{ "Library": "ds18b20", "Description": "API for the DS18B20 1-Wire Temperature Sensor", "Sensor Class": { "DS18B20": { "Name": "DS18B20 1-Wire Temperature Sensor", "Description": "The driver was tested with the DFRobot EC Analog Sensor. This device measure the electrical conductivity of an aqueous solution. The included probe is a K=1 model. Calibration is somewhat complicated - see the DFRobot wiki for instructions on calibration. Functions are provided to supply the appropriate values. By default, the values used in the DFRobot arduino example are used.", "Aliases": ["ds18b20"], "Categories": ["ec", "conductivity"], "Connections": ["uart"], "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], "Manufacturers": ["dallas"], "Kits": [], "Examples": { "Java": [""], "Python": ["ds18b20.py"], "Node.js": ["ds18b20.js"], "C++": ["ds18b20.cxx"], "C": ["ds18b20.c"] }, "Specifications": { "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 3.0, "high": 5.5}, "Measurement Range": {"unit": "degC", "low": -55, "high": 125}, "+-.5degC Accuracy Range": {"unit": "degC", "low": -10, "high": 85} }, "Urls" : { "Product Pages": ["https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11050"], "Datasheets": ["http://cdn.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Sensors/Temp/DS18B20.pdf"], "Schematics": [""] } } } }