/* * Author: Marc Graham <marc@m2ag.net> * Copyright (c) 2015 Intel Corporation. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #pragma once #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "mraa.hpp" #include "mraa/i2c.hpp" /*========================================================================= I2C ADDRESS/BITS -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ADS1X15_ADDRESS (0x48) // 1001 000 (ADDR = GND) /*=========================================================================*/ /*========================================================================= POINTER REGISTER -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ADS1X15_REG_POINTER_MASK (0x03) #define ADS1X15_REG_POINTER_CONVERT (0x00) #define ADS1X15_REG_POINTER_CONFIG (0x01) #define ADS1X15_REG_POINTER_LOWTHRESH (0x02) #define ADS1X15_REG_POINTER_HITHRESH (0x03) /*=========================================================================*/ /*========================================================================= CONFIG REGISTER -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ADS1X15_OS_MASK (0x8000) #define ADS1X15_OS_SINGLE (0x8000) // Write: Set to start a single-conversion #define ADS1X15_OS_BUSY (0x0000) // Read: Bit = 0 when conversion is in progress #define ADS1X15_OS_NOTBUSY (0x8000) // Read: Bit = 1 when device is not performing a conversion #define ADS1X15_MUX_MASK (0x7000) #define ADS1X15_MUX_DIFF_0_1 (0x0000) // Differential P = AIN0, N = AIN1 (default) #define ADS1X15_MUX_DIFF_0_3 (0x1000) // Differential P = AIN0, N = AIN3 #define ADS1X15_MUX_DIFF_1_3 (0x2000) // Differential P = AIN1, N = AIN3 #define ADS1X15_MUX_DIFF_2_3 (0x3000) // Differential P = AIN2, N = AIN3 #define ADS1X15_MUX_SINGLE_0 (0x4000) // Single-ended AIN0 #define ADS1X15_MUX_SINGLE_1 (0x5000) // Single-ended AIN1 #define ADS1X15_MUX_SINGLE_2 (0x6000) // Single-ended AIN2 #define ADS1X15_MUX_SINGLE_3 (0x7000) // Single-ended AIN3 #define ADS1X15_PGA_MASK (0x0E00) #define ADS1X15_PGA_6_144V (0x0000) // +/-6.144V range = Gain 2/3 #define ADS1X15_PGA_4_096V (0x0200) // +/-4.096V range = Gain 1 #define ADS1X15_PGA_2_048V (0x0400) // +/-2.048V range = Gain 2 (default) #define ADS1X15_PGA_1_024V (0x0600) // +/-1.024V range = Gain 4 #define ADS1X15_PGA_0_512V (0x0800) // +/-0.512V range = Gain 8 #define ADS1X15_PGA_0_256V (0x0A00) // +/-0.256V range = Gain 16 #define ADS1X15_MODE_MASK (0x0100) #define ADS1X15_MODE_CONTIN (0x0000) // Continuous conversion mode #define ADS1X15_MODE_SINGLE (0x0100) // Power-down single-shot mode (default) #define ADS1X15_DR_MASK (0x00E0) #define ADS1X15_CMODE_MASK (0x0010) #define ADS1X15_CMODE_TRAD (0x0000) // Traditional comparator with hysteresis (default) #define ADS1X15_CMODE_WINDOW (0x0010) // Window comparator #define ADS1X15_CPOL_MASK (0x0008) #define ADS1X15_CPOL_ACTVLOW (0x0000) // ALERT/RDY pin is low when active (default) #define ADS1X15_CPOL_ACTVHI (0x0008) // ALERT/RDY pin is high when active #define ADS1X15_CLAT_MASK (0x0400) // Determines if ALERT/RDY pin latches once asserted #define ADS1X15_CLAT_NONLAT (0x0000) // Non-latching comparator (default) #define ADS1X15_CLAT_LATCH (0x0400) // Latching comparator #define ADS1X15_CQUE_MASK (0x0003) /* This wouldn't compile for the python wrapper. with these in for some reason. #define ADS1X15_CQUE_1CONV (0x0000) // Assert ALERT/RDY after one conversions #define ADS1X15_CQUE_2CONV (0x0001) // Assert ALERT/RDY after two conversions #define ADS1X15_CQUE_4CONV (0x0002) // Assert ALERT/RDY after four conversions #define ADS1X15_CQUE_NONE (0x0003) // Disable the comparator and put ALERT/RDY in high state (default) */ /*=========================================================================*/ namespace upm { /** * @brief ADS1X15 family adc library * * Library for TI analog to digital converter ic. Base clase fro ADS1X15 provides all the functionality that * ADS1115 and ADS1015 ics have in common. * * @defgroup ads1x15 libupm-ads1x15 * @ingroup ti adafruit i2c electric */ class ADS1X15 { public: /** * @enum ADSGAIN * @brief uint16_t enum containing values for * setting gain for ADS1X15 devices. * * @var ADSGAIN::TWOTHIRDS = 0x0000 * @var ADSGAIN::ONE = 0x0200 * @var ADSGAIN::TWO = 0x0400 * @var ADSGAIN::FOUR = 0x0600 * @var ADSGAIN::EIGHT = 0x0800 * @var ADSGAIN::SIXTEEN = 0x0A00 */ typedef enum ADSGAIN { GAIN_TWOTHIRDS = ADS1X15_PGA_6_144V, GAIN_ONE = ADS1X15_PGA_4_096V, GAIN_TWO = ADS1X15_PGA_2_048V, GAIN_FOUR = ADS1X15_PGA_1_024V, GAIN_EIGHT = ADS1X15_PGA_0_512V, GAIN_SIXTEEN = ADS1X15_PGA_0_256V } ADSGAIN ; /** * @enum ADSMUXMODE * @brief uint16_t enum containing values used * for selecting ADS1X15 read operations. * * @var ADSMUXMODE::DIFF_0_1 = 0x0000 * @var ADSMUXMODE::DIFF_0_2 = 0x1000 * @var ADSMUXMODE::DIFF_1_3 = 0x2000 * @var ADSMUXMODE::DIFF_2_3 = 0x3000 * @var ADSMUXMODE::SINGLE_0 = 0x4000 * @var ADSMUXMODE::SINGLE_1 = 0x5000 * @var ADSMUXMODE::SINGLE_2 = 0x6000 * @var ADSMUXMODE::SINGLE_3 = 0x7000 */ typedef enum ADSMUXMODE { DIFF_0_1 = ADS1X15_MUX_DIFF_0_1, // Differential P = AIN0, N = AIN1 (default) DIFF_0_3 = ADS1X15_MUX_DIFF_0_3, // Differential P = AIN0, N = AIN3 DIFF_1_3 = ADS1X15_MUX_DIFF_1_3, // Differential P = AIN1, N = AIN3 DIFF_2_3 = ADS1X15_MUX_DIFF_2_3, // Differential P = AIN2, N = AIN3 SINGLE_0 = ADS1X15_MUX_SINGLE_0, // Single-ended AIN0 SINGLE_1 = ADS1X15_MUX_SINGLE_1, // Single-ended AIN1 SINGLE_2 = ADS1X15_MUX_SINGLE_2, // Single-ended AIN2 SINGLE_3 = ADS1X15_MUX_SINGLE_3 // Single-ended AIN3 } ADSMUXMODE; /** * @enum ADSCOMP * @brief uint16_t enum containing values * for setting ADS1X15 comparator queue modes. * * @var ADSCOMP::CQUE_1CONV = 0x0000 * @var ADSCOMP::CQUE_2CONV = 0x0001 * @var ADSCOMP::CQUE_3CONV = 0x0002 * @var ADSCOMP::CQUE_NONE = 0x0003 */ typedef enum ADSCOMP { CQUE_1CONV = 0x0000, // Assert ALERT/RDY after one conversions CQUE_2CONV = 0x0001, // Assert ALERT/RDY after two conversions CQUE_4CONV = 0x0002, // Assert ALERT/RDY after four conversions CQUE_NONE = 0x0003 // Disable the comparator and put ALERT/RDY in high state (default) } ADSCOMP; /** * @enum ADSTHRESH * @brief uint8_t enum containing register addresses * used for setting HI and LOW threshold values as * well as setting conversion ready and set to default. * * @var ADSTHRESH::THRESH_LOW = 0x02 * @var ADSTHRESH::THRESH_HIGH = 0x03 * @var ADSTHRESH::CONVERSION_RDY = 0x04 * @var ADSTHRESH::THRESH_DEFAULT = 0x05 */ typedef enum ADSTHRESH { THRESH_LOW = ADS1X15_REG_POINTER_LOWTHRESH, THRESH_HIGH = ADS1X15_REG_POINTER_HITHRESH, CONVERSION_RDY = 0x04, THRESH_DEFAULT = 0x05 } ADSTHRESH; /** * @enum ADSSAMPLERATE * @brief uint16_t enum containing values * representing the sample rate of the device. * Will be overridden in subclass * * @var ADSSAMPLERATE::SPS_DEFAULT = 0x0080 */ typedef enum ADSSAMPLERATE { SPS_DEFAULT = 0x0080 } ADSSAMPLERATE; /** * ADS1X15 constructor * * @param bus i2c bus the sensor is attached to. * @param address. Device address. Default is 0x48. */ ADS1X15(int bus, uint8_t address); /** * ADS1X15 destructor */ virtual ~ADS1X15 (); /** * Returns the name of the sensor */ std::string name() { return m_name; } /** * Returns the contents of conversion register without performing * a conversion operation. Will use a multiplier based on the * current gain setting to give the voltage as a float. Used * internally to return the HI and LOW threshold values. * * @param reg uint8_t value specifying register to read. * Should generally be called with no parameter. */ float getLastSample(int reg = ADS1X15_REG_POINTER_CONVERT); /** * Performs a read as specified by ADS1X15::ADSMUXMOE and * returns the value as a float. Uses getLastSample() internally * to return voltage value. * * @pram mode ADSMUXMODE specifying inputs to be sampled. */ float getSample(ADSMUXMODE mode = ADS1X15::DIFF_0_1); /** * Returns the current gain setting being used by the device * as an ADSGAIN value. */ ADSGAIN getGain(){ return (ADSGAIN)(m_config_reg & ADS1X15_PGA_MASK); } /** * Sets the PGA gain bits to the desired gain. Default * is +/- 2.094 volts. * * @param gain ADSGAIN value reprenting the desired gain. * See warnings in spec sheet. */ void setGain(ADSGAIN gain = ADS1X15::GAIN_TWO); /** * Returns the current device sample rate a an ADSSAMPLERATE * value. */ ADSSAMPLERATE getSPS(void){ return (ADSSAMPLERATE)(m_config_reg & ADS1X15_DR_MASK); } /** * Sets the sample rate of the device. This function * needs to be overrode in subclasses as the ADS1115 and * ADS1015 have different data rates. * * @param ADSSAMPLERATE enum * SPS_DEFAULT = 0x0080 */ virtual void setSPS(ADSSAMPLERATE rate); /** * Returns the comparator mode. * False = Traditional comparator with Hysteresis (default) * True = Window Comparator */ bool getCompMode(void){ return (bool)(m_config_reg & ADS1X15_CMODE_MASK); } /** * Sets the comparator mode of the device. * * @param mode bool value denoting mode. * False = Traditional comparator with Hysteresis (default) * True = Window Comparator */ void setCompMode(bool mode = false); /** * Get comparator polarity. Reports the polarity * of the ALERT/RDY pin. Returns: * False = Active Low (default) * True = Active High */ bool getCompPol(void){ return (bool)(m_config_reg & ADS1X15_CPOL_MASK); } /** * Sets the comparator polarity. Controls the * polarity of the ALERT/RDY pin. * * @param mode bool. * False = Active Low (default) * True = Active High */ void setCompPol(bool mode = false); /** * Returns bool representing the state of the * comparator latching functionality. * False = Non Latching comparator (default) * True = Latching Comparator */ bool getCompLatch(void){ return (bool)(m_config_reg & ADS1X15_CLAT_MASK); } /** * Sets bit controlling comparator operation. * * @param mode bool * False = Non Latching comparator (default) * True = Latching Comparator */ void setCompLatch(bool mode = false); /** * Returns ADSCOMP value representing the state of * comparator queue. * * CQUE_1CONV = Assert after one conversion * CQUE_2CONV = Assert after two conversions * CQUE_2CONV = Assert after four conversions * CQUE_NONE = Disable comparator (default) */ ADSCOMP getCompQue(void){ return (ADSCOMP)(m_config_reg & ADS1X15_CQUE_MASK); } /** * Sets bits controlling Comparator queue operation. * * @param mode ADSCOMP enum. * CQUE_1CONV = Assert after one conversion * CQUE_2CONV = Assert after two conversions * CQUE_2CONV = Assert after four conversions * CQUE_NONE = Disable comparator (default) */ void setCompQue(ADSCOMP mode = ADS1X15::CQUE_NONE); /** * Returns bool reflecting state of device mode bit. * * False = Power Down Single shot mode (default) * True = Continuous conversion mode */ bool getContinuous(void){ return !(bool)(m_config_reg & ADS1X15_MODE_MASK); } /** * Sets the state of device mode but. * * @param mode bool * False = Power Down Single shot mode (default) * True = Continuous conversion mode */ void setContinuous(bool mode = false); /** * Returns current high or low threshold setting. * * @param reg ADSTHRES enum value. * Returns 0.0 unless THRESH_HIGH or THRESH_LOW requested. */ float getThresh(ADSTHRESH reg = THRESH_LOW); /** * Sets threshold levels or configures for conversion ready * operation of ALERT/RDY output. * * @param reg ADSTHRESH enum * @param value float value to set threshold register to. * * THRESH_LOW = Sets low thresh register. * THRESH_HIGH = Sets high thresh register. * CONVERSION_RDY = Configures conversion ready operation * THRESH_DEFAULT = resets high/low registers to startup values. */ void setThresh(ADSTHRESH reg = THRESH_DEFAULT , float value = 0.0); protected: std::string m_name; float m_conversionDelay; uint8_t m_bitShift; uint16_t m_config_reg; //Must be overridden in subclass for proper values. virtual float getMultiplier(void) = 0; //Must be overridden in subclass for proper values. virtual void setDelay(void) = 0; void getCurrentConfig(); void updateConfigRegister(uint16_t update, bool read = false); uint16_t swapWord(uint16_t value); mraa::I2c* i2c; };}