#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "nmea_gps.hpp"
#include "mraa.hpp"

#include <algorithm>
#include <random>

/* NMEA GPS test fixture */
class nmea_gps_unit : public ::testing::Test
        /* One-time setup logic if needed */
        nmea_gps_unit() = default;

        /* One-time tear-down logic if needed */
        ~nmea_gps_unit() override = default;

        /* Fail if not MOCK platform */
        void SetUp() override
            ASSERT_EQ(mraa::getPlatformType(), mraa::MOCK_PLATFORM) <<
                "NMEA_GPS test requires mraa compiled with  mraa::MOCK_PLATFORM";

        /* Per-test tear-down logic if needed */
        void TearDown() override {}

/* Basic tests */
TEST_F(nmea_gps_unit, DOA)
    upm::NMEAGPS gps(0, 115200, -1);

    /* Min queue size is 1 */
    ASSERT_EQ(gps.getMaxQueueDepth(), 1);

    /* Max queue size is 1000 */
    ASSERT_EQ(gps.getMaxQueueDepth(), 1000);

    /* Queues should be empty */
    ASSERT_EQ(gps.fixQueueSize(), 0);
    ASSERT_EQ(gps.rawSentenceQueueSize(), 0);

/* Check parsing varying length sentences */
TEST_F(nmea_gps_unit, parse_max_size)
    upm::NMEAGPS gps(0, 115200, -1);

    /* Parse an sentence that is too long to be NMEA */
    ASSERT_EQ(gps.rawSentenceQueueSize(), 1);
    ASSERT_EQ(gps.satellites().size(), 0);

/* Basic test */
TEST_F(nmea_gps_unit, parse_basic)
    upm::NMEAGPS gps(0, 115200, -1);

    /* Parse an invalid sentence */

/* Parse an invalid sentence */
TEST_F(nmea_gps_unit, parse_gps_fix_invalid)
    upm::NMEAGPS gps(0, 115200, -1);

    /* Parse an invalid sentence */

    /* Should be 1 entry in the raw queue */
    ASSERT_EQ(gps.rawSentenceQueueSize(), 1);
    /* Should be 0 in GPS fix queue */
    ASSERT_EQ(gps.fixQueueSize(), 0);

    /* Get the GPS fix */
    upm::gps_fix f = gps.getFix();
    ASSERT_EQ(f.valid, false);
    ASSERT_EQ(f.quality, upm::gps_fix_quality::no_fix);
    /* Call the string method for coverage */

    /* Get the 1 raw sentence */

    /* Should be 0 entries in each queue */
    ASSERT_EQ(gps.rawSentenceQueueSize(), 0);
    ASSERT_EQ(gps.fixQueueSize(), 0);

std::string randstr(size_t size)
    std::string retstr(".", size);

    std::random_device rd;
    std::default_random_engine eng(rd());
    std::uniform_int_distribution<char> distr(32, 126);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
        retstr[i] = distr(eng);
    return retstr;

/* Parse bogus sentences */
TEST_F(nmea_gps_unit, parse_gps_fix_bogus)
    upm::NMEAGPS gps(0, 115200, -1);

    /* Parse some bogus sentences */
    std::string gga = "$GPGGA,182333.50,,,,,0,00,99.99,,,,,,*6B";

    for (size_t i = 0; i < gga.size(); i++)
        std::string tmp = gga;
        gps.parseNMEASentence(tmp.replace(i, 1, "x"));

    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)

    /* Still no GPS fix */
    ASSERT_EQ(gps.fixQueueSize(), 0);

/* Parse valid gga sentences */
TEST_F(nmea_gps_unit, parse_gps_fix_valid)
    upm::NMEAGPS gps(0, 115200, -1);

    /* Parse a valid sentence */
            + std::string("2,6,1.2,18.893,M,-25.669,M,2.0,0031*4F"));

    /* Should be 1 entry in GPS fix queue */
    ASSERT_EQ(gps.fixQueueSize(), 1);

    upm::gps_fix f = gps.getFix();
    ASSERT_EQ(f.valid, true) << f.__str__();

/* Parse valid gsv sentences */
TEST_F(nmea_gps_unit, parse_gsv_valid)
    upm::NMEAGPS gps(0, 115200, -1);
    std::vector<std::string> snts =

    /* Parse the first sentence */

    /* Should have 4 satellites */
    auto sats = gps.satellites();
    ASSERT_EQ(sats.size(), 4);

    ASSERT_EQ(sats[0].prn, "07");
    ASSERT_EQ(sats[0].elevation_deg, 64);
    ASSERT_EQ(sats[0].azimuth_deg, 79);
    ASSERT_EQ(sats[0].snr, 0);

    ASSERT_EQ(sats[1].prn, "08");
    ASSERT_EQ(sats[1].elevation_deg, 39);
    ASSERT_EQ(sats[1].azimuth_deg, 66);
    ASSERT_EQ(sats[1].snr, 0);

    ASSERT_EQ(sats[2].prn, "09");
    ASSERT_EQ(sats[2].elevation_deg, 25);
    ASSERT_EQ(sats[2].azimuth_deg, 159);
    ASSERT_EQ(sats[2].snr, 0);

    ASSERT_EQ(sats[3].prn, "11");
    ASSERT_EQ(sats[3].elevation_deg, 15);
    ASSERT_EQ(sats[3].azimuth_deg, 117);
    ASSERT_EQ(sats[3].snr, 0);

    /* Parse the rest */
    for(const auto& sentence : snts)

    /* Finish up with 8 satellites */
    sats = gps.satellites();
    ASSERT_EQ(sats.size(), 8);

    /* Verify the last satellite */
    ASSERT_EQ(sats.back().prn, "11");
    ASSERT_EQ(sats.back().elevation_deg, 15);
    ASSERT_EQ(sats.back().azimuth_deg, 117);
    ASSERT_EQ(sats.back().snr, 0);

    /* The 4th should have a non-zero snr */
    ASSERT_EQ(sats[4].snr, 21);

/* Parse valid gll sentences */
TEST_F(nmea_gps_unit, parse_gll_valid)
    upm::NMEAGPS gps(0, 115200, -1);
    std::vector<std::string> snts =

    /* Parse the first sentence */

    /* Get the fix */
    upm::gps_fix f = gps.getFix();
    ASSERT_EQ(f.valid, true) << f.__str__();
    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(f.coordinates.latitude, 45.542517833333335) << f.__str__();
    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(f.coordinates.longitude, -122.96140366666667) << f.__str__();
    ASSERT_EQ(f.time_utc, "170004.20") << f.__str__();

    /* Parse the rest */
    for(const auto& sentence : snts)

    /* Should have 5 GPS fixes */
    ASSERT_EQ(gps.fixQueueSize(), 5);