/* * Author: Heidi Pan * Copyright (c) 2015 Intel Corporation. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ // dependencies var _ = require('lodash'); // generate YuiDocs-style documentation function generateDocs(specjs) { var docs = GENERATE_MODULE(specjs.MODULE, ''); GENERATE_TYPE = (function(enums) { return function(type) { return (_.contains(enums, type) ? ('Enum ' + type) : type); } })(_.keys(specjs.ENUMS_BY_GROUP)); docs = _.reduce(specjs.METHODS, function(memo, methodSpec, methodName) { return memo += GENERATE_METHOD(methodName, methodSpec); }, docs); docs = _.reduce(specjs.ENUMS, function(memo, enumSpec, enumName) { return memo += GENERATE_ENUM(enumName, enumSpec); }, docs); if (_.isEmpty(specjs.CLASSGROUPS)) { docs += GENERATE_CLASSES(specjs.CLASSES); } else { docs += GENERATE_MODULE('common', ''); var grouped = _.flatten(_.pluck(_.values(specjs.CLASSGROUPS), 'classes')); var ungrouped = _.difference(_.keys(specjs.CLASSES), grouped); docs += GENERATE_CLASSES(_.pick(specjs.CLASSES, ungrouped), 'common'); _.each(specjs.CLASSGROUPS, function(groupSpec, groupName) { docs += GENERATE_CLASSES(_.pick(specjs.CLASSES, groupSpec.classes), groupName); }); // TODO: figure out why yuidoc won't associate the class with the right module if module definitions are interspersed _.each(specjs.CLASSGROUPS, function(groupSpec, groupName) { docs += GENERATE_MODULE(groupName, groupSpec.description); }); } return docs; } // comment wrapper around entire spec function GENERATE_DOC(text) { return '/**\n' + text + ' */\n'; } // generate module spec function GENERATE_MODULE(name, description) { return GENERATE_DOC(description + '\n' + '@module ' + name + '\n'); } // generate spec for the given list of classes function GENERATE_CLASSES(classes, parent) { return _.reduce(classes, function(memo, classSpec, className) { return memo + GENERATE_CLASS(className, classSpec.description, parent, classSpec.parent) + _.reduce(classSpec.methods, function(memo, methodSpec, methodName) { return memo += GENERATE_METHOD(methodName, methodSpec, className); }, '') + _.reduce(classSpec.variables, function(memo, variableSpec, variableName) { return memo += GENERATE_VAR(variableName, variableSpec, className); }, '') + _.reduce(classSpec.enums, function(memo, enumSpec, enumName) { return memo += GENERATE_ENUM(enumName, enumSpec, className); }, ''); }, ''); } // generate class spec function GENERATE_CLASS(name, description, namespace, parent) { return GENERATE_DOC(description + '\n' + '@class ' + name + '\n' + (namespace ? ('@module ' + namespace + '\n') : '') /* TODO: leave out until figure out what swig does with inheritance + (parent ? ('@extends ' + parent + '\n') : '') */ ); } // generate method spec with parent module/class function GENERATE_METHOD(name, spec, parent) { name = name.replace(/!+$/, ''); return GENERATE_DOC(spec.description + '\n' + '@method ' + name + '\n' + (parent ? ('@for ' + parent + '\n') : '@for common\n') + _.reduce(spec.params, function(memo, paramSpec, paramName) { return memo + '@param {' + GENERATE_TYPE(paramSpec.type) + '} ' + paramName + ' ' + paramSpec.description + '\n'; }, '') + ( !_.isEmpty(spec.return) ? ('@return {' + GENERATE_TYPE(spec.return.type) + '} ' + spec.return.description + '\n') : '')); } // generate enum spec function GENERATE_ENUM(name, spec, parent) { return GENERATE_DOC(spec.description + '\n' + '@property ' + name + '\n' + '@type Enum ' + spec.type + '\n' + '@for ' + (parent ? parent : 'common') + '\n'); } // generate variable specs function GENERATE_VAR(name, spec, parent) { return GENERATE_DOC(spec.description + '\n' + '@property ' + name + '\n' + '@type ' + spec.type + '\n' + '@for ' + parent + '\n'); } // TODO // generate link spec function GENERATE_LINK(text) { return '{{#crossLink "' + text + '"}}{{/crossLink}}'; } module.exports = generateDocs;