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synced 2025-03-17 22:17:28 +03:00

This commit attempts to use a more cmake-friendly approach when handling inter-target dependencies. A combination of macros and include_directories usage provided overzealous compile -I/blah entries which equates to large catch-all build commands. For example, the last CXX target contains include directories for nearly all preceeding targets (~190). Library dependencies were also often wrong or missing. * Removed nearly all used of include_directories (swig cmake commands still appear to need these for generating the swig command line) * Updated usage of target_link_libraries in upm_module_init, also changed to using target_include_directories per target. This greatly simplifies upm/mixed_module_init usage for libraries which depend on other libraries (in this project). example (src/tb7300/CMakeLists.txt) old: # upm-libbacnetmstp will bring in libbacnet, I hope set (reqlibname "upm-bacnetmstp") include_directories(${BACNET_INCLUDE_DIRS}) include_directories("../bacnetmstp") upm_module_init() upm_target_link_libraries(${libname} bacnetmstp) new: upm_module_init(bacnetmstp) The reason here, is that tb7300 depends on bacnetmstp, which depends on BACNET includes/libs, so tb7300 gets the headers and libraries transitively via its dependency on bacnetmstp. * Updated pkg-config .pc file generation flow to reflect changes with dependencies. * Create a real target for the interfaces (CXX abstract sensor classes). Renamed the directory from 'upm/src/upm' to 'upm/src/interfaces' Also changed the install location of the interface headers to include/upm/interfaces. Updated interface header usage to reflect this. * Updated a few sensor libs to use fwd declarations for mraa. Ideally the UPM libs would do more of this which eases the burden on anyone building on top of the sensor libraries since they would not need to know about mraa headers. * Fixed examples which use symbols not defined in local includes Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <noel.eck@intel.com>
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526 lines
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* Author: Jon Trulson <jtrulson@ics.com>
* Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
* the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <upm.h>
#include <mraa/i2c.h>
#include <mraa/spi.h>
#include <mraa/gpio.h>
#include "mcp2515_regs.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @file mcp2515
* @library mcp2515
* @brief C API for the MCP2515 CAN bus controller
* @include mcp2515.c
* @include mcp2515_regs.c
* Device context
typedef struct _mcp2515_context {
mraa_spi_context spi;
// CS pin, if we are using one
mraa_gpio_context gpio;
// interrupt, if enabled
mraa_gpio_context intr;
} *mcp2515_context;
* MCP2515 initializer
* @param bus spi bus to use
* @param cs_pin The GPIO pin to use for Chip Select (CS). Pass
* pass -1 if your CS is handled automatically by your SPI
* implementation (Edison).
* @return an initialized device context on success, NULL on error.
mcp2515_context mcp2515_init(int bus, int cs_pin);
* MCP2515 close
* @param dev Device context.
void mcp2515_close(mcp2515_context dev);
* Reset the device.
* @param dev Device context.
* @return UPM result.
upm_result_t mcp2515_reset(const mcp2515_context dev);
* Set the operating mode of the device. After initialization
* (mcp2515_init()), the device mode will be set to NORMAL. Note
* that some operations require the device to be placed into CONFIG
* mode. This function will wait until the selected mode has been
* entered.
* @param dev Device context.
* @param opmode One of the MCP2515_OPMODE_T values.
* @return UPM result.
upm_result_t mcp2515_set_opmode(const mcp2515_context dev,
MCP2515_OPMODE_T opmode);
* Set the baud rate of the CAN bus. All devices on a given CAN
* bus must be operating at the correct speed. The device must be
* switched into CONFIG mode bofore this function will have any
* effect. On initialization (mcp2515_init()), the default CAN
* bus speed will be set to 50Kbps.
* @param dev Device context.
* @param speed One of the MCP2515_SPEED_T values.
* @return UPM result.
upm_result_t mcp2515_set_speed(const mcp2515_context dev,
MCP2515_SPEED_T speed);
* Load a transmit buffer with the id, payload, and other
* information. This function does not actually transmit the
* buffer. There are 3 TX buffers available. The buffer must be
* free (ie: not awaiting transmit) before it can be loaded. Once
* a TX buffer has been successfully loaded, it can be transmitted
* with the mcp2515_transmit_buffer() function.
* @param dev Device context.
* @param bufnum The buffer to load. One of the
* MCP2515_TX_BUFFER_T values.
* @param id The integer representation of the CAN bus ID.
* @param ext True if the ID is an extended identifier, false otherwise.
* @param rtr True if this is a Remote Transfer Request, false otherwise.
* @param payload A pointer to an array of bytes that make up the
* payload to send.
* @param len The length of the payload. The length is limited to
* 8.
* @return UPM result.
upm_result_t mcp2515_load_tx_buffer(const mcp2515_context dev,
MCP2515_TX_BUFFER_T bufnum,
int id, bool ext, bool rtr,
uint8_t *payload, int len);
* Transmit a buffer already loaded by mcp2515_load_tx_buffer().
* @param dev Device context.
* @param bufnum The buffer to transmit. One of the
* MCP2515_TX_BUFFER_T values.
* @param wait True if the function should wait until transmission
* is complete before returning, false otherwise.
* @return UPM result.
upm_result_t mcp2515_transmit_buffer(const mcp2515_context dev,
MCP2515_TX_BUFFER_T bufnum,
bool wait);
* Determine whether a TX buffer is available for use or not. A TX
* buffer is unavailable if a transmit request is pending on it,
* but transmission has not yet completed.
* @param dev Device context.
* @param bufnum The buffer to check. One of the
* MCP2515_TX_BUFFER_T values.
* @return True if the buffer is availabe, false otherwise.
bool mcp2515_tx_buffer_is_free(const mcp2515_context dev,
MCP2515_TX_BUFFER_T bufnum);
* Find a free TX buffer and return it.
* @param dev Device context.
* @return One of the MCP2515_TX_BUFFER_T values. If no buffers
* are available, MCP2515_TX_NO_BUFFERS will be returned.
MCP2515_TX_BUFFER_T mcp2515_find_free_tx_buffer(const mcp2515_context dev);
* Set the transmit priority of a TX buffer. Higher priority
* buffers are always transmitted before lower priority buffers.
* This function can be called on a buffer at any time prior to
* actual transmission.
* @param dev Device context.
* @param bufnum The buffer to set priority for. One of the
* MCP2515_TX_BUFFER_T values.
* @param priority The priority to set for the buffer. One of the
* MCP2515_TXP_T values.
* @return UPM result.
upm_result_t mcp2515_set_tx_buffer_priority(const mcp2515_context dev,
MCP2515_TX_BUFFER_T bufnum,
MCP2515_TXP_T priority);
* Abort a transmission that has been queued, but not yet
* completed. This will also free up the TX buffer for future
* use. Note, if you abort a transmission, but transmission has
* already started, this call will have no effect, and the buffer
* will complete transmission.
* @param dev Device context.
* @param bufnum The buffer to abort. One of the
* MCP2515_TX_BUFFER_T values.
* @return UPM result.
upm_result_t mcp2515_abort_tx(const mcp2515_context dev,
MCP2515_TX_BUFFER_T bufnum);
* Set the mode for an RX buffer. The mode specifies, at a high
* level, what packets should be captured from the bus and placed
* into an RX buffer. See the datasheet for details, but the
* default, MCP2515_RXMODE_ANY_FILTER, should be sufficient in
* most cases. It is also possible to use this to restrict the
* types of CAN ids accepted (extended only, standard only) as
* well as a debug ANY_NOFILTER mode.
* @param dev Device context.
* @param bufnum The buffer to set the mode for. One of the
* MCP2515_RX_BUFFER_T values.
* @param rxm The mode to set. One of the MCP2515_RXMODE_T values.
* @return UPM result.
upm_result_t mcp2515_set_rx_buffer_mode(const mcp2515_context dev,
MCP2515_RX_BUFFER_T bufnum,
MCP2515_RXMODE_T rxm);
* Return a bitmask indicating which of the 2 RX buffers have
* packets waiting in them. This can be 0 (no packets), 1(RXB0),
* 2(RXB1), or 3 (RXB0 and RXB1). This information is retrieved
* using the MCP2515_CMD_RX_STATUS command.
* @param dev Device context.
* @return A bitmask indicating which RX buffers (if any) have
* packets in them. One of the MCP2515_RXMSG_T values.
MCP2515_RXMSG_T mcp2515_rx_status_msgs(const mcp2515_context dev);
* Return the message type present in one of the RX buffers. RXB0
* has the highest priority, so if both RX buffers are full, this
* function will only return data for the packet in RXB0. This
* information is retrieved using the MCP2515_CMD_RX_STATUS
* command.
* @param dev Device context.
* @return One of the MCP2515_MSGTYPE_T values.
MCP2515_MSGTYPE_T mcp2515_rx_status_msg_type(const mcp2515_context dev);
* Return the filter that matched an RX buffer. RXB0 has the
* highest priority, so if both RX buffers are full, this function
* will only return data for the packet in RXB0. This information
* is retrieved using the MCP2515_CMD_RX_STATUS command.
* @param dev Device context.
* @return One of the MCP2515_FILTERMATCH_T values.
MCP2515_FILTERMATCH_T mcp2515_rx_status_filtermatch(const mcp2515_context dev);
* This function retrieves a message from the specified RX buffer.
* The message (MCP2515_MSG_T) contains all of the data in the
* packet, including id, rtr, ext, payload and payload length. In
* addition, after retrieving the message, the RX buffer is freed
* to receive further data from the CAN bus.
* @param dev Device context.
* @param bufnum The buffer to retrieve. One of the
* MCP2515_RX_BUFFER_T values.
* @param msg A pointer to a MCP2515_MSG_T, which will be filled
* with the decoded contents of the RX buffer.
* @return UPM result.
upm_result_t mcp2515_get_rx_msg(const mcp2515_context dev,
MCP2515_RX_BUFFER_T bufnum,
MCP2515_MSG_T *msg);
* This is a utility function that accepts a MCP2515_MSG_T and
* prints out it's decoded contents. This is of primary
* importance for debugging, and to simplify the examples
* somewhat.
* The output will look similar to:
* id 00000000 ext 0 rtr 0 filt 0 len 8
* payload: 0xc8 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07
* @param dev Device context.
* @param msg A pointer to a MCP2515_MSG_T containing the data to
* be printed out.
void mcp2515_print_msg(const mcp2515_context dev, MCP2515_MSG_T *msg);
* Installs an interrupt service routine (ISR) to be called when
* an interrupt occurs.
* @param dev Device context.
* @param pin GPIO pin to use as the interrupt pin.
* @param fptr Pointer to a function to be called on interrupt.
* @param arg Pointer to an object to be supplied as an
* argument to the ISR.
* @return UPM result.
upm_result_t mcp2515_install_isr(const mcp2515_context dev, int pin,
void (*isr)(void *), void *arg);
* Uninstalls the previously installed ISR
* @param dev Device context.
void mcp2515_uninstall_isr(const mcp2515_context dev);
* Set the interrupt enables register.
* @param dev Device context.
* @param enables A bitmask of interrupts to enable from
* @return UPM result.
upm_result_t mcp2515_set_intr_enables(const mcp2515_context dev,
uint8_t enables);
* Retrieve the interrupt flags register.
* @param dev Device context.
* @param flags A pointer to a bitmask that will be filled with
* values from MCP2515_CANINT_BITS_T, indicating which interrupt
* flags are set.
* @return UPM result.
upm_result_t mcp2515_get_intr_flags(const mcp2515_context dev,
uint8_t *flags);
* This function allows you to set specific interrupt flags. If
* the corresponding interrupt enable is set, an interrupt will be
* generated.
* @param dev Device context.
* @param flags A bitmask of interrupt flags to set, from
* MCP2515_CANINT_BITS_T values.
* @return UPM result.
upm_result_t mcp2515_set_intr_flags(const mcp2515_context dev,
uint8_t flags);
* This function allows you to clear specific interrupt flags.
* See the datasheet. Some flags cannot be cleared until the
* underlying cause has been corrected.
* @param dev Device context.
* @param flags A bitmask of interrupt flags to clear, from
* MCP2515_CANINT_BITS_T values.
* @return UPM result.
upm_result_t mcp2515_clear_intr_flags(const mcp2515_context dev,
uint8_t flags);
* Retrieve the error flags register
* @param dev Device context.
* @param flags A pointer to a uint8_t that will hold the flags
* with values from MCP2515_EFLG_BITS_T.
* @return UPM result.
upm_result_t mcp2515_get_error_flags(const mcp2515_context dev,
uint8_t *flags);
* Clear error flags. Note, some flags cannot be cleared
* until the underlying issues is resolved.
* @param dev Device context.
* @param flags A bitmask of values from MCP2515_EFLG_BITS_T
* specifying the flags to clear.
* @return UPM result.
upm_result_t mcp2515_clear_error_flags(const mcp2515_context dev,
uint8_t flags);
* This function allows you to set one of the 6 RX filters
* available. Filters 0 and 1 are for RXB0 only, while filters
* 2-5 are for RXB1. See the datasheet for details on how these
* filters (along with the masks) are used to select candidate CAN
* bus data for retrieval from the CAN bus.
* These can only be set when the device is in CONFIG mode.
* @param dev Device context.
* @param filter One of the 6 MCP2515_RX_FILTER_T values.
* @param ext True if the id is extended, false for standard.
* @param id Integer representation of a CAN bus ID.
* @return UPM result.
upm_result_t mcp2515_set_filter(const mcp2515_context dev,
MCP2515_RX_FILTER_T filter, bool ext,
int id);
* This function allows you to set one of the 2 RX masks. Mask 0
* is for RXB0, mask 1 is for RXB1. The masks specify which bits
* in the filters are used for matching CAN bus data. See the
* datasheet for details on how these masks (along with the
* filters) are used to select candidate CAN bus data for retrieval
* from the CAN bus.
* These can only be set when the device is in CONFIG mode.
* @param dev Device context.
* @param mask One of the 2 MCP2515_RX_MASK_T values.
* @param ext True if the id is extended, false for standard.
* @param id Integer representation of a CAN bus ID.
* @return UPM result.
upm_result_t mcp2515_set_mask(const mcp2515_context dev,
MCP2515_RX_MASK_T mask, bool ext, int id);
* Perform a bus read. This function is exposed here for those
* users wishing to perform their own low level accesses. This is
* a low level function, and should not be used unless you know
* what you are doing.
* @param dev Device context.
* @param cmd The command to send.
* @param args An array of arguments, or NULL.
* @param arglen The number of args, or 0.
* @param data A pointer to a buffer in which data will be read into.
* @param len The number of bytes to read.
* @return UPM result.
upm_result_t mcp2515_bus_read(const mcp2515_context dev, uint8_t cmd,
uint8_t *args, unsigned int arglen,
uint8_t *data, uint8_t len);
* Perform a bus write. This function is exposed here for those
* users wishing to perform their own low level accesses. This is
* a low level function, and should not be used unless you know
* what you are doing.
* @param dev Device context
* @param cmd The command to send.
* @param data A pointer to a buffer containing data to write.
* @param len The number of bytes to write.
* @return UPM Status
upm_result_t mcp2515_bus_write(const mcp2515_context dev, uint8_t cmd,
uint8_t *data, uint8_t len);
* Write to a specific register. This function is exposed here
* for those users wishing to perform their own low level
* accesses. This is a low level function, and should not be used
* unless you know what you are doing.
* @param dev Device context
* @param reg The register to write to.
* @param value The byte to write.
* @return UPM Status
upm_result_t mcp2515_write_reg(const mcp2515_context dev, uint8_t reg,
uint8_t value);
* Write to multiple consecutive registers. This function is
* exposed here for those users wishing to perform their own low
* level accesses. This is a low level function, and should not
* be used unless you know what you are doing.
* @param dev Device context
* @param reg The register to start writing to.
* @param buffer A pointer to an array of bytes to write.
* @param len The number of bytes to write.
* @return UPM Status
upm_result_t mcp2515_write_regs(const mcp2515_context dev, uint8_t reg,
uint8_t *buffer, int len);
* Read a register. This function is exposed here for those users
* wishing to perform their own low level accesses. This is a low
* level function, and should not be used unless you know what you
* are doing.
* @param dev Device context
* @param reg The register to read.
* @param buffer A pointer to a a byte where the value will be placed.
* @return UPM Status
upm_result_t mcp2515_read_reg(const mcp2515_context dev, uint8_t reg,
uint8_t *value);
* Perform a bit modify operation on a register. Only certain
* registers support this method of access - check the datasheet.
* This function is exposed here for those users wishing to
* perform their own low level accesses. This is a low level
* function, and should not be used unless you know what you are
* doing.
* @param dev Device context
* @param addr The address of the register to access.
* @param mask A bitmask used to mask off value bits.
* @param value The value to write (bits masked by mask).
* @return UPM Status
upm_result_t mcp2515_bit_modify(const mcp2515_context dev, uint8_t addr,
uint8_t mask, uint8_t value);
#ifdef __cplusplus