{ "Library": "ms5611", "Description": "Amsys ms5611 Barometric Pressure Sensor library", "Sensor Class": { "ms5611": { "Name": "API for Amsys MS5611 Barometric Pressure Sensor library", "Description": "This is the UPM Module for the Amsys ms5611 barometric pressure sensor. The MS5611 is a new generation of high resolution altimeter sensors from MEAS Switzerland with SPI and I2C bus interface. This module implements I2C only.", "Aliases": ["ms5611", "MS5611 GY-63 Atmospheric Pressure Sensor Module IIC/SPI Communication"], "Categories": ["pressure", "temperature"], "Connections": ["i2c"], "Project Type": ["prototyping", "industrial", "commercial"], "Manufacturers": ["Amsys"], "Examples": { "Node.js": ["ms5611.js"], "C++": ["ms5611.cxx"] }, "Specifications": { "Vsource": { "unit": "V", "min": 1.8, "max": 3.6 }, "Supply Current": { "unit": "uA", "min": "0.9", "max": "12.5" }, "Operating Temperature": { "unit": "°C", "min": -40, "max": 85 }, "Pressure Sensor": { "Effective Pressure Range": { "unit": "mbar", "min": 10, "max": 1200 }, "Resolution": { "unit": "mbar", "min": "0.012", "max": "0.065" }, "Accuracy": { "unit": "mbar", "min": "-1.5", "max": "1.5" }, "Response Time": { "unit": "ms", "min" : "0.5", "max" : "8.22" } }, "Temperature Sensor": { "Effective Temperature Range": { "unit": "°C", "min": -40, "max": 85 }, "Resolution": { "unit": "°C", "typ": "<0.01" }, "Accuracy": { "unit": "°C", "min": -0.8, "max": 0.8 } } }, "Platforms": { "Intel Joule Module": { "Notes": ["Might need pull up resistors"] }, "Intel Edison": { "Notes": ["Might need pull up resistors"] }, "Arduino 101": { "Notes": ["Might need pull up resistors"] } }, "Urls": { "Product Pages": ["https://www.banggood.com/MS5611-GY-63-Atmospheric-Pressure-Sensor-Module-IICSPI-Communication-p-965980.html", "http://www.amsys.info/products/ms5611.htm"], "Datasheets": ["http://www.amsys.info/sheets/amsys.en.ms5611_01ba03.pdf"] } } } }