This commit moves common SWIG syntax to a ${libname}.i for sensor
libraries. Much of the swig content was originally duplicated for
each wrapper language which has lead to inconsistencies between wrappers
over time. This commit moves all swig syntax to a common file. Language
specific swig syntax can be added with #ifdef SWIG<LANGUAGE>.
The src/CMakeLists.txt will look first for a language-specific .i file,
then fall back to ${libname}.i. In this way, it's possible to override
the common ${libname}.i file. If a fallback .i file does NOT exist,
UPM CMake will generate a simple interface file for all languages.
If no src/abp/pyupm_abp.i and no src/abp/abp.i then
generate ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/abp.i
When src/CMakeLists.txt uses a common ${libname}.i, it adds a -module
<language>upm_${libname} to the swig command line.
In the example below, a -module argument is provided for both Java and
Javascript, while the python module takes all syntax from pyupm_abp.i.
SWIG FILE Language CMake added SWIG args
--------------- ---------- ---------------------
src/abp/abp.i java -module javaupm_abp
src/abp/abp.i javascript -module jsupm_abp
src/abp/pyupm_abp.i python
This commit removes ~4500 redundant lines for the UPM repository and
helps promote uniformity for the SWIG'ed languages.
Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <>
We add a new src/upm_exception.i interface file for SWIG to catch
common exceptions and propagate them through SWIG.
src/upm.i is modified to include this interface file, so all UPM
drivers have it.
In theory, this should be language agnostic - if the target language
supports exceptions, then it should just work.
Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <>
Signed-off-by: Mihai Tudor Panu <>