{ "Library": "hm11", "Description": "HM-11 Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy Module Library", "Sensor Class": { "HM11": { "Name": "Bluetooth Low Energy Module", "Description": "The driver was tested with the Grove BLE module. It's an HM-11 BLE 4.0 module based on a TI CC2541 chip. It operates using a standard 'AT' command set. See the datasheet for a full list of available commands and their possible responses: http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/images/c/cd/Bluetooth4_en.pdf It is connected via a UART at 9,600 baud.", "Aliases": ["hm11"], "Categories": ["bluetooth"], "Connections": ["uart"], "Project Type": ["wireless", "wearables", "prototyping"], "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], "Kits": [], "Image": "hm11.jpg", "Examples": { "Java": ["HM11Sample.java"], "Python": ["hm11.py"], "Node.js": ["hm11.js"], "C++": ["hm11.cxx"], "C": [] }, "Specifications": { "Operating Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 2.0, "typ": 3.3, "high": 3.6}, "Peak Operating Current": {"unit": "mA", "typ": 15}, "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 65} }, "Urls" : { "Product Pages": ["https://www.seeedstudio.com/Bluetooth-V4.0-HM-11-BLE-Module-p-1803.html"], "Datasheets": ["http://wiki.seeed.cc/Bluetooth_V4.0_HM_11_BLE_Module/"], "Schematics": [] } } } }