/* * Author: Zion Orent <zorent@ics.com> * Copyright (c) 2014 Intel Corporation. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the The MIT License which is available at * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ // Load RTC Clock module for Grove - RTC clock var ds1307 = require('jsupm_ds1307'); // load this on i2c bus 0 var myRTCClockObj = new ds1307.DS1307(0); // always do this first console.log("Loading the current time... "); var result = myRTCClockObj.loadTime(); if (!result) { console.log("myRTCClockObj.loadTime() failed."); process.exit(1); } printTime(myRTCClockObj); // set the year as an example console.log("setting the year to 50"); myRTCClockObj.year = 50; myRTCClockObj.setTime(); // reload the time and print it myRTCClockObj.loadTime(); printTime(myRTCClockObj); function printTime(RTCObj) { var timeStr = "The time is: " + RTCObj.month + "/" + RTCObj.dayOfMonth + "/" + RTCObj.year + " " + RTCObj.hours + ":" + RTCObj.minutes + ":" + RTCObj.seconds; if (RTCObj.amPmMode) timeStr += (RTCObj.pm ? " PM " : " AM "); console.log(timeStr); console.log("Clock is in " + (RTCObj.amPmMode ? "AM/PM mode" : "24hr mode")); }