{ "Library": "abp", "Description": "Honeywell Basic Amplified Board mount Pressure(ABP) Sensor Library", "Sensor Class": { "ABP": { "Name": "Honeywell ABP Pressure and Temperature Sensors", "Description": "This is the UPM Module for the ABP Honeywell Pressure and Temp sensor. This sensor uses an onboard ASIC to output values of pressure that are updated at approximately 2 KHz. It is capable of detecting pressure in the 0-5 psi range and it has an i2c based interface. Temperature calculation using this driver is possible but not all ABP sensors support that functionality.", "Aliases": ["abp"], "Categories": ["pressure", "temperature"], "Connections": ["i2c"], "Project Type": ["medical", "industrial", "commercial"], "Manufacturers": ["honeywell"], "Examples": { "Python": ["abp.py"], "Node.js": ["abp.js"], "C++": ["abp.cxx"], "C": ["abp.c"] }, "Specifications": { "Vsupply": {"unit": "Vdc", "min" : -0.3, "max": 6.0}, "Supply Current Digital" : { "3.3 Vdc" : {"unit": "mA", "min" : "0.0", "max": "3.9"}, "5.0 Vdc" : {"unit": "mA", "min" : "0.0", "max": "4.6"}, "Sleep Mode" : {"unit": "uA", "min" : "0.0", "max": "10"} }, "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "°C", "min" : -40, "max": 85}, "Start up Time Digital": {"unit": "ms", "time" : 3}, "Response Time Digital": {"unit": "ms", "time" : 0.46}, "Compensated Temperature Range" : {"unit": "°C", "min" : 0, "max" : 50}, "Pressure Range" : { "Differential" : [ {"unit" : "mbar", "min" : 60, "max" : 4000}, {"unit" : "kPa", "min" : 6, "max" : 400}, {"unit" : "psi", "min" : 1, "max" : 60} ], "Gage" : [ {"unit" : "mbar", "min" : 0, "max" : 10000}, {"unit" : "kPa", "min" : 0, "max" : 1000}, {"unit" : "psi", "min" : 0, "max" : 150} ] } }, "Platforms": { "Intel Joule Module": { "Notes": ["Might need pull up resistors"] }, "Intel Edison": { "Notes": ["Might need pull up resistors"] }, "Arduinon 101": { "Notes": ["Might need pull up resistors"] } }, "Urls" : { "Product Pages": ["https://sensing.honeywell.com/sensors/amplified-board-mount-pressure-sensors/basic-abp-series"], "Datasheets": ["https://sensing.honeywell.com/honeywell-sensing-basic-board-mount-pressure-abp-series-datasheet-2305128-e-en.pdf"] } } } }