{ "Library": "l298", "Description": "API for the L298 Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver", "Sensor Class": { "L298": { "Name": "Dual H-bridge Motor Driver", "Description": "It was developed using the RobotBase Dual H-Bridge module. This module can support 2 DC motors, or one 2-phase stepper motor. It requires 3 pins per DC motor (or H-bridge), or 4 pins for the stepper motor (uses both H-bridges).", "Aliases": ["l298"], "Categories": ["motors"], "Connections": ["gpio", "pwm"], "Project Type": ["robotics", "prototyping"], "Manufacturers": ["seeed", "sparkfun"], "Kits": [], "Image": "l298.jpg", "Examples": { "Java": [], "Python": ["l298.py", "l298-stepper.py"], "Node.js": ["l298.js", "l298-stepper.js"], "C++": ["l298.cxx", "l298-stepper.cxx"], "C": [] }, "Specifications": { "Motor Supply Voltage": {"unit": "V", "low": 6, "high": 35}, "Motor Supply Current": {"unit": "A", "typ": 2} }, "Urls" : { "Product Pages": ["https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9670"], "Datasheets": [], "Schematics": [] } } } }