2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
# include "zh_espnow_switch.h"
switch_config_t switch_main_config = { 0 } ;
void app_main ( void )
switch_config_t * switch_config = & switch_main_config ;
nvs_flash_init ( ) ;
esp_netif_init ( ) ;
esp_event_loop_create_default ( ) ;
zh_load_config ( switch_config ) ;
zh_load_status ( switch_config ) ;
zh_gpio_init ( switch_config ) ;
zh_gpio_set_level ( switch_config ) ;
wifi_init_config_t wifi_init_config = WIFI_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT ( ) ;
esp_wifi_init ( & wifi_init_config ) ;
esp_wifi_set_mode ( WIFI_MODE_STA ) ;
esp_wifi_set_protocol ( WIFI_IF_STA , WIFI_PROTOCOL_11B ) ;
esp_wifi_start ( ) ;
zh_espnow_init_config_t espnow_init_config = ZH_ESPNOW_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT ( ) ;
zh_espnow_init ( & espnow_init_config ) ;
# else
zh_network_init_config_t network_init_config = ZH_NETWORK_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT ( ) ;
zh_network_init ( & network_init_config ) ;
# endif
esp_event_handler_register ( ZH_EVENT , ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID , & zh_espnow_event_handler , switch_config ) ;
# else
esp_event_handler_instance_register ( ZH_EVENT , ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID , & zh_espnow_event_handler , switch_config , NULL ) ;
const esp_partition_t * running = esp_ota_get_running_partition ( ) ;
esp_ota_img_states_t ota_state = { 0 } ;
esp_ota_get_state_partition ( running , & ota_state ) ;
if ( ota_state = = ESP_OTA_IMG_PENDING_VERIFY )
vTaskDelay ( 60000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) ;
esp_ota_mark_app_valid_cancel_rollback ( ) ;
# endif
void zh_load_config ( switch_config_t * switch_config )
nvs_handle_t nvs_handle = 0 ;
nvs_open ( " config " , NVS_READWRITE , & nvs_handle ) ;
uint8_t config_is_present = 0 ;
if ( nvs_get_u8 ( nvs_handle , " present " , & config_is_present ) = = ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND )
nvs_set_u8 ( nvs_handle , " present " , 0xFE ) ;
nvs_close ( nvs_handle ) ;
switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_pin = CONFIG_RELAY_PIN ;
# else
switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_pin = ZH_NOT_USED ;
# endif
switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_on_level = ZH_HIGH ;
# else
switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_on_level = ZH_LOW ;
# endif
switch_config - > hardware_config . led_pin = CONFIG_LED_PIN ;
# else
switch_config - > hardware_config . led_pin = ZH_NOT_USED ;
# endif
switch_config - > hardware_config . led_on_level = ZH_HIGH ;
# else
switch_config - > hardware_config . led_on_level = ZH_LOW ;
# endif
switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_pin = CONFIG_INT_BUTTON_PIN ;
# else
switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_pin = ZH_NOT_USED ;
# endif
switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_on_level = ZH_HIGH ;
# else
switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_on_level = ZH_LOW ;
# endif
switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_pin = CONFIG_EXT_BUTTON_PIN ;
# else
switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_pin = ZH_NOT_USED ;
# endif
switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_on_level = ZH_HIGH ;
# else
switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_on_level = ZH_LOW ;
# endif
switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_pin = CONFIG_SENSOR_PIN ;
switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_type = HAST_DS18B20 ;
2024-06-23 12:15:46 +03:00
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_pin = CONFIG_SENSOR_PIN ;
2024-06-23 12:15:46 +03:00
switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_type = HAST_DHT ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
# else
switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_pin = ZH_NOT_USED ;
switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_type = HAST_NONE ;
# endif
zh_save_config ( switch_config ) ;
return ;
nvs_get_u8 ( nvs_handle , " relay_pin " , & switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_pin ) ;
nvs_get_u8 ( nvs_handle , " relay_lvl " , ( uint8_t * ) & switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_on_level ) ;
nvs_get_u8 ( nvs_handle , " led_pin " , & switch_config - > hardware_config . led_pin ) ;
nvs_get_u8 ( nvs_handle , " led_lvl " , ( uint8_t * ) & switch_config - > hardware_config . led_on_level ) ;
nvs_get_u8 ( nvs_handle , " int_btn_pin " , & switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_pin ) ;
nvs_get_u8 ( nvs_handle , " int_btn_lvl " , ( uint8_t * ) & switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_on_level ) ;
nvs_get_u8 ( nvs_handle , " ext_btn_pin " , & switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_pin ) ;
nvs_get_u8 ( nvs_handle , " ext_btn_lvl " , ( uint8_t * ) & switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_on_level ) ;
nvs_get_u8 ( nvs_handle , " sensor_pin " , & switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_pin ) ;
nvs_get_u8 ( nvs_handle , " sensor_type " , ( uint8_t * ) & switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_type ) ;
nvs_close ( nvs_handle ) ;
void zh_save_config ( const switch_config_t * switch_config )
nvs_handle_t nvs_handle = 0 ;
nvs_open ( " config " , NVS_READWRITE , & nvs_handle ) ;
nvs_set_u8 ( nvs_handle , " relay_pin " , switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_pin ) ;
nvs_set_u8 ( nvs_handle , " relay_lvl " , switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_on_level ) ;
nvs_set_u8 ( nvs_handle , " led_pin " , switch_config - > hardware_config . led_pin ) ;
nvs_set_u8 ( nvs_handle , " led_lvl " , switch_config - > hardware_config . led_on_level ) ;
nvs_set_u8 ( nvs_handle , " int_btn_pin " , switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_pin ) ;
nvs_set_u8 ( nvs_handle , " int_btn_lvl " , switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_on_level ) ;
nvs_set_u8 ( nvs_handle , " ext_btn_pin " , switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_pin ) ;
nvs_set_u8 ( nvs_handle , " ext_btn_lvl " , switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_on_level ) ;
nvs_set_u8 ( nvs_handle , " sensor_pin " , switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_pin ) ;
nvs_set_u8 ( nvs_handle , " sensor_type " , switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_type ) ;
nvs_close ( nvs_handle ) ;
void zh_load_status ( switch_config_t * switch_config )
switch_config - > status . status = HAONOFT_OFF ;
nvs_handle_t nvs_handle = 0 ;
nvs_open ( " status " , NVS_READWRITE , & nvs_handle ) ;
uint8_t status_is_present = 0 ;
if ( nvs_get_u8 ( nvs_handle , " present " , & status_is_present ) = = ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND )
nvs_set_u8 ( nvs_handle , " present " , 0xFE ) ;
nvs_close ( nvs_handle ) ;
zh_save_status ( switch_config ) ;
return ;
nvs_get_u8 ( nvs_handle , " relay_state " , ( uint8_t * ) & switch_config - > status . status ) ;
nvs_close ( nvs_handle ) ;
void zh_save_status ( const switch_config_t * switch_config )
nvs_handle_t nvs_handle = 0 ;
nvs_open ( " status " , NVS_READWRITE , & nvs_handle ) ;
nvs_set_u8 ( nvs_handle , " relay_state " , switch_config - > status . status ) ;
nvs_close ( nvs_handle ) ;
void zh_gpio_init ( switch_config_t * switch_config )
gpio_config_t config = { 0 } ;
if ( switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_pin ! = ZH_NOT_USED )
config . intr_type = GPIO_INTR_DISABLE ;
config . mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT ;
config . pin_bit_mask = ( 1ULL < < switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_pin ) ;
config . pull_down_en = ( switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_on_level = = ZH_HIGH ) ? GPIO_PULLDOWN_ENABLE : GPIO_PULLDOWN_DISABLE ;
config . pull_up_en = ( switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_on_level = = ZH_HIGH ) ? GPIO_PULLUP_DISABLE : GPIO_PULLUP_ENABLE ;
if ( gpio_config ( & config ) ! = ESP_OK )
switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_pin = ZH_NOT_USED ;
switch_config - > hardware_config . led_pin = ZH_NOT_USED ;
switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_pin = ZH_NOT_USED ;
switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_pin = ZH_NOT_USED ;
switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_pin = ZH_NOT_USED ;
return ;
if ( switch_config - > hardware_config . led_pin ! = ZH_NOT_USED )
config . intr_type = GPIO_INTR_DISABLE ;
config . mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT ;
config . pin_bit_mask = ( 1ULL < < switch_config - > hardware_config . led_pin ) ;
config . pull_down_en = ( switch_config - > hardware_config . led_on_level = = ZH_HIGH ) ? GPIO_PULLDOWN_ENABLE : GPIO_PULLDOWN_DISABLE ;
config . pull_up_en = ( switch_config - > hardware_config . led_on_level = = ZH_HIGH ) ? GPIO_PULLUP_DISABLE : GPIO_PULLUP_ENABLE ;
if ( gpio_config ( & config ) ! = ESP_OK )
switch_config - > hardware_config . led_pin = ZH_NOT_USED ;
if ( switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_pin ! = ZH_NOT_USED )
config . intr_type = ( switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_on_level = = ZH_HIGH ) ? GPIO_INTR_POSEDGE : GPIO_INTR_NEGEDGE ;
config . mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT ;
config . pin_bit_mask = ( 1ULL < < switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_pin ) ;
config . pull_down_en = ( switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_on_level = = ZH_HIGH ) ? GPIO_PULLDOWN_ENABLE : GPIO_PULLDOWN_DISABLE ;
config . pull_up_en = ( switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_on_level = = ZH_HIGH ) ? GPIO_PULLUP_DISABLE : GPIO_PULLUP_ENABLE ;
if ( gpio_config ( & config ) ! = ESP_OK )
switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_pin = ZH_NOT_USED ;
if ( switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_pin ! = ZH_NOT_USED )
config . intr_type = ( switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_on_level = = ZH_HIGH ) ? GPIO_INTR_POSEDGE : GPIO_INTR_NEGEDGE ;
config . mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT ;
config . pin_bit_mask = ( 1ULL < < switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_pin ) ;
config . pull_down_en = ( switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_on_level = = ZH_HIGH ) ? GPIO_PULLDOWN_ENABLE : GPIO_PULLDOWN_DISABLE ;
config . pull_up_en = ( switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_on_level = = ZH_HIGH ) ? GPIO_PULLUP_DISABLE : GPIO_PULLUP_ENABLE ;
if ( gpio_config ( & config ) ! = ESP_OK )
switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_pin = ZH_NOT_USED ;
if ( switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_pin ! = ZH_NOT_USED | | switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_pin ! = ZH_NOT_USED )
switch_config - > button_pushing_semaphore = xSemaphoreCreateBinary ( ) ;
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore ( & zh_gpio_processing_task , " NULL " , ZH_GPIO_STACK_SIZE , switch_config , ZH_GPIO_TASK_PRIORITY , NULL , tskNO_AFFINITY ) ;
gpio_install_isr_service ( 0 ) ;
if ( switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_pin ! = ZH_NOT_USED )
gpio_isr_handler_add ( switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_pin , zh_gpio_isr_handler , switch_config ) ;
if ( switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_pin ! = ZH_NOT_USED )
gpio_isr_handler_add ( switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_pin , zh_gpio_isr_handler , switch_config ) ;
if ( switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_pin ! = ZH_NOT_USED )
switch ( switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_type )
case HAST_DS18B20 :
if ( zh_onewire_init ( switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_pin ) ! = ESP_OK )
switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_pin = ZH_NOT_USED ;
break ;
2024-06-23 12:15:46 +03:00
case HAST_DHT : ;
zh_dht_init_config_t dht_init_config = ZH_DHT_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT ( ) ;
dht_init_config . sensor_pin = switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_pin ;
if ( zh_dht_init ( & dht_init_config ) ! = ESP_OK )
switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_pin = ZH_NOT_USED ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
break ;
default :
switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_type = HAST_NONE ;
switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_pin = ZH_NOT_USED ;
break ;
void zh_gpio_set_level ( switch_config_t * switch_config )
if ( switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_pin ! = ZH_NOT_USED )
switch_config - > gpio_processing = true ;
if ( switch_config - > status . status = = HAONOFT_ON )
gpio_set_level ( switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_pin , ( switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_on_level = = ZH_HIGH ) ? ZH_HIGH : ZH_LOW ) ;
if ( switch_config - > hardware_config . led_pin ! = ZH_NOT_USED )
gpio_set_level ( switch_config - > hardware_config . led_pin , ( switch_config - > hardware_config . led_on_level = = ZH_HIGH ) ? ZH_HIGH : ZH_LOW ) ;
gpio_set_level ( switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_pin , ( switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_on_level = = ZH_HIGH ) ? ZH_LOW : ZH_HIGH ) ;
if ( switch_config - > hardware_config . led_pin ! = ZH_NOT_USED )
gpio_set_level ( switch_config - > hardware_config . led_pin , ( switch_config - > hardware_config . led_on_level = = ZH_HIGH ) ? ZH_LOW : ZH_HIGH ) ;
vTaskDelay ( 1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) ; // To disable the interrupt for the period of power stabilization after the relay is switched on (when a large load is connected).
switch_config - > gpio_processing = false ;
void zh_gpio_isr_handler ( void * arg )
switch_config_t * switch_config = arg ;
if ( switch_config - > gpio_processing = = false )
xSemaphoreGiveFromISR ( switch_config - > button_pushing_semaphore , NULL ) ;
void zh_gpio_processing_task ( void * pvParameter )
switch_config_t * switch_config = pvParameter ;
for ( ; ; )
xSemaphoreTake ( switch_config - > button_pushing_semaphore , portMAX_DELAY ) ;
switch_config - > gpio_processing = true ;
switch_config - > status . status = ( switch_config - > status . status = = HAONOFT_ON ) ? HAONOFT_OFF : HAONOFT_ON ;
zh_gpio_set_level ( switch_config ) ;
zh_save_status ( switch_config ) ;
if ( switch_config - > gateway_is_available = = true )
zh_send_switch_status_message ( switch_config ) ;
vTaskDelay ( 500 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) ; // To prevent button contact rattling. Value is selected experimentally.
switch_config - > gpio_processing = false ;
vTaskDelete ( NULL ) ;
void zh_send_switch_attributes_message_task ( void * pvParameter )
switch_config_t * switch_config = pvParameter ;
const esp_app_desc_t * app_info = get_app_description ( ) ;
zh_espnow_data_t data = { 0 } ;
data . device_type = ZHDT_SWITCH ;
data . payload_type = ZHPT_ATTRIBUTES ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
data . payload_data . attributes_message . chip_type = ZH_CHIP_TYPE ;
strcpy ( data . payload_data . attributes_message . flash_size , CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_FLASHSIZE ) ;
data . payload_data . attributes_message . cpu_frequency = ZH_CPU_FREQUENCY ;
data . payload_data . attributes_message . reset_reason = ( uint8_t ) esp_reset_reason ( ) ;
strcpy ( data . payload_data . attributes_message . app_name , app_info - > project_name ) ;
strcpy ( data . payload_data . attributes_message . app_version , app_info - > version ) ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
for ( ; ; )
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
data . payload_data . attributes_message . heap_size = esp_get_free_heap_size ( ) ;
data . payload_data . attributes_message . min_heap_size = esp_get_minimum_free_heap_size ( ) ;
data . payload_data . attributes_message . uptime = esp_timer_get_time ( ) / 1000000 ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
zh_send_message ( switch_config - > gateway_mac , ( uint8_t * ) & data , sizeof ( zh_espnow_data_t ) ) ;
vTaskDelete ( NULL ) ;
void zh_send_switch_config_message ( const switch_config_t * switch_config )
zh_espnow_data_t data = { 0 } ;
data . device_type = ZHDT_SWITCH ;
data . payload_type = ZHPT_CONFIG ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
data . payload_data . config_message . switch_config_message . unique_id = 1 ;
data . payload_data . config_message . switch_config_message . device_class = HASWDC_SWITCH ;
data . payload_data . config_message . switch_config_message . payload_on = HAONOFT_ON ;
data . payload_data . config_message . switch_config_message . payload_off = HAONOFT_OFF ;
data . payload_data . config_message . switch_config_message . enabled_by_default = true ;
data . payload_data . config_message . switch_config_message . optimistic = false ;
data . payload_data . config_message . switch_config_message . qos = 2 ;
data . payload_data . config_message . switch_config_message . retain = true ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
zh_send_message ( switch_config - > gateway_mac , ( uint8_t * ) & data , sizeof ( zh_espnow_data_t ) ) ;
void zh_send_switch_hardware_config_message ( const switch_config_t * switch_config )
zh_espnow_data_t data = { 0 } ;
data . device_type = ZHDT_SWITCH ;
data . payload_type = ZHPT_HARDWARE ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
data . payload_data . config_message . switch_hardware_config_message . relay_pin = switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_pin ;
data . payload_data . config_message . switch_hardware_config_message . relay_on_level = switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_on_level ;
data . payload_data . config_message . switch_hardware_config_message . led_pin = switch_config - > hardware_config . led_pin ;
data . payload_data . config_message . switch_hardware_config_message . led_on_level = switch_config - > hardware_config . led_on_level ;
data . payload_data . config_message . switch_hardware_config_message . int_button_pin = switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_pin ;
data . payload_data . config_message . switch_hardware_config_message . int_button_on_level = switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_on_level ;
data . payload_data . config_message . switch_hardware_config_message . ext_button_pin = switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_pin ;
data . payload_data . config_message . switch_hardware_config_message . ext_button_on_level = switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_on_level ;
data . payload_data . config_message . switch_hardware_config_message . sensor_pin = switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_pin ;
data . payload_data . config_message . switch_hardware_config_message . sensor_type = switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_type ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
zh_send_message ( switch_config - > gateway_mac , ( uint8_t * ) & data , sizeof ( zh_espnow_data_t ) ) ;
void zh_send_switch_keep_alive_message_task ( void * pvParameter )
switch_config_t * switch_config = pvParameter ;
zh_espnow_data_t data = { 0 } ;
data . device_type = ZHDT_SWITCH ;
data . payload_type = ZHPT_KEEP_ALIVE ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
data . payload_data . keep_alive_message . online_status = ZH_ONLINE ;
data . payload_data . keep_alive_message . message_frequency = ZH_SWITCH_KEEP_ALIVE_MESSAGE_FREQUENCY ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
for ( ; ; )
zh_send_message ( switch_config - > gateway_mac , ( uint8_t * ) & data , sizeof ( zh_espnow_data_t ) ) ;
vTaskDelete ( NULL ) ;
void zh_send_switch_status_message ( const switch_config_t * switch_config )
zh_espnow_data_t data = { 0 } ;
data . device_type = ZHDT_SWITCH ;
data . payload_type = ZHPT_STATE ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
data . payload_data . status_message . switch_status_message . status = switch_config - > status . status ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
zh_send_message ( switch_config - > gateway_mac , ( uint8_t * ) & data , sizeof ( zh_espnow_data_t ) ) ;
void zh_send_sensor_config_message ( const switch_config_t * switch_config )
zh_espnow_data_t data = { 0 } ;
data . device_type = ZHDT_SENSOR ;
data . payload_type = ZHPT_CONFIG ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
data . payload_data . config_message . sensor_config_message . suggested_display_precision = 1 ;
data . payload_data . config_message . sensor_config_message . expire_after = ZH_SENSOR_STATUS_MESSAGE_FREQUENCY * 3 ;
data . payload_data . config_message . sensor_config_message . enabled_by_default = true ;
data . payload_data . config_message . sensor_config_message . force_update = true ;
data . payload_data . config_message . sensor_config_message . qos = 2 ;
data . payload_data . config_message . sensor_config_message . retain = true ;
char * unit_of_measurement = NULL ;
2024-06-26 09:24:40 +03:00
// For compatibility with zh_espnow_sensor.
data . payload_data . config_message . sensor_config_message . unique_id = 2 ;
data . payload_data . config_message . sensor_config_message . sensor_device_class = HASDC_VOLTAGE ;
unit_of_measurement = " V " ;
strcpy ( data . payload_data . config_message . sensor_config_message . unit_of_measurement , unit_of_measurement ) ;
zh_send_message ( switch_config - > gateway_mac , ( uint8_t * ) & data , sizeof ( zh_espnow_data_t ) ) ;
// For compatibility with zh_espnow_sensor.
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
switch ( switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_type )
2024-06-23 12:15:46 +03:00
case HAST_DS18B20 :
2024-06-26 09:24:40 +03:00
data . payload_data . config_message . sensor_config_message . unique_id = 3 ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
data . payload_data . config_message . sensor_config_message . sensor_device_class = HASDC_TEMPERATURE ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
unit_of_measurement = " °C " ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
strcpy ( data . payload_data . config_message . sensor_config_message . unit_of_measurement , unit_of_measurement ) ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
zh_send_message ( switch_config - > gateway_mac , ( uint8_t * ) & data , sizeof ( zh_espnow_data_t ) ) ;
break ;
2024-06-23 12:15:46 +03:00
case HAST_DHT :
2024-06-26 09:24:40 +03:00
data . payload_data . config_message . sensor_config_message . unique_id = 3 ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
data . payload_data . config_message . sensor_config_message . sensor_device_class = HASDC_TEMPERATURE ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
unit_of_measurement = " °C " ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
strcpy ( data . payload_data . config_message . sensor_config_message . unit_of_measurement , unit_of_measurement ) ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
zh_send_message ( switch_config - > gateway_mac , ( uint8_t * ) & data , sizeof ( zh_espnow_data_t ) ) ;
2024-06-26 09:24:40 +03:00
data . payload_data . config_message . sensor_config_message . unique_id = 4 ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
data . payload_data . config_message . sensor_config_message . sensor_device_class = HASDC_HUMIDITY ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
unit_of_measurement = " % " ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
strcpy ( data . payload_data . config_message . sensor_config_message . unit_of_measurement , unit_of_measurement ) ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
zh_send_message ( switch_config - > gateway_mac , ( uint8_t * ) & data , sizeof ( zh_espnow_data_t ) ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
void zh_send_sensor_attributes_message_task ( void * pvParameter )
switch_config_t * switch_config = pvParameter ;
const esp_app_desc_t * app_info = get_app_description ( ) ;
zh_espnow_data_t data = { 0 } ;
data . device_type = ZHDT_SENSOR ;
data . payload_type = ZHPT_ATTRIBUTES ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
data . payload_data . attributes_message . chip_type = ZH_CHIP_TYPE ;
data . payload_data . attributes_message . sensor_type = switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_type ;
strcpy ( data . payload_data . attributes_message . flash_size , CONFIG_ESPTOOLPY_FLASHSIZE ) ;
data . payload_data . attributes_message . cpu_frequency = ZH_CPU_FREQUENCY ;
data . payload_data . attributes_message . reset_reason = ( uint8_t ) esp_reset_reason ( ) ;
strcpy ( data . payload_data . attributes_message . app_name , app_info - > project_name ) ;
strcpy ( data . payload_data . attributes_message . app_version , app_info - > version ) ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
for ( ; ; )
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
data . payload_data . attributes_message . heap_size = esp_get_free_heap_size ( ) ;
data . payload_data . attributes_message . min_heap_size = esp_get_minimum_free_heap_size ( ) ;
data . payload_data . attributes_message . uptime = esp_timer_get_time ( ) / 1000000 ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
zh_send_message ( switch_config - > gateway_mac , ( uint8_t * ) & data , sizeof ( zh_espnow_data_t ) ) ;
vTaskDelete ( NULL ) ;
void zh_send_sensor_status_message_task ( void * pvParameter )
switch_config_t * switch_config = pvParameter ;
float humidity = 0.0 ;
float temperature = 0.0 ;
zh_espnow_data_t data = { 0 } ;
data . device_type = ZHDT_SENSOR ;
data . payload_type = ZHPT_STATE ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
data . payload_data . status_message . sensor_status_message . sensor_type = switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_type ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
for ( ; ; )
switch ( switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_type )
case HAST_DS18B20 :
switch ( zh_ds18b20_read ( NULL , & temperature ) )
case ESP_OK :
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
data . payload_data . status_message . sensor_status_message . temperature = temperature ;
2024-06-26 09:24:40 +03:00
data . payload_data . status_message . sensor_status_message . voltage = 3.3 ; // For compatibility with zh_espnow_sensor.
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
break ;
case ESP_FAIL :
vTaskDelay ( 10000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) ;
goto ZH_DS18B20_READ ;
break ;
vTaskDelay ( 1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) ;
goto ZH_DS18B20_READ ;
break ;
default :
break ;
break ;
2024-06-23 12:15:46 +03:00
case HAST_DHT :
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
2024-06-23 12:15:46 +03:00
switch ( zh_dht_read ( & humidity , & temperature ) )
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
case ESP_OK :
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
data . payload_data . status_message . sensor_status_message . humidity = humidity ;
data . payload_data . status_message . sensor_status_message . temperature = temperature ;
2024-06-26 09:24:40 +03:00
data . payload_data . status_message . sensor_status_message . voltage = 3.3 ; // For compatibility with zh_espnow_sensor.
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
break ;
vTaskDelay ( 10000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) ;
goto ZH_DHT_READ ;
break ;
vTaskDelay ( 10000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) ;
goto ZH_DHT_READ ;
break ;
vTaskDelay ( 3000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) ;
goto ZH_DHT_READ ;
break ;
default :
break ;
break ;
default :
break ;
zh_send_message ( switch_config - > gateway_mac , ( uint8_t * ) & data , sizeof ( zh_espnow_data_t ) ) ;
vTaskDelete ( NULL ) ;
void zh_espnow_event_handler ( void * arg , esp_event_base_t event_base , int32_t event_id , void * event_data )
switch_config_t * switch_config = arg ;
switch ( event_id )
zh_espnow_event_on_recv_t * recv_data = event_data ;
if ( recv_data - > data_len ! = sizeof ( zh_espnow_data_t ) )
# else
zh_network_event_on_recv_t * recv_data = event_data ;
if ( recv_data - > data_len ! = sizeof ( zh_espnow_data_t ) )
# endif
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
zh_espnow_data_t * data = ( zh_espnow_data_t * ) recv_data - > data ;
switch ( data - > device_type )
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
switch ( data - > payload_type )
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
if ( data - > payload_data . keep_alive_message . online_status = = ZH_ONLINE )
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
if ( switch_config - > gateway_is_available = = false )
switch_config - > gateway_is_available = true ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
memcpy ( switch_config - > gateway_mac , recv_data - > mac_addr , 6 ) ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
zh_send_switch_hardware_config_message ( switch_config ) ;
if ( switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_pin ! = ZH_NOT_USED )
zh_send_switch_config_message ( switch_config ) ;
zh_send_switch_status_message ( switch_config ) ;
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore ( & zh_send_switch_attributes_message_task , " NULL " , ZH_MESSAGE_STACK_SIZE , switch_config , ZH_MESSAGE_TASK_PRIORITY , ( TaskHandle_t * ) & switch_config - > switch_attributes_message_task , tskNO_AFFINITY ) ;
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore ( & zh_send_switch_keep_alive_message_task , " NULL " , ZH_MESSAGE_STACK_SIZE , switch_config , ZH_MESSAGE_TASK_PRIORITY , ( TaskHandle_t * ) & switch_config - > switch_keep_alive_message_task , tskNO_AFFINITY ) ;
if ( switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_pin ! = ZH_NOT_USED & & switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_type ! = HAST_NONE )
zh_send_sensor_config_message ( switch_config ) ;
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore ( & zh_send_sensor_status_message_task , " NULL " , ZH_MESSAGE_STACK_SIZE , switch_config , ZH_MESSAGE_TASK_PRIORITY , ( TaskHandle_t * ) & switch_config - > sensor_status_message_task , tskNO_AFFINITY ) ;
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore ( & zh_send_sensor_attributes_message_task , " NULL " , ZH_MESSAGE_STACK_SIZE , switch_config , ZH_MESSAGE_TASK_PRIORITY , ( TaskHandle_t * ) & switch_config - > sensor_attributes_message_task , tskNO_AFFINITY ) ;
if ( switch_config - > gateway_is_available = = true )
switch_config - > gateway_is_available = false ;
if ( switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_pin ! = ZH_NOT_USED )
vTaskDelete ( switch_config - > switch_attributes_message_task ) ;
vTaskDelete ( switch_config - > switch_keep_alive_message_task ) ;
if ( switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_pin ! = ZH_NOT_USED & & switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_type ! = HAST_NONE )
vTaskDelete ( switch_config - > sensor_attributes_message_task ) ;
vTaskDelete ( switch_config - > sensor_status_message_task ) ;
break ;
case ZHPT_SET :
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
switch_config - > status . status = data - > payload_data . status_message . switch_status_message . status ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
zh_gpio_set_level ( switch_config ) ;
zh_save_status ( switch_config ) ;
zh_send_switch_status_message ( switch_config ) ;
break ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_pin = data - > payload_data . config_message . switch_hardware_config_message . relay_pin ;
switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_on_level = data - > payload_data . config_message . switch_hardware_config_message . relay_on_level ;
switch_config - > hardware_config . led_pin = data - > payload_data . config_message . switch_hardware_config_message . led_pin ;
switch_config - > hardware_config . led_on_level = data - > payload_data . config_message . switch_hardware_config_message . led_on_level ;
switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_pin = data - > payload_data . config_message . switch_hardware_config_message . int_button_pin ;
switch_config - > hardware_config . int_button_on_level = data - > payload_data . config_message . switch_hardware_config_message . int_button_on_level ;
switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_pin = data - > payload_data . config_message . switch_hardware_config_message . ext_button_pin ;
switch_config - > hardware_config . ext_button_on_level = data - > payload_data . config_message . switch_hardware_config_message . ext_button_on_level ;
switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_pin = data - > payload_data . config_message . switch_hardware_config_message . sensor_pin ;
switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_type = data - > payload_data . config_message . switch_hardware_config_message . sensor_type ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
zh_save_config ( switch_config ) ;
esp_restart ( ) ;
break ;
case ZHPT_UPDATE : ;
const esp_app_desc_t * app_info = get_app_description ( ) ;
switch_config - > update_partition = esp_ota_get_next_update_partition ( NULL ) ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
strcpy ( data - > payload_data . ota_message . espnow_ota_data . app_version , app_info - > version ) ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
char * app_name = ( char * ) heap_caps_malloc ( strlen ( app_info - > project_name ) + 6 , MALLOC_CAP_8BIT ) ;
memset ( app_name , 0 , strlen ( app_info - > project_name ) + 6 ) ;
sprintf ( app_name , " %s.app%d " , app_info - > project_name , switch_config - > update_partition - > subtype - ESP_PARTITION_SUBTYPE_APP_OTA_0 + 1 ) ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
strcpy ( data - > payload_data . ota_message . espnow_ota_data . app_name , app_name ) ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
heap_caps_free ( app_name ) ;
# else
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
strcpy ( data - > payload_data . ota_message . espnow_ota_data . app_name , app_info - > project_name ) ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
# endif
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
data - > device_type = ZHDT_SWITCH ;
data - > payload_type = ZHPT_UPDATE ;
zh_send_message ( switch_config - > gateway_mac , ( uint8_t * ) data , sizeof ( zh_espnow_data_t ) ) ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
break ;
esp_ota_begin ( switch_config - > update_partition , OTA_SIZE_UNKNOWN , & switch_config - > update_handle ) ;
# else
esp_ota_begin ( switch_config - > update_partition , OTA_SIZE_UNKNOWN , ( esp_ota_handle_t * ) & switch_config - > update_handle ) ;
# endif
switch_config - > ota_message_part_number = 1 ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
data - > device_type = ZHDT_SWITCH ;
data - > payload_type = ZHPT_UPDATE_PROGRESS ;
zh_send_message ( switch_config - > gateway_mac , ( uint8_t * ) data , sizeof ( zh_espnow_data_t ) ) ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
break ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
if ( switch_config - > ota_message_part_number = = data - > payload_data . ota_message . espnow_ota_message . part )
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
+ + switch_config - > ota_message_part_number ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
esp_ota_write ( switch_config - > update_handle , ( const void * ) data - > payload_data . ota_message . espnow_ota_message . data , data - > payload_data . ota_message . espnow_ota_message . data_len ) ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
data - > device_type = ZHDT_SWITCH ;
data - > payload_type = ZHPT_UPDATE_PROGRESS ;
zh_send_message ( switch_config - > gateway_mac , ( uint8_t * ) data , sizeof ( zh_espnow_data_t ) ) ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
break ;
esp_ota_end ( switch_config - > update_handle ) ;
break ;
if ( esp_ota_end ( switch_config - > update_handle ) ! = ESP_OK )
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
data - > device_type = ZHDT_SWITCH ;
data - > payload_type = ZHPT_UPDATE_FAIL ;
zh_send_message ( switch_config - > gateway_mac , ( uint8_t * ) data , sizeof ( zh_espnow_data_t ) ) ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
break ;
esp_ota_set_boot_partition ( switch_config - > update_partition ) ;
2024-06-09 13:05:11 +03:00
data - > device_type = ZHDT_SWITCH ;
data - > payload_type = ZHPT_UPDATE_SUCCESS ;
zh_send_message ( switch_config - > gateway_mac , ( uint8_t * ) data , sizeof ( zh_espnow_data_t ) ) ;
2024-06-06 11:43:20 +03:00
vTaskDelay ( 1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) ;
esp_restart ( ) ;
break ;
esp_restart ( ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
break ;
default :
break ;
heap_caps_free ( recv_data - > data ) ;
break ;
zh_espnow_event_on_send_t * send_data = event_data ;
if ( send_data - > status = = ZH_ESPNOW_SEND_FAIL & & switch_config - > gateway_is_available = = true )
switch_config - > gateway_is_available = false ;
if ( switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_pin ! = ZH_NOT_USED )
vTaskDelete ( switch_config - > switch_attributes_message_task ) ;
vTaskDelete ( switch_config - > switch_keep_alive_message_task ) ;
if ( switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_pin ! = ZH_NOT_USED & & switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_type ! = HAST_NONE )
vTaskDelete ( switch_config - > sensor_attributes_message_task ) ;
vTaskDelete ( switch_config - > sensor_status_message_task ) ;
break ;
# else
heap_caps_free ( recv_data - > data ) ;
break ;
zh_network_event_on_send_t * send_data = event_data ;
if ( send_data - > status = = ZH_NETWORK_SEND_FAIL & & switch_config - > gateway_is_available = = true )
switch_config - > gateway_is_available = false ;
if ( switch_config - > hardware_config . relay_pin ! = ZH_NOT_USED )
vTaskDelete ( switch_config - > switch_attributes_message_task ) ;
vTaskDelete ( switch_config - > switch_keep_alive_message_task ) ;
if ( switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_pin ! = ZH_NOT_USED & & switch_config - > hardware_config . sensor_type ! = HAST_NONE )
vTaskDelete ( switch_config - > sensor_attributes_message_task ) ;
vTaskDelete ( switch_config - > sensor_status_message_task ) ;
break ;
# endif
default :
break ;