Jon Trulson 899d873cbc e50hx: Initial implementation
This driver requires the UPM BACNETMSTP driver (PR #385) to be merged

This module implements support for the Veris E50H2 and E50H5
BACnet Energy Meters.

From the datasheet: The E50H5 BACnet MS/TP DIN Rail Meter with
Data Logging combines exceptional performance and easy
installation to deliver a cost-effective solution for power
monitoring applications. Native serial communication via BACnet
MS/TP provides complete accessibility of all measurements to your
Building Automation System. The data logging capability protects
data in the event of a power failure. The E50H5 can be easily
installed on standard DIN rail, surface mounted or contained in
an optional NEMA 4 enclosure, as needed. The front-panel LCD
display makes device installation and setup easy and provides
local access to the full set of detailed measurements.

This module was developed using the upm::BACNETMSTP module, based
on libbacnet-stack 0.8.3.  Both libbacnet 0.8.3 and the
upm::BACNETMSTP libraries must be present in order to build this
module.  This driver was developed on the E50H5.  The Trend Log
functionality is not currently supported.

The Binary Input Objects are also not supported as these are only
used for the Alarm bits which are already available from Analog
Input Object 52 as an alarm bitfield incorporating all of the
supported alarm indicators.

It was connected using an RS232->RS485 interface.  You cannot use
the built in MCU TTL UART pins for accessing this device -- you
must use a full Serial RS232->RS485 or USB-RS485 interface
connected via USB.

Signed-off-by: Jon Trulson <jtrulson@ics.com>
Signed-off-by: Mihai Tudor Panu <mihai.tudor.panu@intel.com>
2016-04-15 10:00:04 -07:00

290 lines
8.6 KiB

# Extract module name from non-standard example name
macro(get_module_name example_name module_name)
string(LENGTH ${example_name} length)
string(FIND ${example_name} "-" index)
if (${index} GREATER 1)
string(SUBSTRING ${example_name} 0 ${index} substr)
set(${module_name} ${substr})
elseif (${example_name} MATCHES "^grove")
set (${module_name} "grove")
elseif ((${example_name} MATCHES "^mq" AND ${length} EQUAL 3) OR ${example_name} STREQUAL "tp401")
set (${module_name} "gas")
set(${module_name} ${example_name})
# Set source file, include and linker settings for an example
# If example cannot be built, example_bin is cleared
macro(add_custom_example example_bin example_src example_module_list)
set(found_all_modules TRUE)
foreach (module ${example_module_list})
if (NOT EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${module}")
set(found_all_modules FALSE)
list(FIND MODULE_LIST ${module} index)
if (${index} EQUAL -1)
set(found_all_modules FALSE)
if (found_all_modules)
add_executable (${example_bin} ${example_src})
target_link_libraries (${example_bin} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
foreach (module ${example_module_list})
set(module_dir "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${module}")
include_directories (${module_dir})
if (${module} STREQUAL "lcd")
set(module "i2clcd")
target_link_libraries (${example_bin} ${module})
MESSAGE(INFO " Ignored ${example_bin}")
set (example_bin "")
# Add specified example by name
# Note special case for grove based examples
macro(add_example example_name)
set(example_src "${example_name}.cxx")
set(example_bin "${example_name}-example")
get_module_name(${example_name} module_name)
set(module_dir "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${module_name}")
if (EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${example_src}"
AND EXISTS ${module_dir}
AND IS_DIRECTORY ${module_dir})
add_custom_example(${example_bin} ${example_src} ${module_name})
if ((NOT ${example_bin} STREQUAL "") AND (${module_name} STREQUAL "grove"))
set(grove_module_path "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${example_name}")
if (EXISTS ${grove_module_path})
target_link_libraries (${example_bin} ${example_name})
MESSAGE(INFO " Ignored ${example_bin}")
# Set the mraa include and link directories prior to adding examples
include_directories (${MRAA_INCLUDE_DIRS})
link_directories (${MRAA_LIBDIR})
# If your sample source file matches the name of the module it tests, add it here
# Exceptions are as follows:
# string after first '-' is ignored (e.g. nrf24l01-transmitter maps to nrf24l01)
# mq? will use module gas
# grove* will use module grove
add_example (hmc5883l)
add_example (groveled)
add_example (groverelay)
add_example (grovelight)
add_example (grovetemp)
add_example (grovebutton)
add_example (groverotary)
add_example (groveslide)
add_example (buzzer-sound)
add_example (nrf24l01-transmitter)
add_example (nrf24l01-receiver)
add_example (nrf24l01-broadcast)
add_example (hcsr04)
add_example (max44000)
add_example (mma7455)
add_example (st7735)
add_example (max31855)
add_example (bmpx8x)
add_example (stepmotor)
add_example (pulsensor)
add_example (mic)
add_example (mpu9150)
add_example (maxds3231m)
add_example (max31723)
add_example (max5487)
add_example (nrf8001-broadcast)
add_example (nrf8001-helloworld)
add_example (lpd8806)
add_example (mlx90614)
add_example (ecs1030)
add_example (mq2)
add_example (mq3)
add_example (mq4)
add_example (mq5)
add_example (mq6)
add_example (mq7)
add_example (mq8)
add_example (mq9)
add_example (tp401)
add_example (tcs3414cs)
add_example (th02)
add_example (ttp223)
add_example (lsm303)
add_example (joystick12)
add_example (lol)
add_example (tsl2561)
add_example (htu21d)
add_example (mpl3115a2)
add_example (ldt0028)
add_example (am2315)
add_example (itg3200)
add_example (enc03r)
add_example (adc121c021)
add_example (ds1307)
add_example (a110x)
add_example (gp2y0a)
add_example (grovemoisture)
add_example (groveehr)
add_example (ta12200)
add_example (grovelinefinder)
add_example (grovevdiv)
add_example (grovewater)
add_example (guvas12d)
add_example (mpr121)
add_example (ublox6)
add_example (yg1006)
add_example (wt5001)
add_example (ppd42ns)
add_example (mq303a)
add_example (grovespeaker)
add_example (rfr359f)
add_example (biss0001)
add_example (rotaryencoder)
add_example (adxl345)
add_example (rpr220)
add_example (rpr220-intr)
add_example (mma7660)
add_example (cjq4435)
add_example (adxl335)
add_example (hmtrp)
add_example (nunchuck)
add_example (otp538u)
add_example (grovecollision)
add_example (groveelectromagnet)
add_example (groveemg)
add_example (groveo2)
add_example (grovegsr)
add_example (ina132)
add_example (l298)
add_example (l298-stepper)
add_example (at42qt1070)
add_example (grovemd)
add_example (grovemd-stepper)
add_example (pca9685)
add_example (groveeldriver)
add_example (adafruitss)
add_example (adafruitms1438)
add_example (adafruitms1438-stepper)
add_example (hx711)
add_example (flex)
add_example (a110x-intr)
add_example (mhz16)
add_example (apds9002)
add_example (waterlevel)
add_example (tm1637)
add_example (zfm20)
add_example (zfm20-register)
add_example (uln200xa)
add_example (grovewfs)
add_example (isd1820)
add_example (sx6119)
add_example (si114x)
add_example (maxsonarez)
add_example (hm11)
add_example (ht9170)
add_example (h3lis331dl)
add_example (ad8232)
add_example (grovescam)
add_example (m24lr64e)
add_example (rgbringcoder)
add_example (hp20x)
add_example (pn532)
add_example (pn532-writeurl)
add_example (lsm9ds0)
add_example (loudness)
add_example (mg811)
add_example (wheelencoder)
add_example (sm130)
add_example (grovegprs)
add_example (lm35)
add_example (micsv89)
add_example (xbee)
add_example (urm37)
add_example (urm37-uart)
add_example (adxrs610)
add_example (bma220)
add_example (dfrph)
add_example (mcp9808)
add_example (groveultrasonic)
add_example (sx1276-lora)
add_example (sx1276-fsk)
add_example (ili9341)
add_example (ozw)
add_example (nlgpio16)
add_example (ads1x15)
add_example (t3311)
add_example (hwxpxx)
add_example (h803x)
add_example (hdxxvxta)
add_example (rhusb)
add_example (apds9930)
add_example (kxcjk1013)
add_example (ssd1351)
add_example (bme280)
add_example (ds1808lc)
add_example (hlg150h)
add_example (lp8860)
add_example (max44009)
add_example (si1132)
add_example (si7005)
add_example (t6713)
add_example (cwlsxxa)
add_example (teams)
add_example (apa102)
add_example (tex00)
add_example (bmi160)
add_example (smartdrive)
add_example (curieimu)
endif ()
add_example (e50hx)
# These are special cases where you specify example binary, source file and module(s)
include_directories (${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src)
add_custom_example (groveled-multi-example groveled-multi.cxx grove)
add_custom_example (lcm1602-i2c-example lcm1602-i2c.cxx lcd)
add_custom_example (lcm1602-parallel-example lcm1602-parallel.cxx lcd)
add_custom_example (jhd1313m1-lcd-example jhd1313m1-lcd.cxx lcd)
add_custom_example (es08a-example es08a.cxx servo)
add_custom_example (ssd1306-oled-example ssd1306-oled.cxx lcd)
add_custom_example (ssd1308-oled-example ssd1308-oled.cxx lcd)
add_custom_example (ssd1327-oled-example ssd1327-oled.cxx lcd)
add_custom_example (sainsmartks-example sainsmartks.cxx lcd)
add_custom_example (eboled-example eboled.cxx lcd)
add_custom_example (mpu60x0-example mpu60x0.cxx mpu9150)
add_custom_example (ak8975-example ak8975.cxx mpu9150)
add_custom_example (mpu9250-example mpu9250.cxx mpu9150)
add_custom_example (groveledbar-example groveledbar.cxx my9221)
add_custom_example (grovecircularled-example grovecircularled.cxx my9221)
add_custom_example (temperature-sensor-example temperature-sensor.cxx "si7005;bmp180;bme280")
add_custom_example (humidity-sensor-example humidity-sensor.cxx "si7005;bme280")
add_custom_example (pressure-sensor-example pressure-sensor.cxx "bmp180;bme280")
add_custom_example (co2-sensor-example co2-sensor.cxx "t6713")
add_custom_example (adc-example adc-sensor.cxx "ads1x15")
add_custom_example (light-sensor-example light-sensor.cxx "si1132;max44009")
add_custom_example (light-controller-example light-controller.cxx "lp8860;ds1808lc;hlg150h")