# ESP32 ESP-IDF and ESP8266 RTOS SDK component for vector (dynamic array)
## Tested on
1. ESP8266 RTOS_SDK v3.4
2. ESP32 ESP-IDF v5.2
## Features
1. Support for any data types.
2. The maximum size of the veсtor is 65536 elements.
3. Support external SPI RAM for ESP32 with external, SPI-connected RAM only.
## Attention
1. Do not enable SPI RAM support unless you are sure that SPI RAM is present in your ESP32 module and it is properly configured via menuconfig.
2. If SPI RAM is present via menuconfig select Component Config -> ESP PSRAM -> Support for external, SPI-connected RAM and select SPI RAM config -> SPI RAM access method -> Make RAM allocatable using heap_caps_malloc(…, MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM).