/* Copyright (c) 2014, Nordic Semiconductor ASA * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ /** @file @brief Implementation of the ACI transport layer module */ #include #include "hal_platform.h" #include "hal_aci_tl.h" #include "aci_queue.h" #define HIGH 1 #define LOW 0 #define REVERSE_BITS(byte) (((reverse_lookup[(byte & 0x0F)]) << 4) + reverse_lookup[((byte & 0xF0) >> 4)]) static const uint8_t reverse_lookup[] = { 0, 8, 4, 12, 2, 10, 6, 14,1, 9, 5, 13,3, 11, 7, 15 }; static void m_aci_data_print(hal_aci_data_t *p_data); static void m_aci_event_check(void); static void m_aci_isr(void); static void m_aci_pins_set(aci_pins_t *a_pins_ptr); static inline void m_aci_reqn_disable (void); static inline void m_aci_reqn_enable (void); static void m_aci_q_flush(void); static bool m_aci_spi_transfer(hal_aci_data_t * data_to_send, hal_aci_data_t * received_data); static uint8_t spi_readwrite(uint8_t aci_byte); static bool aci_debug_print = false; aci_queue_t aci_tx_q; aci_queue_t aci_rx_q; static aci_pins_t *a_pins_local_ptr; void m_aci_data_print(hal_aci_data_t *p_data) { const uint8_t length = p_data->buffer[0]; uint8_t i; printf("%d\n", length); printf(" :\n"); for (i=0; i<=length; i++) { printf("%x", p_data->buffer[i]); printf(", "); } printf("\n"); } /* Interrupt service routine called when the RDYN line goes low. Runs the SPI transfer. */ static void m_aci_isr(void) { hal_aci_data_t data_to_send; hal_aci_data_t received_data; // Receive from queue if (!aci_queue_dequeue_from_isr(&aci_tx_q, &data_to_send)) { /* queue was empty, nothing to send */ data_to_send.status_byte = 0; data_to_send.buffer[0] = 0; } // Receive and/or transmit data m_aci_spi_transfer(&data_to_send, &received_data); if (!aci_queue_is_full_from_isr(&aci_rx_q) && !aci_queue_is_empty_from_isr(&aci_tx_q)) { m_aci_reqn_enable(); } // Check if we received data if (received_data.buffer[0] > 0) { if (!aci_queue_enqueue_from_isr(&aci_rx_q, &received_data)) { /* Receive Buffer full. Should never happen. Spin in a while loop. */ while(1); } // Disable ready line interrupt until we have room to store incoming messages if (aci_queue_is_full_from_isr(&aci_rx_q)) { // detachInterrupt(a_pins_local_ptr->interrupt_number); } } return; } /* Checks the RDYN line and runs the SPI transfer if required. */ static void m_aci_event_check(void) { hal_aci_data_t data_to_send; hal_aci_data_t received_data; // No room to store incoming messages if (aci_queue_is_full(&aci_rx_q)) { return; } // If the ready line is disabled and we have pending messages outgoing we enable the request line if (HIGH == mraa_gpio_read (a_pins_local_ptr->m_rdy_ctx)) // if (HIGH == digitalRead(a_pins_local_ptr->rdyn_pin)) { if (!aci_queue_is_empty(&aci_tx_q)) { m_aci_reqn_enable(); } return; } // Receive from queue if (!aci_queue_dequeue(&aci_tx_q, &data_to_send)) { /* queue was empty, nothing to send */ data_to_send.status_byte = 0; data_to_send.buffer[0] = 0; } // Receive and/or transmit data m_aci_spi_transfer(&data_to_send, &received_data); /* If there are messages to transmit, and we can store the reply, we request a new transfer */ if (!aci_queue_is_full(&aci_rx_q) && !aci_queue_is_empty(&aci_tx_q)) { m_aci_reqn_enable(); } // Check if we received data if (received_data.buffer[0] > 0) { if (!aci_queue_enqueue(&aci_rx_q, &received_data)) { /* Receive Buffer full. Should never happen. Spin in a while loop. */ while(1); } } return; } /** @brief Point the low level library at the ACI pins specified * @details * The ACI pins are specified in the application and a pointer is made available for * the low level library to use */ static void m_aci_pins_set(aci_pins_t *a_pins_ptr) { a_pins_local_ptr = a_pins_ptr; } static inline void m_aci_reqn_disable (void) { mraa_gpio_write (a_pins_local_ptr->m_req_ctx, HIGH); } static inline void m_aci_reqn_enable (void) { mraa_gpio_write (a_pins_local_ptr->m_req_ctx, LOW); } static void m_aci_q_flush(void) { // noInterrupts(); /* re-initialize aci cmd queue and aci event queue to flush them*/ aci_queue_init(&aci_tx_q); aci_queue_init(&aci_rx_q); // interrupts(); } static bool m_aci_spi_transfer(hal_aci_data_t * data_to_send, hal_aci_data_t * received_data) { uint8_t byte_cnt; uint8_t byte_sent_cnt; uint8_t max_bytes; m_aci_reqn_enable(); // Send length, receive header byte_sent_cnt = 0; received_data->status_byte = spi_readwrite(data_to_send->buffer[byte_sent_cnt++]); // Send first byte, receive length from slave received_data->buffer[0] = spi_readwrite(data_to_send->buffer[byte_sent_cnt++]); if (0 == data_to_send->buffer[0]) { max_bytes = received_data->buffer[0]; } else { // Set the maximum to the biggest size. One command byte is already sent max_bytes = (received_data->buffer[0] > (data_to_send->buffer[0] - 1)) ? received_data->buffer[0] : (data_to_send->buffer[0] - 1); } if (max_bytes > HAL_ACI_MAX_LENGTH) { max_bytes = HAL_ACI_MAX_LENGTH; } // Transmit/receive the rest of the packet for (byte_cnt = 0; byte_cnt < max_bytes; byte_cnt++) { received_data->buffer[byte_cnt+1] = spi_readwrite(data_to_send->buffer[byte_sent_cnt++]); } // RDYN should follow the REQN line in approx 100ns m_aci_reqn_disable(); return (max_bytes > 0); } void hal_aci_tl_debug_print(bool enable) { aci_debug_print = enable; } void hal_aci_tl_pin_reset(void) { if (UNUSED != a_pins_local_ptr->reset_pin) { // pinMode(a_pins_local_ptr->reset_pin, OUTPUT); if ((REDBEARLAB_SHIELD_V1_1 == a_pins_local_ptr->board_name) || (REDBEARLAB_SHIELD_V2012_07 == a_pins_local_ptr->board_name)) { //The reset for the Redbearlab v1.1 and v2012.07 boards are inverted and has a Power On Reset //circuit that takes about 100ms to trigger the reset mraa_gpio_write (a_pins_local_ptr->m_rst_ctx, HIGH); usleep (100000); mraa_gpio_write (a_pins_local_ptr->m_rst_ctx, LOW); } else { mraa_gpio_write (a_pins_local_ptr->m_rst_ctx, HIGH); mraa_gpio_write (a_pins_local_ptr->m_rst_ctx, LOW); mraa_gpio_write (a_pins_local_ptr->m_rst_ctx, HIGH); } } } bool hal_aci_tl_event_peek(hal_aci_data_t *p_aci_data) { if (!a_pins_local_ptr->interface_is_interrupt) { m_aci_event_check(); } if (aci_queue_peek(&aci_rx_q, p_aci_data)) { return true; } return false; } bool hal_aci_tl_event_get(hal_aci_data_t *p_aci_data) { bool was_full; if (!a_pins_local_ptr->interface_is_interrupt && !aci_queue_is_full(&aci_rx_q)) { m_aci_event_check(); } was_full = aci_queue_is_full(&aci_rx_q); if (aci_queue_dequeue(&aci_rx_q, p_aci_data)) { if (aci_debug_print) { printf(" E"); m_aci_data_print(p_aci_data); } if (was_full && a_pins_local_ptr->interface_is_interrupt) { /* Enable RDY line interrupt again */ // attachInterrupt(a_pins_local_ptr->interrupt_number, m_aci_isr, LOW); } /* Attempt to pull REQN LOW since we've made room for new messages */ if (!aci_queue_is_full(&aci_rx_q) && !aci_queue_is_empty(&aci_tx_q)) { m_aci_reqn_enable(); } return true; } return false; } void hal_aci_tl_init(aci_pins_t *a_pins, bool debug) { mraa_result_t error = MRAA_SUCCESS; aci_debug_print = debug; /* Needs to be called as the first thing for proper intialization*/ m_aci_pins_set(a_pins); /* * Init SPI */ a_pins->m_spi = mraa_spi_init (0); if (a_pins->m_spi == NULL) { printf ("[ERROR] SPI failed to initilize\n"); } mraa_spi_frequency (a_pins->m_spi, 2000000); mraa_spi_mode (a_pins->m_spi, MRAA_SPI_MODE0); mraa_spi_lsbmode (a_pins->m_spi, 1); /* Initialize the ACI Command queue. This must be called after the delay above. */ aci_queue_init(&aci_tx_q); aci_queue_init(&aci_rx_q); // Configure the IO lines a_pins->m_rdy_ctx = mraa_gpio_init (a_pins->rdyn_pin); if (a_pins->m_rdy_ctx == NULL) { printf ("[ERROR] GPIO failed to initilize \n"); } a_pins->m_req_ctx = mraa_gpio_init (a_pins->reqn_pin); if (a_pins->m_req_ctx == NULL) { printf ("[ERROR] GPIO failed to initilize \n"); } a_pins->m_rst_ctx = mraa_gpio_init (a_pins->reset_pin); if (a_pins->m_rst_ctx == NULL) { printf ("[ERROR] GPIO failed to initilize \n"); } error = mraa_gpio_dir (a_pins->m_rdy_ctx, MRAA_GPIO_IN); if (error != MRAA_SUCCESS) { printf ("[ERROR] GPIO failed to initilize \n"); } error = mraa_gpio_dir (a_pins->m_req_ctx, MRAA_GPIO_OUT); if (error != MRAA_SUCCESS) { printf ("[ERROR] GPIO failed to initilize \n"); } error = mraa_gpio_dir (a_pins->m_rst_ctx, MRAA_GPIO_OUT); if (error != MRAA_SUCCESS) { printf ("[ERROR] GPIO failed to initilize \n"); } if (UNUSED != a_pins->active_pin) { } /* Pin reset the nRF8001, required when the nRF8001 setup is being changed */ hal_aci_tl_pin_reset(); /* Set the nRF8001 to a known state as required by the datasheet*/ mraa_gpio_write (a_pins->m_req_ctx, LOW); usleep(30000); //Wait for the nRF8001 to get hold of its lines - the lines float for a few ms after the reset /* Attach the interrupt to the RDYN line as requested by the caller */ if (a_pins->interface_is_interrupt) { // We use the LOW level of the RDYN line as the atmega328 can wakeup from sleep only on LOW // attachInterrupt(a_pins->interrupt_number, m_aci_isr, LOW); } } bool hal_aci_tl_send(hal_aci_data_t *p_aci_cmd) { const uint8_t length = p_aci_cmd->buffer[0]; bool ret_val = false; if (length > HAL_ACI_MAX_LENGTH) { return false; } ret_val = aci_queue_enqueue(&aci_tx_q, p_aci_cmd); if (ret_val) { if(!aci_queue_is_full(&aci_rx_q)) { // Lower the REQN only when successfully enqueued m_aci_reqn_enable(); } } return ret_val; } static uint8_t spi_readwrite(const uint8_t aci_byte) { uint8_t reversed, ret; reversed = mraa_spi_write (a_pins_local_ptr->m_spi, REVERSE_BITS (aci_byte)); ret = REVERSE_BITS (reversed); return ret; } bool hal_aci_tl_rx_q_empty (void) { return aci_queue_is_empty(&aci_rx_q); } bool hal_aci_tl_rx_q_full (void) { return aci_queue_is_full(&aci_rx_q); } bool hal_aci_tl_tx_q_empty (void) { return aci_queue_is_empty(&aci_tx_q); } bool hal_aci_tl_tx_q_full (void) { return aci_queue_is_full(&aci_tx_q); } void hal_aci_tl_q_flush (void) { m_aci_q_flush(); }