{ "Library": "st7735", "Description": "Adafruit ST7735 LCD library", "Sensor Class": { "ST7735": { "Name": "API for the Adafruit ST7735 LCD", "Description": "This is the UPM Module for the Adafruit ST7735 LCD. This lovely little display breakout is the best way to add a small, colorful and bright display to any project. Since the display uses 4-wire SPI to communicate and has its own pixel-addressable frame buffer, it can be used with every kind of microcontroller. Even a very small one with low memory and few pins available!", "Aliases": ["st7735", "1.8\" Color TFT LCD display with MicroSD Card Breakout - ST7735R"], "Categories": ["display"], "Connections": ["spi"], "Project Type": ["prototyping", "commercial"], "Manufacturers": ["Adafruit", "Truly Semiconductors", "Sitronix"], "Image": "st7735.jpg", "Examples": { "Java": ["ST7735Sample.java"], "Node.js": ["st7735.js"], "C++": ["st7735.cxx"] }, "Specifications": { "Vsource": { "unit": "V", "min": 3.3, "max": 5.0 }, "Supply Current": { "unit": "mA", "min": 1.0, "max": 50.0 }, "Operating Temperature": { "unit": "°C", "min": -40, "max": 85 }, "Resolution": { "unit": "pixels", "height": 128, "width" : 160 }, "Color Resolution": { "unit": "bits", "resolution": 18 } }, "Urls": { "Product Pages": ["https://www.adafruit.com/product/358"], "Datasheets": ["https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/JD-T1800.pdf", "https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/ST7735R_V0.2.pdf"] } } } }