Alexey Zholtikov 6f7e7c5e66 Version 1.0.4
Changed WiFi protocol.
Reduced time threshold for sensor availability.
Changed sensor reading error message.
Added offline message.
Changed task management.
 Added multiple attempts to read the sensor.
2024-07-19 21:26:10 +03:00

176 lines
7.7 KiB

#pragma once
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "nvs_flash.h"
#include "esp_netif.h"
#include "esp_event.h"
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include "esp_timer.h"
#include "esp_ota_ops.h"
#include "esp_sleep.h"
#include "zh_ds18b20.h"
#include "zh_dht.h"
#include "zh_bh1750.h"
#include "zh_aht.h"
#include "zh_config.h"
#include "zh_espnow.h"
#define zh_send_message(a, b, c) zh_espnow_send(a, b, c)
#include "zh_network.h"
#define zh_send_message(a, b, c) zh_network_send(a, b, c)
#define get_app_description() esp_ota_get_app_description()
#define get_app_description() esp_app_get_description()
#define I2C_PORT (I2C_NUM_MAX - 1)
#define DS18B20_POWER_STABILIZATION_PERIOD 500 // Power stabilization period after the sensor is turned on (in seconds). The value is selected experimentally.
#define DHT_POWER_STABILIZATION_PERIOD 2000 // Power stabilization period after the sensor is turned on (in seconds). The value is selected experimentally.
#define ZH_SENSOR_KEEP_ALIVE_MESSAGE_FREQUENCY 10 // Frequency of sending a keep alive message to the gateway (in seconds).
#define ZH_SENSOR_ATTRIBUTES_MESSAGE_FREQUENCY 60 // Frequency of transmission a sensor attributes message to the gateway (in seconds).
#define ZH_SENSOR_READ_MAXIMUM_RETRY 5 // Maximum number of read sensor attempts.
#define ZH_MESSAGE_TASK_PRIORITY 2 // Prioritize the task of sending messages to the gateway.
#define ZH_MESSAGE_STACK_SIZE 2048 // The stack size of the task of sending messages to the gateway.
typedef struct // Structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
struct // Storage structure of sensor hardware configuration data.
ha_sensor_type_t sensor_type; // Sensor type.
uint8_t sensor_pin_1; // Sensor GPIO number 1. @note Main pin for 1-wire sensors, SDA pin for I2C sensors.
uint8_t sensor_pin_2; // Sensor GPIO number 2. @note SCL pin for I2C sensors.
uint8_t power_pin; // Power GPIO number (if used sensor power control).
uint16_t measurement_frequency; // Measurement frequency (sleep time on battery powering).
bool battery_power; // Battery powered. @note Battery powering (true) / external powering (false).
} hardware_config;
volatile bool gateway_is_available; // Gateway availability status flag. @note Used to control the tasks when the gateway connection is established / lost. Used only when external powered.
volatile bool is_first_connection; // First connection status flag. @note Used to control the tasks when the gateway connection is established / lost.
uint8_t gateway_mac[6]; // Gateway MAC address. @note Used only when external powered.
uint8_t sent_message_quantity; // System counter for the number of sended messages. @note Used only when powered by battery.
TaskHandle_t attributes_message_task; // Unique task handle for zh_send_sensor_attributes_message_task(). @note Used only when external powered.
TaskHandle_t status_message_task; // Unique task handle for zh_send_sensor_status_message_task(). @note Used only when external powered.
TaskHandle_t keep_alive_message_task; // Unique task handle for zh_send_sensor_keep_alive_message_task(). @note Used only when external powered.
const esp_partition_t *update_partition; // Unique handle for next OTA update partition. @note Used only when external powered.
esp_ota_handle_t update_handle; // Unique handle for OTA functions. @note Used only when external powered.
uint16_t ota_message_part_number; // System counter for the number of received OTA messages. @note Used only when external powered.
i2c_master_bus_handle_t i2c_bus_handle; // Unique I2C bus handle.
} sensor_config_t;
* @brief Function for loading the sensor hardware configuration from NVS memory.
* @param[out] sensor_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_load_config(sensor_config_t *sensor_config);
* @brief Function for saving the sensor hardware configuration to NVS memory.
* @param[in] sensor_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_save_config(const sensor_config_t *sensor_config);
* @brief Function for loading the power selection GPIO number from NVS memory.
* @return Power selection GPIO number
uint8_t zh_load_power_selection_pin(void);
* @brief Function for saving the power selection GPIO number to NVS memory.
* @param[in] power_selection_pin Power selection GPIO number
void zh_save_power_selection_pin(const uint8_t *power_selection_pin);
* @brief Function for GPIO and sensor initialization.
* @param[in,out] sensor_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_sensor_init(sensor_config_t *sensor_config);
* @brief Function for sending sensor data to the gateway and putting the module into deep sleep.
* @note Used only when powered by battery.
* @param[in,out] sensor_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_sensor_deep_sleep(sensor_config_t *sensor_config);
* @brief Function for prepare the hardware configuration message and sending it to the gateway.
* @param[in] sensor_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_send_sensor_hardware_config_message(const sensor_config_t *sensor_config);
* @brief Task for prepare the attributes message and sending it to the gateway.
* @param[in] pvParameter Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_send_sensor_attributes_message_task(void *pvParameter);
* @brief Function for prepare the configuration message and sending it to the gateway.
* @param[in] sensor_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
* @return Number of messages to send
uint8_t zh_send_sensor_config_message(const sensor_config_t *sensor_config);
* @brief Task for prepare the status message and sending it to the gateway.
* @param[in] pvParameter Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_send_sensor_status_message_task(void *pvParameter);
* @brief Task for prepare the sensor keep alive message and sending it to the gateway.
* @param[in] pvParameter Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_send_sensor_keep_alive_message_task(void *pvParameter);
* @brief Function for ESP-NOW event processing.
* @param[in,out] arg Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_espnow_event_handler(void *arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void *event_data);