Jon Trulson dac31a0347 speaker: Add pwm functionality and 5 new examples to demonstrate
These changes add the ability to intialize a speaker instance to use a
PWM pin instead of a standard GPIO pin in order to emit sounds.

The current GPIO functionality is fairly constrained by the
implementation -- it only permits playing cerain hardcoded "notes".

The PWM support allows one to emit specific frequencies (currently
between 50-32Khz) using a PWM pin.  Of course, you may still be
constrained by the limits of your PWM hardware in the end.

There are a few new functions provided to support this PWM mode.  To
use the PWM mode of speaker, use the speaker_init_pwm() initialization
routine instead of speaker_init() (for C). For C++ and the SWIG
languages, pass "true" as the second argument to the constructor to
enable PWM mode.  The default is "false", to match current default
behavior (GPIO).

Functions that are not related to a given mode (GPIO vs. PWM) will do
nothing if not usable in that mode.

Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <jtrulson@ics.com>
2017-02-01 17:08:05 -07:00

163 lines
5.0 KiB

# Extract module name from non-standard example name
macro(get_module_name example_name module_name)
string(LENGTH ${example_name} length)
string(FIND ${example_name} "-" index)
if (${index} GREATER 1)
string(SUBSTRING ${example_name} 0 ${index} substr)
set(${module_name} ${substr})
elseif (${example_name} MATCHES "^grove")
set (${module_name} "grove")
elseif ((${example_name} MATCHES "^mq" AND ${length} EQUAL 3) OR ${example_name} STREQUAL "tp401")
set (${module_name} "gas")
set(${module_name} ${example_name})
# Set source file, include and linker settings for an example
# If example cannot be built, example_bin is cleared
macro(add_custom_example example_bin example_src example_module_list)
set(found_all_modules TRUE)
foreach (module ${example_module_list})
if (NOT EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${module}")
set(found_all_modules FALSE)
list(FIND MODULE_LIST ${module} index)
if (${index} EQUAL -1)
set(found_all_modules FALSE)
if (found_all_modules)
add_executable (${example_bin} ${example_src})
target_link_libraries (${example_bin} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
foreach (module ${example_module_list})
set(module_dir "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${module}")
include_directories (${module_dir})
if (${module} STREQUAL "lcd")
set(module "i2clcd")
target_link_libraries (${example_bin} ${module}-c)
message (WARNING "Ignored ${example_bin}")
set (example_bin "")
# Add specified example by name
# Note special case for grove based examples
macro(add_example example_name)
set(example_src "${example_name}.c")
set(example_bin "${example_name}-example-c")
get_module_name(${example_name} module_name)
set(module_dir "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${module_name}")
if (EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${example_src}"
AND EXISTS ${module_dir}
AND IS_DIRECTORY ${module_dir})
add_custom_example(${example_bin} ${example_src} ${module_name})
if ((NOT ${example_bin} STREQUAL "") AND (${module_name} STREQUAL "grove"))
set(grove_module_path "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${example_name}")
if (EXISTS ${grove_module_path})
target_link_libraries (${example_bin} ${example_name})
message (WARNING "Ignored ${example_bin}")
# UPM c include directories
include_directories (${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include
# Set the mraa include and link directories prior to adding examples
include_directories (${MRAA_INCLUDE_DIRS})
link_directories (${MRAA_LIBDIR})
# If your sample source file matches the name of the module it tests, add it here
# Exceptions are as follows:
# string after first '-' is ignored (e.g. nrf24l01-transmitter maps to nrf24l01)
# mq? will use module gas
# grove* will use module grove
add_example (dfrph)
add_example (nmea_gps)
add_example (mma7361)
add_example (bh1750)
add_example (urm37)
add_example (urm37-uart)
add_example (hka5)
add_example (dfrorp)
add_example (vdiv)
add_example (mqx)
add_example (o2)
add_example (emg)
add_example (gsr)
add_example (light)
add_example (ldt0028)
add_example (joystick12)
add_example (flex)
add_example (slide)
add_example (mq303a)
add_example (m24lr64e)
add_example (mpr121)
add_example (servo)
add_example (a110x)
add_example (gp2y0a)
add_example (ttp223)
add_example (loudness)
add_example (tsl2561)
add_example (collision)
add_example (moisture)
add_example (led)
add_example (ds18b20)
add_example (dfrec)
add_example (sht1x)
add_example (water)
add_example (yg1006)
add_example (biss0001)
add_example (bmi160)
add_example (jhd1313m1)
add_example (lm35)
add_example (rotaryencoder)
add_example (rpr220)
add_example (md)
add_example (linefinder)
add_example (uln200xa)
add_example (mma7660)
add_example (buzzer)
add_example (ppd42ns)
add_example (guvas12d)
add_example (otp538u)
add_example (button)
add_example (my9221)
add_example (ms5803)
add_example (ims)
add_example (ecezo)
add_example (mb704x)
add_example (mcp2515)
add_example (max30100)
add_example (speaker)
add_example (cjq4435)
add_example (hmc5883l)
add_example (wfs)
add_example (enc03r)
add_example (nunchuck)
# Custom examples
add_custom_example (nmea_gps_i2c-example-c nmea_gps_i2c.c nmea_gps)
add_custom_example (lcm1602-i2c-example-c lcm1602-i2c.c lcm1602)
add_custom_example (lcm1602-parallel-example-c lcm1602-parallel.c lcm1602)
add_custom_example (rpr220-intr-example-c rpr220-intr.c rpr220)
add_custom_example (md-stepper-example-c md-stepper.c md)
add_custom_example (button_intr-example-c button_intr.c button)
add_custom_example (mcp2515-txrx-example-c mcp2515-txrx.c mcp2515)
add_custom_example (le910-example-c le910.c uartat)
add_custom_example (speaker_pwm-example-c speaker_pwm.c speaker)