/* * Author: Zion Orent * Copyright (c) 2015 Intel Corporation. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the The MIT License which is available at * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ /* functions */ function printButtons(touchObj) { var buttonPressed = false; var buttons = touchObj.getButtons(); process.stdout.write("Buttons Pressed: "); for (var i=0; i<7; i++) { if (buttons & (1 << i)) { process.stdout.write(i + " "); buttonPressed = true; } } if (!buttonPressed) process.stdout.write("None"); console.log(" "); if (touchObj.isCalibrating()) console.log("Calibration is occurring."); if (touchObj.isOverflowed()) console.log("Overflow was detected."); } /* Global code that runs on startup */ var touchSensor_lib = require('jsupm_at42qt1070'); var I2C_BUS = touchSensor_lib.AT42QT1070_I2C_BUS; var DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR = touchSensor_lib.AT42QT1070_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR; // Instantiate an AT42QT1070 on I2C bus 0 var mytouchSensor_obj = new touchSensor_lib.AT42QT1070(I2C_BUS, DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR); var myInterval = setInterval(function() { mytouchSensor_obj.updateState(); printButtons(mytouchSensor_obj); }, 100); // Print message when exiting and clear interval/memory process.on('SIGINT', function() { clearInterval(myInterval); mytouchSensor_obj = null; touchSensor_lib.cleanUp(); touchSensor_lib = null; console.log("Exiting"); process.exit(0); });