{ "Library": "th02", "Description": "Seeed TH02 Temperature & Humidity Sensor Library", "Sensor Class": { "TH02": { "Name": "API for the Seeed TH02 Temperature & Humidity Sensor", "Description": "This is the UPM Module for the Seeed TH02 Temperature & Humidity Sensor. This is a multifunctional sensor that gives you temperature and relative humidity information at the same time. It utilizes a TH02 sensor that can meet measurement needs of general purposes. It provides reliable readings when environment humidity condition inbetween 0-80% RH, and temperature condition inbetween 0-70°C, covering needs in most home and daily applications that don't contain extreme conditions.", "Aliases": ["th02", "Grove - Temperature&Humidity Sensor (High-Accuracy & Mini)"], "Categories": ["humidity", "temperature"], "Connections": ["i2c"], "Project Type": ["prototyping", "commercial"], "Manufacturers": ["Seeed"], "Image": "th02.jpg", "Examples": { "Java": ["Th02Example.java"], "C++": ["th02.cxx"] }, "Specifications": { "Vsource": { "unit": "V", "min": 3.3, "max": 5.0 }, "Supply Current": { "unit": "uA", "min" : 24, "max" : 565 }, "Operating Temperature": { "unit": "°C", "min": -40, "max": 85 }, "Humidity Sensor": { "Effective Range": { "unit": "%RH", "min" : 20, "max" : 80 }, "Accuracy": { "unit": "-/+ %RH", "min" : 3.0, "max" : 4.5 } }, "Temperature Sensor": { "Effective Range": { "unit": "°C", "min" : 0, "max" : 70 }, "Resolution": { "unit": "°C", "resolution": "1/32" }, "Accuracy": { "unit": "+/- °C", "min" : 0.5, "max" : 1.0 } } }, "Platforms": { "Intel Edison": { "Notes": ["Might need Grove base shield", "Must be set to 3 V rather than 5 V."] }, "Arduino 101": { "Notes": ["Might need Grove base shield"] } }, "Urls": { "Product Pages": ["https://www.seeedstudio.com/Grove-Temperature%26Humidity-Sensor-(High-Accuracy-%26-Mini)-p-1921.html", "http://wiki.seeed.cc/Grove-TemptureAndHumidity_Sensor-High-Accuracy_AndMini-v1.0/"], "Datasheets": ["https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SeeedDocument/Grove-TemptureAndHumidity_Sensor-High-Accuracy_AndMini-v1.0/master/res/TH02_SENSOR.pdf"] } } } }