{ "Library": "adafruitss", "Description": "Adafruit Servo Shield", "Sensor Class": { "adafruitss": { "Name": "Adafruit PCA9685-based Servo Shield library", "Description": "UPM library for the PCA9685-based Adafruit 16-channel servo shield.", "Aliases": ["adafruitss"], "Categories": ["servos"], "Connections": ["i2c"], "Project Type": ["servos"], "Manufacturers": ["adafruit"], "Kits": [], "Image": "adafruitss.jpg", "Examples": { "Java": [], "Python": [], "Node.js": [], "C++": ["adafruitss.cxx"], "C": [] }, "Specifications": { "Vmotor": {"unit": "v", "low": 0, "high": 6}, "Vlogic": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.3, "high": 5}, "PWM Frequency": {"unit": "KHz", "high": 1.6} }, "Platforms": { "Intel Joule Module": { "Notes": ["If 3 or more GWS servos are attached, results could be unpredictable. Adafruit Industries recommend installing a capacitor on the board, which should alleviate the issue. Sizing depends on servos and their number."], "Images": [""] } }, "Urls" : { "Product Pages": ["http://www.adafruit.com/product/1411"], "Datasheets": ["https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/PCA9685.pdf"], "Schematics": ["https://learn.adafruit.com/assets/36081"] } } } }