{ "Library": "rn2903", "Description": "Microchip RN2903 LoRa radio Library", "Sensor Class": { "rn2903": { "Name": "API for the Microchip RN2903 LoRa radio", "Description": "This is the UPM Module for the Microchip RN2903 LoRa radio. The RN2903 is a fully-certified 915 MHz module based on wireless LoRa technology. The RN2903 utilizes a unique spread spectrum modulation within the Sub-GHz band to enable long range, low power, and high network capacity.", "Aliases": ["rn2903"], "Categories": ["wifi"], "Connections": ["uart"], "Project Type": ["prototyping", "commercial"], "Manufacturers": ["Microchip"], "Image": "rn2903.jpg", "Examples": { "Java": ["RN2903_Example.java", "RN2903_P2P_RX_Example.java", "RN2903_P2P_TX_Example.java"], "Python": ["rn2903-p2p-rx.py", "rn2903-p2p-tx.py", "rn2903.py"], "Node.js": ["rn2903-p2p-rx.js", "rn2903-p2p-tx.js", "rn2903.js"], "C++": ["rn2903-p2p-rx.cxx", "rn2903-p2p-tx.cxx", "rn2903.cxx"], "C": ["rn2903-p2p-rx.c", "rn2903-p2p-tx.c", "rn2903.c"] }, "Specifications": { "Vsource": { "unit": "V", "min": 2.1, "max": 3.6 }, "Supply Current": { "unit": "mA", "min" : 185, "max" : 200 }, "Operating Temperature": { "unit": "°C", "min": -40, "max": 85 }, "Frequency Band": { "unit": "MHz", "min": 902.000, "max": 928.000 }, "Effective Range": { "unit": "km", "min": 5, "max": 15 } }, "Urls": { "Product Pages": ["http://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/en/RN2903"], "Datasheets": ["http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/50002390C.pdf"] } } } }