Mihai Tudor Panu 89d5de43e0 license: update to SPDX style license text throughout
Signed-off-by: Mihai Tudor Panu <mihai.tudor.panu@intel.com>
2020-03-05 15:13:36 -08:00

104 lines
2.8 KiB

* Author: Yevgeniy Kiveisha <yevgeniy.kiveisha@intel.com>
* Abhishek Malik <abhishek.malik@intel.com>
* Copyright (c) 2014 Intel Corporation.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the The MIT License which is available at
* https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "es08a.h"
#include "upm_utilities.h"
es08a_context es08a_init(int32_t pin, int32_t min_pulse_width,
int32_t max_pulse_width) {
// make sure MRAA is initialized
int mraa_rv;
if ((mraa_rv = mraa_init()) != MRAA_SUCCESS)
printf("%s: mraa_init() failed (%d).\n", __FUNCTION__, mraa_rv);
return NULL;
es08a_context dev = (es08a_context) malloc(sizeof(struct _es08a_context));
if(dev == NULL){
printf("Unable to assign memory to the Servo motor structure");
return NULL;
dev->servo_pin = pin;
// second is the min pulse width
dev->min_pulse_width = min_pulse_width;
// third is the max pulse width
dev->max_pulse_width = max_pulse_width;
dev->pwm = mraa_pwm_init(dev->servo_pin);
if(dev->pwm == NULL){
printf("Unable to initialize the PWM pin");
es08a_set_angle(dev, 0);
return dev;
void es08a_halt(es08a_context dev){
mraa_pwm_enable(dev->pwm, 0);
upm_result_t es08a_set_angle(es08a_context dev, int32_t angle){
if(ES08A_MAX_ANGLE < angle || angle < 0){
printf("The angle specified is either above the max angle or below 0");
printf("setting angle to: %d\n", angle);
mraa_pwm_enable(dev->pwm, 1);
mraa_pwm_period_us(dev->pwm, ES08A_PERIOD);
int32_t val = 0;
es08a_calc_pulse_travelling(dev, &val, angle);
mraa_pwm_pulsewidth_us(dev->pwm, val);
mraa_pwm_enable(dev->pwm, 0);
upm_result_t es08a_calc_pulse_travelling(const es08a_context dev,
int32_t* ret_val, int32_t value){
if (value > (int)dev->max_pulse_width) {
return dev->max_pulse_width;
// if less than the boundaries
if (value < 0) {
return dev->min_pulse_width;
*ret_val = (int) ((float)dev->min_pulse_width + ((float)value / ES08A_MAX_ANGLE) * ((float)dev->max_pulse_width - (float)dev->min_pulse_width));
void es08a_set_min_pulse_width (es08a_context dev, int width){
dev->min_pulse_width = width;
void es08a_set_max_pulse_width (es08a_context dev, int width){
dev->max_pulse_width = width;
int es08a_get_min_pulse_width (es08a_context dev){
return dev->min_pulse_width;
int es08a_get_max_pulse_width (es08a_context dev){
return dev->max_pulse_width;