# Selectively disable certain CXX warnings for SWIG wrappers # SWIG wrappers emit -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor and -Wunused-function warnings # Unfortunaly this quick fix for issue #518, adds a .c file to the # java swig wrapper which then failes on CXX compiler warnings. For # now, turn off warnings as errors for all the swig wrappers. set (SWIG_CXX_DISABLE_WARNINGS -Wno-error -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-unused-function -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Wno-strict-aliasing) macro (file_to_list readfile outlist) FILE(READ "${readfile}" contents) STRING(REGEX REPLACE ";" "\\\\;" contents "${contents}") STRING(REGEX REPLACE "\n" ";" contents "${contents}") set("${outlist}" "${contents}" ) endmacro(file_to_list) file_to_list ("javaswig_blacklist" JAVASWIG_BLACKLIST) file_to_list ("pythonswig_blacklist" PYTHONSWIG_BLACKLIST) file_to_list ("nodeswig_blacklist" NODESWIG_BLACKLIST) macro(subdirlist result curdir) file(GLOB children RELATIVE ${curdir} ${curdir}/*) set(dirlist "") foreach(child ${children}) if(IS_DIRECTORY ${curdir}/${child}) set(dirlist ${dirlist} ${child}) endif() endforeach() set(${result} ${dirlist}) endmacro(subdirlist) macro (upm_create_install_pkgconfig generated_file install_location) configure_file (${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/pkgconfig.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${generated_file} @ONLY) install (FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${generated_file} DESTINATION ${install_location}) endmacro(upm_create_install_pkgconfig) # Provide a wrapper to call target_link_libraries AND add any additional # functionality necessary for upm modules. This was being used to add # link dependencies for the swig wrappers (swig_link_libraries). This has # been removed. Leaving the wrapper call to minimize changes. macro (upm_target_link_libraries target_name) # Add the dependencies target_link_libraries(${target_name} ${ARGN}) endmacro (upm_target_link_libraries target_name) # Create a single swig target for python macro(_upm_swig_python) include_directories (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/..) set_source_files_properties (pyupm_${libname}.i PROPERTIES CPLUSPLUS ON) set_source_files_properties (pyupm_${libname}.i PROPERTIES SWIG_FLAGS "-I${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/..") # Set current python binary dir set (CMAKE_CURRENT_PYTHON_BINARY_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/python${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}) # Make sure swig places wrapper/.py collateral under python2/3 directory # Save the original BINARY_DIR, set a new BINARY_DIR, then restore at # the end of this macro. This works for cmake > 3 and works AROUND a bug in # cmake < 3 (#13173,#13772,#14459). set(CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR_SAVED ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) set(CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_PYTHON_BINARY_DIR}) # Swig module name (example: pyupm_a110x-python2) set (python_wrapper_name pyupm_${libname}-python${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}) swig_add_module (${python_wrapper_name} python pyupm_${libname}.i) # Get target library name (example _pyupm_a110x-python2) set (python_wrapper_target ${SWIG_MODULE_${python_wrapper_name}_REAL_NAME}) swig_link_libraries (${python_wrapper_name} ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES} ${MRAA_LIBRARIES} ${libname}) target_include_directories (${python_wrapper_target} PUBLIC "${PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH}" "${PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS}") # Turn off flags for wrapper foreach(flag ${SWIG_CXX_DISABLE_WARNINGS}) compiler_flag_supported(CXX is_supported ${flag}) if (is_supported) target_compile_options(${python_wrapper_target} PRIVATE "${flag}") endif(is_supported) endforeach(flag ${SWIG_CXX_DISABLE_WARNINGS}) # Add C++ comments to ALL python modules (requires doc build) if (BUILDDOC) # Python module depends on doxy2swig .i file generated from the monolithic doxygen xml file add_dependencies(${python_wrapper_target} pyupm_doxy2swig ) # The pydoc target depends on EACH python module add_dependencies(pydoc ${python_wrapper_target}) endif (BUILDDOC) # Python collateral names will be the same for python2/3 w/different library dirs set_target_properties (${python_wrapper_target} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME _pyupm_${libname} LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_PYTHON_BINARY_DIR}) # Install .py's to python packages directory/upm install (FILES ${swig_extra_generated_files} DESTINATION ${PYTHON_PACKAGES_PATH}/upm COMPONENT ${libname}) # Install python wrapper module library install (TARGETS ${python_wrapper_target} DESTINATION ${PYTHON_PACKAGES_PATH}/upm) # Restore CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR set(CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR_SAVED}) endmacro(_upm_swig_python) # Generate both python2 and python3 modules if possible macro(upm_swig_python) # Skip if the libname is in the blacklist if (NOT ";${PYTHONSWIG_BLACKLIST};" MATCHES ";${libname};") # Generate python2 module if python2 libs are available if (PYTHON2LIBS_FOUND) set(PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS ${PYTHON2_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH ${PYTHON2_INCLUDE_PATH}) set(PYTHON_LIBRARIES ${PYTHON2_LIBRARIES}) set(PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR ${PYTHON2_VERSION_MAJOR}) set(PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR ${PYTHON2_VERSION_MINOR}) set(PYTHON_PACKAGES_PATH ${PYTHON2_PACKAGES_PATH}) _upm_swig_python() endif (PYTHON2LIBS_FOUND) # Generate python3 module if python3 libs are available if (PYTHON3LIBS_FOUND) set(PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS ${PYTHON3_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH ${PYTHON3_INCLUDE_PATH}) set(PYTHON_LIBRARIES ${PYTHON3_LIBRARIES}) set(PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR ${PYTHON3_VERSION_MAJOR}) set(PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR ${PYTHON3_VERSION_MINOR}) set(PYTHON_PACKAGES_PATH ${PYTHON3_PACKAGES_PATH}) _upm_swig_python() endif (PYTHON3LIBS_FOUND) endif (NOT ";${PYTHONSWIG_BLACKLIST};" MATCHES ";${libname};") endmacro(upm_swig_python) macro(upm_swig_node) # Skip if the libname is in the blacklist if (NOT ";${NODESWIG_BLACKLIST};" MATCHES ";${libname};") # SWIG treats SWIG_FLAGS as a list and not a string so semicolon seperation is # required. This hardcodes V8_VERSION to be <10 but I assume that's not going # to be a problem for a little while! SWIG uses a padded SWIG_V8 version which # we hack together from our findnode module. set (V8_VERSION_HEX 0x0${V8_VERSION_MAJOR}${V8_VERSION_MINOR}${V8_VERSION_PATCH}) string (LENGTH "${V8_VERSION_HEX}" V8_VERSION_HEX_length) while (V8_VERSION_HEX_length LESS 8) set (V8_VERSION_HEX "${V8_VERSION_HEX}0") string (LENGTH "${V8_VERSION_HEX}" V8_VERSION_HEX_length) endwhile () include_directories ( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.. ) set_property (SOURCE jsupm_${libname}.i PROPERTY SWIG_FLAGS "-node" "-DV8_VERSION=${V8_VERSION_HEX}") set_source_files_properties (jsupm_${libname}.i PROPERTIES CPLUSPLUS ON) swig_add_module (jsupm_${libname} javascript jsupm_${libname}.i) swig_link_libraries (jsupm_${libname} ${MRAA_LIBRARIES} ${NODE_LIBRARIES} ${libname}) target_include_directories ( ${SWIG_MODULE_jsupm_${libname}_REAL_NAME} PUBLIC "${NODE_INCLUDE_DIRS}" ) # Turn off flags for wrapper foreach(flag ${SWIG_CXX_DISABLE_WARNINGS}) compiler_flag_supported(CXX is_supported ${flag}) if (is_supported) target_compile_options(${SWIG_MODULE_jsupm_${libname}_REAL_NAME} PRIVATE "${flag}") endif(is_supported) endforeach(flag ${SWIG_CXX_DISABLE_WARNINGS}) set_target_properties (jsupm_${libname} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-DBUILDING_NODE_EXTENSION -DSWIG_V8_VERSION=${V8_VERSION_HEX}" PREFIX "" SUFFIX ".node" ) if (${V8_VERSION_MAJOR} GREATER 3) if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU") if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS "4.7") message(FATAL_ERROR "FATAL_ERROR: GCC 4.7 or above is required to compile jsupm_${libname} ") endif() endif() endif() createpackagejson(${libname}) if (NPM) add_custom_command (TARGET jsupm_${libname} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/jsupm_${libname}JAVASCRIPT_wrap.cxx ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/jsupm_${libname}) endif () install (TARGETS jsupm_${libname} DESTINATION ${NODE_MODULE_INSTALL_PATH}) endif (NOT ";${NODESWIG_BLACKLIST};" MATCHES ";${libname};") endmacro(upm_swig_node) macro(upm_swig_java) # Skip if the libname is in the blacklist if (NOT ";${JAVASWIG_BLACKLIST};" MATCHES ";${libname};") include_directories ( ${JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH} ${JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH2} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.. ) set_source_files_properties (javaupm_${libname}.i PROPERTIES CPLUSPLUS ON) set_source_files_properties (javaupm_${libname}.i PROPERTIES SWIG_FLAGS ";-package;upm_${libname};-I${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src") # NOTE, ${module_src} is ONLY needed when swig'ing to JAVA. This is # because *some* upm libraries have ifdef's for JAVA and SWIG in their # source (cxx) which builds in different functionality. Because of this, # the source must be added when building the JAVA wrapper. # See issue #518 # TODO: Fix this somehow swig_add_module (javaupm_${libname} java javaupm_${libname}.i ${module_src}) swig_link_libraries (javaupm_${libname} ${MRAAJAVA_LIBRARIES} ${MRAA_LIBRARIES} ${JAVA_LIBRARIES} ${libname}) target_include_directories ( ${SWIG_MODULE_javaupm_${libname}_REAL_NAME} PUBLIC "${JAVA_INCLUDE_DIRS}" "${JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH}" ) set_target_properties (javaupm_${libname} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-fpermissive -DJAVACALLBACK" PREFIX "lib" SUFFIX ".so" ) # Turn off flags for wrapper foreach(flag ${SWIG_CXX_DISABLE_WARNINGS}) compiler_flag_supported(CXX is_supported ${flag}) if (is_supported) target_compile_options(${SWIG_MODULE_javaupm_${libname}_REAL_NAME} PRIVATE "${flag}") endif(is_supported) endforeach(flag ${SWIG_CXX_DISABLE_WARNINGS}) install (TARGETS javaupm_${libname} LIBRARY DESTINATION ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}) # Java jar files always need to go under lib/java, regardless of # architecture. install (FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/upm_${libname}.jar DESTINATION lib/java) if (NOT DEFINED $ENV{JAVA_HOME_NATIVE}) set (JAVAC $ENV{JAVA_HOME}/bin/javac) set (JAR $ENV{JAVA_HOME}/bin/jar) else () set (JAVAC $ENV{JAVA_HOME_NATIVE}/bin/javac) set (JAR $ENV{JAVA_HOME_NATIVE}/bin/jar) endif () add_custom_command (TARGET javaupm_${libname} POST_BUILD COMMAND cmake -E echo "Compiling java.." COMMAND cmake -E make_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/upm_${libname} COMMAND ${JAVAC} *.java -d ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} COMMAND cmake -E echo "Creating jar" COMMAND ${JAR} cvf upm_${libname}.jar upm_${libname} ) configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../pom.xml.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/upm_${libname}-${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.${VERSION_PATCH}.pom) endif (NOT ";${JAVASWIG_BLACKLIST};" MATCHES ";${libname};") endmacro(upm_swig_java) macro(upm_doxygen) if (DOXYGEN_FOUND) set (CMAKE_SWIG_FLAGS -DDOXYGEN=${DOXYGEN_FOUND}) add_dependencies (doc ${libname}) endif () endmacro(upm_doxygen) if (NPM) add_custom_target (npmpkg) add_custom_command (TARGET npmpkg POST_BUILD COMMAND echo "Creating NPM tarballs..." COMMAND find . -maxdepth 2 -type d -name "jsupm_*" -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} tar czf `basename {}`.tar.gz -C {} . ) endif (NPM) if (BUILDSWIGNODE) if(SWIG_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.0.5 AND NODE_VERSION_STRING VERSION_GREATER 0.12) message(WARNING "WARNING - SWIG 3.0.5+ required for building with nodejs 0.12. Current version is ${SWIG_VERSION}") endif() find_path (NODE_ROOT_DIR "include/node/node.h") set (NODE_INCLUDE_DIRS ${NODE_ROOT_DIR}/include/src ${NODE_ROOT_DIR}/include/node ${NODE_ROOT_DIR}/include/deps/v8/include ${NODE_ROOT_DIR}/include/deps/uv/include ) macro(createpackagejson) if (NPM) # Dependency to generate wrappers before packing, skip modules that depend on 3rd party libs if (NOT DEFINED reqlibname) set (reqlibname "") endif () if (reqlibname STREQUAL "" OR reqlibname MATCHES "mraa") # Grab all module sources and headers, also add sources to gyp list file (GLOB srcfiles RELATIVE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/*.c" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/*.cpp" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/*.cxx" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/*.h" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/*.hpp" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/*.hxx") foreach (srcfile ${srcfiles}) file (COPY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${srcfile} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/jsupm_${libname}) if(${srcfile} MATCHES ".c$") get_filename_component(csource ${srcfile} NAME_WE) file (RENAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/jsupm_${libname}/${srcfile} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/jsupm_${libname}/${csource}_c.c) set (upm_LIB_SRCS_GYP "'${csource}_c.c',\n${upm_LIB_SRCS_GYP}") elseif (${srcfile} MATCHES ".cxx$" OR ${srcfile} MATCHES ".cpp$") set (upm_LIB_SRCS_GYP "'${srcfile}',\n${upm_LIB_SRCS_GYP}") endif () endforeach () set (upm_LIB_SRCS_GYP "'jsupm_${libname}JAVASCRIPT_wrap.cxx',\n${upm_LIB_SRCS_GYP}") # Create list of include directories and copy them foreach (includedir ${UPM_COMMON_HEADER_DIRS}) file (RELATIVE_PATH rel ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ${includedir}) set (upm_LIB_INCLUDE_DIRS_GYP "'${rel}',\n${upm_LIB_INCLUDE_DIRS_GYP}") endforeach (includedir) file (COPY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include DESTINATION ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/jsupm_${libname}) set (upm_LIB_INCLUDE_DIRS_GYP "'.',\n${upm_LIB_INCLUDE_DIRS_GYP}") # Utilities and interfaces file (COPY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/utilities DESTINATION ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/jsupm_${libname}) file (COPY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/upm DESTINATION ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/jsupm_${libname}) set (upm_LIB_SRCS_GYP "'utilities/upm_utilities.c',\n${upm_LIB_SRCS_GYP}") set (upm_LIB_INCLUDE_DIRS_GYP "'utilities',\n${upm_LIB_INCLUDE_DIRS_GYP}") set (upm_LIB_INCLUDE_DIRS_GYP "'upm',\n${upm_LIB_INCLUDE_DIRS_GYP}") # Add readme, package.json for NPM and node-gyp config file configure_file (${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/binding.gyp.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/jsupm_${libname}/binding.gyp @ONLY) configure_file (${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/package.json.npm.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/jsupm_${libname}/package.json @ONLY) configure_file (${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/doxy/README.npm.md ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/jsupm_${libname}/README.md) add_dependencies (npmpkg jsupm_${libname}) else () message ("Skipping jsupm_${libname}, needs ${reqlibname}") endif () endif (NPM) # package.json for regular install configure_file (${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/package.json.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/package.json @ONLY) # If a CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX has NOT been provided, set NODE_MODULE_INSTALL_PATH # base on the NODE_ROOT_DIR. if (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX_INITIALIZED_TO_DEFAULT) set (NODE_MODULE_INSTALL_PATH ${NODE_ROOT_DIR}/lib/node_modules/jsupm_${libname}/) # If a CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX has been provided, set NODE_MODULE_INSTALL_PATH # relative to the provided install directory. else () set (NODE_MODULE_INSTALL_PATH ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/node_modules/jsupm_${libname}/) endif () install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/package.json DESTINATION ${NODE_MODULE_INSTALL_PATH} COMPONENT ${libname}) endmacro(createpackagejson) endif(BUILDSWIGNODE) # Process C/C++ sensor modules # This function pre-processes sensor library input and hands off the # necessary global variables to upm_module_init for library creation, # documenation, swigging, etc... function (UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT) # CPP_WRAPS_C -> Set to have CPP library link to C library # DESCRIPTION -> Library description string # CPP_HDR -> List of CPP header files # CPP_SRC -> List of CPP source files # C_HDR -> List of C header files # C_SRC -> List of C source files # FTI_SRC -> List of C FTI source files # REQUIRES -> List requires libraries for pkg-config # Exports to PARENT scope: # libname -> CXX target name # libnamec -> C target name (if used) set (options CPP_WRAPS_C) set (oneValueArgs NAME DESCRIPTION) set (multiValueArgs CPP_HDR CPP_SRC C_HDR C_SRC FTI_SRC FTI_HDR REQUIRES) # Parse function parameters cmake_parse_arguments(UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} ) # Set the description set (libdescription ${UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT_DESCRIPTION}) # Always build C libs first if (UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT_C_SRC) set (libname ${UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT_NAME}) # Set the src and hpp variables for upm_module_init set (module_src ${UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT_C_SRC}) set (module_hpp ${UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT_C_HDR}) # Create the reqlibname list string(REPLACE ";" " " reqlibname "${UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT_REQUIRES}") # Append upmc-utilities to the reqlibs (but not on upm-utilities itself) if (NOT ${libname} MATCHES "utilities") set (reqlibname "${reqlibname} upmc-utilities") endif() # If building FTI, and FTI src exists, add it in if (BUILDFTI AND UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT_FTI_SRC) #set (module_src ${UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT_C_SRC} ${UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT_FTI_SRC}) list (APPEND module_src ${UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT_FTI_SRC}) endif (BUILDFTI AND UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT_FTI_SRC) # Add include directories for C include_directories (${UPM_COMMON_HEADER_DIRS} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/utilities) # Set a flag to tell upm_module_init that it's building a C library set (IS_C_LIBRARY TRUE) upm_module_init() # add upmc-utilities as a dependancy to all C libs (but NOT to the # utilities lib itself) if (NOT ${libname} MATCHES "utilities-c") target_link_libraries (${libname} utilities-c) endif() ## "export" the logical C lib target for the calling module's ## CMakeLists.txt set (libnamec ${libname} PARENT_SCOPE) endif (UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT_C_SRC) # Build C++ if enabled AND C++ headers exist if (BUILDCPP AND UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT_CPP_HDR) # Set the src and hpp variables for upm_module_init set (module_src ${UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT_CPP_SRC}) set (module_hpp ${UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT_CPP_HDR}) # Create the reqlibname list string(REPLACE ";" " " reqlibname "${UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT_REQUIRES}") # Reset the libname (upm_module_init can change it) set (libname ${UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT_NAME}) unset (IS_C_LIBRARY) upm_module_init() # If the C++ wraps the C target, add the C target as a dependency if (UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT_CPP_WRAPS_C) target_link_libraries(${libname} ${libname}-c) endif (UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT_CPP_WRAPS_C) ## "export" the logical C++ lib target for the calling module's ## CMakeLists.txt set (libname ${libname} PARENT_SCOPE) endif (BUILDCPP AND UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT_CPP_HDR) endfunction (UPM_MIXED_MODULE_INIT) function(upm_module_init) set (basename ${libname}) # If this is a C library, handle different collateral naming if (IS_C_LIBRARY) set (libname ${libname}-c) # If this is a C library, export C library target name to parent's libname set (libname ${libname} PARENT_SCOPE) set (libprefix upmc-) set (pcname upmc-${basename}.pc) else () set (libprefix upm-) set (pcname upm-${basename}.pc) endif (IS_C_LIBRARY) link_directories (${MRAA_LIBDIR}) add_library (${libname} SHARED ${module_src} ${module_hpp}) foreach (linkflag ${ARGN}) target_link_libraries (${libname} ${linkflag}) endforeach () include_directories (${MRAA_INCLUDE_DIRS} . ..) target_link_libraries (${libname} ${MRAA_LIBRARIES}) set_target_properties( ${libname} PROPERTIES PREFIX lib${libprefix} OUTPUT_NAME ${basename} SOVERSION ${upm_VERSION_MAJOR} VERSION ${upm_VERSION_STRING} ) upm_create_install_pkgconfig (${pcname} ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/pkgconfig) # Don't SWIG C if (NOT IS_C_LIBRARY) if (BUILDSWIGPYTHON) upm_swig_python() endif (BUILDSWIGPYTHON) if (BUILDSWIGNODE) upm_swig_node() endif (BUILDSWIGNODE) if (BUILDSWIGJAVA) upm_swig_java() endif (BUILDSWIGJAVA) endif (NOT IS_C_LIBRARY) # Skip doxygen run on C (for now) if (BUILDDOC AND NOT IS_C_LIBRARY) upm_doxygen() endif() install (TARGETS ${libname} DESTINATION ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}) install (FILES ${module_hpp} DESTINATION include/upm COMPONENT ${libname}) if (IPK) cpack_add_component (${libname} DISPLAY_NAME ${libname} REQUIRED INSTALL_TYPES all) set(CPACK_COMPONENT_${libname}_DESCRIPTION "${libdescription}") endif() endfunction(upm_module_init) # Top-level module init if (BUILDSWIGPYTHON) file (WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/__init__.py "# UPM python modules") if(PYTHON2LIBS_FOUND) install (FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/__init__.py DESTINATION ${PYTHON2_PACKAGES_PATH}/upm COMPONENT python2) endif(PYTHON2LIBS_FOUND) if(PYTHON3LIBS_FOUND) install (FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/__init__.py DESTINATION ${PYTHON3_PACKAGES_PATH}/upm COMPONENT python3) endif(PYTHON3LIBS_FOUND) endif (BUILDSWIGPYTHON) # Generate python module documentation from doxygen collateral if (BUILDDOC AND BUILDSWIGPYTHON) # doxy2swig the doxygen output add_custom_target (pyupm_doxy2swig ALL COMMAND ${PYTHON2_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/doxy2swig.py ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/xml/index.xml ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/pyupm_doxy2swig.i DEPENDS doc) # BUILDDOC not set but still building python modules, generate an empty # pyupm_doxy2swig.i file (overwriting if necessary) elseif (BUILDSWIGPYTHON) message (STATUS "BUILDDOC=${BUILDDOC}, python modules will not contain cxx documentation") file (WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/pyupm_doxy2swig.i "// Empty doxy2swig stub") endif (BUILDDOC AND BUILDSWIGPYTHON) # Add subdirectories from MODULE_LIST if defined # Example -DMODULE_LIST="dfrph;rotaryencoder" if (MODULE_LIST) set(SUBDIRS ${MODULE_LIST}) set(SUBDIRS ${SUBDIRS} upm) else() # Otherwise, add all subdirectories subdirlist(SUBDIRS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) endif() # If the SUBDIRS list does NOT include the utilities directory, add it since # most sensor library targets depend on utilities if (NOT "${SUBDIRS}" MATCHES utilities) add_subdirectory(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/utilities) endif() # Iterate over each directory in SUBDIRS foreach(subdir ${SUBDIRS}) if(EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${subdir}/CMakeLists.txt) add_subdirectory(${subdir}) endif() endforeach()