{ "Library": "gprs", "Description": "API for the GPRS Module", "Sensor Class": { "gprs": { "Brief": "General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) Module", "Description": "The driver was tested with the GPRS Module, V2. It's a GSM GPRS module based on the SIM900. This module uses a standard 'AT' command set. See the datasheet for a full list of available commands and their possible responses.", "Part Numbers": ["gprs"], "Categories": ["wireless"], "Connections": ["uart"], "Project Type": ["prototyping", "wireless"], "Manufacturers": ["seeed"], "Kits": [], "Image": "gprs.jpg", "Examples": { "Java": [], "Python": ["gprs.py"], "Node.js": ["gprs.js"], "C++": ["gprs.cxx"], "C": [] }, "Specifications": { "Input Voltage (5v Pin)": {"unit": "V", "Typ": 5}, "Input Voltage (Vin Pin)": {"unit": "V", "low": 6.5, "high": 12}, "Power Consumption": {"unit": "mA", "low": 1.5}, "Operating Temperature": {"unit": "degC", "low": -40, "high": 85} }, "Urls" : { "Product Pages": ["https://www.seeedstudio.com/GPRS-Shield-V3.0-p-2333.html"], "Datasheets": ["http://www.seeedstudio.com/document/SIM900datasheeet.zip", "http://wiki.seeedstudio.com/wiki/GPRS_Shield_V3.0", "http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/images/7/72/AT_Commands_v1.11.pdf", "http://garden.seeedstudio.com/images/a/a8/SIM900_AT_Command_Manual_V1.03.pdf", "http://garden.seeedstudio.com/images/a/a0/SIM900_ATC_V1_00.pdf"], "Schematics": ["http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/File:GPRS_Shield_v3.0.pdf"] } } } }