Alexey Zholtikov 708bf211fa Version 1.0.5
Changed WiFi protocol.
Reduced sensor status message fruquency.
Reduced time threshold for sensor availability.
Changed sensor reading error message.
Added offline message.
Changed task management.
2024-07-18 13:30:09 +03:00

209 lines
9.3 KiB

#pragma once
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "nvs_flash.h"
#include "esp_netif.h"
#include "esp_event.h"
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include "esp_timer.h"
#include "esp_ota_ops.h"
#include "zh_ds18b20.h"
#include "zh_dht.h"
#include "zh_config.h"
#include "zh_espnow.h"
#define zh_send_message(a, b, c) zh_espnow_send(a, b, c)
#include "zh_network.h"
#define zh_send_message(a, b, c) zh_network_send(a, b, c)
#define get_app_description() esp_ota_get_app_description()
#define get_app_description() esp_app_get_description()
#define ZH_SWITCH_KEEP_ALIVE_MESSAGE_FREQUENCY 10 // Frequency of sending a switch keep alive message to the gateway (in seconds).
#define ZH_SWITCH_ATTRIBUTES_MESSAGE_FREQUENCY 60 // Frequency of sending a switch attributes message to the gateway (in seconds).
#define ZH_SENSOR_STATUS_MESSAGE_FREQUENCY 60 // Frequency of sending a sensor status message to the gateway (in seconds).
#define ZH_SENSOR_ATTRIBUTES_MESSAGE_FREQUENCY 60 // Frequency of sending a sensor attributes message to the gateway (in seconds).
#define ZH_GPIO_TASK_PRIORITY 3 // Prioritize the task of GPIO processing.
#define ZH_GPIO_STACK_SIZE 2048 // The stack size of the task of GPIO processing.
#define ZH_MESSAGE_TASK_PRIORITY 2 // Prioritize the task of sending messages to the gateway.
#define ZH_MESSAGE_STACK_SIZE 2048 // The stack size of the task of sending messages to the gateway.
typedef struct // Structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
struct // Storage structure of switch hardware configuration data.
uint8_t relay_pin; // Relay GPIO number.
bool relay_on_level; // Relay ON level. @note HIGH (true) / LOW (false).
uint8_t led_pin; // Led GPIO number (if present).
bool led_on_level; // Led ON level (if present). @note HIGH (true) / LOW (false).
uint8_t int_button_pin; // Internal button GPIO number (if present).
bool int_button_on_level; // Internal button trigger level (if present). @note HIGH (true) / LOW (false).
uint8_t ext_button_pin; // External button GPIO number (if present).
bool ext_button_on_level; // External button trigger level (if present). @note HIGH (true) / LOW (false).
uint8_t sensor_pin; // Sensor GPIO number (if present).
ha_sensor_type_t sensor_type; // Sensor types (if present). @note Used to identify the sensor type by ESP-NOW gateway and send the appropriate sensor status messages to MQTT.
} hardware_config;
struct // Storage structure of switch status data.
ha_on_off_type_t status; // Status of the zh_espnow_switch. @note Example - ON / OFF. @attention Must be same with set on switch_config_message structure.
} status;
volatile bool gpio_processing; // GPIO processing flag. @note Used to prevent a repeated interrupt from triggering during GPIO processing.
volatile bool gateway_is_available; // Gateway availability status flag. @note Used to control the tasks when the gateway connection is established / lost.
volatile bool is_first_connection; // First connection status flag. @note Used to control the tasks when the gateway connection is established / lost.
uint8_t gateway_mac[6]; // Gateway MAC address.
TaskHandle_t switch_attributes_message_task; // Unique task handle for zh_send_switsh_attributes_message_task().
TaskHandle_t switch_keep_alive_message_task; // Unique task handle for zh_send_switch_keep_alive_message_task().
TaskHandle_t sensor_attributes_message_task; // Unique task handle for zh_send_sensor_attributes_message_task().
TaskHandle_t sensor_status_message_task; // Unique task handle for zh_send_sensor_status_message_task().
SemaphoreHandle_t button_pushing_semaphore; // Unique semaphore handle for GPIO processing tasks.
const esp_partition_t *update_partition; // Next update partition.
esp_ota_handle_t update_handle; // Unique OTA handle.
uint16_t ota_message_part_number; // The sequence number of the firmware upgrade part. @note Used to verify that all parts have been received.
} switch_config_t;
* @brief Function for loading the switch hardware configuration from NVS memory.
* @param[out] switch_config Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_load_config(switch_config_t *switch_config);
* @brief Function for saving the switch hardware configuration to NVS memory.
* @param[in] switch_config Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_save_config(const switch_config_t *switch_config);
* @brief Function for loading the switch status from NVS memory.
* @param[out] switch_config Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_load_status(switch_config_t *switch_config);
* @brief Function for saving the switch status to NVS memory.
* @param[out] switch_config Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_save_status(const switch_config_t *switch_config);
* @brief Function for GPIO and sensor initialization.
* @param[in,out] switch_config Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_gpio_init(switch_config_t *switch_config);
* @brief Function for changing the relay and led status.
* @param[in,out] switch_config Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_gpio_set_level(switch_config_t *switch_config);
* @brief Function for button pushing interrupt.
* @param[in,out] arg Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_gpio_isr_handler(void *arg);
* @brief Task for button pushing processing.
* @param[in,out] pvParameter Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_gpio_processing_task(void *pvParameter);
* @brief Task for prepare the switch attributes message and sending it to the gateway.
* @param[in,out] pvParameter Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_send_switch_attributes_message_task(void *pvParameter);
* @brief Function for prepare the switch configuration message and sending it to the gateway.
* @param[in] switch_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_send_switch_config_message(const switch_config_t *switch_config);
* @brief Function for prepare the switch hardware configuration message and sending it to the gateway.
* @param[in] switch_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_send_switch_hardware_config_message(const switch_config_t *switch_config);
* @brief Task for prepare the switch keep alive message and sending it to the gateway.
* @param[in] pvParameter Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_send_switch_keep_alive_message_task(void *pvParameter);
* @brief Function for prepare the switch status message and sending it to the gateway.
* @param[in] switch_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_send_switch_status_message(const switch_config_t *switch_config);
* @brief Function for prepare the sensor configuration message and sending it to the gateway.
* @param[in] switch_config Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_send_sensor_config_message(const switch_config_t *switch_config);
* @brief Task for prepare the sensor attributes message and sending it to the gateway.
* @param[in] pvParameter Pointer to structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_send_sensor_attributes_message_task(void *pvParameter);
* @brief Task for prepare the sensor status message and sending it to the gateway.
* @param[in] pvParameter Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_send_sensor_status_message_task(void *pvParameter);
* @brief Function for ESP-NOW event processing.
* @param[in,out] arg Pointer to the structure of data exchange between tasks, functions and event handlers.
void zh_espnow_event_handler(void *arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void *event_data);