* Moved body of each python example to main. This allows for basic
load module testing for CI
* General cleanup of python modules (crlf/tabs/prints/etc)
* Chmod'ed to 755 to allow running examples without specifying the
python interpreter
* Added ctest for loading python2/3 modules
* Added jniclasscode pragma for java swig interface files.
* Updated check_examplenames.py module to check all languages vs. a
cxx example name
* Added tests for checking python module and test loading
* Added 'make test' to travis-ci run (run ctests)
* Print a more meaningful message when not building cxx docs into
python modules
* Updated check_clean.py to only check java wrapper files
* ENABLED ctests for UPM
* Deleted using_carrays.py python example - this is covered by other
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <noel.eck@intel.com>
Rewrite the i2c module to be based around the MRAA C++ API,
since this makes resource management easier inside of the UPM
C++ classes.
i2clcd.{h,cxx}: remove the close() function. This now automatically gets
called when the object goes out of scope, inside the destructor.
examples/i2clcd: fix C++/Python/Javascript examples that explicitly called the close function.
The I2c context now gets called by the destructor of the sensor class. This
happens when the object goes out of scope or when it gets deleted, if the
object was created using the new keyword, as is the case here.
Signed-off-by: Wouter van Verre <wouter.van.verre@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Mihai Tudor Panu <mihai.tudor.panu@intel.com>