MMC35240 is 3-axis magnetic sensor from MEMSIC.
This sensor can measure magnetic fields within the full scale range of
+-24 Gauss (G).
The library provided is
The example provided is mmc35240-example-cxx where it will print x,y,z axis
when trigger buffer data is ready. It's also print azimuth value.
This sensor requires calibration. Please shake the sensor in figure 8 pattern,
mmc35240-example will print the calibrated level.
As the sensor data is noisy, we have implemented denoise algorithm within the
sensor library.
The azimuth formula is provided by Han, He <>.
Signed-off-by: Lay, Kuan Loon <>
Signed-off-by: Mihai Tudor Panu <>
L3GD20 is tri-axis gyroscope from STMicroelectronics.
This sensor can measure angular velocity in degree per second.
The library provided is
The example provided is l3gd20-example where it will print x,y,z axis when
trigger buffer data is ready.
This sensor requires calibration to be done for 2 seconds. Please place the
sensor on level surface.
As the sensor data is noisy, we have implemented denoise algorithm within the
sensor library.
Signed-off-by: Lay, Kuan Loon <>
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>