{ "Library": "led", "Description": "LED library", "Sensor Class": { "Led": { "Name": "Light-emitting Diode (LED)", "Description": "UPM module for the LED (or other similar light-emitting diodes). An LED is a p-n junction semiconductor which emits light in response to voltage. The longer wire of an LED connects to the positive seat (anode); the shorter wire connects to the negative seat (cathode). The flat side of the bulb corresponds to the cathode, while the rounded side corresponds to the anode.", "Aliases": ["Grove - LED"], "Categories": ["led"], "Connections": ["gpio"], "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "dfrobot", "sparkfun", "adafruit", "generic"], "Kits": ["gsk"], "Image": "led.jpg", "Examples": { "Java": ["LEDSample.java"], "Python": ["led.py"], "Node.js": ["led.js"], "C++": ["led.cxx"], "C": ["led.c"] }, "Urls" : { "Product Pages": ["http://wiki.seeed.cc/Grove-LED_Socket_Kit/"], "Schematics": ["https://github.com/SeeedDocument/Grove-LED_Socket_Kit/raw/master/res/Grove-LED_v1.3_Schematics.zip"] } } } }