{ "Library": "nrf8001", "Description": "Nordic Semiconductor NRF8001 Bluetooth Low Energy library", "Sensor Class": { "nrf8001": { "Name": "API for the Nordic Semiconductor NRF8001 Bluetooth Low Energy Module", "Description": "This is the UPM Module for the Nordic Semiconductor NRF8001 Bluetooth Low Energy Module. These files define the NRF8001 interface for lib-nrf8001. Interaction with this device is done through the ACI routines included with the library. You can use the nRF UART app in Apple* App Store and Google* Play* on Samsung* Galaxy S*4 running Android* 4.3 to interact with a microcontroller running the 'hello world' example.", "Aliases": ["nrf8001", "Bluefruit LE - Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE 4.0) - nRF8001 Breakout - v1.0"], "Categories": ["wifi"], "Connections": ["spi", "gpio", "analog"], "Project Type": ["prototyping"], "Manufacturers": ["Nordic Semiconductor", "Adafruit"], "Image": "nrf8001.jpg", "Examples": { "C++": ["nrf8001-broadcast.cxx", "nrf8001-helloworld.cxx"] }, "Specifications": { "Vsource": { "unit": "V", "min": 1.9, "max": 3.6 }, "Supply Current": { "unit": "uA", "min" : 2, "max" : 14000 }, "Operating Temperature": { "unit": "°C", "min": -40, "max": 85 }, "Bluetooth Version": { "unit": "version number", "version": "BLE V4.0" } }, "Platforms": { "Intel Joule Module": { "Notes": ["Might need pull up resistors"] }, "Intel Edison": { "Notes": ["Might need pull up resistors"] }, "Arduino 101": { "Notes": ["Might need pull up resistors"] } }, "Urls": { "Product Pages": ["https://www.adafruit.com/product/1697", "http://www.nordicsemi.com/eng/Products/Bluetooth-low-energy/nRF8001"], "Datasheets": ["https://learn.adafruit.com/getting-started-with-the-nrf8001-bluefruit-le-breakout/introduction", "http://www.nordicsemi.com/eng/nordic/download_resource/17534/16/64902106/2981"] } } } }