# ESP32 ESP-IDF and ESP8266 RTOS SDK component for DHT11/DHT22(AM2302) humidity & temperature sensor ## Tested on 1. ESP8266 RTOS_SDK v3.4 2. ESP32 ESP-IDF v5.2 ## [Function description](http://zh-dht.zh.com.ru) ## Using In an existing project, run the following command to install the component: ```text cd ../your_project/components git clone http://git.zh.com.ru/alexey.zholtikov/zh_dht.git ``` In the application, add the component: ```c #include "zh_dht.h" ``` ## Example Reading the sensor: ```c #include "zh_dht.h" void app_main() { zh_dht_handle_t dht_handle = zh_dht_init(ZH_DHT22, GPIO_NUM_5); float humidity; float temperature; for (;;) { zh_dht_read(&dht_handle, &humidity, &temperature); printf("Humidity %0.2f\n", humidity); printf("Temperature %0.2f\n", temperature); vTaskDelay(5000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } } ``` Any [feedback](mailto:github@azholtikov.ru) will be gladly accepted.