Niti Rohilla 07f3029f10 upm: enable LIDAR-Lite V3 Optical Distance Measurement sensor library
and example

LIDAR-Lite v3, a compact, high-performance optical distance measurement
sensor from Garmin™. It is the ideal solution for drone, robot or unmanned
vehicle applications.

The library provided is libupm-lidarlitev3.so
The example provided is lidarlitev3.cxx where it will print the distance
of object/obstacle from the sensor.

The image of the sensor is at docs/images/lidarlitev3.jpg

Signed-off-by: Saloni Jain <saloni.jain@tcs.com>
Signed-off-by: Niti Rohilla <niti.rohilla@tcs.com>
Signed-off-by: Abhishek Malik <abhishek.malik@intel.com>
2017-05-19 10:27:53 -07:00

14 lines
231 B
OpenEdge ABL

// Include doxygen-generated documentation
%include "pyupm_doxy2swig.i"
%module pyupm_lidarlitev3
%include "../upm.i"
%include "stdint.i"
%feature("autodoc", "3");
%include "lidarlitev3.hpp"
#include "lidarlitev3.hpp"