{ "Library": "am2315", "Description": "Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor", "Sensor Class": { "am2315": { "Name": "API for the AM2315 Temperature & Humidity Sensor", "Description": "The AM2315 is a digital humidity sensor with temperature output. RH reports between 0 and 100%, and the temperature range is -40 to +125 degC. The sampling period of this sensor is 2 seconds. Reads occurring more often than that return cached data.", "Aliases": ["am2315"], "Categories": ["humidity", "temperature"], "Connections": ["i2c"], "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial"], "Manufacturers": ["adafruit"], "Kits": [], "Image": "am2315.jpg", "Examples": { "Java": ["AM2315Example.java"], "Python": [], "Node.js": [], "C++": ["am2315.cxx"], "C": [] }, "Specifications": { "Vcc": {"unit": "v", "low" : 3.5, "high": 5.5}, "Current Draw": {"unit": "mA", "low": 0.0, "high": 10}, "Temperature Sensor Range": {"unit": "degC", "low": -20, "high": 80}, "Humidity Sensor Range": {"unit": "%", "low": 0, "high": 100} }, "Platforms": { "Intel Joule Module": { "Notes": ["Requires pull-up resistors with carrier board"], "Images": [""] } }, "Urls" : { "Product Pages": ["http://www.adafruit.com/products/1293"], "Datasheets": ["https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/AM2315.pdf"], "Schematics": [] } } } }