public class LoL_example_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 95% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 1a183b52..1d3fee93 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class LoudnessSample { +public class Loudness_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index a0152a15..cdb2196c 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class M24LR64ESample { +public class M24LR64E_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 078bee8e..124e6683 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ import upm_max31855.MAX31855; -public class MAX31855Example { +public class MAX31855_Example { static { try { diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 67e7e03e..08242667 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class MAX44000Sample { +public class MAX44000_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 00846f49..cf06aa00 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ import upm_max5487.MAX5487; -public class MAX5487Example { +public class MAX5487_Example { static { try { diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index e844ccfa..9be92a51 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import upm_maxds3231m.MAXDS3231M; import upm_maxds3231m.Time3231; -public class MAXds3231mExample { +public class MAXds3231m_Example { static { try { diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 99% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 68bbe58a..2d8b8c31 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import*; import upm_mcp9808.MCP9808; -public class MCP9808Sample { +public class MCP9808_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, IOException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index f635c270..d9e7d75b 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class MDSample { +public class MD_Example { private static final short speed50 = 127; private static final short speed0 = 0; diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 95% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 01ddf87f..97cdec43 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class MG811Sample { +public class MG811_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 9059a23e..48da542b 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class MHZ16Sample { +public class MHZ16_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index ebdc453d..b2e9234f 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class MMA7455Sample { +public class MMA7455_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 97c8c356..54844129 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import upm_mma7660.MMA7660; -public class MMA7660Sample +public class MMA7660_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 8f5b877b..f64298a3 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class MPL3115A2Sample { +public class MPL3115A2_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 95% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 37128b1b..d3329708 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -public class MPR121Sample { +public class MPR121_Example { private static void printButtons(upm_mpr121.MPR121 touch) { boolean buttonPresed = false; diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 51de7151..4e5aa7cc 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class MPU9150Sample { +public class MPU9150_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index fbad70a2..d84c6897 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class MQ2Sample { +public class MQ2_Example { private static final short resolution = 5; public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index bc1ca41f..9801e203 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class MQ303ASample { +public class MQ303A_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // Instantiate an mq303a sensor on analog pin A0 diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 75f1ee4a..8d3c39dd 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class MQ4Sample { +public class MQ4_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index c2ae23d3..d7669e32 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class MQ5Sample { +public class MQ5_Example { private static final short resolution = 7; public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 6d9f609d..9c99fa2a 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class MQ6Sample { +public class MQ6_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 95% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 2042950f..30bdd325 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class MQ7Sample { +public class MQ7_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 4774abb2..b24d5333 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class MQ8Sample { +public class MQ8_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index d59fc323..47a1c0f2 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class MicrophoneSample { +public class Microphone_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 5695ed70..0437ab3c 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class MoistureSample { +public class Moisture_Example { public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] upm_moisture.Moisture gm = new upm_moisture.Moisture(1); diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 99d12aa9..83b2fde1 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class NLGPIO16Sample { +public class NLGPIO16_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index c5dc4819..9882d966 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import upm_nrf24l01.Callback; //NOT TESTED!!! -public class NRF24L01_receiverSample { +public class NRF24L01_receiver_Example { static private final byte[] local_address = {0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01}; static private final byte[] broadcast_address = {(byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index f2918f0b..ecd4c119 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import upm_nrf24l01.Callback; //NOT TESTED!!! -public class NRF24L01_transmitterSample { +public class NRF24L01_transmitter_Example { static private final byte[] destAddress = {0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01}; static private final byte[] srcAddress = {0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01}; diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index c9bfb418..b65fc3b2 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class NUNCHUCKSample { +public class NUNCHUCK_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index e366815d..6572b686 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import upm_o2.O2; -public class O2Example { +public class O2_Example { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 07b3ba9b..bd06bc82 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class OTP538USample { +public class OTP538U_Example { private static final float OTP538U_AREF = 5; public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index ce25384b..e9589606 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class P9813Sample { +public class P9813_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 96% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 1e53767c..6d4dd4fc 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class PN532Sample { +public class PN532_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index c88267aa..a63f16be 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ // NOT TESTED!!! -public class PN532_writeurlSample { +public class PN532_writeurl_Example { static private final String url = ""; diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 4d5178b9..39dde8a1 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class PPD42NSSample { +public class PPD42NS_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index fb1e85b1..dce1ba3f 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import upm_pulsensor.*; -public class PulsensorSample { +public class Pulsensor_Example { static class PulsensorCallback extends Callback { public PulsensorCallback() { super(); diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 0c286de2..ecc39840 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class RFR359FSample { +public class RFR359F_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 466590fe..2d7add07 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class RHUSBSample { +public class RHUSB_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index ae76be6d..5eaf67a1 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class RPR220Sample { +public class RPR220_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 96% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 1ea80b4f..be9e0abc 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class RPR220_intrSample { +public class RPR220_intr_Example { public static int counter = 0; @@ -49,6 +49,6 @@ class RPRISR implements Runnable { super(); } public void run() { - RPR220_intrSample.counter++; + RPR220_intr_Example.counter++; } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 678a64ab..9413d1c7 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class RelaySample { +public class Relay_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] // Create the button object using UART diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 8272f573..1b56c005 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class RotaryEncoderSample { +public class RotaryEncoder_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index b5cf288d..848d2fa1 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class RotarySample { +public class Rotary_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 55078770..8b31f022 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class SCAMSample { +public class SCAM_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 16f056d7..7baffe70 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ import upm_sm130.SM130; -public class SM130Example { +public class SM130_Example { static { try { diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 99% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 4a5b2d51..c84e8574 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class SSD1308_oledSample { +public class SSD1308_oled_Example { static private final int[] IntelLogo = new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 128, 128, 128, 192, diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 99% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index ed5128a8..e6c0e749 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class SSD1327_oledSample { +public class SSD1327_oled_Example { static private final int[] SeeedLogo = new int[]{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index a866e987..930aa4c6 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class ST7735Sample { +public class ST7735_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 82590318..17529ccb 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ -public class SensorTemplateSample { +public class SensorTemplate_Example { public static void main (String args[]) throws InterruptedException { //! [Interesting] // Instantiate new sensor instance diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 32314519..245e8fa5 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class SlideSample { +public class Slide_Example { public static void main (String args[]) throws InterruptedException { //! [Interesting] // Instantiate new grove slide potentiometer on analog pin A0 diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 9f256aa9..b32212f5 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class SpeakerPWMSample { +public class SpeakerPWM_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 941ddb42..0c03d9cb 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class SpeakerSample { +public class Speaker_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 88cbe5a0..b90946b8 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class StepMotorSample { +public class StepMotor_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 840b9690..6fc7bc18 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import java.time.LocalDateTime; //NOT TESTED!!! -public class TM1637Sample { +public class TM1637_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 89ac2b13..c3b62875 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class TP401Sample { +public class TP401_Example { private static String airQuality(int value) { if (value < 50) return "Fresh Air"; diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index d3664465..0f49c87d 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class TSL2561Sample { +public class TSL2561_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 394efb53..5aa00164 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class TTP223Sample { +public class TTP223_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 8cfe059f..9354f2a3 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class TemperatureSample { +public class Temperature_Example { public static void main (String args[]) throws InterruptedException { //! [Interesting] upm_temperature.Temperature temp = new upm_temperature.Temperature(3); diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 206f89ec..0b039de4 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ import upm_th02.TH02; -public class Th02Example { +public class Th02_Example { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 895b2e5d..4033c4ec 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ import upm_tsl2561.TSL2561; -public class Tsl2561 { +public class Tsl2561_Example { static { try { diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index c7b5ac44..0c5472cf 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class ULN200XASample { +public class ULN200XA_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index cb5b2cd5..732b1f52 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class VDivSample { +public class VDiv_Example { private static final short gain3 = 3; private static final short gain10 = 10; diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index d0b07460..19bfdb7d 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import upm_veml6070.VEML6070; -public class VEML6070Sample { +public class VEML6070_Example { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 5ba9303f..826e3cef 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class WFSSample { +public class WFS_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 2266b3dd..89689031 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ import; */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class WT5001Sample { +public class WT5001_Example { static private void printUsage() { - System.out.println("Usage: java WT5001Sample "); + System.out.println("Usage: java WT5001_Example "); System.out.println("Commands:"); System.out.println("0 - stop playing"); System.out.println("1 - start playing track 1"); diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 97% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index c13ec5b7..537d85ba 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import upm_waterlevel.WaterLevel; -public class WaterLevelSensor { +public class WaterLevelSensor_Example { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index b4ae2427..b807c031 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class WaterSample { +public class Water_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 95% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 1f7a64e4..6ff46a35 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class WheelEncoderSample { +public class WheelEncoder_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 98% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index b9948296..e5dce833 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ -public class YG1006Sample { +public class YG1006_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/examples/java/ b/examples/java/ similarity index 99% rename from examples/java/ rename to examples/java/ index 3a36b846..cbfa4f26 100644 --- a/examples/java/ +++ b/examples/java/ @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ */ //NOT TESTED!!! -public class ZFM20Sample { +public class ZFM20_Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // ! [Interesting] diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt index b592b92f..bdb79664 100644 --- a/src/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt @@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ function (_get_dependency_targets target return_variable) # Get the LINK_LIBRARIES property of the target get_target_property(_dep_libs ${target} LINK_LIBRARIES) - # Remove this libname from the _dep_libs (if it exists) - list(REMOVE_ITEM _dep_libs ${libname}) + # Remove this target from the _dep_libs (if it exists) + list(REMOVE_ITEM _dep_libs ${target}) # Check if any of the LINK_LIBRARIES are targets in this project, # if so, add them to ${return_variable} @@ -576,6 +576,10 @@ function(upm_swig_java) COMMAND ${JAR} cf upm_${libname}.jar upm_${libname} ) + # Save the absolute path of the jar file as a property of this java target + set_target_properties (javaupm_${libname} PROPERTIES + JAR_FILE_ABSOLUTE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/upm_${libname}.jar) + # Keep track of all JAVA targets set(UPM_TARGETS_JAVA ${UPM_TARGETS_JAVA} javaupm_${libname} CACHE INTERNAL "List of JAVA target names") endif (NOT ";${JAVASWIG_BLACKLIST};" MATCHES ";${libname};") diff --git a/src/a110x/a110x.json b/src/a110x/a110x.json index f01a72c7..48d8649e 100644 --- a/src/a110x/a110x.json +++ b/src/a110x/a110x.json @@ -1,72 +1,72 @@ -{ - "Library": "a110x", - "Description": "A110X Hall Effect Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "A110X": - { - "Name": "API for the A110X Hall Effect Sensors", - "Description": "UPM module for the A110X (A1101, A1102, A1103, A1104, and A1106) Hall Effect sensors. It outputs a digital signal indicating whether it is detecting a magnetic field with south polarity perpendicular to the sensor element.", - "Aliases": ["a1101", "a1102", "a1103", "a1104", "a1106"], - "Categories": ["halleffect"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": ["robok"], - "Image": "a110x.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": ["", ""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["a110x.js"], - "C++": ["a110x-intr.cxx", "a110x.cxx"], - "C": ["a110x.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Vcc": {"unit": "V", "low" : 3.8, "high": 24}, - "Ioutoff" : {"unit": "uA", "low" : 0.0, "high": 10}, - "Supply Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 3.8, "high": 7.5}, - "a1101" : { - "Operate Point": {"unit": "G", "low": 50, "high": 160}, - "Release Point": {"unit": "G", "low": 10, "high": 130}, - "Hysteresis": {"unit": "G", "low": 20, "high": 80} - }, - "a1102" : { - "Operate Point": {"unit": "G", "low": 130, "high": 230}, - "Release Point": {"unit": "G", "low": 75, "high": 175}, - "Hysteresis": {"unit": "G", "low": 30, "high": 80} - }, - "a1103" : { - "Operate Point": {"unit": "G", "low": 220, "high": 340}, - "Release Point": {"unit": "G", "low": 165, "high": 285}, - "Hysteresis": {"unit": "G", "low": 30, "high": 80} - }, - "a1104" : { - "Operate Point": {"unit": "G", "low": 70, "high": 350}, - "Release Point": {"unit": "G", "low": 50, "high": 330}, - "Hysteresis": {"unit": "G", "low": 20} - }, - "a1106" : { - "Operate Point": {"unit": "G", "low": 280, "high": 400}, - "Release Point": {"unit": "G", "low": 180, "high": 300}, - "Hysteresis": {"unit": "G", "low": 70, "high": 140} - } - }, - "Platforms": - { - "Intel Joule Module": - { - "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], - "Images": [""] - } - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "a110x", + "Description": "A110X Hall Effect Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "A110X": + { + "Name": "API for the A110X Hall Effect Sensors", + "Description": "UPM module for the A110X (A1101, A1102, A1103, A1104, and A1106) Hall Effect sensors. It outputs a digital signal indicating whether it is detecting a magnetic field with south polarity perpendicular to the sensor element.", + "Aliases": ["a1101", "a1102", "a1103", "a1104", "a1106"], + "Categories": ["halleffect"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": ["robok"], + "Image": "a110x.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": ["", ""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["a110x.js"], + "C++": ["a110x-intr.cxx", "a110x.cxx"], + "C": ["a110x.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Vcc": {"unit": "V", "low" : 3.8, "high": 24}, + "Ioutoff" : {"unit": "uA", "low" : 0.0, "high": 10}, + "Supply Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 3.8, "high": 7.5}, + "a1101" : { + "Operate Point": {"unit": "G", "low": 50, "high": 160}, + "Release Point": {"unit": "G", "low": 10, "high": 130}, + "Hysteresis": {"unit": "G", "low": 20, "high": 80} + }, + "a1102" : { + "Operate Point": {"unit": "G", "low": 130, "high": 230}, + "Release Point": {"unit": "G", "low": 75, "high": 175}, + "Hysteresis": {"unit": "G", "low": 30, "high": 80} + }, + "a1103" : { + "Operate Point": {"unit": "G", "low": 220, "high": 340}, + "Release Point": {"unit": "G", "low": 165, "high": 285}, + "Hysteresis": {"unit": "G", "low": 30, "high": 80} + }, + "a1104" : { + "Operate Point": {"unit": "G", "low": 70, "high": 350}, + "Release Point": {"unit": "G", "low": 50, "high": 330}, + "Hysteresis": {"unit": "G", "low": 20} + }, + "a1106" : { + "Operate Point": {"unit": "G", "low": 280, "high": 400}, + "Release Point": {"unit": "G", "low": 180, "high": 300}, + "Hysteresis": {"unit": "G", "low": 70, "high": 140} + } + }, + "Platforms": + { + "Intel Joule Module": + { + "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], + "Images": [""] + } + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/ad8232/ad8232.json b/src/ad8232/ad8232.json index 99d59023..4ccc2b44 100644 --- a/src/ad8232/ad8232.json +++ b/src/ad8232/ad8232.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "Image": "ad8232.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["ad8232.js"], "C++": ["ad8232.cxx"] diff --git a/src/adafruitms1438/adafruitms1438.json b/src/adafruitms1438/adafruitms1438.json index 2a1bcd81..ce2837ba 100644 --- a/src/adafruitms1438/adafruitms1438.json +++ b/src/adafruitms1438/adafruitms1438.json @@ -1,48 +1,48 @@ -{ - "Library": "adafruitms1438", - "Description": "Module for the Adafruit Motor Shield 1438", - "Sensor Class": - { - "AdafruitMS1438": - { - "Name": "API for the AdafruitMS1438 Motor Shield", - "Description": "This class implements support for the stepper and DC motors that can be connected to this Motor Shield.", - "Aliases": ["adafruitms1438"], - "Categories": ["motor"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["motor"], - "Manufacturers": ["adafruit"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "adafruitms1438.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": ["", ""], - "Node.js": ["adafruitms1438-stepper.js", "adafruitms1438.js"], - "C++": ["adafruitms1438-stepper.cxx", "adafruitms1438.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Vmotor": {"unit": "V", "low": 4.5, "high": 13.5}, - "Amotor": {"unit": "A", "high": 1.2}, - "Apeak": {"unit": "A", "high": 3}, - "Vlogic": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5} - }, - "Platforms": - { - "Intel Joule Module": - { - "Notes": ["The two servo connections are not controlled by the PCA9685 controller (or this class). They are connected directly to digital PWM pins 9 and 10 on the Arduino* breakout board."], - "Images": [""] - } - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "adafruitms1438", + "Description": "Module for the Adafruit Motor Shield 1438", + "Sensor Class": + { + "AdafruitMS1438": + { + "Name": "API for the AdafruitMS1438 Motor Shield", + "Description": "This class implements support for the stepper and DC motors that can be connected to this Motor Shield.", + "Aliases": ["adafruitms1438"], + "Categories": ["motor"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["motor"], + "Manufacturers": ["adafruit"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "adafruitms1438.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": ["", ""], + "Node.js": ["adafruitms1438-stepper.js", "adafruitms1438.js"], + "C++": ["adafruitms1438-stepper.cxx", "adafruitms1438.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Vmotor": {"unit": "V", "low": 4.5, "high": 13.5}, + "Amotor": {"unit": "A", "high": 1.2}, + "Apeak": {"unit": "A", "high": 3}, + "Vlogic": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5} + }, + "Platforms": + { + "Intel Joule Module": + { + "Notes": ["The two servo connections are not controlled by the PCA9685 controller (or this class). They are connected directly to digital PWM pins 9 and 10 on the Arduino* breakout board."], + "Images": [""] + } + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/adafruitss/adafruitss.json b/src/adafruitss/adafruitss.json index 7900ce9e..af4c5941 100644 --- a/src/adafruitss/adafruitss.json +++ b/src/adafruitss/adafruitss.json @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@ -{ - "Library": "adafruitss", - "Description": "Adafruit Servo Shield", - "Sensor Class": - { - "adafruitss": - { - "Name": "Adafruit PCA9685-based Servo Shield library", - "Description": "UPM library for the PCA9685-based Adafruit 16-channel servo shield.", - "Aliases": ["adafruitss"], - "Categories": ["servos"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["servos"], - "Manufacturers": ["adafruit"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "adafruitss.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["adafruitss.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Vmotor": {"unit": "v", "low": 0, "high": 6}, - "Vlogic": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, - "PWM Frequency": {"unit": "KHz", "high": 1.6} - }, - "Platforms": - { - "Intel Joule Module": - { - "Notes": ["If 3 or more GWS servos are attached, results could be unpredictable. Adafruit Industries recommend installing a capacitor on the board, which should alleviate the issue. Sizing depends on servos and their number."], - "Images": [""] - } - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "adafruitss", + "Description": "Adafruit Servo Shield", + "Sensor Class": + { + "adafruitss": + { + "Name": "Adafruit PCA9685-based Servo Shield library", + "Description": "UPM library for the PCA9685-based Adafruit 16-channel servo shield.", + "Aliases": ["adafruitss"], + "Categories": ["servos"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["servos"], + "Manufacturers": ["adafruit"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "adafruitss.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["adafruitss.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Vmotor": {"unit": "v", "low": 0, "high": 6}, + "Vlogic": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, + "PWM Frequency": {"unit": "KHz", "high": 1.6} + }, + "Platforms": + { + "Intel Joule Module": + { + "Notes": ["If 3 or more GWS servos are attached, results could be unpredictable. Adafruit Industries recommend installing a capacitor on the board, which should alleviate the issue. Sizing depends on servos and their number."], + "Images": [""] + } + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/adc121c021/adc121c021.json b/src/adc121c021/adc121c021.json index 85418520..84fb1a03 100644 --- a/src/adc121c021/adc121c021.json +++ b/src/adc121c021/adc121c021.json @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@ -{ - "Library": "adc121c021", - "Description": "I2C 12-bit Analog to Digital Converter with Alert Pin", - "Sensor Class": - { - "ADC121C021": - { - "Name": "API for the ADC121C021 I2C Analog-to-Digital Converter", - "Description": "UPM module for the ADC121C021 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC). By constantly providing a reference voltage, this sensor helps increase the accuracy of a value collected from an analog sensor.", - "Aliases": ["adc121c021"], - "Categories": ["aio"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "adc121c021.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["adc121c021.js"], - "C++": ["adc121c021.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Working Voltage": {"unit": "v", "low" : 5.0, "high": 5.0}, - "Resolution" : {"unit": "Bit", "low" : 12, "high": 12}, - "Sample Rate": {"unit": "ksps", "low" : 188.9, "high": 188.9} - }, - "Platforms": - { - "Intel Joule Module": - { - "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], - "Images": [""] - } - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "adc121c021", + "Description": "I2C 12-bit Analog to Digital Converter with Alert Pin", + "Sensor Class": + { + "ADC121C021": + { + "Name": "API for the ADC121C021 I2C Analog-to-Digital Converter", + "Description": "UPM module for the ADC121C021 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC). By constantly providing a reference voltage, this sensor helps increase the accuracy of a value collected from an analog sensor.", + "Aliases": ["adc121c021"], + "Categories": ["aio"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "adc121c021.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["adc121c021.js"], + "C++": ["adc121c021.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Working Voltage": {"unit": "v", "low" : 5.0, "high": 5.0}, + "Resolution" : {"unit": "Bit", "low" : 12, "high": 12}, + "Sample Rate": {"unit": "ksps", "low" : 188.9, "high": 188.9} + }, + "Platforms": + { + "Intel Joule Module": + { + "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], + "Images": [""] + } + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/adis16448/adis16448.json b/src/adis16448/adis16448.json index 715870a2..914e3974 100644 --- a/src/adis16448/adis16448.json +++ b/src/adis16448/adis16448.json @@ -1,45 +1,45 @@ -{ - "Library": "adis16448", - "Description": "Industrial Grade Ten Degrees of Freedom Inertial Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "ADIS16448": - { - "Name": "API for the Analog Devices ADIS16448 Accelerometer", - "Description": "This is an industrial-grade accelerometer by Analog Devices.", - "Aliases": ["adis16448"], - "Categories": ["imu"], - "Connections": ["spi"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["generic"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": ["adis16448.js"], - "C++": ["adis16448.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Working Voltage": {"unit": "v", "low": 3.15, "high": 3.45}, - "Working Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 76, "high": 104} - }, - "Platforms": - { - "Intel Joule Module": - { - "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], - "Images": [""] - } - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "adis16448", + "Description": "Industrial Grade Ten Degrees of Freedom Inertial Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "ADIS16448": + { + "Name": "API for the Analog Devices ADIS16448 Accelerometer", + "Description": "This is an industrial-grade accelerometer by Analog Devices.", + "Aliases": ["adis16448"], + "Categories": ["imu"], + "Connections": ["spi"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["generic"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": ["adis16448.js"], + "C++": ["adis16448.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Working Voltage": {"unit": "v", "low": 3.15, "high": 3.45}, + "Working Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 76, "high": 104} + }, + "Platforms": + { + "Intel Joule Module": + { + "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], + "Images": [""] + } + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/ads1x15/ads1x15.json b/src/ads1x15/ads1x15.json index f4f45be6..e33b88bf 100644 --- a/src/ads1x15/ads1x15.json +++ b/src/ads1x15/ads1x15.json @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ -{ - "Library": "ADS1x15", - "Description": "TI ADC Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "ADS1015": - { - "Name": "12-bit ADC with Integrated MUX, PGA, Comparator, Oscillator, and Reference", - "Description": "The ADS1013, ADS1014, and ADS1015 are precision analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with 12 bits of resolution offered in an ultra-small, leadless QFN-10 package or an MSOP-10 package. The ADS1013/4/5 are designed with precision, power, and ease of implementation in mind. The ADS1013/4/5 feature an onboard reference and oscillator. Data is transferred via an I2C-compatible serial interface; four I2C slave addresses can be selected. The ADS1013/4/5 operate from a single power supply ranging from 2.0V to 5.5V. The ADS1013/4/5 can perform conversions at rates up to 3300 samples per second (SPS). An onboard PGA is available on the ADS1014 and ADS1015 that offers input ranges from the supply to as low as +/- 256mV, allowing both large and small signals to be measured with high resolution. The ADS1015 also features an input multiplexer (MUX) that provides two differential or four single-ended inputs. The ADS1013/4/5 operate either in continuous conversion mode or a single-shot mode that automatically powers down after a conversion and greatly reduces current consumption during idle periods. The ADS1013/4/5 are specified from -40 deg C to +125 deg C. Tested with Adafriut ADS1015 board.", - "Aliases": ["ads1015"], - "Categories": ["electric"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["ti", "adafruit", "seeed", "sparkfun"], - "Image": "ads1015.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["ads1115.js", "ads1x15.js"], - "C++": ["ads1x15-adc-sensor.cxx", "ads1x15-ads1015.cxx", "ads1x15.cxx"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Vdd": {"unit": "v", "low" : 2.0, "high": 5.5}, - "Data Rate":{"unit": "sps", "low": 128, "high": 3300}, - "I (continuous mode)" : {"unit": "uA", "typical": 150}, - "I2C Addresses": {"unit": "address", "low": "0x48", "high": "0x4B"} - }, - "Platforms": - { - "Intel Joule Module": - { - "Notes": ["On SeeedStudio Grove Shield for Intel Joule"] - }, - "Intel Edison Module": - { - "Notes": ["On SparkFun Block for Intel Edison - ADC"] - } - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": ["", "", ""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - }, - "ADS1115": - { - "Name": "16-bit ADC with Integrated MUX, PGA, Comparator, Oscillator, and Reference", - "Description": "The ADS1113, ADS1114, and ADS1115 are precision analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with 16 bits of resolution offered in an ultra-small, leadless QFN-10 package or an MSOP-10 package. The ADS1113/4/5 are designed with precision, power, and ease of implementation in mind. The ADS1113/4/5 feature an onboard reference and oscillator. Data is transferred via an I2C-compatible serial interface; four I2C slave addresses can be selected. The ADS1113/4/5 operate from a single power supply ranging from 2.0V to 5.5V. The ADS1113/4/5 can perform conversions at rates up to 860 samples per second (SPS). An onboard PGA is available on the ADS1114 and ADS1115 that offers input ranges from the supply to as low as +/- 256mV, allowing both large and small signals to be measured with high resolution. The ADS1115 also features an input multiplexer (MUX) that provides two differential or four single-ended inputs. The ADS1113/4/5 operate either in continuous conversion mode or a single-shot mode that automatically powers down after a conversion and greatly reduces current consumption during idle periods. The ADS1113/4/5 are specified from -40 deg C to +125 deg C. Tested with DIYMall ADS1115 board.", - "Aliases": ["ads1115"], - "Categories": ["electric"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["ti", "adafruit", "dfrobot"], - "Image": "ads1115.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["ads1115.js", "ads1x15.js"], - "C++": ["ads1x15-adc-sensor.cxx", "ads1x15-ads1115.cxx", "ads1x15.cxx"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Vdd": {"unit": "v", "low" : 2.0, "high": 5.5}, - "Data Rate":{"unit": "sps", "low": 8, "high": 860}, - "I (continuous mode)" : {"unit": "uA", "typical": 150}, - "I2C Addresses": {"unit": "address", "low": "0x48", "high": "0x4B"} - }, - "Platforms": - { - "Intel Joule Module": - { - "Notes": ["On DFRobot Gravity Expansion Shield for Intel Joule"] - } - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": ["", ""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "ADS1x15", + "Description": "TI ADC Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "ADS1015": + { + "Name": "12-bit ADC with Integrated MUX, PGA, Comparator, Oscillator, and Reference", + "Description": "The ADS1013, ADS1014, and ADS1015 are precision analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with 12 bits of resolution offered in an ultra-small, leadless QFN-10 package or an MSOP-10 package. The ADS1013/4/5 are designed with precision, power, and ease of implementation in mind. The ADS1013/4/5 feature an onboard reference and oscillator. Data is transferred via an I2C-compatible serial interface; four I2C slave addresses can be selected. The ADS1013/4/5 operate from a single power supply ranging from 2.0V to 5.5V. The ADS1013/4/5 can perform conversions at rates up to 3300 samples per second (SPS). An onboard PGA is available on the ADS1014 and ADS1015 that offers input ranges from the supply to as low as +/- 256mV, allowing both large and small signals to be measured with high resolution. The ADS1015 also features an input multiplexer (MUX) that provides two differential or four single-ended inputs. The ADS1013/4/5 operate either in continuous conversion mode or a single-shot mode that automatically powers down after a conversion and greatly reduces current consumption during idle periods. The ADS1013/4/5 are specified from -40 deg C to +125 deg C. Tested with Adafriut ADS1015 board.", + "Aliases": ["ads1015"], + "Categories": ["electric"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["ti", "adafruit", "seeed", "sparkfun"], + "Image": "ads1015.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["ads1115.js", "ads1x15.js"], + "C++": ["ads1x15-adc-sensor.cxx", "ads1x15-ads1015.cxx", "ads1x15.cxx"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Vdd": {"unit": "v", "low" : 2.0, "high": 5.5}, + "Data Rate":{"unit": "sps", "low": 128, "high": 3300}, + "I (continuous mode)" : {"unit": "uA", "typical": 150}, + "I2C Addresses": {"unit": "address", "low": "0x48", "high": "0x4B"} + }, + "Platforms": + { + "Intel Joule Module": + { + "Notes": ["On SeeedStudio Grove Shield for Intel Joule"] + }, + "Intel Edison Module": + { + "Notes": ["On SparkFun Block for Intel Edison - ADC"] + } + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": ["", "", ""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + }, + "ADS1115": + { + "Name": "16-bit ADC with Integrated MUX, PGA, Comparator, Oscillator, and Reference", + "Description": "The ADS1113, ADS1114, and ADS1115 are precision analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with 16 bits of resolution offered in an ultra-small, leadless QFN-10 package or an MSOP-10 package. The ADS1113/4/5 are designed with precision, power, and ease of implementation in mind. The ADS1113/4/5 feature an onboard reference and oscillator. Data is transferred via an I2C-compatible serial interface; four I2C slave addresses can be selected. The ADS1113/4/5 operate from a single power supply ranging from 2.0V to 5.5V. The ADS1113/4/5 can perform conversions at rates up to 860 samples per second (SPS). An onboard PGA is available on the ADS1114 and ADS1115 that offers input ranges from the supply to as low as +/- 256mV, allowing both large and small signals to be measured with high resolution. The ADS1115 also features an input multiplexer (MUX) that provides two differential or four single-ended inputs. The ADS1113/4/5 operate either in continuous conversion mode or a single-shot mode that automatically powers down after a conversion and greatly reduces current consumption during idle periods. The ADS1113/4/5 are specified from -40 deg C to +125 deg C. Tested with DIYMall ADS1115 board.", + "Aliases": ["ads1115"], + "Categories": ["electric"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["ti", "adafruit", "dfrobot"], + "Image": "ads1115.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["ads1115.js", "ads1x15.js"], + "C++": ["ads1x15-adc-sensor.cxx", "ads1x15-ads1115.cxx", "ads1x15.cxx"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Vdd": {"unit": "v", "low" : 2.0, "high": 5.5}, + "Data Rate":{"unit": "sps", "low": 8, "high": 860}, + "I (continuous mode)" : {"unit": "uA", "typical": 150}, + "I2C Addresses": {"unit": "address", "low": "0x48", "high": "0x4B"} + }, + "Platforms": + { + "Intel Joule Module": + { + "Notes": ["On DFRobot Gravity Expansion Shield for Intel Joule"] + } + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": ["", ""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/adxl335/adxl335.json b/src/adxl335/adxl335.json index f30ca718..7538d39a 100644 --- a/src/adxl335/adxl335.json +++ b/src/adxl335/adxl335.json @@ -1,46 +1,46 @@ -{ - "Library": "adxl335", - "Description": "Low-power, 3-axis +/- 3 g Accelerometer", - "Sensor Class": - { - "ADXL335": - { - "Name": "API for the Analog Devices ADIS16448 Accelerometer", - "Description": "UPM module for the ADXL335 3-axis analog accelerometer. This was tested on a Grove 3-axis Analog Accelerometer. It uses 3 analog pins, one for each axis: X, Y, and Z.", - "Aliases": ["adxl335"], - "Categories": ["imu", "accelerometers"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "adxl335.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["adxl335.js"], - "C++": ["adxl335.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Working Voltage": {"unit": "v", "low": 1.8, "high": 3.6}, - "Working Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 350, "high": 350} - }, - "Platforms": - { - "Intel Joule Module": - { - "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], - "Images": [""] - } - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "adxl335", + "Description": "Low-power, 3-axis +/- 3 g Accelerometer", + "Sensor Class": + { + "ADXL335": + { + "Name": "API for the Analog Devices ADIS16448 Accelerometer", + "Description": "UPM module for the ADXL335 3-axis analog accelerometer. This was tested on a Grove 3-axis Analog Accelerometer. It uses 3 analog pins, one for each axis: X, Y, and Z.", + "Aliases": ["adxl335"], + "Categories": ["imu", "accelerometers"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "adxl335.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["adxl335.js"], + "C++": ["adxl335.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Working Voltage": {"unit": "v", "low": 1.8, "high": 3.6}, + "Working Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 350, "high": 350} + }, + "Platforms": + { + "Intel Joule Module": + { + "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], + "Images": [""] + } + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/adxl345/adxl345.json b/src/adxl345/adxl345.json index 6bf30fa1..2e40c3e8 100644 --- a/src/adxl345/adxl345.json +++ b/src/adxl345/adxl345.json @@ -1,46 +1,46 @@ -{ - "Library": "adxl345", - "Description": "3-axis, +/- 2/4/8/16 g Digital Accelerometer", - "Sensor Class": - { - "Adxl345": - { - "Name": "API for the ADXL345 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer", - "Description": "ADXL345 is a 3-axis digital accelerometer. The sensor has configurable resolutions to measure +/- 2g, +/- 4g, +/- 8g, or +/- 16g.", - "Aliases": ["adxl335"], - "Categories": ["imu", "accelerometers"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "adxl335.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["adxl345.js"], - "C++": ["adxl345.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Working Voltage": {"unit": "v", "low": 2, "high": 3.6}, - "Working Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 30, "high": 140} - }, - "Platforms": - { - "Intel Edison": - { - "Notes": ["The Grove* version of the sensor is incompatible with and not detected on the I2C bus by the Intel(R) Edison using an Arduino* breakout board at 5V (3V works fine)."], - "Images": [""] - } - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "adxl345", + "Description": "3-axis, +/- 2/4/8/16 g Digital Accelerometer", + "Sensor Class": + { + "Adxl345": + { + "Name": "API for the ADXL345 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer", + "Description": "ADXL345 is a 3-axis digital accelerometer. The sensor has configurable resolutions to measure +/- 2g, +/- 4g, +/- 8g, or +/- 16g.", + "Aliases": ["adxl335"], + "Categories": ["imu", "accelerometers"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "adxl335.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["adxl345.js"], + "C++": ["adxl345.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Working Voltage": {"unit": "v", "low": 2, "high": 3.6}, + "Working Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 30, "high": 140} + }, + "Platforms": + { + "Intel Edison": + { + "Notes": ["The Grove* version of the sensor is incompatible with and not detected on the I2C bus by the Intel(R) Edison using an Arduino* breakout board at 5V (3V works fine)."], + "Images": [""] + } + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/adxrs610/adxrs610.json b/src/adxrs610/adxrs610.json index 94abe61a..fb936dab 100644 --- a/src/adxrs610/adxrs610.json +++ b/src/adxrs610/adxrs610.json @@ -1,46 +1,46 @@ -{ - "Library": "adxrs610", - "Description": "Gyro Breakout Board (300 Degrees/second)", - "Sensor Class": - { - "ADXRS610": - { - "Name": "DFRobot ADXRS610 Gyro Breakout Board", - "Description": "The ADXRS610 is a MEMS based single axis gyroscope with a range of +/- 300 degrees/sec. It also incorporates a temperature sensing unit that can be used for advanced calibration. This sensor returns an analog voltage proportional to the rotation about the Z-axis in degrees/sec. The temperature component returns a proportional analog values in degrees C. This driver was developed using the DFRobot ADXRS610 Gyro Beakout board.", - "Aliases": ["adxrs610"], - "Categories": ["imu", "gyroscope"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["dfrobot"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "adxrs610.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["adxrs610.js"], - "C++": ["adxrs610.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Vdd": {"unit": "v", "low" : 5.0, "high": 5.0}, - "Quiescent Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 3.5, "high": 4.5} - }, - "Platforms": - { - "Intel Joule Module": - { - "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], - "Images": [""] - } - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "adxrs610", + "Description": "Gyro Breakout Board (300 Degrees/second)", + "Sensor Class": + { + "ADXRS610": + { + "Name": "DFRobot ADXRS610 Gyro Breakout Board", + "Description": "The ADXRS610 is a MEMS based single axis gyroscope with a range of +/- 300 degrees/sec. It also incorporates a temperature sensing unit that can be used for advanced calibration. This sensor returns an analog voltage proportional to the rotation about the Z-axis in degrees/sec. The temperature component returns a proportional analog values in degrees C. This driver was developed using the DFRobot ADXRS610 Gyro Beakout board.", + "Aliases": ["adxrs610"], + "Categories": ["imu", "gyroscope"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["dfrobot"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "adxrs610.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["adxrs610.js"], + "C++": ["adxrs610.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Vdd": {"unit": "v", "low" : 5.0, "high": 5.0}, + "Quiescent Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 3.5, "high": 4.5} + }, + "Platforms": + { + "Intel Joule Module": + { + "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], + "Images": [""] + } + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/am2315/am2315.json b/src/am2315/am2315.json index 1547c224..03089d18 100644 --- a/src/am2315/am2315.json +++ b/src/am2315/am2315.json @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@ -{ - "Library": "am2315", - "Description": "Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "AM2315": - { - "Name": "API for the AM2315 Temperature & Humidity Sensor", - "Description": "The AM2315 is a digital humidity sensor with temperature output. RH reports between 0 and 100%, and the temperature range is -40 to +125 degC. The sampling period of this sensor is 2 seconds. Reads occurring more often than that return cached data.", - "Aliases": ["am2315"], - "Categories": ["humidity", "temperature"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["adafruit"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["am2315.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Vcc": {"unit": "v", "low" : 3.5, "high": 5.5}, - "Current Draw": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.0, "high": 10}, - "Temperature Sensor Range": {"unit": "degC", "low": -20, "high": 80}, - "Humidity Sensor Range": {"unit": "%", "low": 0, "high": 100} - }, - "Platforms": - { - "Intel Joule Module": - { - "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], - "Images": [""] - } - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "am2315", + "Description": "Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "AM2315": + { + "Name": "API for the AM2315 Temperature & Humidity Sensor", + "Description": "The AM2315 is a digital humidity sensor with temperature output. RH reports between 0 and 100%, and the temperature range is -40 to +125 degC. The sampling period of this sensor is 2 seconds. Reads occurring more often than that return cached data.", + "Aliases": ["am2315"], + "Categories": ["humidity", "temperature"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["adafruit"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["am2315.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Vcc": {"unit": "v", "low" : 3.5, "high": 5.5}, + "Current Draw": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.0, "high": 10}, + "Temperature Sensor Range": {"unit": "degC", "low": -20, "high": 80}, + "Humidity Sensor Range": {"unit": "%", "low": 0, "high": 100} + }, + "Platforms": + { + "Intel Joule Module": + { + "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], + "Images": [""] + } + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/apa102/apa102.json b/src/apa102/apa102.json index e776eb77..a77eb49f 100644 --- a/src/apa102/apa102.json +++ b/src/apa102/apa102.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["Shiji Lighting", "Adafruit"], "Image": "apa102.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["apa102.js"], "C++": ["apa102.cxx"] diff --git a/src/apds9002/apds9002.json b/src/apds9002/apds9002.json index 659fa135..33459e36 100644 --- a/src/apds9002/apds9002.json +++ b/src/apds9002/apds9002.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["Avago", "Seeed"], "Image": "apds9002.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["apds9002.js"], "C++": ["apds9002.cxx"] diff --git a/src/biss0001/biss0001.json b/src/biss0001/biss0001.json index 9d5d2ea1..efd9c665 100644 --- a/src/biss0001/biss0001.json +++ b/src/biss0001/biss0001.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "Kits": ["tsk"], "Image": "biss0001.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["biss0001.js"], "C++": ["biss0001.cxx"], diff --git a/src/bmm150/bmm150.json b/src/bmm150/bmm150.json index 718a69b3..c715c88f 100644 --- a/src/bmm150/bmm150.json +++ b/src/bmm150/bmm150.json @@ -1,46 +1,46 @@ -{ - "Library": "bmx050", - "Description": "Bosch 3-axis Magnetometer", - "Sensor Class": - { - "BMM150": - { - "Name": "3-axis Geomagnetic Sensor", - "Description": "The BMM150 is a standalone geomagnetic sensor for consumer market applications. It allows measurements of the magnetic field in three perpendicular axes. Based on Bosch's proprietary FlipCore technology, performance and features of BMM150 are carefully tuned and perfectly match the demanding requirements of all 3-axis mobile applications such as electronic compass, navigation or augmented reality. An evaluation circuitry (ASIC) converts the output of the geomagnetic sensor to digital results which can be read out over the industry standard digital interfaces (SPI and I2C). Not all functionality of this chip has been implemented in this driver, however all the pieces are present to add any desired functionality. This driver supports both I2C (default) and SPI operation.", - "Aliases": ["bme280"], - "Categories": ["pressure", "humidity", "temperature"], - "Connections": ["gpio", "i2c", "spi"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["bosch"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["bmm150.js"], - "C++": ["bmm150.cxx"], - "C": ["bmm150.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Vdd": {"unit": "v", "low" : 1.62, "high": 3.6}, - "Temperature Range": {"unit": "degC", "low" : -40, "high": 85}, - "Sensing Range": {"unit": "uT (±)", "low": 1300, "high": 2500} - }, - "Platforms": - { - "Intel Joule Module": - { - "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], - "Images": [""] - } - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "bmx050", + "Description": "Bosch 3-axis Magnetometer", + "Sensor Class": + { + "BMM150": + { + "Name": "3-axis Geomagnetic Sensor", + "Description": "The BMM150 is a standalone geomagnetic sensor for consumer market applications. It allows measurements of the magnetic field in three perpendicular axes. Based on Bosch's proprietary FlipCore technology, performance and features of BMM150 are carefully tuned and perfectly match the demanding requirements of all 3-axis mobile applications such as electronic compass, navigation or augmented reality. An evaluation circuitry (ASIC) converts the output of the geomagnetic sensor to digital results which can be read out over the industry standard digital interfaces (SPI and I2C). Not all functionality of this chip has been implemented in this driver, however all the pieces are present to add any desired functionality. This driver supports both I2C (default) and SPI operation.", + "Aliases": ["bme280"], + "Categories": ["pressure", "humidity", "temperature"], + "Connections": ["gpio", "i2c", "spi"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["bosch"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["bmm150.js"], + "C++": ["bmm150.cxx"], + "C": ["bmm150.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Vdd": {"unit": "v", "low" : 1.62, "high": 3.6}, + "Temperature Range": {"unit": "degC", "low" : -40, "high": 85}, + "Sensing Range": {"unit": "uT (±)", "low": 1300, "high": 2500} + }, + "Platforms": + { + "Intel Joule Module": + { + "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], + "Images": [""] + } + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/bmpx8x/bmpx8x.json b/src/bmpx8x/bmpx8x.json index 3c7ae0d8..492d6118 100644 --- a/src/bmpx8x/bmpx8x.json +++ b/src/bmpx8x/bmpx8x.json @@ -1,49 +1,49 @@ -{ - "Library": "bmpx8x", - "Description": "BMP Atmospheric Pressure Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "BMPX8X": - { - "Name": "BMP Atmospheric Pressure Sensor", - "Description": "The BME280 is as combined digital humidity, pressure and temperature sensor based on proven sensing principles. The sensor module is housed in an extremely compact metal-lid LGA package with a footprint of only 2.5 * 2.5 mm2 with a height of 0.93 mm. Its small dimensions and its low power consumption allow the implementation in battery driven devices such as handsets, GPS modules or watches. The BME280 is register and performance compatible to the Bosch Sensortec BMP280 digital pressure sensor", - "Aliases": ["bmpx8x"], - "Categories": ["pressure"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "adafruit", "sparkfun"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["bmpx8x.js"], - "C++": ["bmpx8x.cxx"], - "C": ["bmpx8x.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Vdd": {"unit": "v", "low" : 1.8, "high": 3.6}, - "Supply Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 3, "high": 32}, - "Peak Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 650, "high": 1000}, - "Standby Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 0.1, "high": 0.1}, - "Pressure Range": {"unit": "hPa", "low" : 300, "high": 1100}, - "Temperature Range": {"unit": "C", "low" : -40, "high": 85} - }, - "Platforms": - { - "Intel Joule Module": - { - "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], - "Images": [""] - } - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "bmpx8x", + "Description": "BMP Atmospheric Pressure Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "BMPX8X": + { + "Name": "BMP Atmospheric Pressure Sensor", + "Description": "The BME280 is as combined digital humidity, pressure and temperature sensor based on proven sensing principles. The sensor module is housed in an extremely compact metal-lid LGA package with a footprint of only 2.5 * 2.5 mm2 with a height of 0.93 mm. Its small dimensions and its low power consumption allow the implementation in battery driven devices such as handsets, GPS modules or watches. The BME280 is register and performance compatible to the Bosch Sensortec BMP280 digital pressure sensor", + "Aliases": ["bmpx8x"], + "Categories": ["pressure"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "adafruit", "sparkfun"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["bmpx8x.js"], + "C++": ["bmpx8x.cxx"], + "C": ["bmpx8x.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Vdd": {"unit": "v", "low" : 1.8, "high": 3.6}, + "Supply Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 3, "high": 32}, + "Peak Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 650, "high": 1000}, + "Standby Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 0.1, "high": 0.1}, + "Pressure Range": {"unit": "hPa", "low" : 300, "high": 1100}, + "Temperature Range": {"unit": "C", "low" : -40, "high": 85} + }, + "Platforms": + { + "Intel Joule Module": + { + "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], + "Images": [""] + } + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/bmx055/bmx055.json b/src/bmx055/bmx055.json index a80b5a2a..6f96f400 100644 --- a/src/bmx055/bmx055.json +++ b/src/bmx055/bmx055.json @@ -1,49 +1,49 @@ -{ - "Library": "bmx055", - "Description": "BMX055 9-axis Sensor Module", - "Sensor Class": - { - "BMX055": - { - "Name": "BMX055 9-axis Sensor Module", - "Description": "The BMX055 is an integrated 9-axis sensor for the detection of movements and rotations and magnetic heading. It comprises the full functionality of a triaxial, low-g acceleration sensor, a triaxial angular rate sensor and a triaxial geomagnetic sensor. The BMX055 senses orientation, tilt, motion, acceleration, rotation, shock, vibration and heading in cell phones, handhelds, computer peripherals, man-machine interfaces, virtual reality features and game controllers. The BMX055 is essentially 3 separate devices in one: the BMA250E Accelerometer, the BMG160 Gyroscope, and the BMM150 Magnetometer. They are completely independant of each other. This driver provides a very simple interface to these 3 devices. If finer control is desired, you should just use the separate BMA25E, BMG160, and BMM150 device classes directly. This driver simply initializes all three devices, and provides a mechanism to read accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer data from them.", - "Aliases": ["bmx055"], - "Categories": ["imu", "accelerometer", "gyroscope", "magnetometer"], - "Connections": ["gpio", "i2c", "spi"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["bosch"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["bmx055.js"], - "C++": ["bmx055.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Vdd": {"unit": "v", "low" : 2.4, "high": 3.6}, - "Measurement Range (Accelerometer)": {"unit": "g", "low": 2, "high": 16}, - "Measurement Range (Gyroscope)": {"unit": "deg/s", "low": 125, "high": 2000}, - "Measurement Range (Magnetometer)": {"unit": "LSB/uT", "typ": 3.3}, - "Iavg": {"unit": "uA", "low" : 130, "high": 5000}, - "Temperature Range": {"unit": "C", "low" : -40, "high": 85} - }, - "Platforms": - { - "Intel Joule Module": - { - "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], - "Images": [""] - } - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "bmx055", + "Description": "BMX055 9-axis Sensor Module", + "Sensor Class": + { + "BMX055": + { + "Name": "BMX055 9-axis Sensor Module", + "Description": "The BMX055 is an integrated 9-axis sensor for the detection of movements and rotations and magnetic heading. It comprises the full functionality of a triaxial, low-g acceleration sensor, a triaxial angular rate sensor and a triaxial geomagnetic sensor. The BMX055 senses orientation, tilt, motion, acceleration, rotation, shock, vibration and heading in cell phones, handhelds, computer peripherals, man-machine interfaces, virtual reality features and game controllers. The BMX055 is essentially 3 separate devices in one: the BMA250E Accelerometer, the BMG160 Gyroscope, and the BMM150 Magnetometer. They are completely independant of each other. This driver provides a very simple interface to these 3 devices. If finer control is desired, you should just use the separate BMA25E, BMG160, and BMM150 device classes directly. This driver simply initializes all three devices, and provides a mechanism to read accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer data from them.", + "Aliases": ["bmx055"], + "Categories": ["imu", "accelerometer", "gyroscope", "magnetometer"], + "Connections": ["gpio", "i2c", "spi"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["bosch"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["bmx055.js"], + "C++": ["bmx055.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Vdd": {"unit": "v", "low" : 2.4, "high": 3.6}, + "Measurement Range (Accelerometer)": {"unit": "g", "low": 2, "high": 16}, + "Measurement Range (Gyroscope)": {"unit": "deg/s", "low": 125, "high": 2000}, + "Measurement Range (Magnetometer)": {"unit": "LSB/uT", "typ": 3.3}, + "Iavg": {"unit": "uA", "low" : 130, "high": 5000}, + "Temperature Range": {"unit": "C", "low" : -40, "high": 85} + }, + "Platforms": + { + "Intel Joule Module": + { + "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], + "Images": [""] + } + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/bno055/bno055.json b/src/bno055/bno055.json index 124bea1f..d31d4ac3 100644 --- a/src/bno055/bno055.json +++ b/src/bno055/bno055.json @@ -1,48 +1,48 @@ -{ - "Library": "bno055", - "Description": "API for the BNO055 Absolute Orientation 9DOF Fusion Hub", - "Sensor Class": - { - "BNO055": - { - "Name": "Intelligent 9-axis Absolute Orientation Sensor", - "Description": "The BNO055 is a System in Package (SiP), integrating a triaxial 14-bit accelerometer, a triaxial 16-bit gyroscope with a range of +/- 2000 degrees per second, a triaxial geomagnetic sensor and a 32-bit cortex M0+ microcontroller running Bosch Sensortec sensor fusion software, in a single package. This sensor handles the hard problem of combining various sensor information into a reliable measurement of sensor orientation (refered to as 'sensor fusion'). The onboard MCU runs this software and can provide fusion output in the form of Euler Angles, Quaternions, Linear Acceleration, and Gravity Vectors in 3 axes. The focus on this driver has been on supporting the fusion components. Less support is available for use of this device as a generic accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer, however enough infrastructure is available to add any missing functionality. This device requires calibration in order to operate accurately. Methods are provided to retrieve calibration data (once calibrated) to be stored somewhere else, like in a file. A method is provided to load this data as well. Calibration data is lost on a power cycle. See one of the examples for a description of how to calibrate the device, but in essence: There is a calibration status register available (getCalibrationStatus()) that returns the calibration status of the accelerometer (ACC), magnetometer (MAG), gyroscope (GYR), and overall system (SYS). Each of these values range from 0 (uncalibrated) to 3 (fully calibrated). Calibration involves certain motions to get all 4 values at 3. The motions are as follows (though see the datasheet for more information): GYR: Simply let the sensor sit flat for a few seconds. ACC: Move the sensor in various positions. Start flat, then rotate slowly by 45 degrees, hold for a few seconds, then continue rotating another 45 degrees and hold, etc. 6 or more movements of this type may be required. You can move through any axis you desire, but make sure that the device is lying at least once perpendicular to the x, y, and z axis. MAG: Move slowly in a figure 8 pattern in the air, until the calibration values reaches 3. SYS: This will usually reach 3 when the other items have also reached 3. If not, continue slowly moving the device though various axes until it does.", - "Aliases": ["bno055"], - "Categories": ["accelerometer", "compass"], - "Connections": ["gpio", "i2c"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["adafruit"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["bno055.js"], - "C++": ["bno055.cxx"], - "C": ["bno055.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Vsource": {"unit": "v", "low" : 2.4, "high": 3.6}, - "Supply Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.33, "high": 12.3}, - "Supply Current (Suspended)": {"unit": "uA", "typ": 40}, - "Gyroscope Ranges": {"unit": "deg/s", "low": 125, "high": 2000}, - "Magnetometer Ranges": {} - }, - "Platforms": - { - "Intel Joule Module": - { - "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], - "Images": [""] - } - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "bno055", + "Description": "API for the BNO055 Absolute Orientation 9DOF Fusion Hub", + "Sensor Class": + { + "BNO055": + { + "Name": "Intelligent 9-axis Absolute Orientation Sensor", + "Description": "The BNO055 is a System in Package (SiP), integrating a triaxial 14-bit accelerometer, a triaxial 16-bit gyroscope with a range of +/- 2000 degrees per second, a triaxial geomagnetic sensor and a 32-bit cortex M0+ microcontroller running Bosch Sensortec sensor fusion software, in a single package. This sensor handles the hard problem of combining various sensor information into a reliable measurement of sensor orientation (refered to as 'sensor fusion'). The onboard MCU runs this software and can provide fusion output in the form of Euler Angles, Quaternions, Linear Acceleration, and Gravity Vectors in 3 axes. The focus on this driver has been on supporting the fusion components. Less support is available for use of this device as a generic accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer, however enough infrastructure is available to add any missing functionality. This device requires calibration in order to operate accurately. Methods are provided to retrieve calibration data (once calibrated) to be stored somewhere else, like in a file. A method is provided to load this data as well. Calibration data is lost on a power cycle. See one of the examples for a description of how to calibrate the device, but in essence: There is a calibration status register available (getCalibrationStatus()) that returns the calibration status of the accelerometer (ACC), magnetometer (MAG), gyroscope (GYR), and overall system (SYS). Each of these values range from 0 (uncalibrated) to 3 (fully calibrated). Calibration involves certain motions to get all 4 values at 3. The motions are as follows (though see the datasheet for more information): GYR: Simply let the sensor sit flat for a few seconds. ACC: Move the sensor in various positions. Start flat, then rotate slowly by 45 degrees, hold for a few seconds, then continue rotating another 45 degrees and hold, etc. 6 or more movements of this type may be required. You can move through any axis you desire, but make sure that the device is lying at least once perpendicular to the x, y, and z axis. MAG: Move slowly in a figure 8 pattern in the air, until the calibration values reaches 3. SYS: This will usually reach 3 when the other items have also reached 3. If not, continue slowly moving the device though various axes until it does.", + "Aliases": ["bno055"], + "Categories": ["accelerometer", "compass"], + "Connections": ["gpio", "i2c"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["adafruit"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["bno055.js"], + "C++": ["bno055.cxx"], + "C": ["bno055.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Vsource": {"unit": "v", "low" : 2.4, "high": 3.6}, + "Supply Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.33, "high": 12.3}, + "Supply Current (Suspended)": {"unit": "uA", "typ": 40}, + "Gyroscope Ranges": {"unit": "deg/s", "low": 125, "high": 2000}, + "Magnetometer Ranges": {} + }, + "Platforms": + { + "Intel Joule Module": + { + "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], + "Images": [""] + } + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/button/button.json b/src/button/button.json index befffa54..e3fac42a 100644 --- a/src/button/button.json +++ b/src/button/button.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "Image": "button.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": ["", ""], + "Java": ["", ""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["button.js"], "C++": ["button.cxx"], diff --git a/src/buzzer/buzzer.json b/src/buzzer/buzzer.json index 1a8ee241..b61d985f 100644 --- a/src/buzzer/buzzer.json +++ b/src/buzzer/buzzer.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "Image": "buzzer.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["buzzer.js"], "C++": ["buzzer.cxx"], diff --git a/src/cjq4435/cjq4435.json b/src/cjq4435/cjq4435.json index 5b00683d..95ed2f30 100644 --- a/src/cjq4435/cjq4435.json +++ b/src/cjq4435/cjq4435.json @@ -1,46 +1,46 @@ -{ - "Library": "cjq4435", - "Description": "API for the CJQ4435 MOSFET", - "Sensor Class": - { - "CJQ4435": - { - "Name": "CJQ4435 MOSFET", - "Description": "UPM module for the CJQ4435 MOSFET. It was developed using the Grove MOSFET module, but could be used with any MOSFET. A MOSFET is like a switch, but it can switch much faster than a mechanical relay. Here, we implement support via MRAA pulse width modulation (PWM) functions. Note: available periods vary depending on the capabilities of your platform.", - "Aliases": ["cjq4435"], - "Categories": ["electric"], - "Connections": ["gpio", "pwm"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "robotics"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": ["robok"], - "Image": "cjq4435.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["cjq4435.js"], - "C++": ["cjq4435.cxx"], - "C": ["cjq4435.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Trigger Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ" : 5}, - "Working Voltage" : {"unit": "V", "low" : 5, "high": 15} - }, - "Platforms": - { - "Intel Joule Module": - { - "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], - "Images": [""] - } - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": ["", ""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "cjq4435", + "Description": "API for the CJQ4435 MOSFET", + "Sensor Class": + { + "CJQ4435": + { + "Name": "CJQ4435 MOSFET", + "Description": "UPM module for the CJQ4435 MOSFET. It was developed using the Grove MOSFET module, but could be used with any MOSFET. A MOSFET is like a switch, but it can switch much faster than a mechanical relay. Here, we implement support via MRAA pulse width modulation (PWM) functions. Note: available periods vary depending on the capabilities of your platform.", + "Aliases": ["cjq4435"], + "Categories": ["electric"], + "Connections": ["gpio", "pwm"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "robotics"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": ["robok"], + "Image": "cjq4435.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["cjq4435.js"], + "C++": ["cjq4435.cxx"], + "C": ["cjq4435.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Trigger Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ" : 5}, + "Working Voltage" : {"unit": "V", "low" : 5, "high": 15} + }, + "Platforms": + { + "Intel Joule Module": + { + "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], + "Images": [""] + } + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": ["", ""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/collision/collision.json b/src/collision/collision.json index 66cb7baf..b29c3169 100644 --- a/src/collision/collision.json +++ b/src/collision/collision.json @@ -1,45 +1,45 @@ -{ - "Library": "collision", - "Description": "API for the Collision Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "Collision": - { - "Name": "Grove Collision Sensor", - "Description": "The Collision Sensor can detect whether any collision movement or vibration happens. It outputs a low pulse signal when vibration is detected.", - "Aliases": ["collision"], - "Categories": ["collision", "accelerometer"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "robotics"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "collision.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["collision.js"], - "C++": ["collision.cxx"], - "C": ["collision.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Vsource": {"unit": "V", "low" : 3.3, "high": 5} - }, - "Platforms": - { - "Intel Joule Module": - { - "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], - "Images": [""] - } - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": ["", ""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "collision", + "Description": "API for the Collision Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "Collision": + { + "Name": "Grove Collision Sensor", + "Description": "The Collision Sensor can detect whether any collision movement or vibration happens. It outputs a low pulse signal when vibration is detected.", + "Aliases": ["collision"], + "Categories": ["collision", "accelerometer"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "robotics"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "collision.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["collision.js"], + "C++": ["collision.cxx"], + "C": ["collision.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Vsource": {"unit": "V", "low" : 3.3, "high": 5} + }, + "Platforms": + { + "Intel Joule Module": + { + "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], + "Images": [""] + } + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": ["", ""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/curieimu/curieimu.json b/src/curieimu/curieimu.json index 2b2b355c..40d96d45 100644 --- a/src/curieimu/curieimu.json +++ b/src/curieimu/curieimu.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ -{ - "Library": "curieimu", - "Description": "Bosch Atmospheric Sensor Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "CurieImu": - { - "Name": "Digital Humidity, Pressure, and Temperature Sensor", - "Description": "Curie IMU is a 6-axis accelerometer.", - "Aliases": ["curieimu"], - "Categories": ["IMU", "accelerometer", "compass"], - "Connections": ["firmata"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["bosch"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["curieimu.js"], - "C++": ["curieimu.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - - }, - "Platforms": - {}, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [], - "Datasheets": [], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "curieimu", + "Description": "Bosch Atmospheric Sensor Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "CurieImu": + { + "Name": "Digital Humidity, Pressure, and Temperature Sensor", + "Description": "Curie IMU is a 6-axis accelerometer.", + "Aliases": ["curieimu"], + "Categories": ["IMU", "accelerometer", "compass"], + "Connections": ["firmata"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["bosch"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["curieimu.js"], + "C++": ["curieimu.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + + }, + "Platforms": + {}, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [], + "Datasheets": [], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/cwlsxxa/cwlsxxa.json b/src/cwlsxxa/cwlsxxa.json index a928c541..9784ccf7 100644 --- a/src/cwlsxxa/cwlsxxa.json +++ b/src/cwlsxxa/cwlsxxa.json @@ -1,59 +1,59 @@ -{ - "Library": "cwlsxxa", - "Description": "API for the Veris CWLSXXA CO2 Sensor Family", - "Sensor Class": - { - "CWLXSSA": - { - "Name": "Veris CWLSXXA CO2 Sensor", - "Description": "The driver was developed using the CWLSHTA CO2 Gas sensor. The 'T' variant supports a temperature transmitter, and the 'H' variant supports a humidity sensor. All 3 signals are provided by the device as analog 0-5Vdc, 0-10Vdc, or 4-20ma loop current outputs. For devices supporting temperature, the valid temperature range is 10C to 50C. The humidity ranges from 0% to 100% (non-condensing). The CO2 sensor ranges from 0 to 2000 ppm. This driver was developed using the 5Vdc outputs and the 4-20ma outputs. For voltage outputs, your MCU must be configured for 5V operation. In addition, you must configure the sensor (via it's configuration switches) to output 0-5VDC only. Using any other analog reference voltage will require the appropriate external circuitry (such as a voltage divider) in order to interface safely with your MCU. In addition, the sensor can be configured for 4-20ma usage, by specifying the correct receiver resistance (in ohms) in the constructor. This sensor was tested with a Cooking Hacks (Libelium) 4-channel 4-20ma Arduino interface shield. For this interface, the receiver resistance was specified as 165.0 ohms. For devices which do not support temperature, use '-1' as the temperature pin number in the object constructor. If temperature measurement is disabled, getTemperature() will always return 0C/32F. For devices which do not support humidity, use '-1' as the temperature pin number in the object constructor. If humidity measurement is disabled, getHumidity() will always return 0.", - "Aliases": ["cwlsxxa"], - "Categories": ["temp", "gaseous"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["veris"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["cwlsxxa.js"], - "C++": ["cwlsxxa.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Vsource (DC)": {"unit": "VDC", "low": 20, "high": 30}, - "Vsource (AC)": {"unit": "VAC", "typ": 24}, - - "CO2 Measurement Range": {"unit": "ppm", "low": 0, "high": 5000}, - "CO2 Accuracy": {"unit": "ppm ±", "typ": 30}, - "CO2 Repeatability": {"unit": "ppm ±", "typ": 20}, - "CO2 Response Time": {"unit": "s", "max": 60}, - - "RH Measurement Range": {"unit": "%", "low": 0, "high": 100}, - "RH Operating Temperature Range": {"unit": "degC", "low": 10, "high": 35}, - "RH Accuracy": {"unit": "%", "typ": 2}, - "RH Stability": {"unit": "%", "typ": 1}, - - "Temperature Accuracy": {"unit": "degC", "typ": 0.5}, - "Temperature Resolution": {"unit": "degC", "typ": 0.1}, - "Temperature Range": {"unit": "degC", "low": 10, "high": 35} - }, - "Platforms": - { - "Intel Joule Module": - { - "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], - "Images": [""] - } - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "cwlsxxa", + "Description": "API for the Veris CWLSXXA CO2 Sensor Family", + "Sensor Class": + { + "CWLXSSA": + { + "Name": "Veris CWLSXXA CO2 Sensor", + "Description": "The driver was developed using the CWLSHTA CO2 Gas sensor. The 'T' variant supports a temperature transmitter, and the 'H' variant supports a humidity sensor. All 3 signals are provided by the device as analog 0-5Vdc, 0-10Vdc, or 4-20ma loop current outputs. For devices supporting temperature, the valid temperature range is 10C to 50C. The humidity ranges from 0% to 100% (non-condensing). The CO2 sensor ranges from 0 to 2000 ppm. This driver was developed using the 5Vdc outputs and the 4-20ma outputs. For voltage outputs, your MCU must be configured for 5V operation. In addition, you must configure the sensor (via it's configuration switches) to output 0-5VDC only. Using any other analog reference voltage will require the appropriate external circuitry (such as a voltage divider) in order to interface safely with your MCU. In addition, the sensor can be configured for 4-20ma usage, by specifying the correct receiver resistance (in ohms) in the constructor. This sensor was tested with a Cooking Hacks (Libelium) 4-channel 4-20ma Arduino interface shield. For this interface, the receiver resistance was specified as 165.0 ohms. For devices which do not support temperature, use '-1' as the temperature pin number in the object constructor. If temperature measurement is disabled, getTemperature() will always return 0C/32F. For devices which do not support humidity, use '-1' as the temperature pin number in the object constructor. If humidity measurement is disabled, getHumidity() will always return 0.", + "Aliases": ["cwlsxxa"], + "Categories": ["temp", "gaseous"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["veris"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["cwlsxxa.js"], + "C++": ["cwlsxxa.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Vsource (DC)": {"unit": "VDC", "low": 20, "high": 30}, + "Vsource (AC)": {"unit": "VAC", "typ": 24}, + + "CO2 Measurement Range": {"unit": "ppm", "low": 0, "high": 5000}, + "CO2 Accuracy": {"unit": "ppm ±", "typ": 30}, + "CO2 Repeatability": {"unit": "ppm ±", "typ": 20}, + "CO2 Response Time": {"unit": "s", "max": 60}, + + "RH Measurement Range": {"unit": "%", "low": 0, "high": 100}, + "RH Operating Temperature Range": {"unit": "degC", "low": 10, "high": 35}, + "RH Accuracy": {"unit": "%", "typ": 2}, + "RH Stability": {"unit": "%", "typ": 1}, + + "Temperature Accuracy": {"unit": "degC", "typ": 0.5}, + "Temperature Resolution": {"unit": "degC", "typ": 0.1}, + "Temperature Range": {"unit": "degC", "low": 10, "high": 35} + }, + "Platforms": + { + "Intel Joule Module": + { + "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], + "Images": [""] + } + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/dfrec/dfrec.json b/src/dfrec/dfrec.json index 3d01285d..78e86e17 100644 --- a/src/dfrec/dfrec.json +++ b/src/dfrec/dfrec.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "dfrec", - "Description": "DFRobot EC Meter Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "DFREC": - { - "Name": "Analog Electrical Conductivity (EC) Sensor", - "Description": "The driver was tested with the DFRobot EC Analog Sensor. This device measure the electrical conductivity of an aqueous solution. The included probe is a K=1 model. Calibration is somewhat complicated - see the DFRobot wiki for instructions on calibration. Functions are provided to supply the appropriate values. By default, the values used in the DFRobot arduino example are used.", - "Aliases": ["dfrec"], - "Categories": ["ec", "conductivity"], - "Connections": ["analog", "uart"], - "Project Type": ["industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["dfrobot"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["dfrec.js"], - "C++": ["dfrec.cxx"], - "C": ["dfrec.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "Typ": 5}, - "Measurement Range": {"unit": "mS/cm", "low": 1, "high": 20}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": 5, "high": 40} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "dfrec", + "Description": "DFRobot EC Meter Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "DFREC": + { + "Name": "Analog Electrical Conductivity (EC) Sensor", + "Description": "The driver was tested with the DFRobot EC Analog Sensor. This device measure the electrical conductivity of an aqueous solution. The included probe is a K=1 model. Calibration is somewhat complicated - see the DFRobot wiki for instructions on calibration. Functions are provided to supply the appropriate values. By default, the values used in the DFRobot arduino example are used.", + "Aliases": ["dfrec"], + "Categories": ["ec", "conductivity"], + "Connections": ["analog", "uart"], + "Project Type": ["industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["dfrobot"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["dfrec.js"], + "C++": ["dfrec.cxx"], + "C": ["dfrec.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "Typ": 5}, + "Measurement Range": {"unit": "mS/cm", "low": 1, "high": 20}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": 5, "high": 40} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/dfrorp/dfrorp.json b/src/dfrorp/dfrorp.json index 04c46dcb..7166feb2 100644 --- a/src/dfrorp/dfrorp.json +++ b/src/dfrorp/dfrorp.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "dfrorp", - "Description": "UPM C++ API for the DFRobot ORP (Oxidation/Reduction Potential)", - "Sensor Class": - { - "DFRORP": - { - "Name": "Analog Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) Sensor", - "Description": "This library was tested with the DFRobot ORP (Oxidation/Reduction Potential) Sensor. To calibrate: Disconnect the sensor probe (but leave the sensor interface board connected). Then run one of the examples while holding down the 'calibrate' button on the device. Read the ORP value reported (it should be fairly small). This value is what you should supply to setCalibrationOffset(). Then reconnect the probe to the interface board and you should be ready to go. DO NOT press the calibrate button on the interface board while the probe is attached or you can permanently damage the probe.", - "Aliases": ["dfrorp"], - "Categories": ["orp", "liquid"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["dfrobot"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["dfrorp.js"], - "C++": ["dfrorp.cxx"], - "C": ["dfrorp.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "Typ": 5}, - "Measurement Range": {"unit": "V", "low": -2, "high": 2}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": 5, "high": 70} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "dfrorp", + "Description": "UPM C++ API for the DFRobot ORP (Oxidation/Reduction Potential)", + "Sensor Class": + { + "DFRORP": + { + "Name": "Analog Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) Sensor", + "Description": "This library was tested with the DFRobot ORP (Oxidation/Reduction Potential) Sensor. To calibrate: Disconnect the sensor probe (but leave the sensor interface board connected). Then run one of the examples while holding down the 'calibrate' button on the device. Read the ORP value reported (it should be fairly small). This value is what you should supply to setCalibrationOffset(). Then reconnect the probe to the interface board and you should be ready to go. DO NOT press the calibrate button on the interface board while the probe is attached or you can permanently damage the probe.", + "Aliases": ["dfrorp"], + "Categories": ["orp", "liquid"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["dfrobot"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["dfrorp.js"], + "C++": ["dfrorp.cxx"], + "C": ["dfrorp.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "Typ": 5}, + "Measurement Range": {"unit": "V", "low": -2, "high": 2}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": 5, "high": 70} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/dfrph/dfrph.json b/src/dfrph/dfrph.json index 04b746f2..c3edf9eb 100644 --- a/src/dfrph/dfrph.json +++ b/src/dfrph/dfrph.json @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ -{ - "Library": "dfrph", - "Description": "API for the DFRobot pH Sensors", - "Sensor Class": - { - "DFRPH": - { - "Name": "Analog pH Sensor", - "Description": "TThis sensor family returns an analog voltage proportional to the acidity or alkalinity of a liquid -- it's pH value. This driver was developed using the DFRobot Analog pH meter and the DFRobot Analog pH Meter Pro. Calibration instructions, taken and slightly reworded from the DFRobot wiki at: 1) Connect equipment: the pH electrode is connected to the BNC connector on the pH meter board, and then the pH meter board is connected to the analog port 0 of the controller. When the controller gets power, you will see the blue LED on board is on. 2) Put the pH electrode into the standard solution whose pH value is 7.00. Run the dfrph example and note the pH output value. Compare the value with 7.00, and calculate the difference. This is the value you should supply to the setOffset() method. 3) Put the pH electrode into the pH standard solution whose value is 4.00. Then wait about one minute, and adjust the potentiometer on the interface board. Let the value stabilise at around 4.00. At this time,the acidic calibration has been completed and you can measure the pH value of an acidic solution. 4) According to the linear characteristics of pH electrode itself, after the above calibration,you can directly measure the pH value of the alkaline solution. If you want to get better accuracy, you can recalibrate it. Alkaline calibration use the standard solution whose pH value is 9.18. Also adjust the potentiometer and let the value stabilise at around 9.18. After this calibration, you can measure the pH value of an alkaline solution.", - "Aliases": ["dfrph"], - "Categories": ["pH", "liquid"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["dfrobot"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "dfrph.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["dfrph.js"], - "C++": ["dfrph.cxx"], - "C": ["dfrph.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "Typ": 5}, - "Measurement Range": {"unit": "pH", "low": 0, "high": 14}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": 0, "high": 60} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "dfrph", + "Description": "API for the DFRobot pH Sensors", + "Sensor Class": + { + "DFRPH": + { + "Name": "Analog pH Sensor", + "Description": "TThis sensor family returns an analog voltage proportional to the acidity or alkalinity of a liquid -- it's pH value. This driver was developed using the DFRobot Analog pH meter and the DFRobot Analog pH Meter Pro. Calibration instructions, taken and slightly reworded from the DFRobot wiki at: 1) Connect equipment: the pH electrode is connected to the BNC connector on the pH meter board, and then the pH meter board is connected to the analog port 0 of the controller. When the controller gets power, you will see the blue LED on board is on. 2) Put the pH electrode into the standard solution whose pH value is 7.00. Run the dfrph example and note the pH output value. Compare the value with 7.00, and calculate the difference. This is the value you should supply to the setOffset() method. 3) Put the pH electrode into the pH standard solution whose value is 4.00. Then wait about one minute, and adjust the potentiometer on the interface board. Let the value stabilise at around 4.00. At this time,the acidic calibration has been completed and you can measure the pH value of an acidic solution. 4) According to the linear characteristics of pH electrode itself, after the above calibration,you can directly measure the pH value of the alkaline solution. If you want to get better accuracy, you can recalibrate it. Alkaline calibration use the standard solution whose pH value is 9.18. Also adjust the potentiometer and let the value stabilise at around 9.18. After this calibration, you can measure the pH value of an alkaline solution.", + "Aliases": ["dfrph"], + "Categories": ["pH", "liquid"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["dfrobot"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "dfrph.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["dfrph.js"], + "C++": ["dfrph.cxx"], + "C": ["dfrph.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "Typ": 5}, + "Measurement Range": {"unit": "pH", "low": 0, "high": 14}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": 0, "high": 60} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/ds1307/ds1307.json b/src/ds1307/ds1307.json index 8b54ef4a..01fce031 100644 --- a/src/ds1307/ds1307.json +++ b/src/ds1307/ds1307.json @@ -1,41 +1,41 @@ -{ - "Library": "ds1307", - "Description": "DS1307 Real-Time Clock library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "DS1307": - { - "Name": "DS1307 Real Time Clock (RTC) Module", - "Description": "UPM module for the DS1307-based real-time clock. The clock can provide information about seconds, minutes, hours, day of the week, day of the month, month, and year. It can operate in either a 24-hour or a 12-hour format. This device can also output a square wave at 1Khz, 4Khz, 8Khz, and 32Khz. However, this capability is not implemented in this module.", - "Aliases": ["ds1307"], - "Categories": ["RTC", "timekeeping"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "maxim"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "ds1307.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["ds1307.js"], - "C++": ["ds1307.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 4.5, "high": 5.5}, - "Active Current": {"unit": "mA", "Typ": 1.5}, - "Standby Current (Oscillator On)": {"unit": "nA", "low": 480, "high": 800}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": 0, "high": 70} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "ds1307", + "Description": "DS1307 Real-Time Clock library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "DS1307": + { + "Name": "DS1307 Real Time Clock (RTC) Module", + "Description": "UPM module for the DS1307-based real-time clock. The clock can provide information about seconds, minutes, hours, day of the week, day of the month, month, and year. It can operate in either a 24-hour or a 12-hour format. This device can also output a square wave at 1Khz, 4Khz, 8Khz, and 32Khz. However, this capability is not implemented in this module.", + "Aliases": ["ds1307"], + "Categories": ["RTC", "timekeeping"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "maxim"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "ds1307.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["ds1307.js"], + "C++": ["ds1307.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 4.5, "high": 5.5}, + "Active Current": {"unit": "mA", "Typ": 1.5}, + "Standby Current (Oscillator On)": {"unit": "nA", "low": 480, "high": 800}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": 0, "high": 70} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/ds1808lc/ds1808lc.json b/src/ds1808lc/ds1808lc.json index d7d0ea4a..5c4d74b1 100644 --- a/src/ds1808lc/ds1808lc.json +++ b/src/ds1808lc/ds1808lc.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "ds1808lc", - "Description": "API for DS1808 Dual Log Digital Potentiometer as a Light Controller", - "Sensor Class": - { - "DS1808LC": - { - "Name": "DS1808LC Lighting Controller", - "Description": "The Maxim Integrated [DS1808]( Dual Log Digital Potentiometer", - "Aliases": ["ds1808lc"], - "Categories": ["lighting"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["maxim"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["ds1808lc.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "+-V", "Typ": 12}, - "Voltage Range": {"unit": "+-%", "Typ": 10}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "ds1808lc", + "Description": "API for DS1808 Dual Log Digital Potentiometer as a Light Controller", + "Sensor Class": + { + "DS1808LC": + { + "Name": "DS1808LC Lighting Controller", + "Description": "The Maxim Integrated [DS1808]( Dual Log Digital Potentiometer", + "Aliases": ["ds1808lc"], + "Categories": ["lighting"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["maxim"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["ds1808lc.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "+-V", "Typ": 12}, + "Voltage Range": {"unit": "+-%", "Typ": 10}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/ds18b20/ds18b20.json b/src/ds18b20/ds18b20.json index 5dde2271..09a5d065 100644 --- a/src/ds18b20/ds18b20.json +++ b/src/ds18b20/ds18b20.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "ds18b20", - "Description": "API for the DS18B20 1-Wire Temperature Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "DS18B20": - { - "Name": "DS18B20 1-Wire Temperature Sensor", - "Description": "The driver was tested with the DFRobot EC Analog Sensor. This device measure the electrical conductivity of an aqueous solution. The included probe is a K=1 model. Calibration is somewhat complicated - see the DFRobot wiki for instructions on calibration. Functions are provided to supply the appropriate values. By default, the values used in the DFRobot arduino example are used.", - "Aliases": ["ds18b20"], - "Categories": ["ec", "conductivity"], - "Connections": ["uart"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["dallas"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["ds18b20.js"], - "C++": ["ds18b20.cxx"], - "C": ["ds18b20.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.0, "high": 5.5}, - "Measurement Range": {"unit": "degC", "low": -55, "high": 125}, - "+-.5degC Accuracy Range": {"unit": "degC", "low": -10, "high": 85} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "ds18b20", + "Description": "API for the DS18B20 1-Wire Temperature Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "DS18B20": + { + "Name": "DS18B20 1-Wire Temperature Sensor", + "Description": "The driver was tested with the DFRobot EC Analog Sensor. This device measure the electrical conductivity of an aqueous solution. The included probe is a K=1 model. Calibration is somewhat complicated - see the DFRobot wiki for instructions on calibration. Functions are provided to supply the appropriate values. By default, the values used in the DFRobot arduino example are used.", + "Aliases": ["ds18b20"], + "Categories": ["ec", "conductivity"], + "Connections": ["uart"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["dallas"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["ds18b20.js"], + "C++": ["ds18b20.cxx"], + "C": ["ds18b20.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.0, "high": 5.5}, + "Measurement Range": {"unit": "degC", "low": -55, "high": 125}, + "+-.5degC Accuracy Range": {"unit": "degC", "low": -10, "high": 85} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/ds2413/ds2413.json b/src/ds2413/ds2413.json index 7a7da53d..21dd5941 100644 --- a/src/ds2413/ds2413.json +++ b/src/ds2413/ds2413.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "ds2413", - "Description": "1-Wire Dual Channel Addressable Switch Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "DS2413": - { - "Name": "1-Wire Dual Channel Addressable Switch", - "Description": "The DS2413 is a dual-channel programmable I/O 1-Wire(r) chip. The PIO outputs are configured as open-drain and provide up to 20mA continuous sink capability and off-state operating voltage up to 28V. Control and sensing of the PIO pins is performed with a dedicated device-level command protocol. This device requires the use of a UART to provide access to a Dallas 1-wire bus, via a new facility supported by MRAA (once the relevant PR is accepted), using the UartOW access class. It is important to realize that the UART is only being used to access and control a Dallas 1-wire compliant bus, it is not actually a UART device. Multiple DS2413 devices can be connected to this bus. This module will identify all such devices connected, and allow you to access them using an index starting at 0.", - "Aliases": ["ds2413"], - "Categories": ["switch"], - "Connections": ["uart"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["maxim", "adafruit"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["ds2413.js"], - "C++": ["ds2413.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 2.8, "high": 5.5}, - "Input Load Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 3.5, "high": 950}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": 0, "high": 70} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": ["", ""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "ds2413", + "Description": "1-Wire Dual Channel Addressable Switch Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "DS2413": + { + "Name": "1-Wire Dual Channel Addressable Switch", + "Description": "The DS2413 is a dual-channel programmable I/O 1-Wire(r) chip. The PIO outputs are configured as open-drain and provide up to 20mA continuous sink capability and off-state operating voltage up to 28V. Control and sensing of the PIO pins is performed with a dedicated device-level command protocol. This device requires the use of a UART to provide access to a Dallas 1-wire bus, via a new facility supported by MRAA (once the relevant PR is accepted), using the UartOW access class. It is important to realize that the UART is only being used to access and control a Dallas 1-wire compliant bus, it is not actually a UART device. Multiple DS2413 devices can be connected to this bus. This module will identify all such devices connected, and allow you to access them using an index starting at 0.", + "Aliases": ["ds2413"], + "Categories": ["switch"], + "Connections": ["uart"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["maxim", "adafruit"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["ds2413.js"], + "C++": ["ds2413.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 2.8, "high": 5.5}, + "Input Load Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 3.5, "high": 950}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": 0, "high": 70} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": ["", ""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/e50hx/e50hx.json b/src/e50hx/e50hx.json index e0271608..ebdbc39d 100644 --- a/src/e50hx/e50hx.json +++ b/src/e50hx/e50hx.json @@ -1,41 +1,41 @@ -{ - "Library": "e50hx", - "Description": "UPM API for the Veris E50HX Energy Meter", - "Sensor Class": - { - "E50HX": - { - "Name": "Veris E50HX (E50H2/E50H5) Energy Meter Module", - "Description": "This module implements support for the Veris E50H2 and E50H5 BACnet Energy Meters. From the datasheet: The E50H5 BACnet MS/TP DIN Rail Meter with Data Logging combines exceptional performance and easy installation to deliver a cost-effective solution for power monitoring applications. Native serial communication via BACnet MS/TP provides complete accessibility of all measurements to your Building Automation System The data logging capability protects data in the event of a power failure. The E50H5 can be easily installed on standard DIN rail, surface mounted or contained in an optional NEMA 4 enclosure, as needed. The front-panel LCD display makes device installation and setup easy and provides local access to the full set of detailed measurements. This module was developed using the upm::BACNETMSTP module, based on libbacnet-stack 0.8.3. Both libbacnet 0.8.3 and the upm::BACNETMSTP libraries must be present in order to build this module. This driver was developed on the E50H5. The Trend Log functionality is not currently supported. The Binary Input Objects are also not supported as these are only used for the Alarm bits which are already available from Analog Input Object 52 as an alarm bitfield incorporating all of the supported alarm indicators. It was connected using an RS232->RS485 interface. You cannot use the built in MCU TTL UART pins for accessing this device -- you must use a full Serial RS232->RS485 or USB-RS485 interface connected via USB.", - "Aliases": ["e50hx"], - "Categories": ["energy"], - "Connections": ["rs485"], - "Project Type": ["industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["veris"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["e50hx.js"], - "C++": ["e50hx.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "AC Operating Voltage": {"unit": "VAC", "low": 90, "high": 600}, - "AC Power Usage": {"unit": "VA", "Max": 5}, - "DC Operating Voltage": {"unit": "VDC", "low": 125, "high": 300}, - "DC Power Usage": {"unit": "W", "Max": 3}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -30, "high": 70} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "e50hx", + "Description": "UPM API for the Veris E50HX Energy Meter", + "Sensor Class": + { + "E50HX": + { + "Name": "Veris E50HX (E50H2/E50H5) Energy Meter Module", + "Description": "This module implements support for the Veris E50H2 and E50H5 BACnet Energy Meters. From the datasheet: The E50H5 BACnet MS/TP DIN Rail Meter with Data Logging combines exceptional performance and easy installation to deliver a cost-effective solution for power monitoring applications. Native serial communication via BACnet MS/TP provides complete accessibility of all measurements to your Building Automation System The data logging capability protects data in the event of a power failure. The E50H5 can be easily installed on standard DIN rail, surface mounted or contained in an optional NEMA 4 enclosure, as needed. The front-panel LCD display makes device installation and setup easy and provides local access to the full set of detailed measurements. This module was developed using the upm::BACNETMSTP module, based on libbacnet-stack 0.8.3. Both libbacnet 0.8.3 and the upm::BACNETMSTP libraries must be present in order to build this module. This driver was developed on the E50H5. The Trend Log functionality is not currently supported. The Binary Input Objects are also not supported as these are only used for the Alarm bits which are already available from Analog Input Object 52 as an alarm bitfield incorporating all of the supported alarm indicators. It was connected using an RS232->RS485 interface. You cannot use the built in MCU TTL UART pins for accessing this device -- you must use a full Serial RS232->RS485 or USB-RS485 interface connected via USB.", + "Aliases": ["e50hx"], + "Categories": ["energy"], + "Connections": ["rs485"], + "Project Type": ["industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["veris"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["e50hx.js"], + "C++": ["e50hx.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "AC Operating Voltage": {"unit": "VAC", "low": 90, "high": 600}, + "AC Power Usage": {"unit": "VA", "Max": 5}, + "DC Operating Voltage": {"unit": "VDC", "low": 125, "high": 300}, + "DC Power Usage": {"unit": "W", "Max": 3}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -30, "high": 70} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/ecezo/ecezo.json b/src/ecezo/ecezo.json index 5f5e67c4..e484614b 100644 --- a/src/ecezo/ecezo.json +++ b/src/ecezo/ecezo.json @@ -1,43 +1,43 @@ -{ - "Library": "ecezo", - "Description": "API for the EC-EZO EC Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "ECEZO": - { - "Name": "Electrical Conductivity (EC) Circuit", - "Description": "This driver was tested with the Atlas Scientific Electrical Conductivity kit. This device can operate in either UART or I2C modes.", - "Aliases": ["ecezo"], - "Categories": ["ec", "conductivity", "liquid"], - "Connections": ["i2c", "uart"], - "Project Type": ["industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["atlas", "sparkfun"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["ecezo.js"], - "C++": ["ecezo.cxx"], - "C": ["ecezo.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 19, "high": 50}, - "Conductivity Probe Range": {"unit": "K", "low": 0.1, "high": 10}, - "Accurate Reading Range (K=0.1)": {"unit": "uS", "low": 0.5, "high": 50000}, - "Accurate Reading Range (K=1.0)": {"unit": "uS", "low": 5, "high": 200000}, - "Accurate Reading Range (K=10.0)": {"unit": "uS", "low": 10, "high": 1000000}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": 1, "high": 35} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": ["", ""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "ecezo", + "Description": "API for the EC-EZO EC Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "ECEZO": + { + "Name": "Electrical Conductivity (EC) Circuit", + "Description": "This driver was tested with the Atlas Scientific Electrical Conductivity kit. This device can operate in either UART or I2C modes.", + "Aliases": ["ecezo"], + "Categories": ["ec", "conductivity", "liquid"], + "Connections": ["i2c", "uart"], + "Project Type": ["industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["atlas", "sparkfun"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["ecezo.js"], + "C++": ["ecezo.cxx"], + "C": ["ecezo.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 19, "high": 50}, + "Conductivity Probe Range": {"unit": "K", "low": 0.1, "high": 10}, + "Accurate Reading Range (K=0.1)": {"unit": "uS", "low": 0.5, "high": 50000}, + "Accurate Reading Range (K=1.0)": {"unit": "uS", "low": 5, "high": 200000}, + "Accurate Reading Range (K=10.0)": {"unit": "uS", "low": 10, "high": 1000000}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": 1, "high": 35} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": ["", ""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/ecs1030/ecs1030.json b/src/ecs1030/ecs1030.json index 508a35f1..e659cd97 100644 --- a/src/ecs1030/ecs1030.json +++ b/src/ecs1030/ecs1030.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "ecs1030", - "Description": "ECS1030 Electricity Sensor Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "ECS1030": - { - "Name": "Non-Invasive Current Sensor", - "Description": "This non-invasive current sensor can be clamped around the supply line of an electrical load to tell you how much current is passing through it. It does this by acting as an inductor and responding to the magnetic field around a current-carrying conductor. This particular current sensor measures a load up to 30 A, which makes it great for building your own energy monitors.", - "Aliases": ["ecs1030"], - "Categories": ["meter", "electric"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["sparkfun"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "ecs1030.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["ecs1030.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Measurable Current": {"unit": "V", "low": 1, "nominal": 30, "maximum": 60}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 65} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "ecs1030", + "Description": "ECS1030 Electricity Sensor Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "ECS1030": + { + "Name": "Non-Invasive Current Sensor", + "Description": "This non-invasive current sensor can be clamped around the supply line of an electrical load to tell you how much current is passing through it. It does this by acting as an inductor and responding to the magnetic field around a current-carrying conductor. This particular current sensor measures a load up to 30 A, which makes it great for building your own energy monitors.", + "Aliases": ["ecs1030"], + "Categories": ["meter", "electric"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["sparkfun"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "ecs1030.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["ecs1030.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Measurable Current": {"unit": "V", "low": 1, "nominal": 30, "maximum": 60}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 65} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/ehr/ehr.json b/src/ehr/ehr.json index 8ba57537..adaf5e88 100644 --- a/src/ehr/ehr.json +++ b/src/ehr/ehr.json @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ -{ - "Library": "ehr", - "Description": "API for the Ear-clip Heart Rate Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "EHR": - { - "Name": "Ear-clip Heart Rate Sensor", - "Description": "UPM module for the ear-clip heart rate sensor. It is used to measure your heart rate.", - "Aliases": ["ehr"], - "Categories": ["heartrate"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["medical", "wearables", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "ehr.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["ehr.js"], - "C++": ["ehr.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3, "high": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 6.5}, - "Measurement Range": {"unit": "bpm", "min": 30} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "ehr", + "Description": "API for the Ear-clip Heart Rate Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "EHR": + { + "Name": "Ear-clip Heart Rate Sensor", + "Description": "UPM module for the ear-clip heart rate sensor. It is used to measure your heart rate.", + "Aliases": ["ehr"], + "Categories": ["heartrate"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["medical", "wearables", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "ehr.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["ehr.js"], + "C++": ["ehr.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3, "high": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 6.5}, + "Measurement Range": {"unit": "bpm", "min": 30} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/eldriver/eldriver.json b/src/eldriver/eldriver.json index c7bd4dfe..9376e75b 100644 --- a/src/eldriver/eldriver.json +++ b/src/eldriver/eldriver.json @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ -{ - "Library": "eldriver", - "Description": "API for the EL Driver Module", - "Sensor Class": - { - "ElDriver": - { - "Name": "Electroluminescent Wire (EL) Driver", - "Description": "The EL Driver allows you to easily light up an EL wire with just one single cable.", - "Aliases": ["eldriver"], - "Categories": ["lighting"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "commercial", "wearables"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "eldriver.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["eldriver.js"], - "C++": ["eldriver.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "max": 300}, - "Supported EL Capacitance": {"unit": "nF", "max": 15} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "eldriver", + "Description": "API for the EL Driver Module", + "Sensor Class": + { + "ElDriver": + { + "Name": "Electroluminescent Wire (EL) Driver", + "Description": "The EL Driver allows you to easily light up an EL wire with just one single cable.", + "Aliases": ["eldriver"], + "Categories": ["lighting"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "commercial", "wearables"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "eldriver.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["eldriver.js"], + "C++": ["eldriver.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "max": 300}, + "Supported EL Capacitance": {"unit": "nF", "max": 15} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/electromagnet/electromagnet.json b/src/electromagnet/electromagnet.json index d6cc1e8e..6ef4a9f4 100644 --- a/src/electromagnet/electromagnet.json +++ b/src/electromagnet/electromagnet.json @@ -1,41 +1,41 @@ -{ - "Library": "electromagnet", - "Description": "Electromagnet Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "Electromagnet": - { - "Name": "API for the Electromagnet", - "Description": "The Electromagnet can hold up to 1 kg (approximately 2.2 lbs)", - "Aliases": ["electromagnet"], - "Categories": ["electric", "magnetic"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "electromagnet.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["electromagnet.js"], - "C++": ["electromagnet.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 400}, - "Standby Current": {"unit": "uA", "typ": 200}, - "Max Load Weight": {"unit": "kgs", "typ": 1} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "electromagnet", + "Description": "Electromagnet Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "Electromagnet": + { + "Name": "API for the Electromagnet", + "Description": "The Electromagnet can hold up to 1 kg (approximately 2.2 lbs)", + "Aliases": ["electromagnet"], + "Categories": ["electric", "magnetic"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "electromagnet.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["electromagnet.js"], + "C++": ["electromagnet.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 400}, + "Standby Current": {"unit": "uA", "typ": 200}, + "Max Load Weight": {"unit": "kgs", "typ": 1} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/emg/emg.json b/src/emg/emg.json index d32454d6..7bab83f7 100644 --- a/src/emg/emg.json +++ b/src/emg/emg.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ -{ - "Library": "emg", - "Description": "Grove EMG Muscle Signal Reader Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "EMG": - { - "Name": "Electromyography (EMG) Sensor", - "Description": "Grove EMG muscle signal reader gathers small muscle signals, then processes them, and returns the result.", - "Aliases": ["emg"], - "Categories": ["electromyography", "medical"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["wearables", "computer interfacing", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "emg.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["emg.js"], - "C++": ["emg.cxx"], - "C": ["emg.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "emg", + "Description": "Grove EMG Muscle Signal Reader Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "EMG": + { + "Name": "Electromyography (EMG) Sensor", + "Description": "Grove EMG muscle signal reader gathers small muscle signals, then processes them, and returns the result.", + "Aliases": ["emg"], + "Categories": ["electromyography", "medical"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["wearables", "computer interfacing", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "emg.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["emg.js"], + "C++": ["emg.cxx"], + "C": ["emg.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/enc03r/enc03r.json b/src/enc03r/enc03r.json index d06c3b80..47adb340 100644 --- a/src/enc03r/enc03r.json +++ b/src/enc03r/enc03r.json @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ -{ - "Library": "enc03r", - "Description": "ENC03R Single Axis Gyro Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "ENC03R": - { - "Name": "Single-axis Analog Gyro Module", - "Description": "UPM module for the ENC03R single axis analog gyro. This gyroscope measures x-axis angular velocity, that is how fast the sensor is rotating around the x-axis. Calibration of the sensor is necessary for accurate readings.", - "Aliases": ["enc03r"], - "Categories": ["gyroscope", "IMU", "Discontinued"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["murata", "seeed"], - "Kits": ["robok"], - "Image": "enc03r.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["enc03r.js"], - "C++": ["enc03r.cxx"], - "C": ["enc03r.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 2.7, "high": 5.25}, - "Response Time": {"unit": "Hz", "typ": 50}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "decC", "low": -5, "high": 75} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "enc03r", + "Description": "ENC03R Single Axis Gyro Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "ENC03R": + { + "Name": "Single-axis Analog Gyro Module", + "Description": "UPM module for the ENC03R single axis analog gyro. This gyroscope measures x-axis angular velocity, that is how fast the sensor is rotating around the x-axis. Calibration of the sensor is necessary for accurate readings.", + "Aliases": ["enc03r"], + "Categories": ["gyroscope", "IMU", "Discontinued"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["murata", "seeed"], + "Kits": ["robok"], + "Image": "enc03r.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["enc03r.js"], + "C++": ["enc03r.cxx"], + "C": ["enc03r.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 2.7, "high": 5.25}, + "Response Time": {"unit": "Hz", "typ": 50}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "decC", "low": -5, "high": 75} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/flex/flex.json b/src/flex/flex.json index 34e6d30b..851ca1cd 100644 --- a/src/flex/flex.json +++ b/src/flex/flex.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "flex", - "Description": "API for the Spectra Symbol Flex Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "Flex": - { - "Name": "Resistive Flex Sensor", - "Description": "A simple flex sensor. The resistance across the sensor increases when flexed. Patented technology by Spectra Symbol, these sensors were used in the original Nintendo* Power Glove.", - "Aliases": ["flex"], - "Categories": ["flex sensors"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["sparkfun"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "flex.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": ["flex.js"], - "C++": ["flex.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Flat Resistance": {"unit": "KOhms", "typ": 10}, - "Bend Resistance": {"unit": "KOhms", "low": 60, "high": 110}, - "Temperature Range": {"unit": "degC", "low": -35, "high": 80} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "flex", + "Description": "API for the Spectra Symbol Flex Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "Flex": + { + "Name": "Resistive Flex Sensor", + "Description": "A simple flex sensor. The resistance across the sensor increases when flexed. Patented technology by Spectra Symbol, these sensors were used in the original Nintendo* Power Glove.", + "Aliases": ["flex"], + "Categories": ["flex sensors"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["sparkfun"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "flex.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": ["flex.js"], + "C++": ["flex.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Flat Resistance": {"unit": "KOhms", "typ": 10}, + "Bend Resistance": {"unit": "KOhms", "low": 60, "high": 110}, + "Temperature Range": {"unit": "degC", "low": -35, "high": 80} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/gas/gas.json b/src/gas/gas.json index badb8faf..aedacfcb 100644 --- a/src/gas/gas.json +++ b/src/gas/gas.json @@ -1,275 +1,275 @@ -{ - "Library": "gas", - "Description": "Gas Sensor Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "MQ2": - { - "Name": "MQ2 Methane, Butane, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), and Smoke Sensor", - "Description": "The MQ2 Gas Sensor module is useful for gas leakage detection (in home and industry). It can detect LPG, i-butane, methane, alcohol, hydrogen, smoke, and other combustible gases. It's a medium-sensitivity sensor with a detection range of 300-10,000 ppm.", - "Aliases": ["mq2"], - "Categories": ["gas"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "safety", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": ["hak"], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["gas-mq2.cxx"], - "C": ["gas-mqx.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.1, "high": 160}, - "Heater Resistance": {"unit": "Ohms", "typ": 33}, - "Sensor Resistance": {"unit": "KOhms", "low": 3, "high": 30} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - }, - - "MQ3": - { - "Name": "MQ3 Alcohol, Ethanol, Smoke Sensor", - "Description": "The MQ3 Gas Sensor module is useful for gas leakage detection (in home and industry). It can detect alcohol vapors and benzine. It's highly sensitive but has a long warm-up time of about 1 minute. It's detection range is 0.04-4 mg/L Alcohol.", - "Aliases": ["mq3"], - "Categories": ["gas"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "safety", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["gas-mq3.cxx"], - "C": ["gas-mqx.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.1, "high": 150}, - "Heater Resistance": {"unit": "Ohms", "typ": 33}, - "Sensor Resistance": {"unit": "MOhms", "low": 1, "high": 8}, - "Detectable Concentration": {"unit": "mg/L", "low": 0.05, "high": 10} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - }, - - "MQ4": - { - "Name": "MQ4 Methane and Connecticut Natural Gas (CNG) Sensor", - "Description": "The MQ4 Gas Sensor module is useful for detecting CH4 (Methane), and natural gas concentrations in the air. It has a detection range of 100-10000 ppm. For optimum use, it requires calibration after a pre-heat time of at least 24 hours. See the datasheet for details.", - "Aliases": ["mq4"], - "Categories": ["gas"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "safety", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["dfrobot"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["gas-mq4.cxx"], - "C": ["gas-mqx.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.1, "high": 150}, - "Heater Resistance": {"unit": "Ohms", "typ": 33}, - "Sensor Resistance": {"unit": "KOhms", "low": 10, "high": 60} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [] - } - }, - - "MQ5": - { - "Name": "MQ5 Natural Gas and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Sensor", - "Description": "The MQ5 Gas Sensor module is useful for gas leakage detection (in home and industry). It can detect LPG, natural gas, town gas, and so on. It is highly sensitive and has a detection range of 300-10,000 ppm.", - "Aliases": ["mq5"], - "Categories": ["gas"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "safety", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": ["eak"], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["gas-mq5.cxx"], - "C": ["gas-mqx.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.1, "high": 160}, - "Heater Resistance": {"unit": "Ohms", "typ": 31}, - "Sensor Resistance": {"unit": "KOhms", "low": 10, "high": 60}, - "Detectable Concentration": {"unit": "ppm", "low": 200, "high": 10000} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [] - } - }, - - "MQ6": - { - "Name": "MQ6 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and Butane Sensor", - "Description": "The MQ6 Gas Sensor module is useful for detecting LPG, iso-butane, propane, and LNG concentrations in the air. It has a detection range of 200-10000 ppm. For optimum use, it requires calibration after a pre-heat time of at least 24 hours. See the datasheet for details.", - "Aliases": ["mq6"], - "Categories": ["gas"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "safety", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["dfrobot"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["gas-mq6.cxx"], - "C": ["gas-mqx.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.1, "high": 150}, - "Heater Resistance": {"unit": "Ohms", "typ": 33}, - "Sensor Resistance": {"unit": "KOhms", "low": 10, "high": 60}, - "Detectable Concentration": {"unit": "ppm", "low": 200, "high": 10000} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - }, - - "MQ7": - { - "Name": "MQ7 Carbon Monoxide Sensor", - "Description": "The Grove MQ7 Gas Sensor module is useful for detecting Carbon Monoxide (CO) concentrations in the air. It has a detection range of 20-2000 ppm. For optimum use, it requires calibration after a pre-heat time of 48 hours. See the datasheet for details.", - "Aliases": ["mq7"], - "Categories": ["gas"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "safety", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["dfrobot"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["gas-mq7.cxx"], - "C": ["gas-mqx.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 70}, - "Heater Resistance": {"unit": "Ohms", "typ": 33}, - "Detectable Concentration": {"unit": "ppm", "low": 20, "high": 2000} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - }, - - "MQ8": - { - "Name": "MQ8 Flammable (Hydrogen) Gas Sensor", - "Description": "The MQ8 Gas Sensor module is useful for detecting Hydrogen gas concentrations in the air. It has a detection range of 100-10000 ppm. For optimum use, it requires calibration after a pre-heat time of at least 24 hours. See the datasheet for details.", - "Aliases": ["mq8"], - "Categories": ["gas"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "safety", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["dfrobot"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["gas-mq8.cxx"], - "C": ["gas-mqx.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "max": 160}, - "Heater Resistance": {"unit": "Ohms", "typ": 31}, - "Sensor Resistance": {"unit": "KOhms", "low": 10, "high": 60}, - "Detectable Concentration": {"unit": "ppm", "low": 100, "high": 10000} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - }, - - "MQ9": - { - "Name": "MQ9 Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Flammable Gas Sensor", - "Description": "The Grove MQ9 Gas Sensor module is useful for gas leakage detection (in home and industry). It can detect carbon monoxide, coal gas, and liquefied gas. Its sensitivity is 10-1,000 ppm CO, and 100-10,000 ppm Gas.", - "Aliases": ["mq9"], - "Categories": ["gas"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "safety", "industrial"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["gas-mq9.cxx"], - "C": ["gas-mqx.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.1, "high": 68}, - "Heater Resistance": {"unit": "Ohms", "typ": 33}, - "Sensor Resistance": {"unit": "Ohms", "low": 2, "high": 20000}, - "Detectable Concentration": {"unit": "ppm", "low": 200, "high": 10000} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "gas", + "Description": "Gas Sensor Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "MQ2": + { + "Name": "MQ2 Methane, Butane, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), and Smoke Sensor", + "Description": "The MQ2 Gas Sensor module is useful for gas leakage detection (in home and industry). It can detect LPG, i-butane, methane, alcohol, hydrogen, smoke, and other combustible gases. It's a medium-sensitivity sensor with a detection range of 300-10,000 ppm.", + "Aliases": ["mq2"], + "Categories": ["gas"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "safety", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": ["hak"], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["gas-mq2.cxx"], + "C": ["gas-mqx.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.1, "high": 160}, + "Heater Resistance": {"unit": "Ohms", "typ": 33}, + "Sensor Resistance": {"unit": "KOhms", "low": 3, "high": 30} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + }, + + "MQ3": + { + "Name": "MQ3 Alcohol, Ethanol, Smoke Sensor", + "Description": "The MQ3 Gas Sensor module is useful for gas leakage detection (in home and industry). It can detect alcohol vapors and benzine. It's highly sensitive but has a long warm-up time of about 1 minute. It's detection range is 0.04-4 mg/L Alcohol.", + "Aliases": ["mq3"], + "Categories": ["gas"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "safety", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["gas-mq3.cxx"], + "C": ["gas-mqx.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.1, "high": 150}, + "Heater Resistance": {"unit": "Ohms", "typ": 33}, + "Sensor Resistance": {"unit": "MOhms", "low": 1, "high": 8}, + "Detectable Concentration": {"unit": "mg/L", "low": 0.05, "high": 10} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + }, + + "MQ4": + { + "Name": "MQ4 Methane and Connecticut Natural Gas (CNG) Sensor", + "Description": "The MQ4 Gas Sensor module is useful for detecting CH4 (Methane), and natural gas concentrations in the air. It has a detection range of 100-10000 ppm. For optimum use, it requires calibration after a pre-heat time of at least 24 hours. See the datasheet for details.", + "Aliases": ["mq4"], + "Categories": ["gas"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "safety", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["dfrobot"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["gas-mq4.cxx"], + "C": ["gas-mqx.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.1, "high": 150}, + "Heater Resistance": {"unit": "Ohms", "typ": 33}, + "Sensor Resistance": {"unit": "KOhms", "low": 10, "high": 60} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [] + } + }, + + "MQ5": + { + "Name": "MQ5 Natural Gas and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Sensor", + "Description": "The MQ5 Gas Sensor module is useful for gas leakage detection (in home and industry). It can detect LPG, natural gas, town gas, and so on. It is highly sensitive and has a detection range of 300-10,000 ppm.", + "Aliases": ["mq5"], + "Categories": ["gas"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "safety", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": ["eak"], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["gas-mq5.cxx"], + "C": ["gas-mqx.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.1, "high": 160}, + "Heater Resistance": {"unit": "Ohms", "typ": 31}, + "Sensor Resistance": {"unit": "KOhms", "low": 10, "high": 60}, + "Detectable Concentration": {"unit": "ppm", "low": 200, "high": 10000} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [] + } + }, + + "MQ6": + { + "Name": "MQ6 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and Butane Sensor", + "Description": "The MQ6 Gas Sensor module is useful for detecting LPG, iso-butane, propane, and LNG concentrations in the air. It has a detection range of 200-10000 ppm. For optimum use, it requires calibration after a pre-heat time of at least 24 hours. See the datasheet for details.", + "Aliases": ["mq6"], + "Categories": ["gas"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "safety", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["dfrobot"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["gas-mq6.cxx"], + "C": ["gas-mqx.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.1, "high": 150}, + "Heater Resistance": {"unit": "Ohms", "typ": 33}, + "Sensor Resistance": {"unit": "KOhms", "low": 10, "high": 60}, + "Detectable Concentration": {"unit": "ppm", "low": 200, "high": 10000} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + }, + + "MQ7": + { + "Name": "MQ7 Carbon Monoxide Sensor", + "Description": "The Grove MQ7 Gas Sensor module is useful for detecting Carbon Monoxide (CO) concentrations in the air. It has a detection range of 20-2000 ppm. For optimum use, it requires calibration after a pre-heat time of 48 hours. See the datasheet for details.", + "Aliases": ["mq7"], + "Categories": ["gas"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "safety", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["dfrobot"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["gas-mq7.cxx"], + "C": ["gas-mqx.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 70}, + "Heater Resistance": {"unit": "Ohms", "typ": 33}, + "Detectable Concentration": {"unit": "ppm", "low": 20, "high": 2000} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + }, + + "MQ8": + { + "Name": "MQ8 Flammable (Hydrogen) Gas Sensor", + "Description": "The MQ8 Gas Sensor module is useful for detecting Hydrogen gas concentrations in the air. It has a detection range of 100-10000 ppm. For optimum use, it requires calibration after a pre-heat time of at least 24 hours. See the datasheet for details.", + "Aliases": ["mq8"], + "Categories": ["gas"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "safety", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["dfrobot"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["gas-mq8.cxx"], + "C": ["gas-mqx.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "max": 160}, + "Heater Resistance": {"unit": "Ohms", "typ": 31}, + "Sensor Resistance": {"unit": "KOhms", "low": 10, "high": 60}, + "Detectable Concentration": {"unit": "ppm", "low": 100, "high": 10000} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + }, + + "MQ9": + { + "Name": "MQ9 Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Flammable Gas Sensor", + "Description": "The Grove MQ9 Gas Sensor module is useful for gas leakage detection (in home and industry). It can detect carbon monoxide, coal gas, and liquefied gas. Its sensitivity is 10-1,000 ppm CO, and 100-10,000 ppm Gas.", + "Aliases": ["mq9"], + "Categories": ["gas"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "safety", "industrial"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["gas-mq9.cxx"], + "C": ["gas-mqx.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.1, "high": 68}, + "Heater Resistance": {"unit": "Ohms", "typ": 33}, + "Sensor Resistance": {"unit": "Ohms", "low": 2, "high": 20000}, + "Detectable Concentration": {"unit": "ppm", "low": 200, "high": 10000} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/gp2y0a/gp2y0a.json b/src/gp2y0a/gp2y0a.json index ad72e3ca..7a35a95d 100644 --- a/src/gp2y0a/gp2y0a.json +++ b/src/gp2y0a/gp2y0a.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "gp2y0a", - "Description": "API for the GP2Y0A family of IR Proximity Sensors", - "Sensor Class": - { - "GP2Y0A": - { - "Name": "Analog Infrared (IR) Based Distance Sensor", - "Description": "Sensors of this family return an analog voltage corresponding to the distance of an object from the sensor. The voltage is lower when objects are far away; the voltage increases as objects get closer to the sensor.", - "Aliases": ["gp2y0a"], - "Categories": ["proximity", "light"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "robotics"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "gp2y0a.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["gp2y0a.js"], - "C++": ["gp2y0a.cxx"], - "C": ["gp2y0a.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 2.5, "typ": 5, "high": 7}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 33, "max": 50}, - "Measurement Range": {"unit": "cm", "low": 10, "high": 80} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "gp2y0a", + "Description": "API for the GP2Y0A family of IR Proximity Sensors", + "Sensor Class": + { + "GP2Y0A": + { + "Name": "Analog Infrared (IR) Based Distance Sensor", + "Description": "Sensors of this family return an analog voltage corresponding to the distance of an object from the sensor. The voltage is lower when objects are far away; the voltage increases as objects get closer to the sensor.", + "Aliases": ["gp2y0a"], + "Categories": ["proximity", "light"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "robotics"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "gp2y0a.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["gp2y0a.js"], + "C++": ["gp2y0a.cxx"], + "C": ["gp2y0a.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 2.5, "typ": 5, "high": 7}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 33, "max": 50}, + "Measurement Range": {"unit": "cm", "low": 10, "high": 80} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/gprs/gprs.json b/src/gprs/gprs.json index af25b2bd..5b603408 100644 --- a/src/gprs/gprs.json +++ b/src/gprs/gprs.json @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ -{ - "Library": "gprs", - "Description": "API for the GPRS Module", - "Sensor Class": - { - "GPRS": - { - "Name": "General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) Module", - "Description": "The driver was tested with the GPRS Module, V2. It's a GSM GPRS module based on the SIM900. This module uses a standard 'AT' command set. See the datasheet for a full list of available commands and their possible responses.", - "Aliases": ["gprs"], - "Categories": ["wireless"], - "Connections": ["uart"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "wireless"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "gprs.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["gprs.js"], - "C++": ["gprs.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Input Voltage (5v Pin)": {"unit": "V", "Typ": 5}, - "Input Voltage (Vin Pin)": {"unit": "V", "low": 6.5, "high": 12}, - "Power Consumption": {"unit": "mA", "low": 1.5}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", "", "", "", ""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "gprs", + "Description": "API for the GPRS Module", + "Sensor Class": + { + "GPRS": + { + "Name": "General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) Module", + "Description": "The driver was tested with the GPRS Module, V2. It's a GSM GPRS module based on the SIM900. This module uses a standard 'AT' command set. See the datasheet for a full list of available commands and their possible responses.", + "Aliases": ["gprs"], + "Categories": ["wireless"], + "Connections": ["uart"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "wireless"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "gprs.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["gprs.js"], + "C++": ["gprs.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Input Voltage (5v Pin)": {"unit": "V", "Typ": 5}, + "Input Voltage (Vin Pin)": {"unit": "V", "low": 6.5, "high": 12}, + "Power Consumption": {"unit": "mA", "low": 1.5}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", "", "", "", ""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/grove/grove.json b/src/grove/grove.json index a1af0a6c..cd5f68ea 100644 --- a/src/grove/grove.json +++ b/src/grove/grove.json @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ "Kits": ["gsk"], "Image": "grovebutton.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": ["", ""], + "Java": ["", ""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["grovebutton.js"], "C++": ["grove-grovebutton.cxx"] @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ "Kits": ["gsk"], "Image": "groveled.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": ["", ""], + "Java": ["", ""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["groveled.js"], "C++": ["grove-groveled.cxx", "grove-groveled-multi.cxx"] @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ "Kits": ["gsk"], "Image": "grovelight.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["grovelight.js"], "C++": ["grove-grovelight.cxx"] @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ "Kits": ["gsk", "eak", "hak"], "Image": "groverelay.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["groverelay.js"], "C++": ["grove-groverelay.cxx"] @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ "Kits": ["gsk"], "Image": "groverotary.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["groverotary.js"], "C++": ["grove-groverotary.cxx"] @@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["Seeed"], "Images": "slide.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["groveslide.js"], "C++": ["grove-groveslide.cxx"] @@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ "Kits": ["gsk"], "Image": "grovetemp.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["grovetemp.js"], "C++": ["grove-grovetemp.cxx"] diff --git a/src/grovecollision/grovecollision.json b/src/grovecollision/grovecollision.json index 88c63df1..591d5d9b 100644 --- a/src/grovecollision/grovecollision.json +++ b/src/grovecollision/grovecollision.json @@ -1,41 +1,41 @@ -{ - "Library": "grovecollision", - "Description": "API for the Grove Collision Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "GroveCollision": - { - "Name": "Grove Collision Sensor", - "Description": "The Grove Collision Sensor can detect whether any collision movement or vibration happens. It outputs a low pulse signal when vibration is detected.", - "Aliases": ["grovecollision"], - "Categories": ["collision", "deprecated"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "robotics"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "grovecollision.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["grovecollision.js"], - "C++": ["grovecollision.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "max": 2}, - "Reaction Point": {"unit": "mg", "typ": 50}, - "Off Resistance": {"unit": "MOhms", "min": 30}, - "On Resistance": {"unit": "Ohms", "max": 100} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "grovecollision", + "Description": "API for the Grove Collision Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "GroveCollision": + { + "Name": "Grove Collision Sensor", + "Description": "The Grove Collision Sensor can detect whether any collision movement or vibration happens. It outputs a low pulse signal when vibration is detected.", + "Aliases": ["grovecollision"], + "Categories": ["collision", "deprecated"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "robotics"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "grovecollision.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["grovecollision.js"], + "C++": ["grovecollision.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "max": 2}, + "Reaction Point": {"unit": "mg", "typ": 50}, + "Off Resistance": {"unit": "MOhms", "min": 30}, + "On Resistance": {"unit": "Ohms", "max": 100} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/groveehr/groveehr.json b/src/groveehr/groveehr.json index 0ded708e..0aa4e6fc 100644 --- a/src/groveehr/groveehr.json +++ b/src/groveehr/groveehr.json @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ -{ - "Library": "groveehr", - "Description": "API for the Ear-clip Heart Rate Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "GroveEHR": - { - "Name": "Ear-clip Heart Rate Sensor", - "Description": "UPM module for the ear-clip heart rate sensor. It is used to measure your heart rate.", - "Aliases": ["groveehr"], - "Categories": ["heartrate", "deprecated"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["medical", "wearables", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "groveehr.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["groveehr.js"], - "C++": ["groveehr.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3, "high": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 6.5}, - "Measurement Range": {"unit": "bpm", "min": 30} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "groveehr", + "Description": "API for the Ear-clip Heart Rate Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "GroveEHR": + { + "Name": "Ear-clip Heart Rate Sensor", + "Description": "UPM module for the ear-clip heart rate sensor. It is used to measure your heart rate.", + "Aliases": ["groveehr"], + "Categories": ["heartrate", "deprecated"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["medical", "wearables", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "groveehr.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["groveehr.js"], + "C++": ["groveehr.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3, "high": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 6.5}, + "Measurement Range": {"unit": "bpm", "min": 30} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/groveeldriver/groveeldriver.json b/src/groveeldriver/groveeldriver.json index 782f5b6c..c993aa94 100644 --- a/src/groveeldriver/groveeldriver.json +++ b/src/groveeldriver/groveeldriver.json @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ -{ - "Library": "groveeldriver", - "Description": "API for the Grove EL Driver Module", - "Sensor Class": - { - "GroveElDriver": - { - "Name": "Grove Electroluminescent Wire (EL) Driver", - "Description": "The Grove EL Driver allows you to easily light up an EL wire with just one single cable.", - "Aliases": ["groveeldriver"], - "Categories": ["lighting", "deprecated"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "commercial", "wearables"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "groveeldriver.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["groveeldriver.js"], - "C++": ["groveeldriver.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "max": 300}, - "Supported EL Capacitance": {"unit": "nF", "max": 15} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "groveeldriver", + "Description": "API for the Grove EL Driver Module", + "Sensor Class": + { + "GroveElDriver": + { + "Name": "Grove Electroluminescent Wire (EL) Driver", + "Description": "The Grove EL Driver allows you to easily light up an EL wire with just one single cable.", + "Aliases": ["groveeldriver"], + "Categories": ["lighting", "deprecated"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "commercial", "wearables"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "groveeldriver.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["groveeldriver.js"], + "C++": ["groveeldriver.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "max": 300}, + "Supported EL Capacitance": {"unit": "nF", "max": 15} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/groveelectromagnet/groveelectromagnet.json b/src/groveelectromagnet/groveelectromagnet.json index e4568458..49794ac0 100644 --- a/src/groveelectromagnet/groveelectromagnet.json +++ b/src/groveelectromagnet/groveelectromagnet.json @@ -1,41 +1,41 @@ -{ - "Library": "groveelectromagnet", - "Description": "Grove Electromagnet Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "GroveElectromagnet": - { - "Name": "API for the Grove Electromagnet", - "Description": "The Grove Electromagnet can hold up to 1 kg (approximately 2.2 lbs)", - "Aliases": ["groveelectromagnet"], - "Categories": ["electric", "magnetic", "deprecated"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "groveelectromagnet.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["groveelectromagnet.js"], - "C++": ["groveelectromagnet.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 400}, - "Standby Current": {"unit": "uA", "typ": 200}, - "Max Load Weight": {"unit": "kgs", "typ": 1} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "groveelectromagnet", + "Description": "Grove Electromagnet Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "GroveElectromagnet": + { + "Name": "API for the Grove Electromagnet", + "Description": "The Grove Electromagnet can hold up to 1 kg (approximately 2.2 lbs)", + "Aliases": ["groveelectromagnet"], + "Categories": ["electric", "magnetic", "deprecated"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "groveelectromagnet.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["groveelectromagnet.js"], + "C++": ["groveelectromagnet.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 400}, + "Standby Current": {"unit": "uA", "typ": 200}, + "Max Load Weight": {"unit": "kgs", "typ": 1} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/groveemg/groveemg.json b/src/groveemg/groveemg.json index 857240e4..3b7dc808 100644 --- a/src/groveemg/groveemg.json +++ b/src/groveemg/groveemg.json @@ -1,37 +1,37 @@ -{ - "Library": "groveemg", - "Description": "Grove EMG Muscle Signal Reader Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "GroveEMG": - { - "Name": "Grove Electromyography (EMG) Sensor", - "Description": "Grove EMG muscle signal reader gathers small muscle signals, then processes them, and returns the result.", - "Aliases": ["groveemg"], - "Categories": ["electromyography", "medical", "deprecated"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["wearables", "computer interfacing", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["groveemg.js"], - "C++": ["groveemg.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "groveemg", + "Description": "Grove EMG Muscle Signal Reader Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "GroveEMG": + { + "Name": "Grove Electromyography (EMG) Sensor", + "Description": "Grove EMG muscle signal reader gathers small muscle signals, then processes them, and returns the result.", + "Aliases": ["groveemg"], + "Categories": ["electromyography", "medical", "deprecated"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["wearables", "computer interfacing", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["groveemg.js"], + "C++": ["groveemg.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/grovegprs/grovegprs.json b/src/grovegprs/grovegprs.json index bbeb671c..462e380a 100644 --- a/src/grovegprs/grovegprs.json +++ b/src/grovegprs/grovegprs.json @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ -{ - "Library": "grovegprs", - "Description": "API for the Grove GPRS Module", - "Sensor Class": - { - "GroveGPRS": - { - "Name": "Grove General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) Module", - "Description": "The driver was tested with the Grove GPRS Module, V2. It's a GSM GPRS module based on the SIM900. This module uses a standard 'AT' command set. See the datasheet for a full list of available commands and their possible responses.", - "Aliases": ["grovegprs"], - "Categories": ["wireless"], - "Connections": ["uart"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "wireless"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "grovegprs.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["grovegprs.js"], - "C++": ["grovegprs.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Input Voltage (5v Pin)": {"unit": "V", "Typ": 5}, - "Input Voltage (Vin Pin)": {"unit": "V", "low": 6.5, "high": 12}, - "Power Consumption": {"unit": "mA", "low": 1.5}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", "", "", "", ""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "grovegprs", + "Description": "API for the Grove GPRS Module", + "Sensor Class": + { + "GroveGPRS": + { + "Name": "Grove General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) Module", + "Description": "The driver was tested with the Grove GPRS Module, V2. It's a GSM GPRS module based on the SIM900. This module uses a standard 'AT' command set. See the datasheet for a full list of available commands and their possible responses.", + "Aliases": ["grovegprs"], + "Categories": ["wireless"], + "Connections": ["uart"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "wireless"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "grovegprs.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["grovegprs.js"], + "C++": ["grovegprs.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Input Voltage (5v Pin)": {"unit": "V", "Typ": 5}, + "Input Voltage (Vin Pin)": {"unit": "V", "low": 6.5, "high": 12}, + "Power Consumption": {"unit": "mA", "low": 1.5}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", "", "", "", ""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/grovegsr/grovegsr.json b/src/grovegsr/grovegsr.json index 24e4e298..a1e1ddcf 100644 --- a/src/grovegsr/grovegsr.json +++ b/src/grovegsr/grovegsr.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ -{ - "Library": "grovegsr", - "Description": "API for the Grove GSR Galvanic Skin Response Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "GroveGSR": - { - "Name": "Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) Sensor", - "Description": "Measures the electrical conductance of skin to measure strong emotional reactions. In other words, it measures sweat on your fingers as an indicator of strong emotional reactions.", - "Aliases": ["grovegsr"], - "Categories": ["skinresponse"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["medical", "interface", "wearables", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["grovegsr.js"], - "C++": ["grovegsr.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.7, "high": 3}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "min": 0, "max": 70} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", "file:///C:/Users/Malachai/Downloads/Lm324.pdf"], - "Schematics": ["", ""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "grovegsr", + "Description": "API for the Grove GSR Galvanic Skin Response Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "GroveGSR": + { + "Name": "Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) Sensor", + "Description": "Measures the electrical conductance of skin to measure strong emotional reactions. In other words, it measures sweat on your fingers as an indicator of strong emotional reactions.", + "Aliases": ["grovegsr"], + "Categories": ["skinresponse"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["medical", "interface", "wearables", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["grovegsr.js"], + "C++": ["grovegsr.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.7, "high": 3}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "min": 0, "max": 70} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", "file:///C:/Users/Malachai/Downloads/Lm324.pdf"], + "Schematics": ["", ""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/grovelinefinder/grovelinefinder.json b/src/grovelinefinder/grovelinefinder.json index 0c09d257..8976b8ed 100644 --- a/src/grovelinefinder/grovelinefinder.json +++ b/src/grovelinefinder/grovelinefinder.json @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ -{ - "Library": "grovelinefinder", - "Description": "Grove Line Finder Sensor Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "GroveLineFinder": - { - "Name": "Infrared (IR) Based Line Finder", - "Description": "UPM module for the Line Finder sensor. It outputs a digital signal indicating whether it is detecting black on a white background, or white on a black background.", - "Aliases": ["grovelinefinder"], - "Categories": ["grovelinefinder"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["robotics", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "dfrobot"], - "Kits": ["robok"], - "Image": "grovelinefinder.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["grovelinefinder.js"], - "C++": ["grovelinefinder.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 2.7, "high": 5.5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "typ": 210}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 125} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["file:///C:/Users/Malachai/Downloads/Lmv358.pdf", ""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "grovelinefinder", + "Description": "Grove Line Finder Sensor Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "GroveLineFinder": + { + "Name": "Infrared (IR) Based Line Finder", + "Description": "UPM module for the Line Finder sensor. It outputs a digital signal indicating whether it is detecting black on a white background, or white on a black background.", + "Aliases": ["grovelinefinder"], + "Categories": ["grovelinefinder"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["robotics", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "dfrobot"], + "Kits": ["robok"], + "Image": "grovelinefinder.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["grovelinefinder.js"], + "C++": ["grovelinefinder.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 2.7, "high": 5.5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "typ": 210}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 125} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["file:///C:/Users/Malachai/Downloads/Lmv358.pdf", ""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/grovemoisture/grovemoisture.json b/src/grovemoisture/grovemoisture.json index c251444f..97ed506e 100644 --- a/src/grovemoisture/grovemoisture.json +++ b/src/grovemoisture/grovemoisture.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ -{ - "Library": "grovemoisture", - "Description": "API for the Grove Moisture Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "GroveMoisture": - { - "Name": "Grove Moisture Sensor", - "Description": "UPM module for the Grove Moisture Sensor. This sensor can be used to detect the moisture content of soil or whether there is water around the sensor. As the moisture content increases, so does the value that is read. Note: this sensor is not designed to be left in soil nor to be used outdoors.", - "Aliases": ["grovemoisture"], - "Categories": ["moisture"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["liquid", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": ["eak", "hak"], - "Image": "grovemoisture.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["grovemoisture.js"], - "C++": ["grovemoisture.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": { - "Vsource": {"unit": "V", "min": 3.3, "max": 5 }, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "°C", "min": -40, "max": 85 }, - "Supply Current": {"unit": "mA", "min" : 0, "max" : 35 } - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "grovemoisture", + "Description": "API for the Grove Moisture Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "GroveMoisture": + { + "Name": "Grove Moisture Sensor", + "Description": "UPM module for the Grove Moisture Sensor. This sensor can be used to detect the moisture content of soil or whether there is water around the sensor. As the moisture content increases, so does the value that is read. Note: this sensor is not designed to be left in soil nor to be used outdoors.", + "Aliases": ["grovemoisture"], + "Categories": ["moisture"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["liquid", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": ["eak", "hak"], + "Image": "grovemoisture.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["grovemoisture.js"], + "C++": ["grovemoisture.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": { + "Vsource": {"unit": "V", "min": 3.3, "max": 5 }, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "°C", "min": -40, "max": 85 }, + "Supply Current": {"unit": "mA", "min" : 0, "max" : 35 } + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/groveo2/groveo2.json b/src/groveo2/groveo2.json index 1adc9af6..de970619 100644 --- a/src/groveo2/groveo2.json +++ b/src/groveo2/groveo2.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "groveo2", - "Description": "Grove O2 Oxygen Gas Sensor Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "GroveO2": - { - "Name": "Grove Oxygen (O2) Concentration Sensor", - "Description": "The Grove O2 Oxygen Gas sensor measures the oxygen concentration in the air.", - "Aliases": ["groveo2"], - "Categories": ["gas", "oxygen", "deprecated"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["environmental", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "groveo2.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["groveo2.js"], - "C++": ["groveo2.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Measurement Range": {"unit": "% Vol", "low": 0, "high": 25}, - "Sensitivity": {"unit": "mA (in air)", "low": 0.1, "high": 0.3}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -20, "high": 50} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "groveo2", + "Description": "Grove O2 Oxygen Gas Sensor Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "GroveO2": + { + "Name": "Grove Oxygen (O2) Concentration Sensor", + "Description": "The Grove O2 Oxygen Gas sensor measures the oxygen concentration in the air.", + "Aliases": ["groveo2"], + "Categories": ["gas", "oxygen", "deprecated"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["environmental", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "groveo2.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["groveo2.js"], + "C++": ["groveo2.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Measurement Range": {"unit": "% Vol", "low": 0, "high": 25}, + "Sensitivity": {"unit": "mA (in air)", "low": 0.1, "high": 0.3}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -20, "high": 50} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/grovescam/grovescam.json b/src/grovescam/grovescam.json index b4ac6099..82f3771a 100644 --- a/src/grovescam/grovescam.json +++ b/src/grovescam/grovescam.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "grovescam", - "Description": "Grove Serial Camera Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "GROVESCAM": - { - "Name": "Serial Camera Module", - "Description": "UPM module for the ear-clip heart rate sensor. It is used to measure your heart rate.", - "Aliases": ["grovescam"], - "Categories": ["imaging", "deprecated"], - "Connections": ["uart"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "access control", "security"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "grovescam.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["grovescam.js"], - "C++": ["grovescam.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, - "Resolution": {"unit": "", "max": "640x480"} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "grovescam", + "Description": "Grove Serial Camera Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "GROVESCAM": + { + "Name": "Serial Camera Module", + "Description": "UPM module for the ear-clip heart rate sensor. It is used to measure your heart rate.", + "Aliases": ["grovescam"], + "Categories": ["imaging", "deprecated"], + "Connections": ["uart"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "access control", "security"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "grovescam.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["grovescam.js"], + "C++": ["grovescam.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, + "Resolution": {"unit": "", "max": "640x480"} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/grovespeaker/grovespeaker.json b/src/grovespeaker/grovespeaker.json index 1b186e03..d4573eb4 100644 --- a/src/grovespeaker/grovespeaker.json +++ b/src/grovespeaker/grovespeaker.json @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ -{ - "Library": "grovespeaker", - "Description": "API for the Grove Speaker", - "Sensor Class": - { - "GroveSpeaker": - { - "Name": "Grove Speaker Module", - "Description": "UPM module for the Grove Speaker. This sensor can generate different tones and sounds depending on the frequency of the input signal.", - "Aliases": ["grovespeaker"], - "Categories": ["sound", "deprecated"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["sound", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": ["hak"], - "Image": "grovespeaker.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["grovespeaker.js"], - "C++": ["grovespeaker.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 4, "high": 5.5}, - "Voltage Gain": {"unit": "dB", "typ": 46}, - "Bandwidth": {"unit": "KHz", "min": 20} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "grovespeaker", + "Description": "API for the Grove Speaker", + "Sensor Class": + { + "GroveSpeaker": + { + "Name": "Grove Speaker Module", + "Description": "UPM module for the Grove Speaker. This sensor can generate different tones and sounds depending on the frequency of the input signal.", + "Aliases": ["grovespeaker"], + "Categories": ["sound", "deprecated"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["sound", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": ["hak"], + "Image": "grovespeaker.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["grovespeaker.js"], + "C++": ["grovespeaker.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 4, "high": 5.5}, + "Voltage Gain": {"unit": "dB", "typ": 46}, + "Bandwidth": {"unit": "KHz", "min": 20} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/groveultrasonic/groveultrasonic.json b/src/groveultrasonic/groveultrasonic.json index 45b1573d..6bee48f8 100644 --- a/src/groveultrasonic/groveultrasonic.json +++ b/src/groveultrasonic/groveultrasonic.json @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ -{ - "Library": "groveultrasonic", - "Description": "Grove Ultrasonic Sensor Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "GroveUltraSonic": - { - "Name": "Ultrasonic Proximity Sensor", - "Description": "This Grove Ultrasonic sensor is a non-contact distance measurement module which is compatible with the Grove system. It is designed for easy modular project usage with industrial performance. Detection ranges from 3 cm (1.2\") to 4 m (13'1.5\") and works best when the object is within a 30 degree angle relative to the sensor.", - "Aliases": ["groveultrasonic"], - "Categories": ["proximity", "deprecated"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["robotics", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "groveultrasonic.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": ["groveultrasonic.js"], - "C++": ["groveultrasonic.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.2, "high": 5.2}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 8}, - "Measurement Range": {"unit": "cm", "low": 2, "high": 350} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "groveultrasonic", + "Description": "Grove Ultrasonic Sensor Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "GroveUltraSonic": + { + "Name": "Ultrasonic Proximity Sensor", + "Description": "This Grove Ultrasonic sensor is a non-contact distance measurement module which is compatible with the Grove system. It is designed for easy modular project usage with industrial performance. Detection ranges from 3 cm (1.2\") to 4 m (13'1.5\") and works best when the object is within a 30 degree angle relative to the sensor.", + "Aliases": ["groveultrasonic"], + "Categories": ["proximity", "deprecated"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["robotics", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "groveultrasonic.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": ["groveultrasonic.js"], + "C++": ["groveultrasonic.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.2, "high": 5.2}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 8}, + "Measurement Range": {"unit": "cm", "low": 2, "high": 350} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/grovevdiv/grovevdiv.json b/src/grovevdiv/grovevdiv.json index 77fb665d..da8928a2 100644 --- a/src/grovevdiv/grovevdiv.json +++ b/src/grovevdiv/grovevdiv.json @@ -1,37 +1,37 @@ -{ - "Library": "grovevdiv", - "Description": "API for the Grove Voltage Divider Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "GroveVDiv": - { - "Name": "Grove Voltage Divider Sensor", - "Description": "UPM module for the Grove Voltage Divider sensor.", - "Aliases": ["grovevdiv"], - "Categories": ["electric", "deprecated"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["robotics", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": ["robok"], - "Image": "grovevdiv.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["grovevdiv.js"], - "C++": ["grovevdiv.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "grovevdiv", + "Description": "API for the Grove Voltage Divider Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "GroveVDiv": + { + "Name": "Grove Voltage Divider Sensor", + "Description": "UPM module for the Grove Voltage Divider sensor.", + "Aliases": ["grovevdiv"], + "Categories": ["electric", "deprecated"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["robotics", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": ["robok"], + "Image": "grovevdiv.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["grovevdiv.js"], + "C++": ["grovevdiv.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/grovewater/grovewater.json b/src/grovewater/grovewater.json index 794a976e..d41c72a5 100644 --- a/src/grovewater/grovewater.json +++ b/src/grovewater/grovewater.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "grovewater", - "Description": "Grove Water Sensor Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "GroveWater": - { - "Name": "Grove Water Sensor", - "Description": "UPM module for the Grove Water sensor.", - "Aliases": ["grovewater"], - "Categories": ["liquid", "deprecated"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["agriculture", "environmental", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": ["eak"], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["grovewater.js"], - "C++": ["grovewater.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 4.7, "high": 5.25}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "max": 20}, - "Working Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": 10, "high": 30} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "grovewater", + "Description": "Grove Water Sensor Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "GroveWater": + { + "Name": "Grove Water Sensor", + "Description": "UPM module for the Grove Water sensor.", + "Aliases": ["grovewater"], + "Categories": ["liquid", "deprecated"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["agriculture", "environmental", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": ["eak"], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["grovewater.js"], + "C++": ["grovewater.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 4.7, "high": 5.25}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "max": 20}, + "Working Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": 10, "high": 30} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/grovewfs/grovewfs.json b/src/grovewfs/grovewfs.json index 68f1294f..7d6e7235 100644 --- a/src/grovewfs/grovewfs.json +++ b/src/grovewfs/grovewfs.json @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ -{ - "Library": "grovewfs", - "Description": "API for the Grove Water Flow Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "GroveWFS": - { - "Name": "Water Flow Sensor", - "Description": "This sensor is used to measure water flow in liters per minute (LPM). It incorporates a Hall Effect sensor. The UPM module defines an interrupt routine to be triggered on each low pulse, keeping count. This device requires a 10K pull-up resistor for the signal line (yellow wire). There is a schematic diagram on the SeeedStudio site (3/2015): However, be careful when wiring this up - the schematic appears to have a bug in it: the lower left connection of the signal line (yellow) to Vcc (red) should not be there. The sensor can work with this connection, but probably not for very long.", - "Aliases": ["grovewfs"], - "Categories": ["liquid", "deprecated"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["agriculture", "monitoring", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": ["eak"], - "Image": "grovewfs.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["grovewfs.js"], - "C++": ["grovewfs.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 5, "high": 24}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 15}, - "Water Pressure": {"unit": "MPa", "max": 2}, - "Water Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "max": 120} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "grovewfs", + "Description": "API for the Grove Water Flow Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "GroveWFS": + { + "Name": "Water Flow Sensor", + "Description": "This sensor is used to measure water flow in liters per minute (LPM). It incorporates a Hall Effect sensor. The UPM module defines an interrupt routine to be triggered on each low pulse, keeping count. This device requires a 10K pull-up resistor for the signal line (yellow wire). There is a schematic diagram on the SeeedStudio site (3/2015): However, be careful when wiring this up - the schematic appears to have a bug in it: the lower left connection of the signal line (yellow) to Vcc (red) should not be there. The sensor can work with this connection, but probably not for very long.", + "Aliases": ["grovewfs"], + "Categories": ["liquid", "deprecated"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["agriculture", "monitoring", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": ["eak"], + "Image": "grovewfs.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["grovewfs.js"], + "C++": ["grovewfs.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 5, "high": 24}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 15}, + "Water Pressure": {"unit": "MPa", "max": 2}, + "Water Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "max": 120} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/gsr/gsr.json b/src/gsr/gsr.json index ae3a3a9e..cfda9d90 100644 --- a/src/gsr/gsr.json +++ b/src/gsr/gsr.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "gsr", - "Description": "API for the Grove GSR Galvanic Skin Response Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "GSR": - { - "Name": "Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) Sensor", - "Description": "Measures the electrical conductance of skin to measure strong emotional reactions. In other words, it measures sweat on your fingers as an indicator of strong emotional reactions.", - "Aliases": ["gsr"], - "Categories": ["skinresponse"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["medical", "interface", "wearables", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "gsr.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["gsr.js"], - "C++": ["gsr.cxx"], - "C": ["gsr.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.7, "high": 3}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "min": 0, "max": 70} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", "file:///C:/Users/Malachai/Downloads/Lm324.pdf"], - "Schematics": ["", ""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "gsr", + "Description": "API for the Grove GSR Galvanic Skin Response Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "GSR": + { + "Name": "Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) Sensor", + "Description": "Measures the electrical conductance of skin to measure strong emotional reactions. In other words, it measures sweat on your fingers as an indicator of strong emotional reactions.", + "Aliases": ["gsr"], + "Categories": ["skinresponse"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["medical", "interface", "wearables", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "gsr.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["gsr.js"], + "C++": ["gsr.cxx"], + "C": ["gsr.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.7, "high": 3}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "min": 0, "max": 70} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", "file:///C:/Users/Malachai/Downloads/Lm324.pdf"], + "Schematics": ["", ""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/guvas12d/guvas12d.json b/src/guvas12d/guvas12d.json index 1e343ef6..7da9c03c 100644 --- a/src/guvas12d/guvas12d.json +++ b/src/guvas12d/guvas12d.json @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ -{ - "Library": "guvas12d", - "Description": "API for the GUVA-S12D UV Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "GUVAS12D": - { - "Name": "Grove Analog UV Sensor", - "Description": "UPM module for the GUVA-S12D UV sensor", - "Aliases": ["guvas12d"], - "Categories": ["ultraviolet"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["environmental", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": ["eak"], - "Image": "guvas12d.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["guvas12d.js"], - "C++": ["guvas12d.cxx"], - "C": ["guvas12d.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3, "high": 5.1}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 0.31}, - "Response Wavelength": {"unit": "nm", "low": 240, "high": 370}, - "Working Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -30, "high": 85} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "guvas12d", + "Description": "API for the GUVA-S12D UV Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "GUVAS12D": + { + "Name": "Grove Analog UV Sensor", + "Description": "UPM module for the GUVA-S12D UV sensor", + "Aliases": ["guvas12d"], + "Categories": ["ultraviolet"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["environmental", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": ["eak"], + "Image": "guvas12d.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["guvas12d.js"], + "C++": ["guvas12d.cxx"], + "C": ["guvas12d.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3, "high": 5.1}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 0.31}, + "Response Wavelength": {"unit": "nm", "low": 240, "high": 370}, + "Working Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -30, "high": 85} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/h3lis331dl/h3lis331dl.json b/src/h3lis331dl/h3lis331dl.json index 2019f36d..102d92d0 100644 --- a/src/h3lis331dl/h3lis331dl.json +++ b/src/h3lis331dl/h3lis331dl.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "h3lis331dl", - "Description": "H3LIS331DL I2C Accelerometer (400g) Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "H3LIS331DL": - { - "Name": "I2C 3-axis Digital Accelerometer (400g)", - "Description": "This is a high-performance, high-range accelerometer for extreme applications.", - "Aliases": ["h3lis331dl"], - "Categories": ["accelerometer"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["IMU", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "stmicro"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "h3lis331dl.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["h3lis331dl.js"], - "C++": ["h3lis331dl.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "typ": 300}, - "Measurement Range": {"unit": "+-g", "low": 100, "high": 400} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": ["https"], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "h3lis331dl", + "Description": "H3LIS331DL I2C Accelerometer (400g) Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "H3LIS331DL": + { + "Name": "I2C 3-axis Digital Accelerometer (400g)", + "Description": "This is a high-performance, high-range accelerometer for extreme applications.", + "Aliases": ["h3lis331dl"], + "Categories": ["accelerometer"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["IMU", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "stmicro"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "h3lis331dl.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["h3lis331dl.js"], + "C++": ["h3lis331dl.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "typ": 300}, + "Measurement Range": {"unit": "+-g", "low": 100, "high": 400} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": ["https"], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/h803x/h803x.json b/src/h803x/h803x.json index 3758c658..29cbfe8d 100644 --- a/src/h803x/h803x.json +++ b/src/h803x/h803x.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ -{ - "Library": "h803x", - "Description": "UPM API for the Veris H803X Energy Meter", - "Sensor Class": - { - "H803X": - { - "Name": "Veris H803X Energy Meter Module", - "Description": "The H8036 is similar to the H8035, but provides much more data. The Enercept H8035/H8036 is an innovative three-phase networked (Modbus RTU) power transducer that combines electronics and high accuracy industrial grade CTs in a single package. The need for external electrical enclosures is eliminated, greatly reducing installation time and cost. Color-coordination between voltage leads and CTs makes phase matching easy. Additionally, these transducers automatically detect and compensate for phase reversal, eliminating the concern of CT load orientation. Up to 63 Transducers can be daisy-chained on a single RS-485 network. This module was developed using libmodbus 3.1.2, and the H8035. The H8036 has not been tested. libmodbus 3.1.2 must be present for this module to build. It was developed using an RS232->RS485 interface. You cannot use the built in MCU TTL UART pins for accessing this device -- you must use a full Serial RS232->RS485 or USB-RS485 interface connected via USB.", - "Aliases": ["h803x"], - "Categories": ["energy", "electric"], - "Connections": ["uart"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["veris"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["h803x.js"], - "C++": ["h803x.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "VAC", "low": 208, "high": 480}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "A", "max": 2400}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": 0, "high": 60} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "h803x", + "Description": "UPM API for the Veris H803X Energy Meter", + "Sensor Class": + { + "H803X": + { + "Name": "Veris H803X Energy Meter Module", + "Description": "The H8036 is similar to the H8035, but provides much more data. The Enercept H8035/H8036 is an innovative three-phase networked (Modbus RTU) power transducer that combines electronics and high accuracy industrial grade CTs in a single package. The need for external electrical enclosures is eliminated, greatly reducing installation time and cost. Color-coordination between voltage leads and CTs makes phase matching easy. Additionally, these transducers automatically detect and compensate for phase reversal, eliminating the concern of CT load orientation. Up to 63 Transducers can be daisy-chained on a single RS-485 network. This module was developed using libmodbus 3.1.2, and the H8035. The H8036 has not been tested. libmodbus 3.1.2 must be present for this module to build. It was developed using an RS232->RS485 interface. You cannot use the built in MCU TTL UART pins for accessing this device -- you must use a full Serial RS232->RS485 or USB-RS485 interface connected via USB.", + "Aliases": ["h803x"], + "Categories": ["energy", "electric"], + "Connections": ["uart"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["veris"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["h803x.js"], + "C++": ["h803x.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "VAC", "low": 208, "high": 480}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "A", "max": 2400}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": 0, "high": 60} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/hcsr04/hcsr04.json b/src/hcsr04/hcsr04.json index 905a9562..9792206c 100644 --- a/src/hcsr04/hcsr04.json +++ b/src/hcsr04/hcsr04.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ -{ - "Library": "hcsr04", - "Description": "HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "HCSR04": - { - "Name": "HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Measuring Sensor", - "Description": "This module defines the HC-SR04 interface for libhcsr04.", - "Aliases": ["hcsr04"], - "Categories": ["ultrasonic", "distance"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["robotics", "safety", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["sparkfun"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["hcsr04.js"], - "C++": ["hcsr04.cxx"], - "C": ["hcsr04.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 15}, - "Measurement Range": {"unit": "cm", "low": 2, "high": 400} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "hcsr04", + "Description": "HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "HCSR04": + { + "Name": "HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Measuring Sensor", + "Description": "This module defines the HC-SR04 interface for libhcsr04.", + "Aliases": ["hcsr04"], + "Categories": ["ultrasonic", "distance"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["robotics", "safety", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["sparkfun"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["hcsr04.js"], + "C++": ["hcsr04.cxx"], + "C": ["hcsr04.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 15}, + "Measurement Range": {"unit": "cm", "low": 2, "high": 400} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/hdc1000/hdc1000.json b/src/hdc1000/hdc1000.json index 832c3e07..537238c8 100644 --- a/src/hdc1000/hdc1000.json +++ b/src/hdc1000/hdc1000.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ -{ - "Library": "hdc1000", - "Description": "API for the HDC1000 Temperature & Humidity Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "HDC1000": - { - "Name": "HDC1000 Temperature and Humidity Sensor", - "Description": "The HDC1000 is a digital humidity sensor with integrated temperature sensor that provides excellent measurement accuracy at very low power. The device measures humidity based on a novel capacitive sensor. The humidity and temperature sensors are factory calibrated. The innovative WLCSP (Wafer Level Chip Scale Package) simplifies board design with the use of an ultra-compact package. The sensing element of the HDC1000 is placed on the bottom part of the device, which makes the HDC1000 more robust against dirt, dust, and other environmental contaminants. The HDC1000 is functional within the full -40 to +125 [degC] temperature range.", - "Aliases": ["hdc1000"], - "Categories": ["temperature", "humidity"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["environmental", "", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["ti"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["hdc1000.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3, "high": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 0.82, "high": 1.2}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 125} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "hdc1000", + "Description": "API for the HDC1000 Temperature & Humidity Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "HDC1000": + { + "Name": "HDC1000 Temperature and Humidity Sensor", + "Description": "The HDC1000 is a digital humidity sensor with integrated temperature sensor that provides excellent measurement accuracy at very low power. The device measures humidity based on a novel capacitive sensor. The humidity and temperature sensors are factory calibrated. The innovative WLCSP (Wafer Level Chip Scale Package) simplifies board design with the use of an ultra-compact package. The sensing element of the HDC1000 is placed on the bottom part of the device, which makes the HDC1000 more robust against dirt, dust, and other environmental contaminants. The HDC1000 is functional within the full -40 to +125 [degC] temperature range.", + "Aliases": ["hdc1000"], + "Categories": ["temperature", "humidity"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["environmental", "", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["ti"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["hdc1000.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3, "high": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 0.82, "high": 1.2}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 125} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/hdxxvxta/hdxxvxta.json b/src/hdxxvxta/hdxxvxta.json index 9abe6df4..7404b2c2 100644 --- a/src/hdxxvxta/hdxxvxta.json +++ b/src/hdxxvxta/hdxxvxta.json @@ -1,35 +1,35 @@ -{ - "Library": "hdxxvxta", - "Description": "API for the Veris HDXXVXTA Humidity Transmitter", - "Sensor Class": - { - "HDXXVXTA": - { - "Name": "Veris HDXXVXTA Humidity Transmitter", - "Description": "The driver was developed using the HD2NVSTA1 humidity transmitter. The 'T' variant supports a temperature transmitter as well. Both signals are provided by the device as analog 0-5Vdc or 0-10Vdc outputs. The A1 variant supports a temperature range of -40C-50C, while the A2 variant supports a range of 0C-50C. Humidity ranges for all devices in this device family range from 0% to 100% (non-condensing). This driver used the 5Vdc outputs for obvious reasons. Your MCU must be configured for 5V operation. Using any other analog reference voltage will require the appropriate external circuitry (such as a voltage divider) in order to interface safely with your MCU. For devices which do not support temperature, use '-1' as the temperature pin number in the object constructor. If temperature measurement is disabled, getTemperature() will always return 0C/32F.", - "Aliases": ["hdxxvxta"], - "Categories": ["humidity"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["environmental", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["veris"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["hdxxvxta.js"], - "C++": ["hdxxvxta.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [], - "Datasheets": [], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "hdxxvxta", + "Description": "API for the Veris HDXXVXTA Humidity Transmitter", + "Sensor Class": + { + "HDXXVXTA": + { + "Name": "Veris HDXXVXTA Humidity Transmitter", + "Description": "The driver was developed using the HD2NVSTA1 humidity transmitter. The 'T' variant supports a temperature transmitter as well. Both signals are provided by the device as analog 0-5Vdc or 0-10Vdc outputs. The A1 variant supports a temperature range of -40C-50C, while the A2 variant supports a range of 0C-50C. Humidity ranges for all devices in this device family range from 0% to 100% (non-condensing). This driver used the 5Vdc outputs for obvious reasons. Your MCU must be configured for 5V operation. Using any other analog reference voltage will require the appropriate external circuitry (such as a voltage divider) in order to interface safely with your MCU. For devices which do not support temperature, use '-1' as the temperature pin number in the object constructor. If temperature measurement is disabled, getTemperature() will always return 0C/32F.", + "Aliases": ["hdxxvxta"], + "Categories": ["humidity"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["environmental", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["veris"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["hdxxvxta.js"], + "C++": ["hdxxvxta.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [], + "Datasheets": [], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/hka5/hka5.json b/src/hka5/hka5.json index 3f4438ff..73d065c1 100644 --- a/src/hka5/hka5.json +++ b/src/hka5/hka5.json @@ -1,37 +1,37 @@ -{ - "Library": "hka5", - "Description": "API for the DFRobot Laser Particulate Matter (PM) Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "HKA5": - { - "Name": "DFRobot Laser Particulate Matter (PM) Sensor", - "Description": "This driver was tested with a DFRobot Laser PM2.5 Sensor. It connects to a UART at 9600 baud. This is the only baud rate supported. It optionally supports Reset and Set/Sleep gpios as well.", - "Aliases": ["hka5"], - "Categories": ["gaseous"], - "Connections": ["gpio", "uart"], - "Project Type": ["environmental", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["dfrobot"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["hka5.js"], - "C++": ["hka5.cxx"], - "C": ["hka5.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 10} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "hka5", + "Description": "API for the DFRobot Laser Particulate Matter (PM) Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "HKA5": + { + "Name": "DFRobot Laser Particulate Matter (PM) Sensor", + "Description": "This driver was tested with a DFRobot Laser PM2.5 Sensor. It connects to a UART at 9600 baud. This is the only baud rate supported. It optionally supports Reset and Set/Sleep gpios as well.", + "Aliases": ["hka5"], + "Categories": ["gaseous"], + "Connections": ["gpio", "uart"], + "Project Type": ["environmental", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["dfrobot"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["hka5.js"], + "C++": ["hka5.cxx"], + "C": ["hka5.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 10} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/hm11/hm11.json b/src/hm11/hm11.json index be42f660..991c5bb9 100644 --- a/src/hm11/hm11.json +++ b/src/hm11/hm11.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "hm11", - "Description": "HM-11 Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy Module Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "HM11": - { - "Name": "Bluetooth Low Energy Module", - "Description": "The driver was tested with the Grove BLE module. It's an HM-11 BLE 4.0 module based on a TI CC2541 chip. It operates using a standard 'AT' command set. See the datasheet for a full list of available commands and their possible responses: It is connected via a UART at 9,600 baud.", - "Aliases": ["hm11"], - "Categories": ["bluetooth"], - "Connections": ["uart"], - "Project Type": ["wireless", "wearables", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "hm11.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["hm11.js"], - "C++": ["hm11.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 2.0, "typ": 3.3, "high": 3.6}, - "Peak Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 15}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 65} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "hm11", + "Description": "HM-11 Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy Module Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "HM11": + { + "Name": "Bluetooth Low Energy Module", + "Description": "The driver was tested with the Grove BLE module. It's an HM-11 BLE 4.0 module based on a TI CC2541 chip. It operates using a standard 'AT' command set. See the datasheet for a full list of available commands and their possible responses: It is connected via a UART at 9,600 baud.", + "Aliases": ["hm11"], + "Categories": ["bluetooth"], + "Connections": ["uart"], + "Project Type": ["wireless", "wearables", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "hm11.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["hm11.js"], + "C++": ["hm11.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 2.0, "typ": 3.3, "high": 3.6}, + "Peak Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 15}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 65} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/hmc5883l/hmc5883l.json b/src/hmc5883l/hmc5883l.json index 6f9c4f2e..0d06b113 100644 --- a/src/hmc5883l/hmc5883l.json +++ b/src/hmc5883l/hmc5883l.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "hmc5883l", - "Description": "HMC5883L Magnetometer Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "Hmc5883l": - { - "Name": "Grove 3-Axis Digital Compass", - "Description": "Honeywell [HMC5883L] ( is a 3-axis digital compass. Communication with HMC5883L is simple and all done through an I2C interface. Different breakout boards are available. Typically, a 3V supply is all that is needed to power the sensor.", - "Aliases": ["hmc5883l"], - "Categories": ["compass", "magnetometer"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["IMU", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "honeywell"], - "Kits": ["robok"], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["hmc5883l.js"], - "C++": ["hmc5883l.cxx"], - "C": ["hmc5883l.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 2.5, "high": 640}, - "Output Rate": {"unit": "Hz", "max": 116} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "hmc5883l", + "Description": "HMC5883L Magnetometer Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "Hmc5883l": + { + "Name": "Grove 3-Axis Digital Compass", + "Description": "Honeywell [HMC5883L] ( is a 3-axis digital compass. Communication with HMC5883L is simple and all done through an I2C interface. Different breakout boards are available. Typically, a 3V supply is all that is needed to power the sensor.", + "Aliases": ["hmc5883l"], + "Categories": ["compass", "magnetometer"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["IMU", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "honeywell"], + "Kits": ["robok"], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["hmc5883l.js"], + "C++": ["hmc5883l.cxx"], + "C": ["hmc5883l.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 2.5, "high": 640}, + "Output Rate": {"unit": "Hz", "max": 116} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/hmtrp/hmtrp.json b/src/hmtrp/hmtrp.json index 7c1e6e31..5813b44d 100644 --- a/src/hmtrp/hmtrp.json +++ b/src/hmtrp/hmtrp.json @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ -{ - "Library": "hmtrp", - "Description": "API for the HM-TRP Serial RF Pro Transceiver", - "Sensor Class": - { - "HMTRP": - { - "Name": "Serial RF Pro Module", - "Description": "UPM support for the HM-TRP Serial RF Pro transceiver. This was tested specifically with the Grove Serial RF Pro transceiver. In theory, this class should work with the following devices: HM-TRP-433: 414000000-454000000Hz HM-TRP-470: 450000000-490000000Hz HM-TRP-868: 849000000-889000000Hz HM-TRP-915: 895000000-935000000Hz The only difference is the transmit and receive frequencies supported. By default, the device simply sends and receives any data presented on its UART interface. It can be put into a configuration mode by grounding the CONFIG pin on the transceiver.", - "Aliases": ["hmtrp"], - "Categories": ["wireless"], - "Connections": ["uart"], - "Project Type": ["wireless", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "hmtrp.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["hmtrp.js"], - "C++": ["hmtrp.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 4.75, "typ": 5.0, "high": 5.25}, - "Sleep Current": {"unit": "uA", "typ": 1}, - "Transmission Distance": {"unit": "Km", "max": 1}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "hmtrp", + "Description": "API for the HM-TRP Serial RF Pro Transceiver", + "Sensor Class": + { + "HMTRP": + { + "Name": "Serial RF Pro Module", + "Description": "UPM support for the HM-TRP Serial RF Pro transceiver. This was tested specifically with the Grove Serial RF Pro transceiver. In theory, this class should work with the following devices: HM-TRP-433: 414000000-454000000Hz HM-TRP-470: 450000000-490000000Hz HM-TRP-868: 849000000-889000000Hz HM-TRP-915: 895000000-935000000Hz The only difference is the transmit and receive frequencies supported. By default, the device simply sends and receives any data presented on its UART interface. It can be put into a configuration mode by grounding the CONFIG pin on the transceiver.", + "Aliases": ["hmtrp"], + "Categories": ["wireless"], + "Connections": ["uart"], + "Project Type": ["wireless", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "hmtrp.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["hmtrp.js"], + "C++": ["hmtrp.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 4.75, "typ": 5.0, "high": 5.25}, + "Sleep Current": {"unit": "uA", "typ": 1}, + "Transmission Distance": {"unit": "Km", "max": 1}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/hp20x/hp20x.json b/src/hp20x/hp20x.json index 4cb6048e..eb490b42 100644 --- a/src/hp20x/hp20x.json +++ b/src/hp20x/hp20x.json @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ -{ - "Library": "hp20x", - "Description": "API for the HP20X-based Grove Barometer (High-Accuracy)", - "Sensor Class": - { - "HP20X": - { - "Name": "HP20X Barometer (High-Accuracy)", - "Description": "This is a high-accuracy barometer providing pressure, altitude, and temperature data. It can be calibrated for a given altitude offset, and a wide range of interrupt generating capabilities are supported. As usual, see the HP20X datasheet for more details. This module was developed using a Grove Barometer (High-Accuracy) based on an HP206C chip.", - "Aliases": ["hp20x"], - "Categories": ["pressure"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["environmental", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "hp20x.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["hp20x.js"], - "C++": ["hp20x.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5.5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.635, "high": 1.1}, - "Measurement Range": {"unit": "hPa", "low": 300, "high": 1200} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "hp20x", + "Description": "API for the HP20X-based Grove Barometer (High-Accuracy)", + "Sensor Class": + { + "HP20X": + { + "Name": "HP20X Barometer (High-Accuracy)", + "Description": "This is a high-accuracy barometer providing pressure, altitude, and temperature data. It can be calibrated for a given altitude offset, and a wide range of interrupt generating capabilities are supported. As usual, see the HP20X datasheet for more details. This module was developed using a Grove Barometer (High-Accuracy) based on an HP206C chip.", + "Aliases": ["hp20x"], + "Categories": ["pressure"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["environmental", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "hp20x.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["hp20x.js"], + "C++": ["hp20x.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5.5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.635, "high": 1.1}, + "Measurement Range": {"unit": "hPa", "low": 300, "high": 1200} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/ht9170/ht9170.json b/src/ht9170/ht9170.json index 7b800037..5d6e9786 100644 --- a/src/ht9170/ht9170.json +++ b/src/ht9170/ht9170.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "ht9170", - "Description": "API for the HT9170 DTMF Decoder", - "Sensor Class": - { - "HT9170": - { - "Name": "Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) Decoder", - "Description": "This driver was developed using the DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) Shield by Seeed Studio*. It can decode DTMF signals presented at its audio input. It does not generate DTMF signals.", - "Aliases": ["ht9170"], - "Categories": ["telephony"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["telephone", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "ht9170.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["ht9170.js"], - "C++": ["ht9170.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 3} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "ht9170", + "Description": "API for the HT9170 DTMF Decoder", + "Sensor Class": + { + "HT9170": + { + "Name": "Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) Decoder", + "Description": "This driver was developed using the DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) Shield by Seeed Studio*. It can decode DTMF signals presented at its audio input. It does not generate DTMF signals.", + "Aliases": ["ht9170"], + "Categories": ["telephony"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["telephone", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "ht9170.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["ht9170.js"], + "C++": ["ht9170.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 3} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/htu21d/htu21d.json b/src/htu21d/htu21d.json index 3467e8de..4ad92c1b 100644 --- a/src/htu21d/htu21d.json +++ b/src/htu21d/htu21d.json @@ -1,32 +1,32 @@ -{ - "Library": "htu21d", - "Description": "API for the HTU21D Temperature & Humidity Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "HTU21D": - { - "Name": "Digital Relative Humidity Sensor with Temperature", - "Description": "HTU21D by Measurement Specialties is a digital humidity sensor with temperature output. RH reports between 0 and 100%, and the temperature range is -40 to +125 degC. Note: getCompRH is the preferred function below (passing true to cause a measurement cycle). If actual values used for the compensated ready are necessary, use the getHumidity(false) and getTemperature(false) functions following the getCompRH call. Also note the sensor should not perform more than a couple of measurements per second to limit the heating of the sensor.", - "Aliases": ["htu21d"], - "Categories": ["temperature", "humidity"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["environmental", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "adafruit", "sparkfun"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["htu21d.js"], - "C++": ["htu21d.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [], - "Datasheets": [], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "htu21d", + "Description": "API for the HTU21D Temperature & Humidity Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "HTU21D": + { + "Name": "Digital Relative Humidity Sensor with Temperature", + "Description": "HTU21D by Measurement Specialties is a digital humidity sensor with temperature output. RH reports between 0 and 100%, and the temperature range is -40 to +125 degC. Note: getCompRH is the preferred function below (passing true to cause a measurement cycle). If actual values used for the compensated ready are necessary, use the getHumidity(false) and getTemperature(false) functions following the getCompRH call. Also note the sensor should not perform more than a couple of measurements per second to limit the heating of the sensor.", + "Aliases": ["htu21d"], + "Categories": ["temperature", "humidity"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["environmental", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "adafruit", "sparkfun"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["htu21d.js"], + "C++": ["htu21d.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [], + "Datasheets": [], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/hwxpxx/hwxpxx.json b/src/hwxpxx/hwxpxx.json index 717ace33..26b3d929 100644 --- a/src/hwxpxx/hwxpxx.json +++ b/src/hwxpxx/hwxpxx.json @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ -{ - "Library": "hwxpxx", - "Description": "UPM API for the Veris HWXPXX Hardware Protocol Humidity and Temperature Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "HWXPXX": - { - "Name": "Veris HWXPXX Hardware Protocol Humidity and Temperature Sensor", - "Description": "This module implements support for the Veris HWXPHTX Hardware Protocol Humidity and Temperature Sensor family. It uses MODBUS over an RS485 interface. You must have libmodbus v3.1.2 (or greater) installed to compile and use this driver. This module was developed using libmodbus 3.1.2, and the HWXPHTX. This sensor supports humidity, and optionally, temperature, slider switch, and override switch reporting. The HWXPHTX used to develop this driver did not include the optional slider or override switches, however support for them is provided. It was developed using an RS232->RS485 inteface. You cannot use the built in MCU TTL UART pins for accessing this device -- you must use a full serial RS232->RS485 interface connected via USB.", - "Aliases": ["hwxpxx"], - "Categories": ["temperature"], - "Connections": ["uart"], - "Project Type": ["environmental", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["veris"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["hwxpxx.js"], - "C++": ["hwxpxx.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage (DC)": {"unit": "V", "low": 12, "high": 30}, - "Operating Voltage (AC)": {"unit": "VAC", "typ": 24}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "max": 100}, - "Operating Range (RH)": {"unit": "%RH", "low": 0, "high": 100}, - "Operating Range (Temp)": {"unit": "degC", "low": 10, "high": 35} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "hwxpxx", + "Description": "UPM API for the Veris HWXPXX Hardware Protocol Humidity and Temperature Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "HWXPXX": + { + "Name": "Veris HWXPXX Hardware Protocol Humidity and Temperature Sensor", + "Description": "This module implements support for the Veris HWXPHTX Hardware Protocol Humidity and Temperature Sensor family. It uses MODBUS over an RS485 interface. You must have libmodbus v3.1.2 (or greater) installed to compile and use this driver. This module was developed using libmodbus 3.1.2, and the HWXPHTX. This sensor supports humidity, and optionally, temperature, slider switch, and override switch reporting. The HWXPHTX used to develop this driver did not include the optional slider or override switches, however support for them is provided. It was developed using an RS232->RS485 inteface. You cannot use the built in MCU TTL UART pins for accessing this device -- you must use a full serial RS232->RS485 interface connected via USB.", + "Aliases": ["hwxpxx"], + "Categories": ["temperature"], + "Connections": ["uart"], + "Project Type": ["environmental", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["veris"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["hwxpxx.js"], + "C++": ["hwxpxx.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage (DC)": {"unit": "V", "low": 12, "high": 30}, + "Operating Voltage (AC)": {"unit": "VAC", "typ": 24}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "max": 100}, + "Operating Range (RH)": {"unit": "%RH", "low": 0, "high": 100}, + "Operating Range (Temp)": {"unit": "degC", "low": 10, "high": 35} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/hx711/hx711.json b/src/hx711/hx711.json index 9330aed1..f13b29ed 100644 --- a/src/hx711/hx711.json +++ b/src/hx711/hx711.json @@ -1,37 +1,37 @@ -{ - "Library": "hx711", - "Description": "API for the HX711 Analog-to-Digital Converter", - "Sensor Class": - { - "HX711": - { - "Name": "24-bit Analog-to-digital Converter", - "Description": "HX711 is a precision 24-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) designed for weight scales and industrial control applications to interface directly with a bridge sensor. This module was tested on the Intel(R) Galileo Gen 2 board.", - "Aliases": ["hx711"], - "Categories": ["adc"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["generic"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": ["hx711.js"], - "C++": ["hx711.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 2.7, "high": 5.5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "max": 1.4} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "hx711", + "Description": "API for the HX711 Analog-to-Digital Converter", + "Sensor Class": + { + "HX711": + { + "Name": "24-bit Analog-to-digital Converter", + "Description": "HX711 is a precision 24-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) designed for weight scales and industrial control applications to interface directly with a bridge sensor. This module was tested on the Intel(R) Galileo Gen 2 board.", + "Aliases": ["hx711"], + "Categories": ["adc"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["generic"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": ["hx711.js"], + "C++": ["hx711.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 2.7, "high": 5.5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "max": 1.4} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/ili9341/ili9341.json b/src/ili9341/ili9341.json index f846d459..d0e25d55 100644 --- a/src/ili9341/ili9341.json +++ b/src/ili9341/ili9341.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ -{ - "Library": "ili9341", - "Description": "API for the ILI9342 LCD", - "Sensor Class": - { - "ILI9341": - { - "Name": "SPI Based LCD", - "Description": "This module defines the interface for the ILI9341 display library.", - "Aliases": ["ili9341"], - "Categories": ["display"], - "Connections": ["spi"], - "Project Type": ["graphics", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["adafruit"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "ili9341.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["ili9341.js"], - "C++": ["ili9341.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3, "high": 5} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "ili9341", + "Description": "API for the ILI9342 LCD", + "Sensor Class": + { + "ILI9341": + { + "Name": "SPI Based LCD", + "Description": "This module defines the interface for the ILI9341 display library.", + "Aliases": ["ili9341"], + "Categories": ["display"], + "Connections": ["spi"], + "Project Type": ["graphics", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["adafruit"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "ili9341.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["ili9341.js"], + "C++": ["ili9341.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3, "high": 5} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/ims/ims.json b/src/ims/ims.json index cfc174fa..68fc04e2 100644 --- a/src/ims/ims.json +++ b/src/ims/ims.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "ims", - "Description": "API for the Catnip Electronics I2C Moisture Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "IMS": - { - "Name": "I2C Moisture Sensor", - "Description": "I2C Sensor which can be used to read moisture, light, and temperature which must run at 100kHz.", - "Aliases": ["ims"], - "Categories": ["moisture"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["environmental", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["catnip"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["ims.js"], - "C++": ["ims.cxx"], - "C": ["ims.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.7, "high": 14}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": 0, "high": 85} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "ims", + "Description": "API for the Catnip Electronics I2C Moisture Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "IMS": + { + "Name": "I2C Moisture Sensor", + "Description": "I2C Sensor which can be used to read moisture, light, and temperature which must run at 100kHz.", + "Aliases": ["ims"], + "Categories": ["moisture"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["environmental", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["catnip"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["ims.js"], + "C++": ["ims.cxx"], + "C": ["ims.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.7, "high": 14}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": 0, "high": 85} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/ina132/ina132.json b/src/ina132/ina132.json index 35c6b1d9..4d18dc24 100644 --- a/src/ina132/ina132.json +++ b/src/ina132/ina132.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ -{ - "Library": "ina132", - "Description": "API for the INA132 Differential Amplifier Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "INA132": - { - "Name": "Grove Differential Amplifier", - "Description": "The INA132 Differential Amplifier Sensor is designed for precise differential-input amplification. This sensor was tested amplifying the signal from a Weight Sensor (Load Cell) 0-500g", - "Aliases": ["ina132"], - "Categories": ["electric"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "ina132.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["ina132.js"], - "C++": ["ina132.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 2.7, "high": 5.5} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "ina132", + "Description": "API for the INA132 Differential Amplifier Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "INA132": + { + "Name": "Grove Differential Amplifier", + "Description": "The INA132 Differential Amplifier Sensor is designed for precise differential-input amplification. This sensor was tested amplifying the signal from a Weight Sensor (Load Cell) 0-500g", + "Aliases": ["ina132"], + "Categories": ["electric"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "ina132.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["ina132.js"], + "C++": ["ina132.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 2.7, "high": 5.5} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/isd1820/isd1820.json b/src/isd1820/isd1820.json index 9f6e88ff..1d4c4cce 100644 --- a/src/isd1820/isd1820.json +++ b/src/isd1820/isd1820.json @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ -{ - "Library": "isd1820", - "Description": "API support for the ISD1820-based Grove Voice Recorder", - "Sensor Class": - { - "ISD1820": - { - "Name": "Grove Voice Recording and Playback Module", - "Description": "This class implements support for the Grove Voice Recorder. There are two digital pins: one that enables recording, and the other that plays back what was previously recorded.", - "Aliases": ["isd1820"], - "Categories": ["audio"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["audio", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "isd1820.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["isd1820.js"], - "C++": ["isd1820.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "isd1820", + "Description": "API support for the ISD1820-based Grove Voice Recorder", + "Sensor Class": + { + "ISD1820": + { + "Name": "Grove Voice Recording and Playback Module", + "Description": "This class implements support for the Grove Voice Recorder. There are two digital pins: one that enables recording, and the other that plays back what was previously recorded.", + "Aliases": ["isd1820"], + "Categories": ["audio"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["audio", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "isd1820.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["isd1820.js"], + "C++": ["isd1820.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/itg3200/itg3200.json b/src/itg3200/itg3200.json index 5e8a66ac..803b31f1 100644 --- a/src/itg3200/itg3200.json +++ b/src/itg3200/itg3200.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "itg3200", - "Description": "API for the ITG-3200 3-Axis Digital Gyroscope", - "Sensor Class": - { - "Itg3200": - { - "Name": "Grove 3-Axis Digital Gyroscope", - "Description": "InvenSense* ITG-3200 is a 3-axis digital gyroscope. ( This sensor has been tested and can run at either 3.3V or 5V on Intel(R) Galileo.
However, it is incompatible with and not detected on the I2C bus by Intel(R) Edison using the Arduino* breakout board.", - "Aliases": ["itg3200"], - "Categories": ["gyroscope"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["IMU", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["itg3200.js"], - "C++": ["itg3200.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 6.5}, - "Standby Current": {"unit": "uA", "typ": 5} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "itg3200", + "Description": "API for the ITG-3200 3-Axis Digital Gyroscope", + "Sensor Class": + { + "Itg3200": + { + "Name": "Grove 3-Axis Digital Gyroscope", + "Description": "InvenSense* ITG-3200 is a 3-axis digital gyroscope. ( This sensor has been tested and can run at either 3.3V or 5V on Intel(R) Galileo.
However, it is incompatible with and not detected on the I2C bus by Intel(R) Edison using the Arduino* breakout board.", + "Aliases": ["itg3200"], + "Categories": ["gyroscope"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["IMU", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["itg3200.js"], + "C++": ["itg3200.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 6.5}, + "Standby Current": {"unit": "uA", "typ": 5} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/jhd1313m1/jhd1313m1.json b/src/jhd1313m1/jhd1313m1.json index 339faf7d..0c14ccb7 100644 --- a/src/jhd1313m1/jhd1313m1.json +++ b/src/jhd1313m1/jhd1313m1.json @@ -1,37 +1,37 @@ -{ - "Library": "jhd1313m1", - "Description": "API for the JHD1313M1 I2C LCD Controller", - "Sensor Class": - { - "Jhd1313m1": - { - "Name": "LCD Display Driver for the JHD1313M1 Controller for HD44780-based Displays", - "Description": "JHD1313M1 has two I2C addreses: one belongs to a controller, very similar to the upm::Lcm1602 LCD driver, that controls the HD44780-based display, and the other controls only the backlight. This module was tested with the Seeed Grove LCD RGB Backlight v2.0 display that requires 5V to operate.", - "Aliases": ["jhd1313m1"], - "Categories": ["display"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["display", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": ["gsk"], - "Examples": - { - "Java": ["", ""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["jhd1313m1-lcd.js"], - "C++": ["jhd1313m1-lcd.cxx"], - "C": ["jhd1313m1.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "max": 60} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "jhd1313m1", + "Description": "API for the JHD1313M1 I2C LCD Controller", + "Sensor Class": + { + "Jhd1313m1": + { + "Name": "LCD Display Driver for the JHD1313M1 Controller for HD44780-based Displays", + "Description": "JHD1313M1 has two I2C addreses: one belongs to a controller, very similar to the upm::Lcm1602 LCD driver, that controls the HD44780-based display, and the other controls only the backlight. This module was tested with the Seeed Grove LCD RGB Backlight v2.0 display that requires 5V to operate.", + "Aliases": ["jhd1313m1"], + "Categories": ["display"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["display", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": ["gsk"], + "Examples": + { + "Java": ["", ""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["jhd1313m1-lcd.js"], + "C++": ["jhd1313m1-lcd.cxx"], + "C": ["jhd1313m1.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "max": 60} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/joystick12/joystick12.json b/src/joystick12/joystick12.json index a06d6ae8..3365449b 100644 --- a/src/joystick12/joystick12.json +++ b/src/joystick12/joystick12.json @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ -{ - "Library": "joystick12", - "Description": "API for the ElecFreaks* Joystick v 1.2-1.4 Breakout", - "Sensor Class": - { - "Joystick12": - { - "Name": "2-axis Analog Joystick", - "Description": "This module defines the Joystick API, and implementation for the X and Y buttons could be treated as normal GPIO - this enables easier interrupt support. This driver should be compatible with any 2-axis analog joystick.", - "Aliases": ["joystick12"], - "Categories": ["input"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["generic"], - "Kits": ["robok"], - "Image": "joystick12.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": ["", ""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["joystick12.js"], - "C++": ["joystick12.cxx"], - "C": ["joystick12.c"] - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "joystick12", + "Description": "API for the ElecFreaks* Joystick v 1.2-1.4 Breakout", + "Sensor Class": + { + "Joystick12": + { + "Name": "2-axis Analog Joystick", + "Description": "This module defines the Joystick API, and implementation for the X and Y buttons could be treated as normal GPIO - this enables easier interrupt support. This driver should be compatible with any 2-axis analog joystick.", + "Aliases": ["joystick12"], + "Categories": ["input"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["generic"], + "Kits": ["robok"], + "Image": "joystick12.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": ["", ""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["joystick12.js"], + "C++": ["joystick12.cxx"], + "C": ["joystick12.c"] + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/kxcjk1013/kxcjk1013.json b/src/kxcjk1013/kxcjk1013.json index 5376db12..39b2c633 100644 --- a/src/kxcjk1013/kxcjk1013.json +++ b/src/kxcjk1013/kxcjk1013.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "kxcjk1013", - "Description": "KXCJK1013 Tri-axis Digital Accelerometer API", - "Sensor Class": - { - "KXCJK1013": - { - "Name": "Tri-axis Digital Accelerometer", - "Description": "he KXCJK is a tri-axis +/-2g, +/-4g or +/-8g silicon micromachined accelerometer.", - "Aliases": ["kxcjk1013"], - "Categories": ["accelerometer"], - "Connections": ["iio", "i2c"], - "Project Type": ["imu", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["kionix"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["kxcjk1013.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.71, "typ": 2.6, "high": 3.6}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 0.9, "high": 135}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "kxcjk1013", + "Description": "KXCJK1013 Tri-axis Digital Accelerometer API", + "Sensor Class": + { + "KXCJK1013": + { + "Name": "Tri-axis Digital Accelerometer", + "Description": "he KXCJK is a tri-axis +/-2g, +/-4g or +/-8g silicon micromachined accelerometer.", + "Aliases": ["kxcjk1013"], + "Categories": ["accelerometer"], + "Connections": ["iio", "i2c"], + "Project Type": ["imu", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["kionix"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["kxcjk1013.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.71, "typ": 2.6, "high": 3.6}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 0.9, "high": 135}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/l298/l298.json b/src/l298/l298.json index 808046b9..e99e487d 100644 --- a/src/l298/l298.json +++ b/src/l298/l298.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ -{ - "Library": "l298", - "Description": "API for the L298 Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver", - "Sensor Class": - { - "L298": - { - "Name": "Dual H-bridge Motor Driver", - "Description": "It was developed using the RobotBase Dual H-Bridge module. This module can support 2 DC motors, or one 2-phase stepper motor. It requires 3 pins per DC motor (or H-bridge), or 4 pins for the stepper motor (uses both H-bridges).", - "Aliases": ["l298"], - "Categories": ["motors"], - "Connections": ["gpio", "pwm"], - "Project Type": ["robotics", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "sparkfun"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "l298.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": ["", ""], - "Node.js": ["l298.js", "l298-stepper.js"], - "C++": ["l298.cxx", "l298-stepper.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Motor Supply Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 6, "high": 35}, - "Motor Supply Current": {"unit": "A", "typ": 2} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "l298", + "Description": "API for the L298 Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver", + "Sensor Class": + { + "L298": + { + "Name": "Dual H-bridge Motor Driver", + "Description": "It was developed using the RobotBase Dual H-Bridge module. This module can support 2 DC motors, or one 2-phase stepper motor. It requires 3 pins per DC motor (or H-bridge), or 4 pins for the stepper motor (uses both H-bridges).", + "Aliases": ["l298"], + "Categories": ["motors"], + "Connections": ["gpio", "pwm"], + "Project Type": ["robotics", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "sparkfun"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "l298.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": ["", ""], + "Node.js": ["l298.js", "l298-stepper.js"], + "C++": ["l298.cxx", "l298-stepper.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Motor Supply Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 6, "high": 35}, + "Motor Supply Current": {"unit": "A", "typ": 2} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/l3gd20/l3gd20.json b/src/l3gd20/l3gd20.json index 6e49560f..baa11156 100644 --- a/src/l3gd20/l3gd20.json +++ b/src/l3gd20/l3gd20.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "l3gd20", - "Description": "L3GD20 Tri-axis Digital Gyroscope API", - "Sensor Class": - { - "L3GD20": - { - "Name": "L3GD20 Tri-axis Digital Gyroscope", - "Description": "The L3GD20 The L3GD20 is a low-power three-axis angular rate sensor. This driver supports IIO and I2C modes. Some methods will only work in one mode or the other. See the documentation on the methods to determine whether a given method is operation in a given mode. Both the I2C and IIO mechanisms make use of the calibration and denoise algorithms. For I2C mode, not all capabilities of the device are supported, but a complete register map and low level read/write methods are provided to add any missing functionality.", - "Aliases": ["l3gd20"], - "Categories": ["gyroscope"], - "Connections": ["iio", "i2c"], - "Project Type": ["IMU", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["stmicro"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["l3gd20.cxx", "l3gd20-i2c.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 2.4, "high": 3.6}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 6.1}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "l3gd20", + "Description": "L3GD20 Tri-axis Digital Gyroscope API", + "Sensor Class": + { + "L3GD20": + { + "Name": "L3GD20 Tri-axis Digital Gyroscope", + "Description": "The L3GD20 The L3GD20 is a low-power three-axis angular rate sensor. This driver supports IIO and I2C modes. Some methods will only work in one mode or the other. See the documentation on the methods to determine whether a given method is operation in a given mode. Both the I2C and IIO mechanisms make use of the calibration and denoise algorithms. For I2C mode, not all capabilities of the device are supported, but a complete register map and low level read/write methods are provided to add any missing functionality.", + "Aliases": ["l3gd20"], + "Categories": ["gyroscope"], + "Connections": ["iio", "i2c"], + "Project Type": ["IMU", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["stmicro"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["l3gd20.cxx", "l3gd20-i2c.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 2.4, "high": 3.6}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 6.1}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/lcdks/lcdks.json b/src/lcdks/lcdks.json index a065af98..f480edc8 100644 --- a/src/lcdks/lcdks.json +++ b/src/lcdks/lcdks.json @@ -1,36 +1,36 @@ -{ - "Library": "lcdks", - "Description": "API for the generic LCD Keypad Shield", - "Sensor Class": - { - "LCDKS": - { - "Name": "LCD Keypad Shield", - "Description": "The LCD Keypad Shield uses 7 digital outputs and 1 analog input (for the keypad). The outputs are used to drive an attached LCM1602 LCD controller. This driver should be compatible with the similar LCD keypad shields from Sainsmart, DFRobot and Sparkfun.", - "Aliases": ["lcdks"], - "Categories": ["userinput"], - "Connections": ["gpio", "analog"], - "Project Type": ["control", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["sainsmart", "dfrobot", "sparkfun"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["lcdks.js"], - "C++": ["lcdks.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": ["", "", ""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "lcdks", + "Description": "API for the generic LCD Keypad Shield", + "Sensor Class": + { + "LCDKS": + { + "Name": "LCD Keypad Shield", + "Description": "The LCD Keypad Shield uses 7 digital outputs and 1 analog input (for the keypad). The outputs are used to drive an attached LCM1602 LCD controller. This driver should be compatible with the similar LCD keypad shields from Sainsmart, DFRobot and Sparkfun.", + "Aliases": ["lcdks"], + "Categories": ["userinput"], + "Connections": ["gpio", "analog"], + "Project Type": ["control", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["sainsmart", "dfrobot", "sparkfun"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["lcdks.js"], + "C++": ["lcdks.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": ["", "", ""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/lcm1602/lcm1602.json b/src/lcm1602/lcm1602.json index 5a0d05ca..ddb01bb2 100644 --- a/src/lcm1602/lcm1602.json +++ b/src/lcm1602/lcm1602.json @@ -1,37 +1,37 @@ -{ - "Library": "lcm1602", - "Description": "API for the LCM1602 I2C controller for HD44780-based displays", - "Sensor Class": - { - "Lcm1602": - { - "Name": "LCD Display Driver for the LCM1602 Controller for HD44780-based Displays", - "Description": "UPM module for the ear-clip heart rate sensor. It is used to measure your heart rate.", - "Aliases": ["lcm1602"], - "Categories": ["display"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["display", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["adafruit", "sparkfun", "seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": ["", ""], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["lcm1602-i2c.cxx", "lcm1602-parallel.cxx"], - "C": ["lcm1602-i2c.c", "lcm1602-parallel.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 4.8, "typ": 5, "high": 5.2}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "max": 150} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "lcm1602", + "Description": "API for the LCM1602 I2C controller for HD44780-based displays", + "Sensor Class": + { + "Lcm1602": + { + "Name": "LCD Display Driver for the LCM1602 Controller for HD44780-based Displays", + "Description": "UPM module for the ear-clip heart rate sensor. It is used to measure your heart rate.", + "Aliases": ["lcm1602"], + "Categories": ["display"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["display", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["adafruit", "sparkfun", "seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": ["", ""], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["lcm1602-i2c.cxx", "lcm1602-parallel.cxx"], + "C": ["lcm1602-i2c.c", "lcm1602-parallel.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 4.8, "typ": 5, "high": 5.2}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "max": 150} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/ldt0028/ldt0028.json b/src/ldt0028/ldt0028.json index d6f74fd0..b70dcccf 100644 --- a/src/ldt0028/ldt0028.json +++ b/src/ldt0028/ldt0028.json @@ -1,37 +1,37 @@ -{ - "Library": "ldt0028", - "Description": "API for LDT0-028 PZT Film-Based Sensors", - "Sensor Class": - { - "LDT0028": - { - "Name": "Piezo Vibration Sensor", - "Description": "This module defines the LDT0-028 interface for libupm-ldt0028", - "Aliases": ["ldt0028"], - "Categories": ["vibration"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["industrial", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "ldt0028.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["ldt0028.js"], - "C++": ["ldt0028.cxx"], - "C": ["ldt0028.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "ldt0028", + "Description": "API for LDT0-028 PZT Film-Based Sensors", + "Sensor Class": + { + "LDT0028": + { + "Name": "Piezo Vibration Sensor", + "Description": "This module defines the LDT0-028 interface for libupm-ldt0028", + "Aliases": ["ldt0028"], + "Categories": ["vibration"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["industrial", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "ldt0028.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["ldt0028.js"], + "C++": ["ldt0028.cxx"], + "C": ["ldt0028.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/led/led.json b/src/led/led.json index 7cce6975..13706ed8 100644 --- a/src/led/led.json +++ b/src/led/led.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "Image": "led.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["led.js"], "C++": ["led.cxx"], diff --git a/src/lidarlitev3/lidarlitev3.json b/src/lidarlitev3/lidarlitev3.json index eaacb57b..63b9aeb0 100644 --- a/src/lidarlitev3/lidarlitev3.json +++ b/src/lidarlitev3/lidarlitev3.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ -{ - "Library": "lidarlitev3", - "Description": "API for the LIDARLITEV3 Optical Distance Measurement Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "LIDARLITEV3": - { - "Name": "Optical Distance Measurement Sensor", - "Description": "It is a compact, high-performance optical distance measurement sensor from Garmin.", - "Aliases": ["lidarlitev3"], - "Categories": ["distance"], - "Connections": ["i2c", "pwm"], - "Project Type": ["robotics", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["garmin"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "lidarlitev3.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["lidarlitev3.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 105, "high": 130} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "lidarlitev3", + "Description": "API for the LIDARLITEV3 Optical Distance Measurement Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "LIDARLITEV3": + { + "Name": "Optical Distance Measurement Sensor", + "Description": "It is a compact, high-performance optical distance measurement sensor from Garmin.", + "Aliases": ["lidarlitev3"], + "Categories": ["distance"], + "Connections": ["i2c", "pwm"], + "Project Type": ["robotics", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["garmin"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "lidarlitev3.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["lidarlitev3.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 105, "high": 130} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/light/light.json b/src/light/light.json index 56db086e..16d93544 100644 --- a/src/light/light.json +++ b/src/light/light.json @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ -{ - "Library": "light", - "Description": "API for the Light Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "Light": - { - "Name": "Analog Light Sensor", - "Description": "The light sensor detects the intensity of the ambient light. As the light intensity of the environment increases, the resistance of the sensor decreases. This means the raw value from the analog pin is larger in bright light and smaller in the dark. A very approximate lux value can also be returned.", - "Aliases": ["light"], - "Categories": ["light"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["environmental", "security", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": ["gsk"], - "Image": "light.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["light.js"], - "C++": ["light.cxx"], - "C": ["light.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3, "high": 5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.5, "high": 3}, - "Response Time": {"unit": "ms", "low": 20, "high": 30} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "light", + "Description": "API for the Light Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "Light": + { + "Name": "Analog Light Sensor", + "Description": "The light sensor detects the intensity of the ambient light. As the light intensity of the environment increases, the resistance of the sensor decreases. This means the raw value from the analog pin is larger in bright light and smaller in the dark. A very approximate lux value can also be returned.", + "Aliases": ["light"], + "Categories": ["light"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["environmental", "security", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": ["gsk"], + "Image": "light.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["light.js"], + "C++": ["light.cxx"], + "C": ["light.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3, "high": 5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.5, "high": 3}, + "Response Time": {"unit": "ms", "low": 20, "high": 30} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/linefinder/linefinder.json b/src/linefinder/linefinder.json index 3c20840e..e113a149 100644 --- a/src/linefinder/linefinder.json +++ b/src/linefinder/linefinder.json @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ -{ - "Library": "linefinder", - "Description": "Grove Line Finder Sensor Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "LineFinder": - { - "Name": "Infrared (IR) Based Line Finder", - "Description": "UPM module for the Line Finder sensor. It outputs a digital signal indicating whether it is detecting black on a white background, or white on a black background.", - "Aliases": ["linefinder"], - "Categories": ["linefinder"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["robotics", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "dfrobot"], - "Kits": ["robok"], - "Image": "linefinder.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["linefinder.js"], - "C++": ["linefinder.cxx"], - "C": ["linefinder.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 2.7, "high": 5.5}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "typ": 210}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 125} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["file:///C:/Users/Malachai/Downloads/Lmv358.pdf", ""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "linefinder", + "Description": "Grove Line Finder Sensor Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "LineFinder": + { + "Name": "Infrared (IR) Based Line Finder", + "Description": "UPM module for the Line Finder sensor. It outputs a digital signal indicating whether it is detecting black on a white background, or white on a black background.", + "Aliases": ["linefinder"], + "Categories": ["linefinder"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["robotics", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "dfrobot"], + "Kits": ["robok"], + "Image": "linefinder.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["linefinder.js"], + "C++": ["linefinder.cxx"], + "C": ["linefinder.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 2.7, "high": 5.5}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "typ": 210}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 125} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["file:///C:/Users/Malachai/Downloads/Lmv358.pdf", ""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/lis2ds12/lis2ds12.json b/src/lis2ds12/lis2ds12.json index 38d9f684..9fc4b808 100644 --- a/src/lis2ds12/lis2ds12.json +++ b/src/lis2ds12/lis2ds12.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ -{ - "Library": "lis2ds12", - "Description": "API for the LIS2DS12 3-axis Accelerometer", - "Sensor Class": - { - "LIS2DS12": - { - "Name": "Digital 3-axis Accelerometer", - "Description": "The LIS2DS12 is an ultra-low-power high performance three-axis linear accelerometer belonging to the \"pico\" family which leverages on the robust and mature manufacturing processes already used for the production of micromachined accelerometers. The LIS2DS12 has user-selectable full scales of 2g/4g/8g/16g and is capable of measuring accelerations with output data rates from 1 Hz to 6400 Hz. Not all functionality of this chip has been implemented in this driver, however all the pieces are present to add any desired functionality. This driver supports both I2C (default) and SPI operation.", - "Aliases": ["lis2ds12"], - "Categories": ["accelerometer"], - "Connections": ["i2c", "spi", "gpio"], - "Project Type": ["imu", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["stmicro"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["lis2ds12.js"], - "C++": ["lis2ds12.cxx"], - "C": ["lis2ds12.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.62, "high": 1.98}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 0.7, "high": 150}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "lis2ds12", + "Description": "API for the LIS2DS12 3-axis Accelerometer", + "Sensor Class": + { + "LIS2DS12": + { + "Name": "Digital 3-axis Accelerometer", + "Description": "The LIS2DS12 is an ultra-low-power high performance three-axis linear accelerometer belonging to the \"pico\" family which leverages on the robust and mature manufacturing processes already used for the production of micromachined accelerometers. The LIS2DS12 has user-selectable full scales of 2g/4g/8g/16g and is capable of measuring accelerations with output data rates from 1 Hz to 6400 Hz. Not all functionality of this chip has been implemented in this driver, however all the pieces are present to add any desired functionality. This driver supports both I2C (default) and SPI operation.", + "Aliases": ["lis2ds12"], + "Categories": ["accelerometer"], + "Connections": ["i2c", "spi", "gpio"], + "Project Type": ["imu", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["stmicro"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["lis2ds12.js"], + "C++": ["lis2ds12.cxx"], + "C": ["lis2ds12.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.62, "high": 1.98}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 0.7, "high": 150}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/lis3dh/lis3dh.json b/src/lis3dh/lis3dh.json index 90af316c..3eec107e 100644 --- a/src/lis3dh/lis3dh.json +++ b/src/lis3dh/lis3dh.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ -{ - "Library": "lis3dh", - "Description": "API for the LIS3DH 3-axis Accelerometer", - "Sensor Class": - { - "lis3dh": - { - "Name": "Digital 3-axis Accelerometer", - "Description": "The LIS3DH is an ultra-low-power high performance three-axis linear accelerometer belonging to the \"nano\" family which leverages the robust and mature manufacturing processes already used for the production of micromachined accelerometers. The LIS3DH has user-selectable full scales of 2g/4g/8g/16g and is capable of measuring accelerations with output data rates from 1 Hz to 5300 Hz. Not all functionality of this chip has been implemented in this driver, however all the pieces are present to add any desired functionality. This driver supports both I2C (default) and SPI operation.", - "Aliases": ["lis3dh"], - "Categories": ["accelerometer"], - "Connections": ["i2c", "spi", "gpio"], - "Project Type": ["imu", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["stmicro"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["lis3dh.js"], - "C++": ["lis3dh.cxx"], - "C": ["lis3dh.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.71, "high": 3.6}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 0.5, "high": 11}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } +{ + "Library": "lis3dh", + "Description": "API for the LIS3DH 3-axis Accelerometer", + "Sensor Class": + { + "lis3dh": + { + "Name": "Digital 3-axis Accelerometer", + "Description": "The LIS3DH is an ultra-low-power high performance three-axis linear accelerometer belonging to the \"nano\" family which leverages the robust and mature manufacturing processes already used for the production of micromachined accelerometers. The LIS3DH has user-selectable full scales of 2g/4g/8g/16g and is capable of measuring accelerations with output data rates from 1 Hz to 5300 Hz. Not all functionality of this chip has been implemented in this driver, however all the pieces are present to add any desired functionality. This driver supports both I2C (default) and SPI operation.", + "Aliases": ["lis3dh"], + "Categories": ["accelerometer"], + "Connections": ["i2c", "spi", "gpio"], + "Project Type": ["imu", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["stmicro"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["lis3dh.js"], + "C++": ["lis3dh.cxx"], + "C": ["lis3dh.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.71, "high": 3.6}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 0.5, "high": 11}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/lm35/lm35.json b/src/lm35/lm35.json index a8a60db3..ece5c197 100644 --- a/src/lm35/lm35.json +++ b/src/lm35/lm35.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ -{ - "Library": "lm35", - "Description": "API for the DFRobot LM35 Linear Temperature Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "LM35": - { - "Name": "Analog Temperature Sensor", - "Description": "This sensor returns an analog voltage proportional to the temperature of the ambient environment. This driver was developed using the DFRobot LM35 Linear Temperature Sensor", - "Aliases": ["lm35"], - "Categories": ["temperature"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["environmental", "monitoring", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["dfrobot", "nationalsemiconductor"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "lm35.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["lm35.js"], - "C++": ["lm35.cxx"], - "C": ["lm35.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, - "Measurement Range": {"unit": "degC", "low": 0, "high": 100} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "lm35", + "Description": "API for the DFRobot LM35 Linear Temperature Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "LM35": + { + "Name": "Analog Temperature Sensor", + "Description": "This sensor returns an analog voltage proportional to the temperature of the ambient environment. This driver was developed using the DFRobot LM35 Linear Temperature Sensor", + "Aliases": ["lm35"], + "Categories": ["temperature"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["environmental", "monitoring", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["dfrobot", "nationalsemiconductor"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "lm35.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["lm35.js"], + "C++": ["lm35.cxx"], + "C": ["lm35.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, + "Measurement Range": {"unit": "degC", "low": 0, "high": 100} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/lol/lol.json b/src/lol/lol.json index ca91aaa5..dd9253a8 100644 --- a/src/lol/lol.json +++ b/src/lol/lol.json @@ -1,32 +1,32 @@ -{ - "Library": "lol", - "Description": "API for the Olimex LoL Array", - "Sensor Class": - { - "LoL": - { - "Name": "Lots of LEDs (LoL) Array Rev A", - "Description": "This module defines the LoL API and implementation for a simple framebuffer.", - "Aliases": ["lol"], - "Categories": ["display"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["olimex"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": ["", ""], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["lol.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "lol", + "Description": "API for the Olimex LoL Array", + "Sensor Class": + { + "LoL": + { + "Name": "Lots of LEDs (LoL) Array Rev A", + "Description": "This module defines the LoL API and implementation for a simple framebuffer.", + "Aliases": ["lol"], + "Categories": ["display"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["olimex"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": ["", ""], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["lol.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/loudness/loudness.json b/src/loudness/loudness.json index bc782ab8..add1d2bd 100644 --- a/src/loudness/loudness.json +++ b/src/loudness/loudness.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "loudness", - "Description": "API for the Loudness Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "Loudness": - { - "Name": "Loudness Sensor", - "Description": "This sensor family returns an analog voltage proportional to the loudness of the ambient environment. It's output does not correspond to a particular sound level in decibels. The higher the output voltage, the louder the ambient noise level. This device uses an electret microphone for sound input. This driver was developed using the DFRobot Loudness Sensor V2 and the Grove Loudness sensor.", - "Aliases": ["loudness"], - "Categories": ["audio"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["noise control", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "dfrobot"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "loudness.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["loudness.js"], - "C++": ["loudness.cxx"], - "C": ["loudness.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.5, "high": 10}, - "Measurement Range": {"unit": "Hz", "low": 50, "high": 2000} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "loudness", + "Description": "API for the Loudness Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "Loudness": + { + "Name": "Loudness Sensor", + "Description": "This sensor family returns an analog voltage proportional to the loudness of the ambient environment. It's output does not correspond to a particular sound level in decibels. The higher the output voltage, the louder the ambient noise level. This device uses an electret microphone for sound input. This driver was developed using the DFRobot Loudness Sensor V2 and the Grove Loudness sensor.", + "Aliases": ["loudness"], + "Categories": ["audio"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["noise control", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "dfrobot"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "loudness.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["loudness.js"], + "C++": ["loudness.cxx"], + "C": ["loudness.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.5, "high": 10}, + "Measurement Range": {"unit": "Hz", "low": 50, "high": 2000} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/lpd8806/lpd8806.json b/src/lpd8806/lpd8806.json index f4a45e4a..88cb4422 100644 --- a/src/lpd8806/lpd8806.json +++ b/src/lpd8806/lpd8806.json @@ -1,37 +1,37 @@ -{ - "Library": "lpd8806", - "Description": "API for the LPD8806 RGB LED Strip Controller", - "Sensor Class": - { - "LPD8806": - { - "Name": "Digital RGB LED Strip Controller", - "Description": "FastPixel* LPD8806 is an RGB LED strip controller.", - "Aliases": ["lpd8806"], - "Categories": ["display"], - "Connections": ["spi"], - "Project Type": ["lighting", "rgb", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["adafruit"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "lpd8806.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["lpd8806.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "max": 5} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "lpd8806", + "Description": "API for the LPD8806 RGB LED Strip Controller", + "Sensor Class": + { + "LPD8806": + { + "Name": "Digital RGB LED Strip Controller", + "Description": "FastPixel* LPD8806 is an RGB LED strip controller.", + "Aliases": ["lpd8806"], + "Categories": ["display"], + "Connections": ["spi"], + "Project Type": ["lighting", "rgb", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["adafruit"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "lpd8806.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["lpd8806.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "max": 5} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/lsm303agr/lsm303agr.json b/src/lsm303agr/lsm303agr.json index 37daa7a8..6557bbd1 100644 --- a/src/lsm303agr/lsm303agr.json +++ b/src/lsm303agr/lsm303agr.json @@ -1,37 +1,37 @@ -{ - "Library": "lsm303agr", - "Description": "API for the LSM303AGR 3-Axis Geomagnetic Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "LSM303AGR": - { - "Name": "Ultra-Compact High-Performance eCompass Module", - "Description": "The LSM303AGR is an ultra-low-power high-performance system-in-package featuring a 3D digital linear acceleration sensor and a 3D digital magnetic sensor. The LSM303AGR has linear acceleration full scales of 2g/4g/8g/16g and a magnetic field dynamic range of 50 Gauss. Not all functionality of this chip has been implemented in this driver, however all the pieces are present to add any desired functionality. This driver supports only I2C operation.", - "Aliases": ["lsm303agr"], - "Categories": ["magnetometer"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["imu", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["stmicro"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["lsm303agr.js"], - "C++": ["lsm303agr.cxx"], - "C": ["lsm303agr.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.71, "high": 3.6}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 2, "high": 200} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "lsm303agr", + "Description": "API for the LSM303AGR 3-Axis Geomagnetic Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "LSM303AGR": + { + "Name": "Ultra-Compact High-Performance eCompass Module", + "Description": "The LSM303AGR is an ultra-low-power high-performance system-in-package featuring a 3D digital linear acceleration sensor and a 3D digital magnetic sensor. The LSM303AGR has linear acceleration full scales of 2g/4g/8g/16g and a magnetic field dynamic range of 50 Gauss. Not all functionality of this chip has been implemented in this driver, however all the pieces are present to add any desired functionality. This driver supports only I2C operation.", + "Aliases": ["lsm303agr"], + "Categories": ["magnetometer"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["imu", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["stmicro"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["lsm303agr.js"], + "C++": ["lsm303agr.cxx"], + "C": ["lsm303agr.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.71, "high": 3.6}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 2, "high": 200} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/lsm303d/lsm303d.json b/src/lsm303d/lsm303d.json index 989c0a28..b112f147 100644 --- a/src/lsm303d/lsm303d.json +++ b/src/lsm303d/lsm303d.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "lsm303d", - "Description": "API for the LSM303D 3-Axis Geomagnetic Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "LSM303D": - { - "Name": "Ultra-compact high-performance eCompass module", - "Description": "The LSM303D is an ultra-low-power high-performance system-in-package featuring a 3D digital linear acceleration sensor and a 3D digital magnetic sensor. The LSM303D has linear acceleration full scales of 2g/4g/8g/16g and a magnetic field dynamic range of 50 Gauss. Not all functionality of this chip has been implemented in this driver, however all the pieces are present to add any desired functionality. This driver supports only I2C operation.", - "Aliases": ["lsm303d"], - "Categories": ["compass"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["robotics", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["stmicro"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["lsm303d.js"], - "C++": ["lsm303d.cxx"], - "C": ["lsm303d.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 2.16, "high": 3.6}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "typ": 300}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "lsm303d", + "Description": "API for the LSM303D 3-Axis Geomagnetic Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "LSM303D": + { + "Name": "Ultra-compact high-performance eCompass module", + "Description": "The LSM303D is an ultra-low-power high-performance system-in-package featuring a 3D digital linear acceleration sensor and a 3D digital magnetic sensor. The LSM303D has linear acceleration full scales of 2g/4g/8g/16g and a magnetic field dynamic range of 50 Gauss. Not all functionality of this chip has been implemented in this driver, however all the pieces are present to add any desired functionality. This driver supports only I2C operation.", + "Aliases": ["lsm303d"], + "Categories": ["compass"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["robotics", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["stmicro"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["lsm303d.js"], + "C++": ["lsm303d.cxx"], + "C": ["lsm303d.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 2.16, "high": 3.6}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "typ": 300}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/lsm303dlh/lsm303dlh.json b/src/lsm303dlh/lsm303dlh.json index 740241ca..2cd07b55 100644 --- a/src/lsm303dlh/lsm303dlh.json +++ b/src/lsm303dlh/lsm303dlh.json @@ -1,36 +1,36 @@ -{ - "Library": "lsm303dlh", - "Description": "API for the LSM303DLH Accelerometer & Compass", - "Sensor Class": - { - "LSM303DLH": - { - "Name": "Triaxial Accelerometer/magnetometer", - "Description": "This module defines the LSM303DLH 3-axis magnetometer/3-axis accelerometer. This module was tested with the Seeed Studio* Grove 6-Axis Accelerometer & Compass module used over I2C. The magnetometer and acceleromter are accessed at two seperate I2C addresses.", - "Aliases": ["lsm303dlh"], - "Categories": ["compass", "accelerometer"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["imu", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "adafruit", "stmicro"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["lsm303dhl.js"], - "C++": ["lsm303dlh.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 3.3} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "lsm303dlh", + "Description": "API for the LSM303DLH Accelerometer & Compass", + "Sensor Class": + { + "LSM303DLH": + { + "Name": "Triaxial Accelerometer/magnetometer", + "Description": "This module defines the LSM303DLH 3-axis magnetometer/3-axis accelerometer. This module was tested with the Seeed Studio* Grove 6-Axis Accelerometer & Compass module used over I2C. The magnetometer and acceleromter are accessed at two seperate I2C addresses.", + "Aliases": ["lsm303dlh"], + "Categories": ["compass", "accelerometer"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["imu", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "adafruit", "stmicro"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["lsm303dhl.js"], + "C++": ["lsm303dlh.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "typ": 3.3} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/lsm6ds3h/lsm6ds3h.json b/src/lsm6ds3h/lsm6ds3h.json index 9bef69af..49f35af5 100644 --- a/src/lsm6ds3h/lsm6ds3h.json +++ b/src/lsm6ds3h/lsm6ds3h.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "lsm6ds3h", - "Description": "API for the LSM6DS3H 3-axis Accelerometer and Gyroscope", - "Sensor Class": - { - "LSM6DS3H": - { - "Name": "Digital 3-axis Accelerometer and Gyroscope", - "Description": "The LSM6DS3H is a system-in-package featuring a 3D digital accelerometer and a 3D digital gyroscope performing at 1.1 mA (up to 1.6 kHz ODR) in high performance mode and enabling always-on low-power features for an optimal motion experience for the consumer. Not all functionality of this chip has been implemented in this driver, however all the pieces are present to add any desired functionality. This driver supports both I2C (default) and SPI operation.", - "Aliases": ["lsm6ds3h"], - "Categories": ["accelerometer", "gyroscope"], - "Connections": ["i2c", "spi", "gpio"], - "Project Type": ["imu", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["stmicro"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["lsm6ds3h.js"], - "C++": ["lsm6ds3h.cxx"], - "C": ["lsm6ds3h.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.71, "high": 3.6}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.85, "high": 1.1}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "lsm6ds3h", + "Description": "API for the LSM6DS3H 3-axis Accelerometer and Gyroscope", + "Sensor Class": + { + "LSM6DS3H": + { + "Name": "Digital 3-axis Accelerometer and Gyroscope", + "Description": "The LSM6DS3H is a system-in-package featuring a 3D digital accelerometer and a 3D digital gyroscope performing at 1.1 mA (up to 1.6 kHz ODR) in high performance mode and enabling always-on low-power features for an optimal motion experience for the consumer. Not all functionality of this chip has been implemented in this driver, however all the pieces are present to add any desired functionality. This driver supports both I2C (default) and SPI operation.", + "Aliases": ["lsm6ds3h"], + "Categories": ["accelerometer", "gyroscope"], + "Connections": ["i2c", "spi", "gpio"], + "Project Type": ["imu", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["stmicro"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["lsm6ds3h.js"], + "C++": ["lsm6ds3h.cxx"], + "C": ["lsm6ds3h.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.71, "high": 3.6}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.85, "high": 1.1}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/lsm6dsl/lsm6dsl.json b/src/lsm6dsl/lsm6dsl.json index 423795eb..1169d703 100644 --- a/src/lsm6dsl/lsm6dsl.json +++ b/src/lsm6dsl/lsm6dsl.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "lsm6dsl", - "Description": "API for the LSM6DSL 3-axis Accelerometer and Gyroscope", - "Sensor Class": - { - "LSM6DSL": - { - "Name": "Digital 3-axis Accelerometer and Gyroscope", - "Description": "The LSM6DSL is a system-in-package featuring a 3D digital accelerometer and a 3D digital gyroscope performing at 0.65 mA in high performance mode and enabling always-on low-power features for an optimal motion experience for the consumer. Not all functionality of this chip has been implemented in this driver, however all the pieces are present to add any desired functionality. This driver supports both I2C (default) and SPI operation.", - "Aliases": ["lsm6dsl"], - "Categories": ["accelerometer", "gyroscope"], - "Connections": ["i2c", "spi", "gpio"], - "Project Type": ["imu", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["stmicro"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["lsm6dsl.js"], - "C++": ["lsm6dsl.cxx"], - "C": ["lsm6dsl.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.71, "high": 3.6}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.4, "high": 0.65}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "lsm6dsl", + "Description": "API for the LSM6DSL 3-axis Accelerometer and Gyroscope", + "Sensor Class": + { + "LSM6DSL": + { + "Name": "Digital 3-axis Accelerometer and Gyroscope", + "Description": "The LSM6DSL is a system-in-package featuring a 3D digital accelerometer and a 3D digital gyroscope performing at 0.65 mA in high performance mode and enabling always-on low-power features for an optimal motion experience for the consumer. Not all functionality of this chip has been implemented in this driver, however all the pieces are present to add any desired functionality. This driver supports both I2C (default) and SPI operation.", + "Aliases": ["lsm6dsl"], + "Categories": ["accelerometer", "gyroscope"], + "Connections": ["i2c", "spi", "gpio"], + "Project Type": ["imu", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["stmicro"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["lsm6dsl.js"], + "C++": ["lsm6dsl.cxx"], + "C": ["lsm6dsl.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.71, "high": 3.6}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.4, "high": 0.65}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/lsm9ds0/lsm9ds0.json b/src/lsm9ds0/lsm9ds0.json index 79a40785..0394f8df 100644 --- a/src/lsm9ds0/lsm9ds0.json +++ b/src/lsm9ds0/lsm9ds0.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "lsm9ds0", - "Description": "API for the LSM9DS0 Gyroscope/Accelerometer/Magnetometer", - "Sensor Class": - { - "LSM9DS0": - { - "Name": "Triaxial Gyroscope/Accelerometer/Magnetometer Sensor", - "Description": "The LSM9DS0 is a system-in-package featuring a 3D digital linear acceleration sensor, a 3D digital angular rate sensor, and a 3D digital magnetic sensor. The LSM9DS0 has a linear acceleration full scale of 2g/4g/6g/8g/16g, a magnetic field full scale of 2/4/8/12 gauss and an angular rate of 245/500/2000 dps. While not all of the functionality of this device is supported initially, methods and register definitions are provided that should allow an end user to implement whatever features are required. This driver was developed on a Sparkfun 9DOF edison block.", - "Aliases": ["lsm9ds0"], - "Categories": ["gyroscope", "accelerometer", "magnetometer"], - "Connections": ["i2c", "gpio"], - "Project Type": ["robotics", "wearables", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["sparkfun", "stmicro"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "lsm9ds0.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["lsm9ds0.js"], - "C++": ["lsm9ds0.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Accelerometer Range (+-)": {"unit": "g", "low": 2, "high": 16}, - "Magnetometer Range (+-)": {"unit": "gauss", "low": 2, "high": 12}, - "Gyroscope Range (+-)": {"unit": "deg/s", "low": 245, "high": 2000} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "lsm9ds0", + "Description": "API for the LSM9DS0 Gyroscope/Accelerometer/Magnetometer", + "Sensor Class": + { + "LSM9DS0": + { + "Name": "Triaxial Gyroscope/Accelerometer/Magnetometer Sensor", + "Description": "The LSM9DS0 is a system-in-package featuring a 3D digital linear acceleration sensor, a 3D digital angular rate sensor, and a 3D digital magnetic sensor. The LSM9DS0 has a linear acceleration full scale of 2g/4g/6g/8g/16g, a magnetic field full scale of 2/4/8/12 gauss and an angular rate of 245/500/2000 dps. While not all of the functionality of this device is supported initially, methods and register definitions are provided that should allow an end user to implement whatever features are required. This driver was developed on a Sparkfun 9DOF edison block.", + "Aliases": ["lsm9ds0"], + "Categories": ["gyroscope", "accelerometer", "magnetometer"], + "Connections": ["i2c", "gpio"], + "Project Type": ["robotics", "wearables", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["sparkfun", "stmicro"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "lsm9ds0.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["lsm9ds0.js"], + "C++": ["lsm9ds0.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Accelerometer Range (+-)": {"unit": "g", "low": 2, "high": 16}, + "Magnetometer Range (+-)": {"unit": "gauss", "low": 2, "high": 12}, + "Gyroscope Range (+-)": {"unit": "deg/s", "low": 245, "high": 2000} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/m24lr64e/m24lr64e.json b/src/m24lr64e/m24lr64e.json index 09e038a0..c5e0259b 100644 --- a/src/m24lr64e/m24lr64e.json +++ b/src/m24lr64e/m24lr64e.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ -{ - "Library": "m24lr64e", - "Description": "API for the M24LR64E NFC Tag", - "Sensor Class": - { - "M24LR64E": - { - "Name": "Dynamic NFC/RFID Tag Module", - "Description": "The M24LR64E NFC tag is an 8KB electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) that can be written to or read from using I2C and NFC-equipped devices. The user mode (default) allows read and write access to all 8KB of space, provided the sector security status (SSS) allows it. The root mode allows modification of the SSS data and other information, provided the proper password is submitted. The default password for a new tag is 0x00000000. See the datasheet for more details. The Seeed Studio* wiki page for this device includes a link to an Android* application that can be used to also read and write the device via NFC, as well as set NFC passwords, which cannot be done via I2C.", - "Aliases": ["m24lr64e"], - "Categories": ["rfid", "wireless"], - "Connections": ["i2c", "nfc"], - "Project Type": ["access control", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "m24lr64e.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["m24lr64e.js"], - "C++": ["m24lr64e.cxx"], - "C": ["m24lr64e.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.8, "high": 5.5}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": ["", ""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "m24lr64e", + "Description": "API for the M24LR64E NFC Tag", + "Sensor Class": + { + "M24LR64E": + { + "Name": "Dynamic NFC/RFID Tag Module", + "Description": "The M24LR64E NFC tag is an 8KB electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) that can be written to or read from using I2C and NFC-equipped devices. The user mode (default) allows read and write access to all 8KB of space, provided the sector security status (SSS) allows it. The root mode allows modification of the SSS data and other information, provided the proper password is submitted. The default password for a new tag is 0x00000000. See the datasheet for more details. The Seeed Studio* wiki page for this device includes a link to an Android* application that can be used to also read and write the device via NFC, as well as set NFC passwords, which cannot be done via I2C.", + "Aliases": ["m24lr64e"], + "Categories": ["rfid", "wireless"], + "Connections": ["i2c", "nfc"], + "Project Type": ["access control", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "m24lr64e.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["m24lr64e.js"], + "C++": ["m24lr64e.cxx"], + "C": ["m24lr64e.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.8, "high": 5.5}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": ["", ""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/mag3110/mag3110.json b/src/mag3110/mag3110.json index c3366103..b0d57817 100644 --- a/src/mag3110/mag3110.json +++ b/src/mag3110/mag3110.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ -{ - "Library": "mag3110", - "Description": "API for the MAG3110 Three-Axis Digital Magnetometer", - "Sensor Class": - { - "MAG3110": - { - "Name": "MAG3110 Three-Axis Digital Magnetometer", - "Description": "The MAG3110 is a small, low-power digital 3D magnetic sensor with a wide dynamic range to allow operation in PCBs with high extraneous magnetic fields. It measures the components of the local magnetic field, the sum of the geomagnetic field and the magnetic field created by components on the circuit board. It can be used in conjunction with a 3-axis accelerometer so that orientation-independent accurate compass heading information may be achieved It is capable of measuring local magnetic fields up to 10 Gauss with output data rates up to 80 Hz.", - "Aliases": ["mag3110"], - "Categories": ["magnetometer"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["imu", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["freescale"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["mag3110.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.95, "high": 3.6}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 8.6, "high": 900}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "mag3110", + "Description": "API for the MAG3110 Three-Axis Digital Magnetometer", + "Sensor Class": + { + "MAG3110": + { + "Name": "MAG3110 Three-Axis Digital Magnetometer", + "Description": "The MAG3110 is a small, low-power digital 3D magnetic sensor with a wide dynamic range to allow operation in PCBs with high extraneous magnetic fields. It measures the components of the local magnetic field, the sum of the geomagnetic field and the magnetic field created by components on the circuit board. It can be used in conjunction with a 3-axis accelerometer so that orientation-independent accurate compass heading information may be achieved It is capable of measuring local magnetic fields up to 10 Gauss with output data rates up to 80 Hz.", + "Aliases": ["mag3110"], + "Categories": ["magnetometer"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["imu", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["freescale"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["mag3110.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.95, "high": 3.6}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 8.6, "high": 900}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/max30100/max30100.json b/src/max30100/max30100.json index 8ee5aa10..038e085b 100644 --- a/src/max30100/max30100.json +++ b/src/max30100/max30100.json @@ -1,37 +1,37 @@ -{ - "Library": "max30100", - "Description": "API for the Pulse Oximeter and Heart-Rate Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "MAX30100": - { - "Name": "Pulse Oximeter and Heart-rate Sensor", - "Description": "The MAX30100 is an integrated pulse oximetry and heartrate monitor sensor solution. It combines two LEDs, a photodetector, optimized optics, and low-noise analog signal processing to detect pulse oximetry and heart-rate signals.", - "Aliases": ["max30100"], - "Categories": ["heartrate", "pulse-ox"], - "Connections": ["i2c", "gpio"], - "Project Type": ["medical", "wearables", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["maxim"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["max30100.js"], - "C++": ["max30100.cxx"], - "C": ["max30100.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.8, "high": 3.3}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 0.7, "high": 1200} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "max30100", + "Description": "API for the Pulse Oximeter and Heart-Rate Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "MAX30100": + { + "Name": "Pulse Oximeter and Heart-rate Sensor", + "Description": "The MAX30100 is an integrated pulse oximetry and heartrate monitor sensor solution. It combines two LEDs, a photodetector, optimized optics, and low-noise analog signal processing to detect pulse oximetry and heart-rate signals.", + "Aliases": ["max30100"], + "Categories": ["heartrate", "pulse-ox"], + "Connections": ["i2c", "gpio"], + "Project Type": ["medical", "wearables", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["maxim"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["max30100.js"], + "C++": ["max30100.cxx"], + "C": ["max30100.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.8, "high": 3.3}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 0.7, "high": 1200} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/max31723/max31723.json b/src/max31723/max31723.json index e827b13d..80f6a890 100644 --- a/src/max31723/max31723.json +++ b/src/max31723/max31723.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "max31723", - "Description": "API for the MAX31723 Temperature Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "MAX31723": - { - "Name": "SPI/3-wire Digital Thermometer", - "Description": "Maxim Integrated* [MAX31723]( is a low-voltage 3-wire/SPI temperature sensor controller. This module was tested on the Maxim Integrated [MAX31732PMB1 PMOD module]( from the analog PMOD kit.", - "Aliases": ["max31723"], - "Categories": ["temperature"], - "Connections": ["spi"], - "Project Type": ["environmental", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["maxim"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["max31723.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.7, "high": 3.7}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 100, "high":1200}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -55, "high": 125} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "max31723", + "Description": "API for the MAX31723 Temperature Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "MAX31723": + { + "Name": "SPI/3-wire Digital Thermometer", + "Description": "Maxim Integrated* [MAX31723]( is a low-voltage 3-wire/SPI temperature sensor controller. This module was tested on the Maxim Integrated [MAX31732PMB1 PMOD module]( from the analog PMOD kit.", + "Aliases": ["max31723"], + "Categories": ["temperature"], + "Connections": ["spi"], + "Project Type": ["environmental", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["maxim"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["max31723.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.7, "high": 3.7}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "low": 100, "high":1200}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -55, "high": 125} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/max31855/max31855.json b/src/max31855/max31855.json index 0259fbd9..bf7af2db 100644 --- a/src/max31855/max31855.json +++ b/src/max31855/max31855.json @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ -{ - "Library": "max31855", - "Description": "API for the MAX31855 Thermocouple Amplifier", - "Sensor Class": - { - "MAX31855": - { - "Name": "Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter", - "Description": "Maxim Integrated* [MAX31855]( is a cold-junction compensated thermocouple-to-digital converter. This module was tested on the Maxim Integrated [MAX31855PMB1 PMOD module] ( from the analog PMOD kit.", - "Aliases": ["max31855"], - "Categories": ["temperature"], - "Connections": ["spi"], - "Project Type": ["thermal", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["maxim", "adafruit"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "max31855.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["max31855.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3, "high": 3.6}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "max": 1500} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "max31855", + "Description": "API for the MAX31855 Thermocouple Amplifier", + "Sensor Class": + { + "MAX31855": + { + "Name": "Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter", + "Description": "Maxim Integrated* [MAX31855]( is a cold-junction compensated thermocouple-to-digital converter. This module was tested on the Maxim Integrated [MAX31855PMB1 PMOD module] ( from the analog PMOD kit.", + "Aliases": ["max31855"], + "Categories": ["temperature"], + "Connections": ["spi"], + "Project Type": ["thermal", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["maxim", "adafruit"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "max31855.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["max31855.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3, "high": 3.6}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "uA", "max": 1500} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/max44000/max44000.json b/src/max44000/max44000.json index 8ed46134..45de2f0b 100644 --- a/src/max44000/max44000.json +++ b/src/max44000/max44000.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "max44000", - "Description": "API for the MAX44000 Ambient and Infrared Proximity Sensor", - "Sensor Class": - { - "MAX44000": - { - "Name": "Ambient and Infrared Proximity Sensor", - "Description": "Maxim Integrated* [MAX44000]( is an ambient and infrared proximity sensor. This module was tested on the Maxim Integrated [MAX44000PMB1 PMOD module] ( from the analog PMOD kit.", - "Aliases": ["max44000"], - "Categories": ["proximity"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["robotics", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["maxim"], - "Kits": [], - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [], - "Node.js": [], - "C++": ["max44000.cxx"], - "C": [] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.7, "high": 3.6}, - "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 10, "high":110}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 105} - - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "max44000", + "Description": "API for the MAX44000 Ambient and Infrared Proximity Sensor", + "Sensor Class": + { + "MAX44000": + { + "Name": "Ambient and Infrared Proximity Sensor", + "Description": "Maxim Integrated* [MAX44000]( is an ambient and infrared proximity sensor. This module was tested on the Maxim Integrated [MAX44000PMB1 PMOD module] ( from the analog PMOD kit.", + "Aliases": ["max44000"], + "Categories": ["proximity"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["robotics", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["maxim"], + "Kits": [], + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [], + "Node.js": [], + "C++": ["max44000.cxx"], + "C": [] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 1.7, "high": 3.6}, + "Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "low": 10, "high":110}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 105} + + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/max5487/max5487.json b/src/max5487/max5487.json index 7f27ac78..23ad21d3 100644 --- a/src/max5487/max5487.json +++ b/src/max5487/max5487.json @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ "Project Type": ["prototyping", "commercial"], "Manufacturers": ["maxim"], "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "C++": ["max5487.cxx"] }, "Specifications": { diff --git a/src/maxds3231m/maxds3231m.json b/src/maxds3231m/maxds3231m.json index ebbc7a1b..b0faefbb 100644 --- a/src/maxds3231m/maxds3231m.json +++ b/src/maxds3231m/maxds3231m.json @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ "Project Type": ["prototyping", "commercial"], "Manufacturers": ["Maxim"], "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "C++": ["maxds3231m.cxx"] }, "Specifications": { diff --git a/src/md/md.json b/src/md/md.json index 0668e507..acddb95e 100644 --- a/src/md/md.json +++ b/src/md/md.json @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ -{ - "Library": "md", - "Description": "I2C Motor Driver library", - "Sensor Class": { - "MD": { - "Name": "Grove I2C Motor Driver", - "Description": "This class implements support for the I2C Motor Driver. This device can support a single 4-wire stepper motor, or two 2-wire DC motors. The device contains an Atmel* ATmega8L microcontroller that manages an L298N H-bridge driver chip. This device supports an I2C bus speed of 100Khz only. The module does not provide any telemetry or status - it only accepts I2C commands for its various operations. This module was tested with version 1.3 of the I2C Motor Driver. For stepper operation, this driver can run in one of two modes - Mode 1, where this driver handles the stepping operation, and Mode 2, where this driver simply sends commands to the Motor Driver, and it handles the stepping operation. Mode2 requires updated (and working) firmware to be loaded onto the device. The default stepper operation mode is Mode1, which is generally more flexible and is supported on all firmware revisions.", - "Aliases": ["Grove - I2C Motor Driver"], - "Categories": ["motor"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "robotics"], - "Manufacturers": ["Seeed"], - "Kits": ["robok"], - "Image": "md.jpg", - "Examples": { - "Java": [""], - "Python": ["", ""], - "Node.js": ["md-stepper.js", "md.js"], - "C++": ["md-stepper.cxx", "md.cxx"], - "C": ["md-stepper.c", "md.c"] - }, - "Specifications": { - "Vsource": { - "unit": "V", - "min": 3.3, - "max": 5.0 - }, - "Supply Current": { - "unit": "A", - "min" : 0.5, - "max" : 4 - }, - "Operating Temperature": { - "unit": "°C", - "min": -40, - "max": 85 - } - }, - "Platforms": { - "Intel Edison": { - "Notes": ["Requires Grove Shield"] - }, - "Arduino 101": { - "Notes": ["Requires Grove Shield"] - } - }, - "Urls": { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""] - } - } - } +{ + "Library": "md", + "Description": "I2C Motor Driver library", + "Sensor Class": { + "MD": { + "Name": "Grove I2C Motor Driver", + "Description": "This class implements support for the I2C Motor Driver. This device can support a single 4-wire stepper motor, or two 2-wire DC motors. The device contains an Atmel* ATmega8L microcontroller that manages an L298N H-bridge driver chip. This device supports an I2C bus speed of 100Khz only. The module does not provide any telemetry or status - it only accepts I2C commands for its various operations. This module was tested with version 1.3 of the I2C Motor Driver. For stepper operation, this driver can run in one of two modes - Mode 1, where this driver handles the stepping operation, and Mode 2, where this driver simply sends commands to the Motor Driver, and it handles the stepping operation. Mode2 requires updated (and working) firmware to be loaded onto the device. The default stepper operation mode is Mode1, which is generally more flexible and is supported on all firmware revisions.", + "Aliases": ["Grove - I2C Motor Driver"], + "Categories": ["motor"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "robotics"], + "Manufacturers": ["Seeed"], + "Kits": ["robok"], + "Image": "md.jpg", + "Examples": { + "Java": [""], + "Python": ["", ""], + "Node.js": ["md-stepper.js", "md.js"], + "C++": ["md-stepper.cxx", "md.cxx"], + "C": ["md-stepper.c", "md.c"] + }, + "Specifications": { + "Vsource": { + "unit": "V", + "min": 3.3, + "max": 5.0 + }, + "Supply Current": { + "unit": "A", + "min" : 0.5, + "max" : 4 + }, + "Operating Temperature": { + "unit": "°C", + "min": -40, + "max": 85 + } + }, + "Platforms": { + "Intel Edison": { + "Notes": ["Requires Grove Shield"] + }, + "Arduino 101": { + "Notes": ["Requires Grove Shield"] + } + }, + "Urls": { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""] + } + } + } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/mhz16/mhz16.json b/src/mhz16/mhz16.json index c5c3ae54..ee99473c 100644 --- a/src/mhz16/mhz16.json +++ b/src/mhz16/mhz16.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["Seeed", "Zhengzhou Winsen Electronics Technology"], "Image": "mhz16.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java" : [""], + "Java" : [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["mhz16.js"], "C++": ["mhz16.cxx"] diff --git a/src/mic/mic.json b/src/mic/mic.json index 72c34cb5..51aa7219 100644 --- a/src/mic/mic.json +++ b/src/mic/mic.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "Image": "mic.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["mic.js"], "C++": ["mic.cxx"] diff --git a/src/mma7455/mma7455.json b/src/mma7455/mma7455.json index 9cab5ced..7b64a61e 100644 --- a/src/mma7455/mma7455.json +++ b/src/mma7455/mma7455.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["NXP", "Freescale"], "Image": "mma7455.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "C++": ["mma7455.cxx"] }, "Specifications": { diff --git a/src/mma7660/mma7660.json b/src/mma7660/mma7660.json index 969aadd0..0bfb77c9 100644 --- a/src/mma7660/mma7660.json +++ b/src/mma7660/mma7660.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["Seeed", "NXP"], "Image": "mma7660.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["mma7660.js"], "C++": ["mma7660.cxx"], diff --git a/src/moisture/moisture.json b/src/moisture/moisture.json index 99ca531c..0bf39939 100644 --- a/src/moisture/moisture.json +++ b/src/moisture/moisture.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "Kits": ["eak", "hak"], "Image": "moisture.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["moisture.js"], "C++": ["moisture.cxx"], diff --git a/src/mpl3115a2/mpl3115a2.json b/src/mpl3115a2/mpl3115a2.json index 8c46eaf8..f52dd62c 100644 --- a/src/mpl3115a2/mpl3115a2.json +++ b/src/mpl3115a2/mpl3115a2.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["NXP", "Adafruit"], "Image": "mpl3115a2.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "C++": ["mpl3115a2.cxx"] }, "Specifications": { diff --git a/src/mpr121/mpr121.json b/src/mpr121/mpr121.json index 2e219d34..865e88ea 100644 --- a/src/mpr121/mpr121.json +++ b/src/mpr121/mpr121.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "Kits": ["tsk"], "Image": "mpr121.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["mpr121.js"], "C++": ["mpr121.cxx"], diff --git a/src/mpu9150/mpu9150.json b/src/mpu9150/mpu9150.json index f6da4cbc..78f0638b 100644 --- a/src/mpu9150/mpu9150.json +++ b/src/mpu9150/mpu9150.json @@ -1,59 +1,59 @@ -{ - "Library": "mpu9150", - "Description": "InvenSense/Seeed MPU9150 accelerometer library", - "Sensor Class": { - "MPU9150": { - "Name": "InvenSense/Seeed MPU9150 accelerometer", - "Description": "This is the UPM Module for the InvenSense/Seeed MPU9150 accelerometer. The MPU-9150 is the world's first integrated 9-axis motion tracking device designed for the low power, low cost, and high performance requirements of consumer electronics equipment including smartphones, tablets and wearable sensors. MPU-9150 features three 16-bit ADC for digitizing the gyroscope outputs and three 16-bit ADCs for digitizing the accelerometer outputs and three 13-bit ADCs for digitizing the magnetometer outputs", - "Aliases": ["mpu9150", "Grove - IMU 9DOF v1.0"], - "Categories": ["accelerometer", "gyroscope", "compass"], - "Connections": ["i2c", "gpio"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial", "commercial"], - "Manufacturers": ["InvenSense", "Seeed"], - "Image": "mpu9150.jpg", - "Examples": { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["mpu9150.js"], - "C++": ["mpu9150-ak8975.cxx", "mpu9150-mpu60x0.cxx", "mpu9150-mpu9250.cxx", "mpu9150.cxx"] - }, - "Specifications": { - "Vsource": { - "unit": "V", - "typ" : 5 - }, - "Operating Temperature": { - "unit": "°C", - "min": -40, - "max": 85 - }, - "Communication Speed": { - "unit": "kHz", - "typ" : 400 - }, - "Gyroscope Range": { - "unit": "°/sec", - "min": "-/+250", - "max": "-/+2000" - }, - "Accelerometer Range": { - "unit": "g", - "min": "-/+2", - "max": "-/+16" - } - }, - "Platforms": { - "Intel Edison": { - "Notes": ["Might need Grove base shield"] - }, - "Arduino 101": { - "Notes": ["Might need Grove base shield"] - } - }, - "Urls": { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "mpu9150", + "Description": "InvenSense/Seeed MPU9150 accelerometer library", + "Sensor Class": { + "MPU9150": { + "Name": "InvenSense/Seeed MPU9150 accelerometer", + "Description": "This is the UPM Module for the InvenSense/Seeed MPU9150 accelerometer. The MPU-9150 is the world's first integrated 9-axis motion tracking device designed for the low power, low cost, and high performance requirements of consumer electronics equipment including smartphones, tablets and wearable sensors. MPU-9150 features three 16-bit ADC for digitizing the gyroscope outputs and three 16-bit ADCs for digitizing the accelerometer outputs and three 13-bit ADCs for digitizing the magnetometer outputs", + "Aliases": ["mpu9150", "Grove - IMU 9DOF v1.0"], + "Categories": ["accelerometer", "gyroscope", "compass"], + "Connections": ["i2c", "gpio"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial", "commercial"], + "Manufacturers": ["InvenSense", "Seeed"], + "Image": "mpu9150.jpg", + "Examples": { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["mpu9150.js"], + "C++": ["mpu9150-ak8975.cxx", "mpu9150-mpu60x0.cxx", "mpu9150-mpu9250.cxx", "mpu9150.cxx"] + }, + "Specifications": { + "Vsource": { + "unit": "V", + "typ" : 5 + }, + "Operating Temperature": { + "unit": "°C", + "min": -40, + "max": 85 + }, + "Communication Speed": { + "unit": "kHz", + "typ" : 400 + }, + "Gyroscope Range": { + "unit": "°/sec", + "min": "-/+250", + "max": "-/+2000" + }, + "Accelerometer Range": { + "unit": "g", + "min": "-/+2", + "max": "-/+16" + } + }, + "Platforms": { + "Intel Edison": { + "Notes": ["Might need Grove base shield"] + }, + "Arduino 101": { + "Notes": ["Might need Grove base shield"] + } + }, + "Urls": { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/mq303a/mq303a.json b/src/mq303a/mq303a.json index a76d8473..e5bb1eee 100644 --- a/src/mq303a/mq303a.json +++ b/src/mq303a/mq303a.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "Kits": ["tsk"], "Image": "mq303a.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["mq303a.js"], "C++": ["mq303a.cxx"], diff --git a/src/my9221/my9221.json b/src/my9221/my9221.json index 19d1e6d0..a76670dd 100644 --- a/src/my9221/my9221.json +++ b/src/my9221/my9221.json @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ "Kits": ["eak"], "Image": "my9221.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["groveledbar.js"], "C++": ["my9221-groveledbar.cxx"] diff --git a/src/nrf24l01/nrf24l01.json b/src/nrf24l01/nrf24l01.json index 8c7b38e2..229d3858 100644 --- a/src/nrf24l01/nrf24l01.json +++ b/src/nrf24l01/nrf24l01.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["Nordic Semiconductor", "SparkFun"], "Image": "nrf24l01.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": ["", ""], + "Java": ["", ""], "C++": ["nrf24l01-broadcast.cxx", "nrf24l01-receiver.cxx", "nrf24l01-transmitter.cxx"] }, "Specifications": { diff --git a/src/nunchuck/nunchuck.json b/src/nunchuck/nunchuck.json index bfe8b077..f93c285c 100644 --- a/src/nunchuck/nunchuck.json +++ b/src/nunchuck/nunchuck.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "Kits": ["robok"], "Image": "nunchuck.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["nunchuck.js"], "C++": ["nunchuck.cxx"], diff --git a/src/o2/o2.json b/src/o2/o2.json index 47ad2fac..9a44c5cb 100644 --- a/src/o2/o2.json +++ b/src/o2/o2.json @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -{ - "Library": "o2", - "Description": "O2 Oxygen Gas Sensor Library", - "Sensor Class": - { - "O2": - { - "Name": "Oxygen (O2) Concentration Sensor", - "Description": "The Grove O2 Oxygen Gas sensor measures the oxygen concentration in the air.", - "Aliases": ["o2"], - "Categories": ["gas", "oxygen"], - "Connections": ["analog"], - "Project Type": ["environmental", "prototyping"], - "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], - "Kits": [], - "Image": "o2.jpg", - "Examples": - { - "Java": [""], - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["o2.js"], - "C++": ["o2.cxx"], - "C": ["o2.c"] - }, - "Specifications": - { - "Measurement Range": {"unit": "% Vol", "low": 0, "high": 25}, - "Sensitivity": {"unit": "mA (in air)", "low": 0.1, "high": 0.3}, - "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -20, "high": 50} - }, - "Urls" : - { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "o2", + "Description": "O2 Oxygen Gas Sensor Library", + "Sensor Class": + { + "O2": + { + "Name": "Oxygen (O2) Concentration Sensor", + "Description": "The Grove O2 Oxygen Gas sensor measures the oxygen concentration in the air.", + "Aliases": ["o2"], + "Categories": ["gas", "oxygen"], + "Connections": ["analog"], + "Project Type": ["environmental", "prototyping"], + "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], + "Kits": [], + "Image": "o2.jpg", + "Examples": + { + "Java": [""], + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["o2.js"], + "C++": ["o2.cxx"], + "C": ["o2.c"] + }, + "Specifications": + { + "Measurement Range": {"unit": "% Vol", "low": 0, "high": 25}, + "Sensitivity": {"unit": "mA (in air)", "low": 0.1, "high": 0.3}, + "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -20, "high": 50} + }, + "Urls" : + { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/otp538u/otp538u.json b/src/otp538u/otp538u.json index b78bb7d5..0b00b0d6 100644 --- a/src/otp538u/otp538u.json +++ b/src/otp538u/otp538u.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "Kits": ["hak"], "Image": "otp538u.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["otp538u.js"], "C++": ["otp538u.cxx"], diff --git a/src/p9813/p9813.json b/src/p9813/p9813.json index cfa1ddf5..42caa07b 100644 --- a/src/p9813/p9813.json +++ b/src/p9813/p9813.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["Adafruit", "Shiji Lighting"], "Image": "p9813.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["p9813.js"], "C++": ["p9813.cxx"] diff --git a/src/ppd42ns/ppd42ns.json b/src/ppd42ns/ppd42ns.json index 9ad7639b..76b34fd6 100644 --- a/src/ppd42ns/ppd42ns.json +++ b/src/ppd42ns/ppd42ns.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "Kits": ["eak"], "Image": "ppd42ns.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["ppd42ns.js"], "C++": ["ppd42ns.cxx"], diff --git a/src/pulsensor/pulsensor.json b/src/pulsensor/pulsensor.json index f612e9b3..6a418f60 100644 --- a/src/pulsensor/pulsensor.json +++ b/src/pulsensor/pulsensor.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["Adafruit"], "Image": "pulsensor.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "C++": ["pulsensor.cxx"] }, "Specifications": { diff --git a/src/relay/relay.json b/src/relay/relay.json index 3511d121..24d12f7d 100644 --- a/src/relay/relay.json +++ b/src/relay/relay.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "Kits": ["gsk", "eak", "hak"], "Image": "relay.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["relay.js"], "C++": ["relay.cxx"] diff --git a/src/rfr359f/rfr359f.json b/src/rfr359f/rfr359f.json index 5163c8fd..746a8572 100644 --- a/src/rfr359f/rfr359f.json +++ b/src/rfr359f/rfr359f.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "Kits": ["robot", "tsk"], "Image": "rfr359f.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["rfr359f.js"], "C++": ["rfr359f.cxx"] diff --git a/src/rotary/rotary.json b/src/rotary/rotary.json index 9e8c1cf5..9d204065 100644 --- a/src/rotary/rotary.json +++ b/src/rotary/rotary.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "Kits": ["gsk"], "Image": "rotary.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["rotary.js"], "C++": ["rotary.cxx"] diff --git a/src/rotaryencoder/rotaryencoder.json b/src/rotaryencoder/rotaryencoder.json index 44a68cb3..0dc6ab06 100644 --- a/src/rotaryencoder/rotaryencoder.json +++ b/src/rotaryencoder/rotaryencoder.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "Kits": ["hak"], "Image": "rotaryencoder.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["rotaryencoder.js"], "C++": ["rotaryencoder.cxx"], diff --git a/src/rpr220/rpr220.json b/src/rpr220/rpr220.json index 36e51f39..e950643f 100644 --- a/src/rpr220/rpr220.json +++ b/src/rpr220/rpr220.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "Kits": ["tsk", "hak"], "Image": "rpr220.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": ["", ""], + "Java": ["", ""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["rpr220.js"], "C++": ["rpr220-intr.cxx", "rpr220.cxx"], diff --git a/src/scam/scam.json b/src/scam/scam.json index 8f9a3b79..808dd5ae 100644 --- a/src/scam/scam.json +++ b/src/scam/scam.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["Seeed"], "Image": "scam.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["scam.js"], "C++": ["scam.cxx"] diff --git a/src/sensortemplate/sensortemplate.json b/src/sensortemplate/sensortemplate.json index 477c137f..6d3478c6 100644 --- a/src/sensortemplate/sensortemplate.json +++ b/src/sensortemplate/sensortemplate.json @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ "required": false }, "Java": [ - "" + "" ], "// Python": { "comment": "One or more Python examples.", diff --git a/src/servo/servo.json b/src/servo/servo.json index 57b67416..f2d8cfd9 100644 --- a/src/servo/servo.json +++ b/src/servo/servo.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "Kits": ["gsk"], "Image": "es08a.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["es08a.js"], "C++": ["servo-es08a.cxx"] @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["EMAX"], "Image": "es08a.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": ["", ""], "Node.js": ["es08a.js", "es08a.js"], "C++": ["servo-es08a.cxx", "servo-es08a.cxx"] diff --git a/src/si1132/si1132.json b/src/si1132/si1132.json index 6a995d47..4d454787 100644 --- a/src/si1132/si1132.json +++ b/src/si1132/si1132.json @@ -1,50 +1,50 @@ -{ - "Library": "si1132", - "Description": "Silicon Labs Si1132 UV and visible light sensor library", - "Sensor Class": { - "SI1132": { - "Name": "API for the Silicon Labs Si1132 UV and Visible Light Sensor", - "Description": "This is the UPM Module for the Silicon Labs Si1132 UV and Visible Light Sensor. The Silicon Labs Si1132 is a low-power, ultraviolet (UV) index, and ambient light sensor with I2C digital interface and programmable-event interrupt output.", - "Aliases": ["si1132"], - "Categories": ["light"], - "Connections": ["i2c"], - "Project Type": ["industrial", "commercial"], - "Manufacturers": ["Silicon Labs"], - "Examples": { - "C++": ["si1132.cxx"] - }, - "Specifications": { - "Vsource": { - "unit": "V", - "min": 1.71, - "max": 3.6 - }, - "Supply Current": { - "Standby Mode": { - "unit": "uA", - "min": "0.15", - "max": "1.4" - }, - "Actively Measuring": { - "unit": "mA", - "min": "4.3", - "max": "5.5" - } - }, - "Operating Temperature": { - "unit": "°C", - "min": -40, - "max": 85 - }, - "Measurement Time": { - "unit": "us", - "typ": 285 - } - }, - "Urls": { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "si1132", + "Description": "Silicon Labs Si1132 UV and visible light sensor library", + "Sensor Class": { + "SI1132": { + "Name": "API for the Silicon Labs Si1132 UV and Visible Light Sensor", + "Description": "This is the UPM Module for the Silicon Labs Si1132 UV and Visible Light Sensor. The Silicon Labs Si1132 is a low-power, ultraviolet (UV) index, and ambient light sensor with I2C digital interface and programmable-event interrupt output.", + "Aliases": ["si1132"], + "Categories": ["light"], + "Connections": ["i2c"], + "Project Type": ["industrial", "commercial"], + "Manufacturers": ["Silicon Labs"], + "Examples": { + "C++": ["si1132.cxx"] + }, + "Specifications": { + "Vsource": { + "unit": "V", + "min": 1.71, + "max": 3.6 + }, + "Supply Current": { + "Standby Mode": { + "unit": "uA", + "min": "0.15", + "max": "1.4" + }, + "Actively Measuring": { + "unit": "mA", + "min": "4.3", + "max": "5.5" + } + }, + "Operating Temperature": { + "unit": "°C", + "min": -40, + "max": 85 + }, + "Measurement Time": { + "unit": "us", + "typ": 285 + } + }, + "Urls": { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/slide/slide.json b/src/slide/slide.json index 51fe1dca..f93deab9 100644 --- a/src/slide/slide.json +++ b/src/slide/slide.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["Seeed"], "Image": "slide.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java" : [""], + "Java" : [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["slide.js"], "C++": ["slide.cxx"], diff --git a/src/sm130/sm130.json b/src/sm130/sm130.json index 24d4023d..d98d0466 100644 --- a/src/sm130/sm130.json +++ b/src/sm130/sm130.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["SonMicro", "RFID Module - SM130 MIFARE (13.56 MHz)"], "Image": "sm130.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["sm130.js"], "C++": ["sm130.cxx"] diff --git a/src/speaker/speaker.json b/src/speaker/speaker.json index 19e20b2e..914e7061 100644 --- a/src/speaker/speaker.json +++ b/src/speaker/speaker.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "Kits": ["hak"], "Image": "speaker.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": ["", ""], + "Java": ["", ""], "Python": ["", ""], "Node.js": ["speaker_pwm.js", "speaker.js"], "C++": ["speaker-pwm.cxx", "speaker.cxx"], diff --git a/src/st7735/st7735.json b/src/st7735/st7735.json index 3d79955f..a0be5413 100644 --- a/src/st7735/st7735.json +++ b/src/st7735/st7735.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["Adafruit", "Truly Semiconductors", "Sitronix"], "Image": "st7735.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Node.js": ["st7735.js"], "C++": ["st7735.cxx"] }, diff --git a/src/stepmotor/stepmotor.json b/src/stepmotor/stepmotor.json index 5d2aa715..07a7022d 100644 --- a/src/stepmotor/stepmotor.json +++ b/src/stepmotor/stepmotor.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["Allegro", "SparkFun", "generic"], "Image": "stepmotor.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["stepmotor.js"], "C++": ["stepmotor.cxx"] diff --git a/src/temperature/temperature.json b/src/temperature/temperature.json index a87a7da1..68269346 100644 --- a/src/temperature/temperature.json +++ b/src/temperature/temperature.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "Image": "temp.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["temperature.js"], "C++": ["temperature.cxx"] diff --git a/src/th02/th02.json b/src/th02/th02.json index 2dce3d50..97c399e0 100644 --- a/src/th02/th02.json +++ b/src/th02/th02.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["Seeed"], "Image": "th02.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "C++": ["th02.cxx"] }, "Specifications": { diff --git a/src/tm1637/tm1637.json b/src/tm1637/tm1637.json index 957d5c2b..10e0c921 100644 --- a/src/tm1637/tm1637.json +++ b/src/tm1637/tm1637.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["Seeed", "Titan Micro Electronics"], "Image": "tm1637.jpeg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["tm1637.js"], "C++": ["tm1637.cxx"] diff --git a/src/tsl2561/tsl2561.json b/src/tsl2561/tsl2561.json index de8a08f5..e8b19b67 100644 --- a/src/tsl2561/tsl2561.json +++ b/src/tsl2561/tsl2561.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "Kits": ["eak"], "Image": "tsl2561.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": ["", ""], + "Java": ["", ""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["tsl2561.js"], "C++": ["tsl2561.cxx"], diff --git a/src/ttp223/ttp223.json b/src/ttp223/ttp223.json index e538ac1b..6b89b8af 100644 --- a/src/ttp223/ttp223.json +++ b/src/ttp223/ttp223.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["Seeed"], "Image": "ttp223.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["ttp223.js"], "C++": ["ttp223.cxx"], diff --git a/src/uln200xa/uln200xa.json b/src/uln200xa/uln200xa.json index 80fd91db..5ec39265 100644 --- a/src/uln200xa/uln200xa.json +++ b/src/uln200xa/uln200xa.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["Seeed"], "Image": "uln200xa.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["uln200xa.js"], "C++": ["uln200xa.cxx"], diff --git a/src/vdiv/vdiv.json b/src/vdiv/vdiv.json index 6abb7e91..945e0c53 100644 --- a/src/vdiv/vdiv.json +++ b/src/vdiv/vdiv.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "Kits": ["robok"], "Image": "vdiv.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["vdiv.js"], "C++": ["vdiv.cxx"], diff --git a/src/veml6070/veml6070.json b/src/veml6070/veml6070.json index c29b2f81..24fc7706 100644 --- a/src/veml6070/veml6070.json +++ b/src/veml6070/veml6070.json @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ "Project Type": ["prototyping", "commercial"], "Manufacturers": ["Vishay", "Adafruit"], "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["veml6070.js"], "C++": ["veml6070.cxx"], diff --git a/src/water/water.json b/src/water/water.json index b0befdec..2827ce4d 100644 --- a/src/water/water.json +++ b/src/water/water.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "Kits": ["eak"], "Image": "water.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["water.js"], "C++": ["water.cxx"], diff --git a/src/waterlevel/waterlevel.json b/src/waterlevel/waterlevel.json index d9486186..6c84d333 100644 --- a/src/waterlevel/waterlevel.json +++ b/src/waterlevel/waterlevel.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["Seeed"], "Image": "waterlevel.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["waterlevel.js"], "C++": ["waterlevel.cxx"] diff --git a/src/wfs/wfs.json b/src/wfs/wfs.json index b6ca6814..8100696e 100644 --- a/src/wfs/wfs.json +++ b/src/wfs/wfs.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "Kits": ["eak"], "Image": "wfs.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["wfs.js"], "C++": ["wfs.cxx"], diff --git a/src/wheelencoder/wheelencoder.json b/src/wheelencoder/wheelencoder.json index 840849ff..6a887f16 100644 --- a/src/wheelencoder/wheelencoder.json +++ b/src/wheelencoder/wheelencoder.json @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ -{ - "Library": "wheelencoder", - "Description": "FRobot Wheel Encoder Library", - "Sensor Class": { - "WheelEncoder": { - "Name": "API for the DFRobot Wheel Encoder", - "Description": "This is the UPM Module for the DFRobot Wheel Encoder. This sensor was developed for the DFRobot Wheel Encoder, though it could be used for any counting time-based task. When you instantiate a class of this type, the gpio pin specified is connected to an interrupt. Whenever a low to high transition occurs on the gpio pin, the internal counter is incremented by one. This class also includes a millisecond counter, so that you can correlate the number of counts to a time period for calculating an RPM or other value as needed.", - "Aliases": ["wheelencoder", "Gravity:TT Motor Encoders Kit"], - "Categories": ["other"], - "Connections": ["gpio"], - "Project Type": ["prototyping", "robotics"], - "Manufacturers": ["DFRobot"], - "Image": "wheelencoder.jpg", - "Examples": { - "Python": [""], - "Node.js": ["wheelencoder.js"], - "C++": ["wheelencoder.cxx"] - }, - "Specifications": { - "Vsource": { - "unit": "V", - "max": 5.0 - }, - "Supply Current": { - "unit": "mA", - "max" : 20 - }, - "Operating Temperature": { - "unit": "°C", - "min": -40, - "max": 85 - }, - "Resolution": { - "unit": "PPR", - "resolution": 20 - } - }, - "Platforms": { - "Intel Edison": { - "Notes": ["Might need the Gravity: IO Expansion Shield"] - }, - "Arduino 101": { - "Notes": ["Might need the Gravity: IO Expansion Shield"] - } - }, - "Urls": { - "Product Pages": [""], - "Datasheets": [""], - "Schematics": [""] - } - } - } -} +{ + "Library": "wheelencoder", + "Description": "FRobot Wheel Encoder Library", + "Sensor Class": { + "WheelEncoder": { + "Name": "API for the DFRobot Wheel Encoder", + "Description": "This is the UPM Module for the DFRobot Wheel Encoder. This sensor was developed for the DFRobot Wheel Encoder, though it could be used for any counting time-based task. When you instantiate a class of this type, the gpio pin specified is connected to an interrupt. Whenever a low to high transition occurs on the gpio pin, the internal counter is incremented by one. This class also includes a millisecond counter, so that you can correlate the number of counts to a time period for calculating an RPM or other value as needed.", + "Aliases": ["wheelencoder", "Gravity:TT Motor Encoders Kit"], + "Categories": ["other"], + "Connections": ["gpio"], + "Project Type": ["prototyping", "robotics"], + "Manufacturers": ["DFRobot"], + "Image": "wheelencoder.jpg", + "Examples": { + "Python": [""], + "Node.js": ["wheelencoder.js"], + "C++": ["wheelencoder.cxx"] + }, + "Specifications": { + "Vsource": { + "unit": "V", + "max": 5.0 + }, + "Supply Current": { + "unit": "mA", + "max" : 20 + }, + "Operating Temperature": { + "unit": "°C", + "min": -40, + "max": 85 + }, + "Resolution": { + "unit": "PPR", + "resolution": 20 + } + }, + "Platforms": { + "Intel Edison": { + "Notes": ["Might need the Gravity: IO Expansion Shield"] + }, + "Arduino 101": { + "Notes": ["Might need the Gravity: IO Expansion Shield"] + } + }, + "Urls": { + "Product Pages": [""], + "Datasheets": [""], + "Schematics": [""] + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/wt5001/wt5001.json b/src/wt5001/wt5001.json index ea0ecf24..9e074d75 100644 --- a/src/wt5001/wt5001.json +++ b/src/wt5001/wt5001.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["Seeed"], "Image": "wt5001.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["wt5001.js"], "C++": ["wt5001.cxx"] diff --git a/src/yg1006/yg1006.json b/src/yg1006/yg1006.json index f0ad975e..12487345 100644 --- a/src/yg1006/yg1006.json +++ b/src/yg1006/yg1006.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "Kits": ["hak"], "Image": "yg1006.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": [""], "Node.js": ["yg1006.js"], "C++": ["yg1006.cxx"], diff --git a/src/zfm20/zfm20.json b/src/zfm20/zfm20.json index b8c6efb6..6e02808c 100644 --- a/src/zfm20/zfm20.json +++ b/src/zfm20/zfm20.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "Manufacturers": ["Seeed", "ZhianTec"], "Image": "zfm20.jpg", "Examples": { - "Java": [""], + "Java": [""], "Python": ["", ""], "Node.js": ["zfm20-register.js", "zfm20.js"], "C++": ["zfm20-register.cxx", "zfm20.cxx"]