Default to MONOTONIC clock for timer methods to avoid falling victim to
clock corrections. Changed signatures from accepting pointers since
this is not needed an complicates calls and Java/JS/Python bindings.
* Switched from nanosleep to clock_nanosleep to allow developers to
provide a clock for LINUX
* Default upm_clock_init to CLOCK_MONOTONIC
* Updated logic to calculating delay and elapsed to be more readable
* Added ns flavors for completeness
* Refactored all upm_* delay/timer methods
* Added #else for preprocessor cases w/o an #else
* Added test for AQI
* Added test fixture with logic to identify a minimum delay time
which is used as a metric for testing all delay methods
* Much more lenient unit testing of delays to minimize false CI
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Added code to parse GPTXT nmea sentences. Added methods to calculate
sentences/second and raw bytes/second.
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
NMEA GPS class now uses threads to handle parsing NMEA sentences.
Currently only handles GGA, GSV, and GLL types. Added queues for
holding parsed data.
* Parsing thread
* Parse GPS Fix from GGA and GLL
* Parse satellite info from GSV
* Provide a queue for GPS fix data as well as raw sentences
(for debugging)
* Target structures and NMEAGPS class have a __str__() method
which summarizes the objects into a std::string. These are
tied to the __str__ method in python
* Added google unit test for the above functionality
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Be a bit more lenient with the acceptable range for the microsecond
flavor of upm_delay (+/- 150us instead of +/- 100us).
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
Added Google Test for unit testing. Currently NOT required by UPM
* Added a test fixture for the utilities library.
* Fixed bug in delay methods provided by utilities library.
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>