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synced 2025-03-15 04:57:30 +03:00

Cleanup of UPM C++ examples. Switched from heap allocation to stack allocation when possible. This simplifies the samples since it removes the need for explicit memory management. A script was used to identify and replace pointer use. To simplify the replace script, I re-formatted the C++ examples using the UPM .clang-format file. Unfortuantely this changes the look of the UPM C++ examples to a large degree. However, examples will now have a standard look/feel and uniform formatting. * Ran clang-format w/provided UPM .clang-format file * Removed new's/delete's whenever possible (left those in interface examples) * Added IIO sensor library implementation of callback void* arg * Converted all sleeps to upm defined delays (added header when necessary) * Scrubbed CXX example includes Signed-off-by: Noel Eck <noel.eck@intel.com>
121 lines
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121 lines
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# Add an example executable target for the provided source file which depends
# on a UPM library target. Strings after the first '-' are ignored.
# Usage:
# add_example(source_file TARGETS <target0> <target1> <targetn> SUFFIX <target_suffix>)
# Parameters:
# source_file - C/C++ source file. Filename must follow a specific format:
# <library>-[additional].c(xx)
# library: Name of UPM library required by example
# -additional: Any other string used to identify the example
# TARGETS - Additional dependency target/s required to BUILD/RUN this example. If TARGETS is
# set, these are in addition to the dependency library provided by the example filename.
# SUFFIX - Provide a means to differentiate between C/C++ dependency targets and
# example names. Leave empty for CXX examples. Use '-c' for c targets.
# SUFFIX Example file Dependency target Example binary
# ------ ------------ ----------------- --------------
# "-c" foo.c foo-c foo-example-c
# foo.cxx foo foo-example-cxx
# Parent scope variable:
# example_src_list - Any example target which is successfully created by
# add_example will be removed from the parent scope variable
# example_src_list (if it exists). This provides a means to handle
# special case examples BEFORE handling all files in example_src_list.
# Examples:
# # Creates sensorfoo-example-cxx, depends on target: sensorfoo
# add_example(sensorfoo.cxx)
# # Creates sensorfoo-example-c, depends on target: sensorfoo-c
# add_example(sensorfoo.c SUFFIX "-c")
# # Creates sensorfoo-bar-example-c, depends on target: sensorfoo-c
# add_example(sensorfoo-bar.c SUFFIX "-c")
# # Creates testfoobar-cxx, depends on targets: blib, blah
# add_example(testfoobar.c TARGETS blib blah)
# Examples:
# a110x.c Requires libupmc-a110x
# lcm1602-i2c.c Requires libupmc-lcm1602
# bmp280-bme280.c Requires libupmc-bmp280
# i2clcd-eboled.cxx Requires libupm-i2clcd
function (add_example example_src)
set (oneValueArgs SUFFIX)
set (multiValueArgs TARGETS)
# Parse function parameters
cmake_parse_arguments(add_example "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
# Attempt to remove this example source file from a list of example
# sources. This allows for handling special case examples.
list (REMOVE_ITEM example_src_list ${example_src})
set (example_src_list ${example_src_list} PARENT_SCOPE)
# Get the base filename from the full filename
# For file /some/path/to/sensorfoo-bar.c, example_name = sensorfoo-bar
get_filename_component(example_name ${example_src} NAME_WE)
# Parse out <library>
# Example: sensorfoo-bar.c, library = sensorfoo
string (REPLACE "-" ";" split_name ${example_name})
list (GET split_name 0 library_name)
# Parse dependency target name from example_src filename (add on suffix)
# For sensorfoo, lib_target_names = sensorfoo-c
set (lib_target_names "${library_name}${add_example_SUFFIX}")
# If TARGETS is provided, add additional dependency targets
if (add_example_TARGETS)
list (APPEND lib_target_names "${add_example_TARGETS}")
endif ()
# Unfortunately, c++ and c library targets are not named the same. If
# no suffix is provided, assume C++ and add a suffix of -cxx to the
# example target name
# library example target
# c: sensorfoo-c sensorfoo-bar-example-c
# cxx: sensorfoo sensorfoo-bar-example-cxx
if (NOT add_example_SUFFIX)
set(add_example_SUFFIX "-cxx")
endif ()
# Create the target name for this example: mylibrary-bar-example-c
set (this_target_name "${example_name}-example${add_example_SUFFIX}")
# If a dependency target does NOT exist, print a warning and skip
foreach(_dep_target ${lib_target_names})
if (NOT TARGET ${_dep_target})
message(STATUS "Example ${example_src} is missing a required CMake target (${_dep_target}), skipping...")
endif ()
endforeach ()
# Create an executable target for this example
add_executable (${this_target_name} ${example_src})
# Add each dependency to the library target
foreach(_dep_target ${lib_target_names})
target_link_libraries(${this_target_name} ${_dep_target} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT} utilities-c)
endforeach ()
endfunction (add_example example_src)
# Add subdirectories if BUILDEXAMPLES=on
# Add C examples
add_subdirectory (c)
# Add C++ examples?
add_subdirectory (c++)
endif ()
# Add java examples?
add_subdirectory (java)