/* * Author: Sarah Knepper * Copyright (c) 2015 Intel Corporation. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the The MIT License which is available at * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ // Load gyroscope module var itg3200 = require('jsupm_itg3200'); // load this on i2c var gyro = new itg3200.Itg3200(0); var rot; var ang; // Note: Sensor not supported on Intel Edison with Arduino breakout setInterval(function() { gyro.update(); // Update the data rot = gyro.getRawValues(); // Read raw sensor data ang = gyro.getRotation(); // Read rotational speed (deg/sec) var rots = (rot.getitem(0) + " "); rots += (rot.getitem(1) + " "); rots += rot.getitem(2); var temp = round2Digits(gyro.getTemperature()); var raw = round2Digits(gyro.getRawTemp()); console.log("Raw: " + rots); console.log("AngX: " + round2Digits(ang.getitem(0))); console.log("AngY: " + round2Digits(ang.getitem(1))); console.log("AngZ: " + round2Digits(ang.getitem(2))); console.log("Temp: " + temp + " Raw: " + raw); }, 1000); function round2Digits(num) { return Math.round((num + 0.00001) * 100) / 100; } // Print message when exiting process.on('SIGINT', function() { console.log("Exiting..."); process.exit(0); });